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Senior Project 2


This is follow up on the project 1 that you have worked before, all the details of the website is included and described in the attached file. make sure you you build the website in a professional way that it is working 100%.

below is some of the requirements, but mostly relay on the attached file:

“Information Technology Courses Website”


Login & Registration Page

Course List Page

Dashboard (for Admin and Trainee)

Course Details Page

Profile Management Page




Super Admin (optional)

Instructor Role (optional)

Admin Responsibilities:

Approves trainee registration

Adds or deletes courses

Accesses and edits data

Trainee Responsibilities:

Can only request one course at a time until completion

Website Features:

Registration using an email

Activation through a code sent to the university email

Ability to print a course attendance certificate

Search & Filter options for courses

Course progress tracking

Notifications for approvals, deadlines, and certificates

Feedback system for course ratings

Course waitlisting feature


Password recovery via university email

CAPTCHA to prevent spam registrations

Two-factor authentication (optional)

Additional Features:

User activity logs for auditing

Responsive design for mobile and other devices

Reports for admin and trainees

CMS for content management

Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy pages.

‫| كلية الحوسبة والمعلوماتية‬
College of Computing and Informatics

College of Computing & Informatics (CCI)




Saud Ali Alsubaie


Ahmed AlQahtani


Mohammed Al Asmri


Fahad Aljehani


Abdulaziz Badawi

Project Supervisor:

‫| كلية الحوسبة والمعلوماتية‬
College of Computing and Informatics

Topic of Project (28 Pts. Bold)
By: NAME OF PARTICIPTANT(s) (14 Pts. Normal)

Thesis/Project submitted to:
College of Computing & Informatics, Saudi Electronic University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of:


Project Supervisor

Project Committee Chair

This research will involve designing and developing a comprehensive Information
Technology Courses Website to enhance the trainees’ learning experience and realign
course management for faculty administrators. The major problem addressed in this
project was the lack of a centralized platform for managing IT courses, tracking progress,
and enhancing user access security. Trainees usually face challenges when enrolling,
managing course requests, and accessing certificates, while administrators often struggle
with inefficient course management and approval processes. To address the mentioned
challenges, we will develop a highly responsive and end-user-friendly system that allows
easy registration, course management, real-time progress tracking, and enhanced security
features such as CAPTCHA and an optional two-factor authentication.

This project will employ a structured model for problem-solving, such as user
experience (UX) design, backend database management (DBMS), and developing a
robust content management system (CMS) for changing course outlines. Our design will
include designing a different dashboard used by the admins and trainees, incorporating
advanced filters and search engines, and using a feedback system to improve course
offerings. The system has one standout feature in its waitlist functionality that helps
manage the course demand efficiently. The system’s security protocols enhance data
integrity and protect user information, rendering a safe and reliable learning environment.
The end goal of this system is a significant decline in the volume of the administrative
workload, improved trainee satisfaction due to the creation of seamless processes, and
enhanced system security overall.

This work is dedicated to: our mentor (Dr. Omar Alaqeeli) who gave us
unmeasurable guidance and wisdom throughout the entire work of this project by lending
their expertise and positive feedback in this professional journey and (Dr. Javed A. Ali)
who was always inspiring us since day one in the university with his amazing knowledge
and the way he taught us in various classes & subjects of IT. Thirdly, all my friends and
colleagues who continually supported and encouraged us during challenging times
motivated and inspired us to keep pushing forward. Thanks to everyone who had an
impact on my academic journey.

In this research project, we will present the design and development of an
Information Technology Courses Website, a project meant to create a streamlined and
secure system for managing IT courses in an education setting. This project will address
the challenges encountered by the trainees and the administrators in providing a userfriendly interface, robust tools for managing courses, and advancing its security
attributes. The architecture and functionalities of the system will be detailed in the
subsequent sections, highlighting the solutions implemented to encompass the identified

We will consider the user experience by ensuring the trainees and administrators
can easily navigate the system to perform the required functions effectively and
efficiently. This research discusses how our system will be designed to meet the technical
needs and the current security features. The various system components will interact to
ensure the proposed system meets its objectives.



