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short discussions

Book: Victimology , Leah e. Daigle 

SAGE Publications, 2nd Edition, 2017

Part 1

· In Chapter 7, we explore sexual victimization. How can the criminal justice system improve its response to sexual assault cases to better support victims and increase reporting rates?

· What are some of the barriers victims of intimate partner violence face when trying to leave abusive relationships, as discussed in Chapter 8? What solutions or resources would you recommend overcoming these barriers?

Part 2:

Instructions: Select a recent article (within the last 12 months) that covers how the criminal justice system responded to a crime victim. In a 2–3-page paper, summarize the case and analyze the response from law enforcement, the courts, or victim services using material from Chapters 4 and 8 of Daigle’s Victimology. Consider the following:

· How was the victim treated during the criminal justice process?

· Were the victim’s rights upheld?

· How could the response have been improved to provide better support to the victim?


· 12-point Times New Roman font

· Double-spaced

· APA citation style for both the textbook and the article

Discussion 6: Disability Reflections


The following readings and questions focus on inclusive environments and technology that accommodates everyone. Chapter 112, 
Increasing Awareness: Language, Communication Strategies, and Universally Designed Environments, explicitly addresses the positive impact of Universal Design. For this Discussion, answer the following three questions.  


Discussion Question 1: 

What is 
Universal Design, and what are the primary principles?  Define the term and the primary principles. Explain in 150 Words.


Discussion Question 2: 

Universal Design images or technology that increase inclusivity for people with disability (i.e., sensory, physical, psychological, mental, and medical). 
 Select any three types of disability, post a universal design image next to each, and provide an explanation. See the example below for Physical Disability: Quadriplegia, Paraplegia, and
 other mobility impairments.



Types of Disability

Universal Design Image

( Insert Image)


Sensory: Blind, Deaf, Visually Impaired, or Hard of Hearing 




Physical: Quadriplegia, Paraplegia, other types of mobility impairments


The design of the steps enables both people in wheelchairs and non-disabled people to use the same space to enter and exit the building. This is a universal design. 

Psychological: Bi-Polar, Depression, Post-traumatic Stress Disorder, Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)




Mental: Developmental Delay, Learning Disability, Autism, Asperger’s




Medical: Diabetes, Cystic Fibrosis, Epilepsy, Chronic





Discussion Question 3: 

Which of the following disability chapters resonated with you? Explain in 150 Words.



Disability and Discrimination Chapters

97 Immigration, Ethnicity, and the Ugly Law – Susan M. Schweik

98 Disability Does Not Discriminate: Toward a Theory of Multiple Identity Through Coalition -Zanita E. Fenton

101 Disabled Behind Bars -Rebecca Vallas

103 Go to the Margins of the Class: Disability and Hate Crimes -Lennard J. Davis

104 Why the Intersexed Shouldn’t Be Fixed: Insights from Queer Theory and Disability Studies -Sumi Colligan

105 Students with Disabilities Frustrated with Ignorance and Lack of Services -Allie Grasgreen

110 Toward Ending Ableism in Education -Thomas Hehir


Types of Disability ( i.e., mobility, hearing, and cognitive disabilities) Chapters 

99 Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Leaves Scars “on the Inside,” Iraq Veteran Says – Edward D. Murphy

102 The Silent Victims: Inmates with Learning Disabilities -Douglas P. Wilson

106 Understanding Deafness: Not Everyone Wants to Be “Fixed” -Allegra Ringo

107 How to Curse in Sign Language -Ashley and Deborah

108 On the Spectrum, Looking Out – Jess Watsky

114 Creating a Fragrance-Free Zone: A Friendly Atmosphere for People Living with Environmental Illness Invisible Disabilities Advocate


Universal Design and Inclusive Strategies Chapters 

96 Struggle for Freedom: Disability Rights Movements -Willie V. Bryan

111 Facilitating Transitions to College for Students with Disabilities from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Backgrounds -Heather A. Oesterreich and Michelle G. Knight

112 Increasing Awareness: Language, Communication Strategies, and Universally Designed Environments -Karen A. Myers, Jaci Jenkins Lindburg, and Danielle M. Nied

113 Learning Disability Identity Development and Social Construct: A Two-Tiered Approach – Cheryl L. Howland and Eva Gibavic

115 Recognizing Ableist Beliefs and Practices and Taking Action as an Ally -Madeline L. Peters, Carmelita (Rosie) Castañeda, Larissa E. Hopkins, and Aquila McCants

Short essay week 15

Write an essay based on the topic below:

Research non-profit organizations that are involved in anti-human trafficking efforts. Choose three non-profit organizations to discuss in your essay. Describe how they are involved. Your essay should include:


· An introductory paragraph.

· The body of your essay should include three paragraphs, one for each non-profit organization.

· A conclusion, summarizing your essay and informing which organization did you like the most. 


1. Provide a comprehensive reflection of your critical thoughts on the topic at hand.

2. The essay should be between 400-500 words minimum.

3. The total required word count makes it about 2 pages in length. Please make sure to use the word count feature in Microsoft Word to ensure you meet the minimum requirement regardless of the number of pages.

4. It should be typed in Calibri or New Times Roman (12-point font) and double-spaced. 

5. Follow the traditional essay formatting while addressing the questions provided:

· Title Page

· Introduction

· Body Paragraphs

· Conclusion

· Reference Page

6. For in-text citations and referencing, you must use 

the APA formatting style

7. After submitting your essay you will view your Turnitin similarity score. If your score is higher than a 20%, fix your paper, and resubmit it.  Papers with scores higher than 20% will be penalized. 

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