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This report is focused on making use of Rolfe reflective cycle to reflect on my learning journey based on a specific work experience and how the experience has shaped my attitude towards work, partnership, decision making and other processes. Rolfe reflective cycle is an effective means of learning, work and experience reflection and this is based on the fact that it has the virtue of simplicity and straightforwardness (Ahmadi et al, 2022. p. 100). The reflective process involves asking three key questions which include What? So what? and Now What? (Rolfe et al, 2001, p. 45). This reflection will focus on a very important episode and experience I had while providing care but in collaboration with other care givers and partners. The episode required a wide range of actions and activities such as partnership, spontaneous decision making and adopting evidence-based methods in providing care.


The work episode was a collaborative experience between different care providers and professionals with different competences, skills and capabilities. The experience was eye-opening and exhausting. Schot et al (2020, p. 333) explained that interprofessional collaboration in multi-professional teams have a wide range of challenges and this include communication and coordination, conflicting priorities, time constraints, training disparities and personality differences. The team was trying to develop a work process which is suitable for the client by adopting person-centered processes in making decisions and also suitable to all the members of the multi-professionals. Lateef and Mhlongo (2022, p. 2) suggested that person-centered care is the key to providing quality healthcare. Hazrati et al (2021) argued that developing processes which will be suitable to all the members of the multi-professionals is very unlikely due to the fact that the need of the client must be taken into consideration at all times.

To boost the effectiveness of the collaboration, I developed plans based on the function of each team members, the decision of the client (person-centered care) and the competences of each member. I adopted different evidence-based processes to inform decision making. HakemZadeh and Rousseau (2024, p. 2) explained that adopting the use of evidence-based processes in decision making focuses on making use of available data to inform decision making. The decision process also made use of detailed discussions, back and forth communications with the different partners and adopting other principles of decision making in making the decisions. Bueno et al (2022) identified several processes which should be used in making evidence-based decision and they include defining the problem, collecting data, identifying options, assigning scores to expected outcomes, checking related risks, considering everyone’s impact, making the decision, acting, and evaluating.

Based on the planned approach towards making decision, each member of the multi-professional team was onboard due to the fact that it was a transparent process and gave accountability to everyone in the team. Stewart et al (2022, p. 692) stated that accountability in multi-professional teams is essential for building a cohesive and efficient team. The authors also explained that it involves each team member taking responsibility for their actions and contributions towards the team’s goals.

By adopting the various approaches and provisions which have been stated, the team was able to achieve positive outcome especially in the health outcome of the patient. From a personal point of view, adopting the use of evidence-based processes in making decision, I was able to contribute effectively to the success of the team. Abubakar et al (2021, p. 2) agreed with the summation of the impact of evidence-based practices and this is based on the fact that it is effective in bringing about positive patient outcome, improve decision making and improve efficiency.

There were issues in communication between different members especially in leadership, time-management and prioritization of the different roles. The good highlights include improved patient outcome due to the use of highly skilled professionals in the team and the adoption of person-centered.

So what?

The experience showed professional relationship and personal relationship must be effectively defined for team working to be carried out in an effective manner. Mohammadnejad et al (2024, p.2) stated that professional relationships are bound by ethical principles which are crucial in drawing the line that guides communications and communications between healthcare professionals and between professionals and patients.

I/we adopted the person-centered care model of care and based on the result, it is evidence that the care model is the most effective method in in providing care and this is based on the fact that it prioritizes the need of patients at all times and help in increasing the agency of patients especially in empowering patients towards own-care. Hickman et al (2022, p. 2) explained that person-centered care is crucial towards improving patient self-efficacy. The model encouraged patients to be vocal about their needs and brought about positive patient’s attitude. Guan et al (2023, p. 2) confirmed that person centered care instigates positive attitudes from patients and even from care-providers.

Acting in a leadership capacity in the multi-professional team helped in boosting my self-efficacy, capability and my ability to lead. Leadership is the cornerstone of a multi-professional team in nursing care (Smith et al, 2017, p. 453). Effective leaders create an environment where collaboration is prioritized and fine-tuned through discussion, establish effective processes for getting work done and delegating tasks (Wihl et al, 2020, p. 1). I learnt that leaders should identify challenging but realistic goals for the team based on the need of the patient. Furthermore, as a leader, my actions was based on the tenets of person-centered care, evidence-based care and the different principles associated in effective decision making.

