
Article Number of Participants Age (s) Diagnoses Setting Dependent Variable Intervention Implemented Treatment Package or Independent Outcome Albert et al., 2020 Berkley et al., 2020 Carson et al., 2020 Douglas et al., 2020 Measures Upon meeting inclusion criteria, the articles were then analyzed and quantified across several dimensions: (1) participants, (2) setting, (3) dependent variable, […]


 Now that you have mostly completed the course, consider the two domains of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior and Applied Behavior Analysis. How are they alike? How are they different? What benefit do you see with being familiar with EAB in your applied endeavors?  


EI and Sustainable Choices Emotional Intelligence (EI) enables leaders to make decisions that consider diverse stakeholder perspectives and environmental impacts, fostering ethical and sustainable choices. Explore the relationship between EI and ethical and sustainable choices in your field. Leaders equipped with high EI can navigate the challenges of ethical decision-making and sustainable leadership which contributes […]


Change Management Rapid technology changes in workplaces can cause stress, prompting employees to resist adopting new tools. This resistance stems from fear of obsolescence, disrupted routines, and perceived tool complexity. Addressing these anxieties through effective communication and training is crucial for smooth technological transitions. **Complete Case 4 before SLP 4** Case 4 Resources Embracing Technology […]

how to create a plan proposal

  who to propose a plan to improve staff communication to improve staff communication of important results. by still ensuring compliance with data regulation and relation to the joint commission’s patient safety goals. 


Identify the research question for this study. What affects a patient’s daily life undergoing chemotherapy treatment? Provide a critique of the sample and setting in the study. The sampling was purposive, data was collected from 30 patients whom all agreed to be interviewed.  Interviews were semi-structured.  Purposive sampling emphasizes the deliberate selection of individuals, groups, […]


Give an example of a study that would aid your work or findings by testing a hypothesis. Give an idea of the variable whose value you think would be tested and how you would go about estimating its value. If the null hypothesis is rejected, the finding could alter your conclusions or actions.


INSTRUCTIONS- · Answer the five (5) quiz questions below. Answer questions that · Provide an evidence-based rationale for each of your answers to the five (5) questions.   · Provide a citation and matching reference is required from the course textbook for each of the five (5) rationales.  Textbook name provide below · Provide one evidence-based learning […]

Research Protocol April 14

Research Protocol Template Title: Principal Investigator: Other Investigators: Institutional affiliations: I. BACKGROUND AND SIGNIFICANCE a. Background information on condition or problem to be studied: Include incidence, typical characterization of the condition, etc. b. Previous studies looking at the same condition/problem: Include what has been looked at to this point, gaps in the literature, inconsistencies, and […]


  Research a recent cybercrime incident (within the last 5 years) that attracted media attention. Summarize the details of the incident, making sure to discuss: Who the target was. What the attack was. When the attack occurred. The damage caused by the attack and what could have been done to mitigate or prevent the attack.


Part one Nurses at a nearby home healthcare agency communicate with physicians, the agency, and local hospitals via email and text messages using their mobile phones. The agency contemplates implementing a secure registration feature on the nurses’ company cell phones. Both alternatives have their own set of advantages and disadvantages. 1. what are the benefits […]


INSTRUCTIONS- · Answer the five (5) quiz questions below. Answer questions that · Provide an evidence-based rationale for each of your answers to the five (5) questions.   · Provide a citation and matching reference is required from the course textbook for each of the five (5) rationales.  Textbook name provide below · Provide one evidence-based learning […]

Discussion 8

This week we introduce new and emerging topics in the field. How are the topics introduced this week (technology, cultural humility, distance supervision) reflected in your training and in your evaluation? If not, how will you incorporate those topics? What are the ethical implications that may arise by incorporating or omitting this information?

business management help

Assignment Readings Stress not only affects the structure and function of the brain, but its genetic makeup as well. In this module you were introduced to the various effects stress has on each body system, including the reproductive system. New research suggests that experiencing intense psychological trauma may have a genetic impact on a person’s […]

Outdoor Play Activities

Choose two age groups from the following: Infants Toddlers Preschoolers (ages 3-4) Kindergarten (age 5-6) Early Elementary (ages 6-8) Older Elementary (ages 9-11) Construct a list of 4 age-appropriate large motor physical activities or games for children for outdoor play.  Two activities for each of the two age groups of your choosing. Research various websites, articles, […]

