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Short discussions


The following reading and video will help you understand concepts related to the concept of culture and will help you achieve the learning objectives and complete the weekly journal 3.

· Read 

Culture and Education 


by Sonia Nieto (MLO 1)

· Watch 

What is Culture? (MLO 2)Links to an external site.

After completing the readings, provide a thorough response in 

Links to an external site.
format, to the questions provided below. Your responses should be reflective and analytical in nature and should have a minimum of 350 words and a maximum of 500 words double-spaced (for all questions).

1. Connections: What connections do you draw between the text and your own life?

2. Concepts: What key concepts or ideas do you think are important and worth holding on to from the reading?

3. Changes: What changes in attitudes, thinking, or action are suggested by the reading, either for you or others?

Please remember: This section uses  

Habits of Mind. 
As you engage in the course readings and assignments, please incorporate these habits into your thinking strategies and indicate which habits of mind were helpful to you on the modules’ readings. 
Please use the following questions as a guideline for reflective writing in your weekly assignments and discussions:

1. As you recall the habits of mind (HoM), which ones do you think you use most?

2. Was this a new habit of mind? Or was it one you have already mastered?

Type of Assignment: Individual

How to Submit Assignment: Each student will post the answers to the questions posed by the instructor in Journal 3.

Criteria for Evaluation: 

Weekly Assignment Rubric (PDF)


Review this module’s resources:



The New Population Bomb: The Four Megatrends That Will Change the World.



Culture and Education


 By Sonia Nieto

After completing the weekly readings, provide a thorough response in 

APA format (Links to an external site.)
, to the questions provided below. Your responses should be reflective and analytical in nature and should have a minimum of 350 words and a maximum of 450 words double-spaced (for all questions). SSE 5381 students’ responses should have a minimum of 450 words and a maximum of 650 words double-spaced (for all questions).

1. Reflect on each of the megatrends discussed and address how they are and/or will affect the world (Make sure you explain why they are considered global issues). Then visit the 

UN Global Issues siteLinks to an external site.
, select ONE global issue (not addressed in the article), and discuss how that issue relates to one or all of the megatrends addressed in the article.

2. In Sonia Nieto’s writing, how is culture implicated in teaching and learning? Describe key attributes she discusses and explain how they are relevant to educators in creating an inclusive and effective learning environment.

Please remember: This section uses  

Habits of Mind. 

 Download Habits of Mind. As you engage in the course readings and assignments, please incorporate these habits into your thinking strategies and indicate which habits of mind were helpful to you on the modules’ readings. 
Please use the following questions as a guideline for reflective writing in your weekly assignments and discussions: 1) As you recall the habits of mind (HoM), which ones do you think you use most?, 2) Was this a new habit of mind? Or was it one you have already mastered?

Type of Assignment: Individual

How to Submit Assignment: Each student will post the answers to the questions posed by the instructor in Journal 3.

Criteria for Evaluation: 

Weekly Assignment Rubric (PDF)



1. Watch the following videos:

1. Contains strong content. Let the video play all the way for the full effect. 

“Gang Shit” by Marlon CraftLinks to an external site.


“Turntables” by Janelle MonáeLinks to an external site.


“Hell You Talmbout” by Janelle MonáeLinks to an external site.

· Video not closed captioned. Reference 

Lyrics for “Hell You Talmbout”
 as needed.


“Chains” by Usher ft. Nas, Bibi BourellyLinks to an external site.

· Video not closed captioned. Reference 

Lyrics for “Chains”
 as needed.


“Marching on Ferguson” by Tom MorelloLinks to an external site.

· Video not closed captioned. Reference 

Lyrics for “Marching on Ferguson”
 as needed. 


“This is America” by Childish GambinoLinks to an external site.


“Cry No More” by Rhiannon GiddensLinks to an external site.

· Video not closed captioned. Reference 

Lyrics for “Cry No More”
 as needed.


“Glory” by Common and John LegendLinks to an external site.

· Video not closed captioned. Reference 

Lyrics for “Glory”
 as needed. 

2. Write a 250+ word reflection on how rhetoric is used in these videos to promote social justice. You can comment on the lyrics, images, music, and overall thoughts. If you have another recommendation of a song that fits, please feel free to share it on this discussion board. 
(8 Points)

Reflective Discussion #1

We will have three opportunities to discuss our experiences! You will use the required readings up to the date to which you are turning in the assignment. Choose at least 2 that impact you and discuss how this this reading applies to your own experiences, thoughts and observations.

Directions for Completion: 

· Was I thorough? Did I write at least 300 words and submit on time? 

· Did I identify and address some of the major arguments/points/principles in the readings? 

· Did I include at least 1 quote or key idea per article/reading that I am discussing (and cite accordingly)? How are my views challenged or supported by the source material? 

· Did I make connections to personal experiences and my field experience? 

· Did I discuss how this will this impact my own teaching practice or pursuits in education? Give examples if possible. 

NEXT you will comment on one of your peer discussions:

do not simply summarize the readings or state: “I agree with the author’s views”….It’s a weak response to any new information and doesn’t indicate any depth of opinion or knowledge. Think about how you can ADD to your peer discussion rather than a “yep, I agree!”

Discussions are graded 3 points for your post of 300 words and 2 points for a post to a peer.

Education: A Very Short Introduction BY GARY THOMAS

Chapters 2-4 Radical Equations

Chapter 1 Freire Pedagogy of the Oppressed


Interview a teacher during your field placement about their roles and responsibilities. Write a reflection on what you learned and how it aligns with course readings.

NOTE: This assignment has a due date but it is not “firm.” I recognize some of you may need time to develop relationships with teachers before you do this, so I have the due date listed as a recommendation to keep on task, but will accept this assignment until November 4th with no penalty. AFTER NOVEMBER 4TH THIS ASSIGNMENT WILL BE CONSIDERED LATE.


Conducting a good interview involves thorough preparation, active listening, and thoughtful questioning. Begin by researching the interviewee and the subject matter to formulate relevant and insightful questions. During the interview, create a comfortable environment to encourage openness, and actively listen to responses to tailor your follow-up questions and delve deeper into important points. Maintain a conversational tone and show genuine interest in the interviewee’s answers, while managing the flow of the discussion to stay on track. Lastly, ensure clarity and conciseness in your questions to avoid ambiguity and allow the interviewee to provide comprehensive and meaningful responses.

Writing up the interview involves summarizing and analyzing the key points and insights from the conversation in a clear, structured manner. Start with an introduction that includes the teacher’s background and the context of the interview. Follow with a summary of the main topics discussed, highlighting significant quotes and responses that illustrate the teacher’s perspectives. Ensure that you organize the content logically, grouping related information together, and provide an analysis or reflection on how the teacher’s insights contribute to understanding the subject. Conclude with a brief summary of the overall findings and any implications or reflections on the interview’s significance.

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