Reason For Changes



CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ………………………………………………………………………………………. 7
1.1 Project Background/Overview ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7
1.2 Problem Description ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7
1.3 Project Scope …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 8
1.3 Project Objectives …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 8
1.5 Project Structure/Plan ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 10

CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW …………………………………………………………………………….. 11
CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY …………………………………………………………………………………….. 13
3.1 Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 13
3.2 The Rationale for Selecting Agile Development ……………………………………………………………….. 13
3.3 The Steps in the Agile Process for This Project …………………………………………………………………. 14
3.4 Conclusion …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 15

CHAPTER 4: SYSTEM ANALYSIS ………………………………………………………………………………….. 16
4.1 Product Features: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 16
4.2 Functional Requirements ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 17
Use-Case 1: User Registration ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 19
Use-Case 2: Course Enrollment ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 20
Use-Case 1: Course Progress Tracking ………………………………………………………………………………….. 21
Use-Case 4: Feedback Submission ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 21
Use-Case 5: Certificate Generation……………………………………………………………………………………….. 22
4.3 Nonfunctional Requirements ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 23
4.4 Analysis Models……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 25

CHAPTER 5: SYSTEM DESIGN …………………………………………………………………………………….. 28
5.1. Component Diagram …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 28
5.2. Deployment Diagram ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 30
5.3. Design-Level Sequence Diagram……………………………………………………………………………………. 31
5.4. Complete Class Diagram ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 32
5.5. Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) ……………………………………………………………………………….. 35

CHAPTER 6: DISCUSSION & CONCLUSION ………………………………………………………………… 36

Discussion ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 36


Conclusion …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 37

REFERENCES ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 38
APPENDIX: Glossary ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 39

First, we will provide a general summary of the project background, the problem the
project is trying to solve, and the scope of the projected solution, not forgetting the project
development’s specific objectives. We will also provide a detailed plan of the project activities,
timelines, and resources, presenting a comprehensive project execution outline.

1.1 Project Background/Overview
The Information Technology Courses Website ensures administrators manage IT courses well in
a school setting. In this project, we aim to design a centralized system for easy course
enrollment, manage course provisions, approve course enrollment requests, and issue feedback.
The proposed system integrates advanced technologies and offers a user-centered approach to
handle the gaps in the current course management system by offering a safe, seamless, and userfriendly experience for both trainees and university administrators.

1.2 Problem Description
Our proposed system mainly addresses the lack of a centralized and efficient system to
manage university IT-related courses. The current systems do not have more in depth coerces to
the carrier path of the elective courses or tackle the knowledge more efficiently, the capability to
track the course progress, and the use of a user-friendly interface. The result of the mentioned
incapabilities has led to confusion among the users and system inefficiencies in handling critical
tasks. To address this problem, we recommend a more secure, efficient, and adaptable system for
managing the courses using the Information Technology Courses Website system, to meet labor
market needed requirements.

1.3 Project Scope
This research will aim to create a web-based application to streamline the management of
Information Technology courses in a learning institution. The research seeks to create a webbased system for managing IT courses by making the process easily accessible, secure, and
interactive user experience. Some of the critical merits include the reduction of the
administrative burden to manage course enrollments, improved trainee experience by using
easily navigable dashboards, and provision of secure access using two-factor authentication. By
developing this web-based system, we expect to have a fully functional, scalable, and responsive
system meeting the needs of the trainees, administrators, and instructors to enhance the overall
learning settings.

1.3 Project Objectives
This project aims to achieve several objectives, which are listed as follows:
❖ To create a secure registration system for IT trainees- The project aims to create a
registration process by using university-issued emails with one-time password codes to
ensure that it has secure access.
❖ To streamline the management of the IT Courses- the system creates tools that allow the
administrators to approve their trainees, add or delete courses, and manage user entities

❖ To enhance the system User Experience- We propose to create intuitive dashboards for
the IT trainees to track their course progress, view notifications, and print out their
❖ To implement fundamental Feedback Mechanisms: The proposed system will allow
trainees to provide feedback about their completed courses, which will help to improve
the quality and offer of relevant courses.
❖ To offer Progress Tracking and Reporting: The platform creates features allowing users
to track their course progress and create reports for personal growth and administrative

1.5 Project Structure/Plan
This research project will be structured into phases with specific activities, resources, and
timelines. We will look at the various stages of this project, as discussed here.





