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Signature Part b

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Signature Assessment

Section B – Plan for Teaching, Learning, and Assessment

Template with Tips

General Directions for Signature Assessment Planning and Assessment:

Teacher candidates must complete the Signature Assessment: Planning and Assessment that demonstrates their knowledge and understanding of the teaching and learning process. The assessment is composed of 4 parts: Part A, Part B, Part C, and Part D. The teacher candidate should become familiar with the complete assignment before beginning each part or section.

Part B Directions: Plan for Teaching, Learning, and Assessment

Teacher candidates must develop a lesson plan using the lesson plan template provided that includes an original assessment tool(s) to evaluate learning both prior to and after instruction with respect to the standard(s) addressed. Candidates then must teach the approved lesson plan using the pre- and post- instruction assessment tool(s). Finally, candidates must provide commentary on the planning process. A template with prompts is provided and seeks to highlight the candidate’s explanations and rationale for planning decisions.

The teacher candidate must use the templates that follow and respond to all prompts using 12-point font, Times New Roman.

Plan for Teaching, Learning, and Assessment

(Adapted from edTPA)

Lesson ____ of a ____ Day Learning Segment

Example: Lesson 3 of a 5 Day Learning Segment (Unit)

A learning segment is a set of 3-5 lessons that build one upon another toward a central focus, with a clearly defined beginning and end.

Teacher Candidate:


Cooperating Teacher:


Grade Level:


UWA Course:

Learning Segment (Unit) Title:

Title of Lesson:

*Instructions and guiding notes are provided in red for each section below.

Delete them before submitting, but do not delete the prompts.

Central Focus for the Learning Segment (Unit)

The central focus is a summation of the overall plan. It is your description of the important understanding and core concepts that you want students to develop within the learning segment. Remember, the central focus is based on the learning segment. The segment is edTPA language and it means the unit. It is the over-overarching, big idea.

Content Standards – Alabama College and Career Ready Standards (CCRS)

Include the number and text for each selected standard. Though you will find many standards that relate, include only the standard/s (no more than 2) that are central to the student learning that you expect to support throughout your signature assessment.

Learning Objectives

(The student will be able to …….) The verb must be observable. These statements should guide the development of the assessment tool that will be used to evaluate students’ knowledge/skill prior to and after instruction.

Lesson Timeline

The lesson must be 60 minutes. The timeline might look like this example but remember your timeline will be unique to your lesson. See example below:

Introduction/Anticipatory Set – 10 minutes

Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks – 20 minutes

List the activities with approximate times for each.

Guided and Independent Practice – 15 minutes

List the activities with approximate times for each.

Closure – 5 minutes

Essential Questions:

Identify 1-3 big ideas that summarize this lesson. Think how they can be used to guide your instruction? At least one of the essential questions must be connected to the academic language.

Instructional Resources and Materials:

These must be numbered in the lesson plan
and on each attachment. You must provide a link for each resource or material listed. For example: IM 1:1 (Instructional Material 1: Lesson 1); IM 2:1 (Instructional Material 2: Lesson 1)

Introduction to Lesson (Anticipatory Set):

Identify step by step what you (the teacher candidate) will be doing (details) to introduce the lesson. These steps must be sequentially numbered. How will you activate the student’s thinking? This is the hook for the lesson to tap into prior knowledge and develop student’s interests. This should tie directly to the standards and should promote higher-level thinking. How will you introduce content specific vocabulary words? How will you use your knowledge of the student’s academic, social, and cultural characteristics? How will you introduce the purpose of the lesson and identify the reason the student’s need to know this information?

Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks (Procedure):

Identify step by step the instructional strategies that you (the teacher candidate) and the students will be doing. Number each step rather than write in paragraph format. This is where you teach your content. Describe what you do to teach the content, step by step, after you have introduced the lesson? Where and how will you collect evidence to be used as the informal assessment? What strategies and learning tasks will you use to support diverse student needs. These steps must be sequentially numbered. Think: I do one (Teacher models it.). We do one (Class helps teacher model it again.). Depending on the class, you may need to repeat these steps more than once. When and how often will you model for students the use of the language function and demands (function, vocabulary, syntax, discourse)? What language supports will you provide and leave visible throughout the entire lesson? These steps must be sequentially numbered.

Guided and Independent Practice:

Identify step by step the guided practice followed by the independent practice that you (the teacher candidate) and the students will be doing. Number each step rather than write in paragraph format. After you have introduced the lesson and provided instructional practice, it is time for guided and independent practice. How do you get students to interact with the content? During this portion, you are guiding their practice. This portion might require students to work in teams or pairs. Think: You do one with a partner or in a group (Teacher is still guiding and assisting.). You do one independently (Teacher supports the student to work independently.). As they work, you are guiding their practice and learning? When you determine, they are ready for independent practice and independent assessment, you have moved from guided to independent work. During the independent practice, you will collect as appropriate their work for the formal assessment. Prior to this time, you have been assessing informally. How will you organize this portion of the lesson? What questions will you ask to promote higher-level thinking? What opportunities will you provide for students to practice content language/concepts/vocabulary? What language supports will you offer? These steps must be sequentially numbered.


