Your opinions about student codes of conduct and scholastic honesty
Scholastic Honesty
Effective: 04/17/2023
It is assumed that all students are enrolled in class to learn; therefore, cheating is not an acceptable practice.
Dishonesty of any type in a course, including cheating on examinations or plagiarizing materials, can result in a grade
of “F” and may be cause for suspension and/or withdrawal from school. Plagiarism includes passing off or attempting
to pass off the ideas or writing of another person or any artificial intelligence (AI) as one’s own. Plagiarism also
includes using personal papers submitted for a prior class, a repeated class, or even work submitted at a different
Students are prohibited from operating any type of audio or video recording device in a classroom, laboratory, or
clinical setting without prior expressed permission from the Campus President or Academic Dean. Prohibited items
include, but are not limited to: video cameras, telephones with audio or video recording capability, computers,
electronic tablets, or watches with audio or video recording capability. This is not an all-inclusive list. Violations of this
policy may lead to disciplinary actions up to and including dismissal from school.
1 Scholastic Honesty | Publication Date: July 24, 2024
- Scholastic Honesty