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Sociology of the body


Sociology of the Body (Asynchronous)

Fall 2024

Paper Guidelines

The course paper is worth 10 points.

Due Date, No Extensions
It is due noon, Friday November 15. As students have the entire semester to complete the
paper, no extensions will be granted.

Papers should be typed in 12-point Times font, page numbered, and single-spaced with 1” or
1.25” margins. They should be between 1,500 words (about 2.5 single-spaced pages) and
1,750 words (about 3 single-spaced pages). Papers should have a title that captures the essence
of the paper; however, students should not include a title page.

This course introduces students to a social constructionist perspective of the body and
embodiment. Through course materials, students learn how bodies are not neutral but instead are
signifiers that carry meaning—objects onto which people project judgment and about which they
have preconceived notions. Via the study of embodiment as they pertain to several axis of social
identity (e.g., gender, sex, ability, race/ethnicity, and class), as well as two special topics
(medicalization and body modification), students explore meanings about embodiment and how
these meanings are important for understanding the self, life experiences, and social outcomes,
including embodied inequalities.

For this assignment, students should write a reflection paper, a sort of autoethnography, where
they reflect on how their personal embodiment and experiences connect to wider social, cultural,
and political meanings about the body and embodiment. Students are welcome to select any of
the concepts, topics, and issues covered in the course and write about their personal embodiment
experiences as they connect to these course materials. How do dominant meanings about the
body and embodiment shape your life? In your reflection paper, you should draw upon the
assigned readings, lectures, and videos, etc., to support your discussion and show that you are
actively dialoging with the course materials.

References and In-Text Citations
In their papers, students must engage a minimum of three scholarly readings from the course.
They are also encouraged to engage the required videos and lectures; however, no minimum has
been set for these videos and lectures.

To avoid plagiarism, all references and in-text citations must be properly cited. Students should
follow the American Sociological Association Style Guide (ASA). A “Quick Tips for ASA Style”
sheet (PDF) is posted in the Paper Guidelines and Submission link.


Academic Honesty and the Use of AI
Students are expected to practice academic honesty and abide by the UH Academic Honesty
Policy. As indicated on the syllabus, the use of Artificial Intelligence is not permitted in this
course. The instructor reserves the right to pursue an academic dishonesty case should she
suspect the use of AI to complete any coursework, including this paper.

Papers will be evaluated as follows:

Thoughtful and analytical reflection of personal embodiment that
incorporates three scholarly readings from the course

8 points

Organization, logic, clarity, spelling, and grammar 1 point

Formatting and References
ASA in-text citations and references; page numbering; font; spacing;
margins; appropriate length; title but no title page

1 point

Total 10 points

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