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STATA analysis

simple task in stata anaysis 

Homework 5: Non-Linear Regression

(Due: 8:50am CST, Nov 29, 2024)

Let’s suppose you are interested in how life satisfaction is associated with internet use, age, gender, and marital status (i.e., married vs. non-married) for older adults (or how older adults’ internet use, age, gender, and marital status influence life satisfaction).

You set up your research question in the following model:

(Eq. 1)

To examine your research question empirically, you figured out that the Health and Retirement Study (HRS) is the secondary data that best suits your goal. Thus, you want to work with 2018 HRS core data.

1. Please go to the following web: 
2. Download the relevant files (e.g., h18sta.zip files… ).
3. In 
            Section LB: Leave Behind Questionnaires (Respondent), you want to take the information about life satisfaction. Use the relevant dta file and keep only three variables: 
            hhid, pn, and QLB002C. 
Section: LB  Level: Respondent      Type: Character  Width: 6   Decimals: 0
  17146           010003-959738. Household Identification Number

Section: LB  Level: Respondent      Type: Character  Width: 3   Decimals: 0

          9738         010. Person Identifier
           654         011. Person Identifier
            32         012. Person Identifier
             1         013. Person Identifier
          5480         020. Person Identifier
           180         021. Person Identifier
            21         022. Person Identifier
             1         023. Person Identifier
           353         030. Person Identifier
            44         031. Person Identifier
             3         032. Person Identifier
             1         033. Person Identifier
           586         040. Person Identifier
            47         041. Person Identifier
             4         042. Person Identifier
             1         043. Person Identifier


QLB002C                       Q02C. SATISFIED WITH LIFE
Section: LB  Level: Respondent      Type: Numeric    Width: 1   Decimals: 0
Please say how much you agree or disagree with the following statements. (Mark (X) one box for each line.)
         I am satisfied with my life.

           262           1. STRONGLY DISAGREE
           323           2. SOMEWHAT DISAGREE
           348           3. SLIGHTLY DISAGREE
           362           4. NEITHER AGREE OR DISAGREE
           734           5. SLIGHTLY AGREE
          1841           6. SOMEWHAT AGREE
          1774           7. STRONGLY AGREE
         11502       Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview

4. Rename the variable QLB002C to life_sat.

5. Drop individuals who reported the missing (.) in life_sat variable.

6. Label the values of life_sat variable


7. Save the data, temp_lb_2018.dta.

8. In 
            Section W: Event History, Internet Use and Social Security (Respondent), you want to take the information about internet use. Use the relevant dta file and keep only three variables: 
            hhid, pn, and QW303.

Section: W   Level: Respondent      Type: Character  Width: 6   Decimals: 0

         17146           010003-959738. Household Identification Number


Section: W   Level: Respondent      Type: Character  Width: 3   Decimals: 0

          9738         010. Person Identifier
           654         011. Person Identifier
            32         012. Person Identifier
             1         013. Person Identifier
          5480         020. Person Identifier
           180         021. Person Identifier
            21         022. Person Identifier
             1         023. Person Identifier
           353         030. Person Identifier
            44         031. Person Identifier
             3         032. Person Identifier
             1         033. Person Identifier
           586         040. Person Identifier
            47         041. Person Identifier
             4         042. Person Identifier
             1         043. Person Identifier

Section: W   Level: Respondent      Type: Numeric    Width: 2   Decimals: 0
         Ref: EventHistory.W303_

Do you regularly use the Internet (or the World Wide Web) for sending and receiving e-mail or for any other purpose, such as making purchases, searching for information, or making travel reservations?
         User Note:  Interviewer-administered item.

            14          -8. Web non-response
         10068           1. YES
          6911           5. NO
             9           8. DK (Don’t Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
            22           9. RF (Refused)
           122       Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


9. Rename the variable QW303 to internet_use.

10. Drop individuals who reported the values -8, 8, and 9 of the “internet_use.”

11. Replace the value 5 (NO) with 0.

12. Save the data, temp_w_2018.dta.

13. Merge two data files, temp_lb_2018.dta and temp_w_2018.dta.

14. Keep individuals that are exactly matched (i.e., Keep individuals shown both in the master and using data).

15. Save the merged data, temp_merged_lb_w_2018.dta.

16. Please download the h18_trk.dta from Canvas and keep the variables: hhid, pn, qage, gender, and qmarst.

Section: W   Level: Respondent      Type: Character  Width: 6   Decimals: 0
                010003-959738. Household Identification Number
Section: W   Level: Respondent      Type: Character  Width: 3   Decimals: 0
QAGE                     AGE AT 2018 INTERVIEW
         Section: TR    Level: Respondent      Type: Numeric    Width: 3   Decimals: 0

999: Not applicable

Section: TR  Level: Respondent      Type: Numeric    Width: 1   Decimals: 0
         19180           1.  Male
         24234           2.  Female
           144       Blank.  Unknown
Section: TR  Level: Respondent      Type: Numeric    Width: 1   Decimals: 0
This variable may not be completely consistent with core data. Corrections have been made to this variable based on cross-wave information. See Section 5B1 in the tracker data description for more information.
          9758           1.  Married
          3625           2.  Separated/Divorced
          3024           3.  Widowed
          1343           4.  Never Married
           260           5.  Marital Status Unknown
         25548       Blank.  No core interview from household, or not in sample this wave

17. Rename the variable qage to age.

18. Drop individuals who reported 999 in the age variable.

19. Drop individuals who reported missing (.) in the gender variable.

20. Rename the variable qmarst to marital_st.

21. Drop individuals who reported 5 or missing (.) in the marital_st variable.

22. Generate an indicator variable for married (i.e., i_married) and code 1 if individuals reported 1 in the marital_st variable and 0 if individuals reported 2, 3, or 4 in the marital_st variable.

23. Save the data, temp_trk_2018.dta.

24. Merge two data files, temp_trk_2018.dta and temp_merged_lb_w_2018.dta.

25. Keep individuals that are exactly matched (i.e., Keep individuals shown both in the master and using data).

This time, instead of using the OLS method, you want to use
non-linear regression models.

26. Run the ordered probit regression to estimate (Eq. 1) above.

27. Interpret your estimate for internet_use.

28. Run the ordered logit regression to estimate (Eq. 1) above, and get the estimates of odds ratio (i.e., use the “or” option in the ologit command).

29. Interpret your estimate for internet_use.

30. Your null hypothesis: Gender does not affect life satisfaction. Based on your ordered logit estimate for gender in Q28, test your hypothesis
using the 95% confidence interval.

31. Visualize the conditional predicted probability of each response category (1. SDA, … 7. SA) for individuals who are female and aged between 20-80.

Submit your 1) do file and 2) MS Word document.


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