From a personal point of view, I believe that person-centered care can only be effective when carried out with evidence-based communication and information sharing. Engle et al (2021, p. 175) explained that patients can only make informed decision based on own-care when they are provided with all the evidence-based information.

For future working in a multi-professional team, the use of whiteboard for effective collaboration will be adopted. Other activities include the adoption of clear communication techniques and making use of effective means of communication processes. The experience also showed that person-centered care can increase amount of risks which can lead to professional liability.

Now What?

To effectively become a proficient leader in multi-professional collaborations which is always seen in nursing care at all times, I will focus on gaining critical thinking skills, adaptability skills, team building skills, project planning skills and communicative skills. Huang et al (2022, p. 3) argued that leaders in multi-disciplinary teams must be able to develop plans and adopt transparent process to increase trust and accountability.

To increase the positive outcome of my patient, reduce work inefficiency and increase the ability of patient efficacy, I will focus on gaining new and improved communicative skills. Other skills include empathy, listening skills, communication cues and gain skills associated with research and development for effective evidence-based practice. Wihl et al (2020, p. 3) found out that a health professional must be able to understand the different communication techniques, processes and styles based on the situations of the clients. The authors further explained that different communication processes and style must be learnt by care givers to be able to communicate what is intended for patients to make good decisions and also understand what is being said by patients.

Based on the fact that person-centered care can increase amount of risks which can lead to professional liability (Hickman et al, 2022, p. 5), I will focus on learning how to provide all the information which can be effective in helping patients make better decisions and this can include asking professionals in the specific field to provide evidence-based information as relating to the issue under consideration.

The actions which have been stated requires incentive studying, communication, collaboration, research, skills acquisition and partnership. To gain all the necessary skills for improve work outcomes for patients and for myself, I will develop a comprehensive plan which will be based on the identified skills. The use of a SMART OBJECTIVE framework will be adopted for detailed and careful planning.


Effective decision making is one of the foundations of effective healthcare provision. Kosicka (2019, p. 88) argued that effective decision making which is a collaborative process in nursing is crucial in achieving positive health outcomes increasing in job satisfaction for nurses and other positive organizational outcomes. O’connor et al (2023, p. 7990) suggested that with thoroughness in the way decisions are made and making use of evidence-based processes in making decisions, the possibility of more positive outcomes is likely. This report was focused on making use of Rolfe reflective cycle to reflect on my learning journey based on a specific work experience and how the experience has shaped my attitude towards work, partnership, decision making and other processes.

The reflection showed that person centered care model is effective in boosting patient outcome but the effectiveness is only based on the effectiveness of the evidence-based approach that is adopted to inform patient decisions. Furthermore, collaboration between different professionals in a multi-professional team with the use of effective collaborative tools is also effective to eliminate all the issues associated with multi-professional teamwork.


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A critical review of reflective models in clinical nursing learning. Journal of Multidisciplinary Care (JMDC), 11(2), pp. 97-104

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Evidence-based practice and patient-centered care: Doing both well. Health Care Manage Review, 46(3), pp. 174 -185

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Decision making models in various fields of nursing. Polish Journal Public Health, 129(3), pp. 87-94

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A qualitative study on patient-centered care and perceptions of nurses regarding primary healthcare facilities in Nigeria. Cost Effective Resource Allocation, 20 (1), pp. 40 – 50.

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The relationship professional commitment and ethics with patient rights: a cross-sectional descriptive study. BMC Medical Ethics, 25; 85, pp. 1 – 8.

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Decision-making in nursing research and practice—Application of the Cognitive Continuum Theory: A meta-aggregative systematic review. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 32, pp. 7979–7995.

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Working on working together. A systematic review on how healthcare professionals contribute to interprofessional collaboration. Journal of Interprofessional Care
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Leadership in interprofessional health and social care teams: a literature review“, Leadership in Health Services, 31(4), pp. 452-467.

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We Hold Ourselves Accountable: A Relational View of Team Accountability. Journal of Business Ethics, 183(3), pp. 691-712.

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Leadership perspectives in multidisciplinary team meetings; observational assessment based on the ATLAS instrument in cancer care. Cancer Treatment and Research Communications, 25 (1), pp. 1 – 7


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