At the end of the semester you will complete another self-reflection/progress review to see how
you have improved and what goals you accomplished during this course. You will evaluate if
and how you have improved your strengths and weaknesses. Lastly, you will review your list of
goals from your self-evaluation paper and see how many you accomplished. You will be graded
based on the completion of each section and the thoroughness of your answers.
Format requirements: minus .5 for each unmet requirement
1+ FULL page, 12 font (Times New Roman, Arial), 1 in. margins all around, double spaced
Cover Page:
_____ (1) Included a cover page with your name, date, assignment name, course name
and class days/time.
_____ (3) In paragraph form, described whether or not you have been able to utilize and
continue to increase your strengths.
_____ (3) Explained the specific ways you utilized your strengths to perform your
_____ (3) Wrote a separate paragraph describing whether or not you were able to
improve your weaknesses.
_____ (3) Talked about the specific strategies you utilized from class to improve your
speech performances
_____ (3) Described whether or not you were able to utilize the communication
techniques in class to improve your everyday relationships/interactions.
_____ (2) Reviewed your list of goals and discussed which goals you were able to
accomplish during class. Discussed why were you able to accomplish or not
accomplish all of your goals.
_____ (2) Listed new goals you would like to accomplish using the knowledge you
gained in this course
TOTAL SCORE:__________/20