Project approval and

Two weeks

Project manager and research team

Three weeks

Project manager, research team, and

initial research

requirements and


designing the scope of
the project
Design &

Designing platform,


coding, and database

Six weeks

UI/UI designers and Development


Testing the system and

Two weeks

Testers and system end users

One week

Developers and trainers


Support team

testing user

Deploying the final
system, training users

Maintenance and

Offering post-launch


support and collecting

In the subsequent chapters, we will have a detailed Gantt chart to show the project
timelines, dependencies, and resource allocations. The plan of this project also comprises
contingency measures for handling the potential risks and ensuring the timely completion of each

There is a drastic growth in online education and e-learning applications, which increases
the need to create robust and user-centered systems for managing academic content and humanuser interactions. This literature review will explore the current research and literature related to
the significant proposed Information Technology Courses Website. The system has been
designed to manage Information Technology courses in a university setting. The application also
focuses on key system aspects such as user roles, system features, system security, and its
additional performance functionalities. This chapter will discuss all these factors that have made
the most relevant citations from 2020 to date.

As a user management and security feature, the User must register and log into the
system to interact with it. Research shows effective system registration enhances user
engagement by offering a seamless sign-up experience and safer authentication methods. System
attributes like email verification and activation codes mainly ensure authentic user access and
prevent unverified registrations (Parker & Miller, 2020). Organizing a course list and offering
comprehensive information about the course is essential in making critical decisions.
Researchers found that there is a need for search and filter functions to help users quickly find
relevant courses. Thompson and Williams (2021) state that detailed course pages offer
comprehensive data about their objectives, schedules, and instructor details. Research by Nguyen
and Li (2022) shows that dashboards help to improve user satisfaction via tailored views and
faster access to critical functions.

The admins play an essential role in retaining the integrity of the university platform. The
roles of the administrators are, for instance, approval of trainee registrations, management of
course listings, and editing of the system data for the smooth operation of the education systems.

The trainees will have limited enrollment until completion to ensure they focus and have quality
learning experiences (Lee & Chang, 2020). The fact that the system allows for the ability to print
course attendance certificates and track progress ensures alignment with best practices for learner
involvement and motivation (O’Brien, 2021). The super admins offer to enhance the learning
experience by providing expert counsel and feedback (Miller & Adams, 2022). Green & White
(2021) argue that conducting registration using email and activation codes forms the standard
practice to safeguard and validate user access via CAPTCHA and assists in mitigating spam
registrations, improving system security.
Research by Johnson and Thomas (2020) underscores the importance of tracking course
progress and notification for approvals and deadlines in supporting learner motivation and timely
completion of courses. The waitlist feature enables users to express their interest in the currently
completed courses and ensures a fair chance for all parties of interest (Taylor & Wilson, 2022).
Maintenance of user activity logs is essential for auditing and monitoring the system use
and provides valuable insights into user behavior, helping detect and prevent misuse (Martin,
2020). Creating a responsive system will assist the website in being accessible across devices to
enhance user engagement (Nguyen, 2021). With the content management system (CSM), the
content updates and management will be simplified, and the features for reporting will offer
significant insights for both the admins and the trainees (Roberts, 2022). Including the Terms &
Conditions and Privacy Policy pages is a requirement by law to help build trust with users.
Developing an Information Technology Courses Website will involve a sensitive
consideration of different components such as the system features, user roles, and security
mechanisms. Integrating the best practices from the available literature helps create an efficient
and more secure system that ensures an enhanced learning experience and efficient
administrative work.

3.1 Introduction
The report aims to design and develop a software application, which is an information
technology course. The Agile Development Methodology is going to be used in the development
of this web application. Agile is adopted widely in software creation, emphasizing iteration,
flexibility, and close collaboration with other stakeholders. This chapter discusses agile
methodology, which will be adopted when creating the project on the Information Technology
Courses Website.

3.2 The Rationale for Selecting Agile Development
The agile development methodology is an iterative and Incremental Development since it
divides the project into small and manageable entities referred to as iterations or sprints. The
sprints deliver a working software piece, allowing regular feedback and continued
improvements. The model is significant for the project since multiple stakeholders, such as
admins, instructors, and trainees, have developed requirements. The model offers flexibility,
which adjusts the software creation process based on the feedback.

