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How to prepare for the Speech of Introduction
1. Below are the helpful tips, guidelines and submission instructions. Please read everything, as your ability to

follow instructions is very important to success in this class.

2. Type and print out your speech word-for-word according to the outline format and upload a copy of the outline

to the dropbox in Blackboard.

3. Practice several times by yourself and then in front of others. (It is obvious when you don’t practice!)

a. After you have finished your speech, read through it several times. Next, try saying as much of your

speech, as you can, without looking at the paper. Only look at the paper when you don’t know the next


speech well enough to hit the main areas of your speech (Attention getter, Purpose, Preview, Main

points, Transitions, Summary, and Memorable Statement) even if you don’t say exactly what you wrote.

b. Make sure your lines sound natural – how you normally speak (use correct grammar). Natural speech

patterns tend to be short, clear, and descriptive.

c. Once you know your speech pretty well, practice giving your entire speech in the mirror. Practice using

gestures to emphasize your main points. Look around as if you are speaking to all of your classmates.

Make sure you have a natural rise and fall in your pitch to avoid sounding monotone. Regulate your

speaking rate so that you don’t speak too fast or slow. Keep track of the time it takes you to give your

speech. Remember, this speech should be 1.5 – 2 minutes long. Add to or subtract information from

your speech to make sure it fits into the designated time frame. Timing will not be a part of your

grade for this speech but it will count on future speeches.

d. Practice in front of a supportive yet honest friend. Ask them to give you constructive feedback based on

the Speech of Introduction Grade Sheet.

4. Recheck your speech to make sure it includes all of the elements listed on the Speech of Introduction Grade

Sheet. For this speech, I am looking to see that you understand the basic speech format and put effort into

trying to present a confident and smooth presentation.

5. TELL YOURSELF YOU CAN DO THIS!!! Practice using the relaxation/confidence building and speech delivery

techniques discussed in the textbook. Remember, this speech is only worth 35 points. It is designed to help you

learn about and develop your public speaking strengths and weaknesses.

6. Don’t forget to show a visual aid with this speech. You can use a photo, an award, anything… the Informative

and Persuasive speeches will require a Powerpoint though.

7. Tips for recording your speech: Record your speech using a video camera, cell phone or web camera. Be sure to

make sure the background noise is limited and the volume is turned up so we can hear the recording. The

camera should show a clear view of you from the waist up. We need to be able to see your face clearly. Always

speak to the camera and your audience of at least 4 people. Be sure to show all visual aids in the recording and

refer to them in your speech to get credit.

8. Tips for uploading to YouTube: You will upload all speeches to YouTube. You can choose it to be private and

only shared by a link. This is the link that you will upload to Blackboard. Once you upload be sure to close it out,

open the page again and listen to your speech. You want to make sure it uploaded in its entirety, the picture and

sound are clear. You also need to make sure the link opens the speech and you do not have it marked

completely private.

Always put your name on your documents or you will lose 1 point.

Format for the speech:

Time: 1 ½ – 2 minutes

Theme: Students choice

Introduction: Start with an attention getter, then tell the audience what the purpose (theme) and main points

(three facts) of your speech are.

Body: Choose 3 of the most interesting facts about yourself related to the theme. These facts will be your three main

points. Use transitions to connect your points and help with the flow of your speech.

Fact #1 –

Transition – Link what you just told us in fact #1 to what you will tell us in fact #2

Fact #2 –

Transition – Link what you just told us in fact #2 to what you will tell us in fact #3

Fact #3 –

Transition – Link what you just told us in fact #3 to what you want us to remember overall

about your speech

Conclusion: Wrap up, what you want the audience to remember from your speech.

Everyone MUST come up with individual “themes”. Start by making a list of your interests, significant experiences,

goals, hobbies, etc. Next choose the most interesting theme that will help us get to know you (i.e. sports, pets, dancing,

children, politics). You will then come up with three facts/points related to your theme. Don’t just give us the facts –

tell stories, give examples, and explain what the facts/points reveal about you. Be creative! You need one visual aid to

enhance your speech (i.e. pictures, awards, equipment, etc.). Time yourself to make sure put together enough

information to give a 1 ½ – 2 minute speech. You will give a full 1 ½ – 2 minute speech (intro, body, and conclusion) on

your theme.


Theme – Dancing Fanatic

– Go dancing every weekend with friends

– Favorite TV show is “Dancing With The Stars”

– Once tried out for “Star Search” as a child

Theme – Sports, a family tradition

– Great grandfather is a boxing champion – grew up around boxing

– Met spouse at a baseball game – have children in little league

– Journalism major and dream of working for ESPN


Karen Doe: Theme – Basketball is a big part of my life


Attn Getter: She dribbles to the left, she dribbles to the right, she shoots, she scores!

Main Idea/Purpose: This is a picture of me playing my favorite game in the world, basketball. For me,

basketball is not just a game; it is a way of life.

Preview Points: I started playing basketball as a child and eventually went on to play on my high school’s

varsity team, winning several awards for talent and leadership.


Point 1: I started playing basketball when I was only 5 years old. I spent almost every afternoon playing

basketball with my three brothers. My favorite memory is finally scoring points on my oldest

brother during a game when I was 12.

Transition: Basketball became so natural for me that I joined my high school’s varsity basketball team when

I was just a freshman.

Point 2: I played on the varsity team during all four years of high school. I liked being on the team, but

sometimes my teammates messed with me because I was the youngest player. The worst thing

they did took place right before my first practice. I discovered that my teammates had put mud

in my shoes, making me late on the first day. Needless to say, my coach was not very happy!

Transition: I was eventually accepted by the team and went on to become a starting player, winning several

awards for talent and team leadership.

Point 3: Even more than my talent, I believe my work ethic and positive attitude made me a strong leader.

When we lost games, I never let my teammates stay discouraged. I often left notes in their

lockers, complimenting them on something they did well during the game. I also liked

volunteering to spend extra time practicing with them when they needed extra help. The extra

practice paid off, leading us to us to win city and state championships. One of the best moments

of my life happened when I received awards for MVP and Role Model of the Year.

Transition: Unfortunately, a knee injury has stopped me from playing basketball in college. Knee injury or

not, I will never stop playing or being around basketball. I now use my love for basketball to

coach and counsel teenagers at a local after school program.


Summary/Wrap Up: As you can see basketball has been a big part of my life from growing up playing as a

child to playing on my high school’s varsity team where I was fortunate enough to win

several awards. Basketball is not just a sport for me, it’s in my blood!

Memorable Statement: So the next time you see a group of people playing basketball well into the

evening it could be me, still living my dream and scoring points on my brothers.


Name: _________________________ Date: ____________ Class: ______________

Total time of speech:__________

Introduction: ____ (9 pts.)

____Included an attention getter

____Stated the purpose

____Previewed the main points/facts of the speech

Body: ____ (15 pts.)

____ Fact/Point One (3)
____ Transition (2)

____ Fact/Point Two (3)
____ Transition (2)

____ Fact/Point Three (3)
____ Transition (2)


____ Good flow from point to point with transitions

Conclusion: ____ (9 pts.)

____Wrapped up/tied the main idea together

____Reviewed the main points

____Left the audience (of 4 adults for online) with an overall idea to

Visual Aid: ____ (2pts.)

Total:____ /35

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