This is your last opportunity to “drive home” the learning. Bring the students together as a group and summarize the lesson. Describe how you will summarize and conclude the lesson. These steps must be sequentially numbered. Think about how you can determine if they got the most important thing. Teachers love to use exit slips for this but remember to be creative. There are hundreds of ways to do exit slips. But closure comes in many shapes and sizes. It does not have to be an exit slip. If you use an exit slip, the exit slip does not qualify as your formal assessment. It falls in the informal category.


Describe how the technology included in the instructional strategies and learning tasks add value to the instruction and assessment.

Differentiation and Planned Universal Support:

Identify your plans to assist learners who experience difficulty or require enrichment. Include:

What modifications will you provide for individual students? Students who are far behind their peers may need changes, or modifications, to the curriculum. For example, a student could be assigned shorter or easier reading assignments. Kids who receive modifications are not expected to learn the same material as their classmates.

What accommodations will you provide individual students? Accommodations can help students learn the same material and meet the same expectations as their classmates. If a student has reading issues, for example, she might listen to an audio recording of a text. There are different types of classroom accommodations, including presentation (like listening to an audio recording of a text) and setting (like where a student sits).

What differentiation strategies and learning tasks will you use throughout the lesson? Differentiating instruction means creating multiple paths so that students with different ability levels, learning styles, and interests can all be successful in learning and in demonstrating what they have learned. For example, during your pre-assessment to gather information about your learners, you discover that your students have different learning styles. By assessing your students, you also find out how they learn and what engages them. You then offer multiple ways for the students to interact with the content – e.g., digital texts, books on CD, PowerPoint presentations, films, individual work, small group work, etc. – all chosen because they will help the students in the particular class you’re teaching.

Language Function Students Will Develop and Additional Language Demands and Language Supports

What strategies and resources will you use to help your students understand and learn to use the identified language function and/or demands? What language supports will you provide? A table is useful to help display your language functions/demands with your language supports. Example: If your learning task is for students to evaluate a friendly letter, they need to understand the embedded examples.

Language Functions/Demands (there are 4 language functions)

Language Supports

Language Function:
What key word in the standard do the children need to understand in order to demonstrate their knowledge of the standard? Students need to be able to explain, infer, compare, justify, distinguish, etc. Choose just one word.

Examples – evaluate, explain

Example: Discuss what evaluate means. Model how to evaluate a well written letter. Leave it displayed on the smart board for students to refer to during the lesson.

What vocabulary do all students need to understand in order to learn the content within your learning segment? Examples – greeting, salutation, body, signature

Example: As a class, define greeting, salutation, body, and signature and create word wall for vocabulary words.

: What visual will you give students to help them complete their assignment? What knowledge of conventional writing and communicating such as the organization of words, phrases, and symbols fit into structures that need to be understood in order to learn the content within your learning segment? Examples _ Dear Ms. Jones, Your friend, and xoxoxo represents hugs and kisses

Example: As a class, review a letter and demonstrate how the greeting will look and where it is usually located. Leave posted so that students can refer to it. Identify other symbols that represent words like x and o represent kisses and hugs.

What discourse is used by particular disciplines to talk and write? How will they communicate what they have learned? Example – write a friendly letter and read it to the class.

Example: Write a friendly letter and share it with the class.

Types of Student Assessments and What Is Being Assessed:

Describe and develop the assessment tools to use with the lesson. The assessment tools should evaluate learning with respect to
each standard(s) addressed in the instruction. All descriptions must be included here and all developed assessments must be attached. These must be numbered here in the lesson plan and also on each attachment.

Informal Assessments:
For example, A 1: 1 (Assessment 1: Lesson 1); A 2: 1 (Assessment 2: Lesson 1). Informal assessments could include observation checklists, rubrics, entry/exit slips.

Formal Assessments:
For example, if you have one informal assessment and one formal assessment, then your informal assessment would be A 1: 1 (Assessment 1: Lesson 1) and then your formal assessment would be A 2: 1 (Assessment 2: Lesson 1). Formal assessments could include a quiz, graphic organizer, rubric, tri-fold, puzzle, illustrated diagram, etc. The formal assessment would be synonymous to a post-test in some grades, but not the lower grades.

Modifications to the Assessments:
Modifications must be provided for children identified in the Context for Learning.

Describe and attach copy of modifications made for individual students. Remember that at least one of your assessments must be used to collect
pre- and post- instruction data to identify/prove impact on student learning.

Relevant Theories and/or Research-Based Practices

Identify best practices that you are utilizing in the lesson giving credit to the appropriate theorists. The purpose here is to justify why you are doing what you are doing. Draw upon education philosophy and specific theories of development, learning, and motivation, as well as conceptions and research-based practices of the discipline you are teaching. Formal citations are not required.

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