Continuous Collaboration allows key stakeholders to communicate regularly. The system
requires regular communication between the university administrators and the trainees. The
agile model will also allow the focus on a user-oriented design since the user experience
(UX) will be a priority. Agile will enable early testing of UX features to ensure the system is
intuitive and easily navigated. Unlike traditional software development paradigms such as

Waterfall, it is easy to accommodate changing software requirements when using agile after
the development stage begins. With the dynamic nature of the model, it is possible to add
features like waitlisting and progress tracking.

3.3 The Steps in the Agile Process for This Project
1. Project Planning and Requirement Gathering:
First, we shall gather the functional and non-functional requirements of the system. We
shall have a monitored engagement with the stakeholders to fathom the key features, such
as course registration, feedback, tracking, and certificate issuance.

2. Sprint-Based Development:
The system will be broken into several 2-3 weeks units. Every unit will have specific
deliverables, such as the implementation of user registration, the management of the
courses, or the addition of security features like CAPTCHA and an optional two-factor

3. Design and Development:
The developers will focus on delivering fully functional sprints in every unit. For
instance, one module may develop course approvals and a system feedback system while
the other course tracks and ensures the certificate feature is done.

4. Testing and Review:
After the completion of every sprint, internal testing will be conducted with the
stakeholders to ensure every component is functioning as expected. Testing and reviews
allow the system developers to identify bugs and gather feedback before allowing users
to use the system.

5. Continuous Integration and Deployment:
The platform will be continuously integrated and deployed in stages to ensure all team
members can rigorously use the working versions of the system.

6. Final Testing and Deployment:
At the end of the system development, we shall conduct comprehensive user acceptance
testing (UAT) to ensure the system meets all the expected user requirements. When the
UAT is successful, we will deploy the final system, and maintenance will be performed

3.4 Conclusion
In conclusion, we can say that the Agile development approach has been selected because
it is adaptable, collaborative, and has a user-centered focus. This approach will enable the team
working on the project to deliver a responsive, secure system that offers efficient IT course
management while maintaining flexibility in addressing critical stakeholder feedback and arising
requirements. The agile approach will facilitate timely project delivery and ensure the product
will be high quality, fully functional, and meet user needs.

4.1 Product Features:
The proposed IT course’s website will provide various app features created to streamline
the course management process. This will enhance the trainees’ admins’ overall user experience
and other optional roles like instructors. We will demonstrate the significant product features that
the system wishes to have.

First, we will look at user registration and authentication as our first product feature. The
trainees and admins can register for the end web application using their university-issued emails
through a unique code for authentication purposes. This feature will involve critical components
like email-based registration, verification, a secure login system, and password recovery. The
proposed system enhances its security and integrity to ensure that only legitimate users can
access it.

The proposed web application will also have a course management feature. The system
administrators are expected to use the system to create courses, modify existing courses, and
delete obsolete courses. To ensure that course management is achieved, the admin dashboard is
designed to have buttons like Add/Delete courses, Course Modification, and Course Status. This
feature efficiently allows admins to manage available courses on the platform.

The proposed system will also have the Course Enrollment and Approval features.
Course approval allows the trainees to browse the available courses and request enrollment. If an
enrollment is submitted, the administrator reviews it before approving or rejecting the request,
controlling who can attend each course. The course enrollment feature of the proposed system

will have critical components, for instance, the Enrollment Request, an Admin Approval System,
and a Waitlist Feature, which streamlines the course registration process and offers the admin
control over the course capacity and its eligibility.

The proposed system offers course progress and tracking features to the trainees. The trainees
will use this progress and tracking in the proposed system to track their progress in their enrolled
courses. The platform helps monitor the completion rates and student milestones with their
courses through progress and tracking them. The progress and tracking feature ensures the
trainees have information about their course status and the assignment deadlines, which makes
them accountable and allows them to complete their courses promptly.

The proposed system will also have a certificate issuance attribute. Upon completing the
enrolled course, the learner gets a digital certificate confirming their attendance and
achievement. The acquired certificate can be printed as a hard copy or shared across digital
platforms in PDF form. The critical components of the certificate issuance include generating the
certificate, printing it, and presenting it in a shareable format like PDF. Issuing the certificate to
trainees recognizes their efforts in completing the course by giving them an official document for
professional and academic growth.

4.2 Functional Requirements
The Functional requirements will describe the specific system features and their
functions. We will describe what the system should do and how it should behave when there are
inputs. We will discuss some of the essential functional requirements of the proposed
Information Technology Courses Website.

