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stat r 3

Please post 2 or more peer responses

In the response posts, remember to demonstrate you have read and understood the student’s post by taking their discussion to the next level. Do this by:

Describing how you agree or disagree with your peers’ interpretation of their data.

Share your opinion about whether it would be worth it for them to move to a higher-wage state.

Compare and contrast their decision to use the mean or the median to your own decision.

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

Estimated time to complete: 2 hours

Response posts are worth 50% of your grade for this discussion. Please review the post and response expectations. Please review the rubric to ensure that your response meets the criteria.

Statistics for wages for database admins (Yearly):

Mean: $104,810 Median: $101,510 10%: $54,320 25%: $71,940 75%: $133,120 90%: $157,710

(Occupational Employment and Wages, May 2023, 2024).

The mean and median scores for database admins are pretty close to one another. However, the mean is slightly higher. This means that values on the higher end are on average farther from the median than those on the lower end. In the state of Wisconsin, the annual median range drops to $91,522 while the mean range drops to $95,840 (Occupational Employment and Wages, May 2023, 2024). Overall, my thoughts on this are that moving to a different state may be a good idea if I want a higher wage.

Being in the $89,510 to $97,700 range, Wisconsin is on the lower end of ranges (Occupational Employment and Wages, May 2023, 2024). Though you can still have jobs over $100,000 a year for database administration (Occupational Employment and Wages, May 2023, 2024). If I wanted to get a job like this, I would probably move to a state that is above average. Though one main thing I would do first is look at the cost of living in states with higher wages to get a great place to live. States like California may have higher average salaries but their cost of living is very expensive.

It’s actually the highest paying state that has more of an effect on the average salary. The main thing that makes the highest paying state more effective at driving the mean up is because of its population. Despite the fact that the lowest paying state pays under $60,000, there are not that many job opportunities compared to higher paying ones (Occupational Employment and Wages, May 2023, 2024). If I were to say what the best average number for annual salary is, I would say the median. Sometimes mean salaries can be skewed by certain higher or lower paying jobs. The median is a more accurate representation especially with the amount of data points we have.


Occupational Employment and Wages, May 2023. (2024, April 3). U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Retrieved May 21, 2024, from to an external site.

Hello professor and classmates,

21-2021 Directors, Religious Activities and Education

The mean hourly pay is $29.68. The median hourly pay is $24.11.

10% is $15.40, 25% is $18.82, 50% is $24.11, 75% is $33.94, and 90% is $50.21

Percentiles: Percentiles provide insights into how my salary compares to others in my occupation. For example, if my salary falls at the 25th percentile, it means that 25% of individuals in my occupation earn less than I do.

Mean: The mean hourly pay of $29.68 represents the average salary for Directors of Religious Activities and Education. However, I should remember that extreme values can influence the mean, so it may not accurately reflect the typical earnings for most individuals in my occupation.

Median: The median hourly pay of $24.11 serves as another measure of central tendency. It represents the middle value in the dataset, meaning that half of the individuals in my occupation earn less than this amount and half earn more. Unlike the mean, the median is not affected by extreme values, providing a more reliable measure of typical earnings.

Salaries Across States: The map of states illustrates variations in salaries for Directors of Religious Activities and Education across different geographic regions. This can help me understand how my salary compares to others in different parts of the country.

Range for Virginia: To find the range for Virginia, I subtract the lowest salary recorded in Virginia from the highest salary. This will give me an idea of the salary variation within my state.

Decision to Move: Whether I would consider moving to another state based on this data depends on various factors, including my personal preferences, career opportunities, and lifestyle considerations beyond salary alone. I should consider factors such as job market conditions, cost of living, and availability of religious and educational institutions.

Other Statistics: Before making a decision to move, I might want to know more about the cost of living, job market conditions, and other relevant factors in potential destination states. Additionally, understanding the distribution of salaries within each state and factors such as job growth projections would be important considerations.

Effect on Mean and Median: The lowest-paid and highest-paid states can significantly influence the calculation of the mean and median for the United States as a whole. States with exceptionally low or high salaries can skew the average, particularly the mean, towards higher or lower values.

Best Measure for Requesting Salary: When requesting a salary from a potential employer, the median may be the best measure to use to find “average” earnings for my occupation. Unlike the mean, the median is not influenced by extreme values, providing a more reliable measure of typical earnings for Directors of Religious Activities and Education. This can help ensure that the requested salary aligns with industry norms and is not overly influenced by outliers.

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