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Week 7-Daleana


Daleana Olwage posted Sep 25, 2024 03:57




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One thing that I can do to reduce racism in myself, and my friend group is by taking this course. This class has taught me to rethink and reevaluate my interactions and what I can do to be an antiracist. By understanding what it means to be antiracist and challenging myself and others around me to be cognizant of when those moments happen is the beginning (Kendi, 2020, 1:16). In my community, being responsive and taking more of an active stance in my community. When I do not say anything, I am continuing to condone the behavior, beliefs, and protecting the systematic racism in place, not placing responsibility where it rightfully belongs which coincides with how sexual assaults tend to be swept under the rug (Walton-Fisette, 2018). In my country I need to pay attention to even the things that do not apply to me when laws/policies are being decided/voted on. As embarrassing as it is, I did not register to vote until I had my daughter. And I did not give political messages, rhetoric, and policies any thought either until her or the effects they would have on her life. I need to do the same for everyone regardless of whether the law affects me or not. They will eventually affect someone I care about at some point.

Kendi, I Dr. [The Late Show with Stephen Colbert]. (2020)
. Dr. Ibram X. Kendi: Creating A More Equitable Society is in White Americans’ Self Interest.  YouTube. 

Walton-Fisette, T. (2018). Metaphorically “taking a knee”: Pausing, reflecting, acting. 
Sociology of Sport Journal, 35(4), 293-300. Permalink: 

Week 7 Discussion: Personal and Social Change

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Week 7 Discussion: Personal and Social Change

Addressing racism is essential on multiple levels: at individual, community and national levels. I am a first-generation American born and raised in Liberty City, an urban neighborhood in Miami, and these background factors are connected with the general difficulties of belonging to the African diaspora. To minimize racism, it is crucial to engage in personal analysis to determine my own prejudiced, try to increase the level of tolerance within my family or friends, and, in the last turn, strive to become a changer on the national level.

Reducing Racism Within Myself

Measures that aim at eliminating racism in individuals will require the elimination of prejudices in addition to dealing with racism in history. Ongoing self-reflection and education on systems of oppression can significantly help to tackle deep-rooted stereotypical thinking. Talking to other people about race also requires better understanding, as NPR article by Neighmond (2020) points out that self-education and dialogue with others play a significant role in people’s development.

Reducing Racism in My Community

In Liberty City, racism could be prevented by encouraging the free speech and staging public deliberations regarding racial discrimination. It is crucial to seek out dialogue with people that promotes the dissolving of confining racial tropes. Group discussions which can be held in local centers or schools encourage residents to share their experiences and hear from others. Nonetheless, the Black Lives Matter movement that took place in many countries indicates that the eradication of racial injustice is possible through collective efforts (Neighmond, 2020).

Reducing Racism in My Country

On the national level, it is crucial to continue lobbying for policies that consider racism as a systemic issue. These effects such as the disparities in education, policing have been observed in many metropolitan areas. Endorsing changes toward educational desegregation and police assurances also denotes the same kind of inclusiveness as in the past social justice movements such as Brown v. Board of Education (U.S. National Archives, 2023). This shows that policy changes can have a profound impact on reducing racism across the country.

Overall, racism is a complex issue that also needs to involve introspection and advocacy with my neighbors and friends, as well as policy changes on a national level. Through these initiatives, I hope that collectively with others’ support we can all try to strive towards creating a society that is more fair.


Neighmond, P. (2020, July 19). ‘Change can happen’: Black families on racism, hope and parenting. NPR.

U.S. National Archives. (2023). Desegregation at Little Rock Central High School. National Archives and Records Administration.

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