First, our system will require user registration and authentication. The system will enable its
users to register and log in safely. The users will be required to register using their universityissued emails. The system also sends a one-time verification code to the linked email address to
confirm registration. The users must log in using their linked email and passwords. The User
should be able to recover or reset their password via the “Forgot Password” feature and use a
recovery email sent to their registered university email to access the system. The administrators
and the trainees will be assigned separate access levels depending on their roles.

Secondly, the proposed project requires that the admins manage the courses undertaken by
the trainees by creating, managing, and deleting them. The admins can add new courses and offer
details like the course name, schedules, and the assigned instructors. The admins must also
update the course details and modify the course schedules. Whenever the course is outdated, the
admins are required to delete it. The admins also need to be able to view the courses and their
prevailing status.

Thirdly, another platform requirement is course enrollment, where the trainees must request
to enroll. The trainees must view the available courses once before making their enrollment
requests, and then the system will notify the admin about the enrollment requests. The system
should ensure that the admin can approve or reject the trainees’ requests to enroll and then notify
them whether they are approved or rejected. The platform will be required to support the
waitlisting and inform the applicants when the courses are available for more enrollments.

Fourthly, the proposed system should have course progress tracking to track the trainees’
progress through every course and display their progress and milestones. The proposed system

generates notifications to remind the trainees about their upcoming deadlines and keep them

Finally, the system shall have certificate issuance to give certificates to the trainees upon
completion of a given course. The trainees shall be able to download a certificate in PDF format,
capturing the completed course name, trainee name, name of the trainee, and date of completion.

We can use the following use case diagrams to represent the functional requirements of the
proposed system.

Use-Case 1: User Registration



For letting new users sign up for the platform




The user must have a legit university email


Once it registers, the user receives an authentication code.

Typical Course of Action

Actor Action

System Response


The user will open the registration

The system shows the registration form.


The user fills in personal details
and university email.

The system sends a verification code to the email
for validation.


The user enters the verification

The system verifies the code and creates the user


The user is redirected to the

The system confirms registration and shows the

Alternate Course of Action


Actor Action

System Response


The user enters an invalid email.

The system shows an error message requesting a
valid university email.


The user does not receive the
verification code.

The system provides an option to resend the code.

Use-Case 2: Course Enrollment



To allow users to enroll in available courses.




The user is logged in, and courses are available.


The user is enrolled in a course pending admin approval.

Typical Course of Action

Actor Action

System Response


The user navigates to the course

The system displays the list of available courses.


The user selects a course to enroll

The system checks if the user meets the


User confirms enrollment.

The system sends the request for admin approval.


Admin approves the enrollment.

The system notifies the user and grants access to
the course.

Alternate Course of Action

Actor Action

System Response


The user selects a course without
meeting prerequisites.

The system prevents the user from enrolling and
provides an error message.


Admin will decline the trainee
enrollment request.

The system notifies the user of the rejection.

Use-Case 1: Course Progress Tracking



Allowing the users to track their progress in a course.




The user must be enrolled in a course.


The user should see their current course progress.

Typical Course of Action

Actor Action

System Response


The user navigates to the enrolled
courses section.

The system displays a list of active courses.


The user selects a course to view

The system shows course progress details (e.g.,
modules completed, time spent).

Alternate Course of Action

Actor Action

System Response


Users select a course that they
have not started yet.

The system informs the user that no progress has
been made yet.

Use-Case 4: Feedback Submission



This will allow users to submit feedback for completed Courses.




The user has completed a course


Feedback is submitted and stored for future reference.

Typical Course of Action

Actor Action

System Response


The user navigates to completed

The system displays a list of completed courses.


The user selects a course to submit

The system displays a feedback form.


The user submits the feedback.

The system stores the feedback and notifies the

Alternate Course of Action

Actor Action

The system Response


The user tries to submit feedback
for an incomplete course.

The system prevents the submission and informs
the user that the course is incomplete.

Use-Case 5: Certificate Generation



To allow users to generate a certificate for a completed course.




The user has completed a course.


The certificate has been generated and is available for download.

Typical Course of Action

Actor Action

System Response


The user navigates to completed

The system displays a list of completed courses.


The user selects a course to
generate the certificate.

The system confirms course completion.


The user presses the “Generate
Certificate” icon.

