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ST3004 Assessment Template

Prepared by: Replace this text with your name.

Date: Replace this text with the submission date.

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Hypothesis testing

Part 1- Hypothesis testing in Research

For this portion you will be making use of the following article from the Walden Library


Whitley, D., & Fuller-Thomson, E. (2017). African-American Solo Grandparents Raising Grandchildren: A Representative Profile of Their Health Status.
Journal of Community Health,
42(2), 312–323.

All articles are available in full text in the Walden Library you may search by title or DOI.
Be sure to provide an explanation for each of your answers and include supporting evidence from the text and/or Learning Resources.

Replace the questions below with your response to the following in paragraph form.

Statistically non-significant relationship

Choose one characteristic listed on table 1 that does not show a statistical significance relationship with parenting status. Assume an alpha level of 0.05.

1. Write an appropriate null and alternative hypothesis test for this chi squared test

2. Explain why this relationship NOT is considered statistically significant. Explain how the p value provided supports your reasoning.

3. Write a conclusion statement to clearly explain decision for the results of this hypothesis test.

4. Explain in the context of your hypothesis statements what it would mean to make a type II error.

Statistically significant relationship

Choose one characteristic listed on table 2 that does shows a statistical significance relationship with parenting status. Assume an alpha level of 0.05.

1. Write an appropriate null and alternative hypothesis test for this chi squared test

2. Explain why this relationship is considered statistically significant. Explain how the p value provided supports your reasoning.

3. Write a conclusion statement to clearly explain decision for the results of this hypothesis test.

4. Explain in the context of your hypothesis statements what it would mean to make a type I error.

Part 2- Performing a hypothesis test

Comparing BMI by smoking status

Replace the questions below with your response to the following

This portion will make use of the body data set created in ST3001.

1. Explain which hypothesis test would be appropriate for this situation (assume population variances are not known and sample variances are not equal).

2. Explain if this is a left tailed, right tailed or two tailed test and justify your choice.

3. Complete a hypothesis test in excel to test your claim. Copy and paste your excel output below.

4. Write a conclusion statement that makes use of excel data to justify which hypothesis is supported and why.

5. State decision in context of the research question “Do smokers have a BMI that is greater than nonsmokers?”

Comparing weight by region of the country

Replace the questions below with your response to the following

This portion will make use of the body data set created in ST3001.

HINT: Weight data will need to be sorted by region like the process used to sort BMI by smoking status previously.

1. Explain which hypothesis test would be appropriate for this situation

2. Complete a hypothesis test in excel to test your claim. Copy and paste your excel output below.

3. Write a conclusion statement that makes use of excel data to justify which hypothesis is supported and why.

4. State decision in context of the research question “Do all four regions have equal average weights?”

5. Create an Excel box plot of all 4 four regions side by side (like in STAT3001) and paste it here. Add a chart title and legend. Write a sentence or two on how this graph justifies your answer in question 4. Remember, these charts show the 5-number summary.


Include appropriately formatted references to scholarly sources to support the statements made in your report. Please refer to the Academic Writing Expectations Checklist for more information.

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