The system generates the certificate and provides a
download link.

Alternate Course of Action


Actor Action

System ResponSE


The user tries to generate a
certificate for an incomplete

The system prevents the certificate generation and
informs the user that the course is incomplete.

4.3 Nonfunctional Requirements
The Nonfunctional Requirements refer to the system’s overall system qualities and
performance criteria (Parisi et al., 2020). The NFRs will describe how the system will perform
various functions and not what the system does. The NFRs help to ensure the platform operations
are efficient, secure, and user-friendly. We will focus on some of the nonfunctional requirements
in this project, such as performance, usability, performance, reliability, and security requirements
of IT course websites.

To begin with, the proposed system should meet its performance requirements. The
system response time to the user inputs should be within 2 seconds for most operations, for
instance, searching courses or updating profiles. The system must be concurrent to support
several users, say 500 simultaneously, without performance degradation by ensuring that the
users access the platform concurrently. The system should also be scalable enough to
accommodate the increasing demand of the users and the courses.

The system should meet its usability requirements. The proposed platform will be easy
for all users regardless of their technical expertise. The platform must meet the desired UI best
practices to ensure it is intuitive with attributes like forms, buttons, and forms. The system will

also be made to adhere to the WCAG2.1 standards, which ensures that the platform is accessible
to its users who have disability challenges, including disabled users using screen readers,
navigating the keyboard, and other assistance technologies. The system must be multilingual if
needed to allow users to switch to their preferred languages.

The system will also ensure it meets its reliability requirements, as demonstrated here.
The platform ensures a reliable uptime of over 99.99%, ensuring users can access the system
with minimal interruptions. The platform should also ensure that its users and course data meet
the integrity measures by ensuring that such is accurate and consistent. The platform should
provide a way to regularly back up the user and course data daily to ensure data is recovered
when an unexpected failure occurs.

Another system requirement that the Information Technology Courses Website will
ensure is the security requirement. Sensitive data like passwords and personal information must
be encrypted with the implementation of the proposed system to prevent unauthorized access by
users. The system shall have access controls to ensure that only authentic users have access to
different layers based on their roles; for instance, the admin only approves enrollment requests,
not the trainees. Optional two-factor authentication (2FA) and CAPTCHA should be used to
enhance security during login and automated attacks on the system. The system will also ensure
it complies with data protection regulations like the Global Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
by ensuring the Terms and Conditions are well documented for users to accept before using the

4.4 Analysis Models
The System Analysis model offers a detailed view of the system’s requirements by
showing the proposed end system’s structure, behavior, and interactions (Sompolgrunk et al.,
2023). Our focus in this chapter will be discussing using the Data Flow Diagram, workflow
diagram, use case diagram, and database schema to design the proposed Information
Technology course website.

In our proposed system, the Data Flow Diagram (DFD) helps to visualize the information
flow within the system by showing how data flows from one entity to another in the system
component (Wang et al., 2024). In our system analysis, the entities are the user (a trainee or an
admin), the system, and the database with processes like user registration, course management,
course enrollment, feedback submission, and certificate issuance. The diagram below shows the
pictorial representation of the Data Flow Diagram for the proposed Information Technology
Courses Website.

The workflow diagram will show the activities on the Information Technology Courses
Website. This will show how different roles, such as the trainee and admin, interact so that the
system can accomplish the tasks. At registration, the User accesses the login page, fills out the
form, and sends a verification email. The User verifies themselves to log into the system. During
the course enrollment, the trainee selects the course and requests enrollment, the admin reviews
the request and approves it, and then the system notifies the trainee if the request is approved or
rejected. During the certificate issuance process, the trainee must complete the course and
validate the course completion. The proposed system generates the certificate for the trainee to
download or print.

The ER Diagram database schema will display the relationships between various system
entities and provide the database’s logical structure. The entities of this model for our system will
be the User, the course, enrollment, a user, and the certificate. The relationships for the ER
diagram will be the User enrolling in various classes, the course with more than one enrollment,
the User submitting feedback in multiple courses, and the certificate being issued upon course

The Use Case Diagram is the final model for analyzing the Information Technology
Courses Website Research Project. This offers a visual representation of the various actions used
by the users in the system and the interactions of the other system components. The actors in the
use case will include the trainee, the admin, and an optional instructor. The trainee use case will
be responsible for registering, logging, searching, requesting to enroll, tracking their courses,
submitting feedback, and downloading certificates. The admin use cases for the proposed system
approve or reject course enrollment, manage classes, monitor trainee course progress, check the
feedback, and make reports.

To design our Information Technology Courses Website, we shall use design models like
the component diagram, deployment diagram, design-level sequence diagram, class diagram, and
entity-relationship diagram (ERD).

5.1. Component Diagram
The component diagram will represent the system’s organizational structure by breaking
it into smaller key components. This shows how the components interact with each other, and it
shows the dependencies between one component and the other. The diagram below can be used

to represent the component diagram of the proposed Information Technology Courses Website.

From the diagram above, the main components of the proposed system are the User
Interface, Backend Services, and Database. The User Interface offers the front-end for the users,
who are the trainees and the admins, for login, registration, profile management, and course
search and enrollment modules. The backend services offer core system logic like authentication,
course management, enrollment, notification, and feedback services. The database helps store
and manage system data like the User, course, enrollment, and feedback databases. In the
proposed system, the UI will interact with the backend to ensure the user requests are processed,
whereas the backend services with the database for storing, retrieving, and updating user

5.2. Deployment Diagram
This provides a physical layout of the system’s infrastructure and how various hardware
and software entities will be deployed in the production environment. The diagram below can
represent the deployment diagram for the proposed system.

In the above diagram, the client device is used to symbolize the device of the User, for
instance, a laptop, desktop, mobile phone, or tablet. To run the web application, the User
should have a Browser like Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. The Web Server will host the
front-end program, for instance, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The application and database
servers will be used to store and retrieve data.

5.3. Design-Level Sequence Diagram
This illustrates how the critical objects in the system interact for specific use cases. The
diagram below uses the “Course Enrollment” use case to show the design-level diagram of our
proposed system.

From the diagram, the main actors are the trainees, UI, Enrollment Service, Course
Database, Admin, and Notification Service.

5.4. Complete Class Diagram
This shows the system structure by defining its classes, methods, attributes, and the relationship
between them.


❖ User Class

1. userID: Unique identifier for the user.
2. name: Full name of the user.
3. email: User’s email address.
4. role: Role of the user (e.g., Admin, Trainee).
5. password: User’s password.

1. login(): Authenticates the user with email and password.
2. register(): Registers a new user in the system.
3. updateProfile(): Updates user information such as name, email, or password.
4. resetPassword(): Resets the user’s password in case of a forgotten or compromised

❖ Admin Class (Inherits from User):

Additional Methods:
1. approveEnrollment(): Approves a trainee’s enrollment in a course.
2. createCourse(): Creates a new course in the system.
3. deleteCourse(): Deletes an existing course.
4. viewFeedback(): Views feedback submitted by trainees.
5. generateReports(): Generates system or performance reports.

❖ Trainee Class (Inherits from User)

Additional Attributes:
1. courses: A list of courses the trainee is enrolled in.
2. enrollment: Tracks enrollment status for specific courses.
3. feedback: Stores feedback submitted by the trainee.

Additional Methods:
1. enrollInCourse(): Enrolls the trainee in a selected course.
2. viewProgress(): Allows the trainee to view their progress in enrolled courses.
3. submitFeedback(): Enables the trainee to submit feedback for a course.
4. downloadCertificate(): Allows the trainee to download a certificate upon course

❖ Hierarchical Overview
1. User (Base Class)

Attributes: userID, name, email, role, password

Methods: login(), register(), updateProfile(), resetPassword()

2. Admin (Inherits User)

Methods: approveEnrollment(), createCourse(), deleteCourse(), viewFeedback(),

3. Trainee (Inherits User)

Attributes: courses, enrollment, feedback

Methods: enrollInCourse(), viewProgress(), submitFeedback(), downloadCertificate()

The significant relations that can be deduced from this can also be discussed. The User
can enroll in various courses. The admin can manage several courses as well. The course may
have numerous enrollments. The trainee is also able to submit more feedback for a course. It can
be concluded that in our design, the system will support the one-to-many (1:n) relation.

5.5. Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD)
This is used to display how various system entities are related. The diagram below can be used to
show how the different entities of our proposed system are related to one another on the
Information Technology Courses Website.


User ↔ Enrollment: A user can enroll in multiple courses.

Course ↔ Enrollment: A course can have multiple enrollments.

User ↔ Feedback: A user can give feedback for multiple courses.

Course ↔ Feedback: A course can have feedback from multiple users.

Admin → Course: Admins manage multiple courses.

This project has mainly focused on developing the Information Technology course
management platform for streamlining registration, administration, and delivery of Information
Technology-related courses at the university. This project’s core novelty will be in its unique
attributes, for instance, the approving course workflows automatically, making notifications for
the course updates and deadlines to the trainees, providing a feedback platform that helps in
course evaluation, and tracking trainee progress in real-time. These features mainly aim to
address challenges, such as a lack of transparency in the course progress and the need for a
unified platform to give the course feedback. Integrating these functionalities into the proposed
system enhances the user experience for admin and trainees.

Apart from the mentioned, this platform uses significant security features, for instance,
CAPTCHA verification and an optional two-factor authentication, guaranteeing its robustness
against unauthorized access. The ability of the system to print attendance certificates and offer
detailed reports for trainees and administrators also gives the system a competitive advantage
over existing solutions. This project addresses the operational challenges faced by academic
institutions and a seamless, user-friendly website to manage IT courses.

6.2 Conclusion
The proposed system is applicable in learning institutions for managing trainees and
courses being offered there to simplify the workload of the trainees and administrators for a
better learning experience. The system also aims to automate critical tasks like course approval
and certificate issuance, making it more efficient and accurate for institutions’ academic
management. We recommend incorporating advanced technologies like Artificial Intelligence
and Machine Learning in the future depending on the performance and preferences of the target
users. Lastly, more analytics and data-centered should be considered to provide more value to the
system administrators in making good decisions regarding the courses offered in an institution.

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APPENDIX: Glossary

Acronyms and Abbreviations

CCI: This stands for the College of Computing and Informatics.


CMS: A Content Management System, used for creating, managing, and modifying digital content.


DBMS: Database Management System, a tool for efficiently managing data within a database.


ERD: Entity-Relationship Diagram, a diagram that shows relationships between entities in a database.


IT: Information Technology, which refers to the use of systems for managing and sharing information.


NFRs: Nonfunctional Requirements, which are the system’s performance, usability, and reliability criteria.


SRS: Software Requirements Specification, a document that outlines the requirements for a software


UI: User Interface, the visual part of the system users interact with.


UAT: User Acceptance Testing, the process where the system is tested to ensure it meets user

10. UX: User Experience, focusing on how users feel when interacting with the system.
11. 2FA: Two-Factor Authentication, an extra layer of security for user authentication.
12. CAPTCHA: Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart, used to
distinguish between human and automated system interactions.

Admin: This refers to a person who manages the system. They are responsible for tasks like approving
courses, managing feedback, and making updates to the platform.


Agile Development: A popular way of developing software in smaller parts called sprints. It’s flexible and
allows for quick changes based on feedback.


Certificate Generation: This feature lets users get a digital certificate when they complete a course. They
can download or print it as proof of their achievement.


Course Management: This involves creating, editing, and removing courses from the platform to keep
everything updated.


Dashboard: A user-friendly interface where users can see important information and perform key actions,
like tracking progress or managing enrollments.


Enrollment Request: When a trainee asks to join a specific course through the platform.


Feedback System: A way for trainees to give their opinions about completed courses to improve future


Nonfunctional Requirements: These are more about how the system performs, like how fast it is, how
reliable it is, or how secure it is.


Progress Tracking: A tool that shows trainees how far along they are in a course and what’s left to

10. Trainee: A person using the platform to learn and take courses.
11. Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): This is an added security step where users provide two forms of
identification to access their accounts.
Models and Diagrams

Component Diagram: A visual way to show how the parts of the system work together and depend on
each other.


Deployment Diagram: This shows where and how the system will run, like which servers or devices will
host it.


Sequence Diagram: A step-by-step illustration of how parts of the system interact over time.


Use Case Diagram: A high-level overview of what users can do in the system and how they interact with it.


User Authentication: The process of making sure the person logging in is who they claim to be, typically
through a username and password.


Waitlist Feature: A helpful system that lets trainees sign up for courses even if they’re full, notifying them
when a spot opens up.


Secure Registration: A process that protects user information during sign-up, often using email
verification or two-factor authentication.

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