M10 Project

These are the instructions for the Project. I’m also attaching a sample In this project, you are required to: Create a supervision contract with appropriate components (e.g., timelines, goals, supervisors responsibilities); Review all of the current supervision forms/materials that are available on for the monthly system that went into effect in January 2019. Write […]

1100 EN

INSTRUCTIONS ATTACHED Persuasive Essay (Without Sources) Purpose · Argue for community issues from a personal perspective · Think critically about community issues; draft and revise a 5-paragraph Persuasive Essay in a Word doc. using MLA formatting; identify and correct writing errors; and reflect on the writing process · Organize ideas into introduction, body, and conclusion […]

Applied Sciences Homework2

An instance of a confidence interval can be observed in a medical journal, news article, or scholarly source. Summarize the study or article. Are the sample size and level of confidence utilized in constructing the confidence interval disclosed in the article or study? Elucidate the significance of the confidence interval as it pertains to the […]

Discussion 7

Using the materials from class, discuss what information will be critical to you in reviewing and evaluating an intervention/instructional program. What factors may be positively or negatively associated with the outcomes of your training/staff development? What data will you need to collect to support your evaluation? How will you base decisions for remediation of the […]

annotated 2

Annotated Bibliography -Financing of Health Care Delivery APA format

annotated Bib

Annotate bibliography-The Future of The Affordable Care Act and Insurance Coverage Read the attached article and write a summary submitted in a word document. Use APA format. Note the example in the Module 0 on completing an annotated bib. 


Description This week, you will explore the link between successful relationships and strategies. In addition to relationships and strategies, supply chains must be managed. Successful management of the supply chain includes measurement and managing risk. Create Section 5 of your Supply Chain Process Improvement Proposal: Relationships and Strategies. Describe supply chain relationships, strategies, performance measures, […]

A Critical Thinking Discussion.

 Discuss in your opinion whether this is a good trend or a bad one? Have we taken control of our healthcare or lost control of it by “de-personalizing” the trip to the doctor or the stay in the hospital? What, if any, has been your experience with becoming an “encounter” and not a patient, and […]

Healthcare Reform

 Considering what you have studied about the ACA (Obamacare) Plans, perhaps your personal experience with Obamacare, and what you have read in the news or researched on the internet about proposed legislation to reform our healthcare system once again, think about what you feel is the best solution to the healthcare crisis. What effect would […]

Is Medicare doing what it was intended?

 Discuss your thoughts on whether Medicare is serving its purpose as it was intended or needs a major overhaul. Is it being abused by enrollees, meaning are people who should not be covered getting coverage? Is it being abused by the providers, meaning the government is overbilled for services just because someone has Medicare? Do […]

Discussion 6

Use this week’s readings and those from the last few weeks to develop a format for your program to engage in parent training. Describe who will receive the training, the goal for the training, the format for the training, reinforcement to engage parents, generalizing the information, maintaining the behaviors and how the training will be […]


Description This week, you will explore the link between successful relationships and strategies. In addition to relationships and strategies, supply chains must be managed. Successful management of the supply chain includes measurement and managing risk. Create Section 5 of your Supply Chain Process Improvement Proposal: Relationships and Strategies. Describe supply chain relationships, strategies, performance measures, […]

Negotiation and Mediation

Negotiation and Mediation tactics Research Paper Requirements Specific Research Paper Requirements Please note the following specific requirements for the research paper. They are to appear in the order that they are listed: 1. A Title Page with: a. The paper title which should include the subject of the paper b. Your name, the course, and […]

520 M9 Project

M9 Project In this module, we discuss the impact of parent training on the child behavior and the family as a whole. Assume there is a similar parental training program in your agency that aims to help parents to implement behavioral intervention while they are on the waiting list. In this project, you are required […]

HRM 402 SLP 3 MOD 3

4/2/24, 9:49 PM SLP – HRM402 Training and Development (2024MAR04FT-1) 1/3 Module 3 – SLP TRAINING METHODS; IMPLEMENTATION OF TRAINING SLP Assignment You were introduced to several training methods on the Background page in this Module, some you perhaps opted to use in your course project: Technical Quality Skills Soft skills Professional and Legal Team […]


4/2/24, 9:57 PM Case – MGT407 Principles of Human Resource Management (2024MAR04FT-1) 1/3 Module 3 – Case DEVELOPING AND REWARDING EMPLOYEES Assignment Overview After a Hard Day’s Work at ACME In this Module 3 Case, you have the opportunity to delve further into the talent management function and HR’s role in it. As you may […]

MGT 407 SLP 3 MOD 3

4/2/24, 10:06 PM SLP – MGT407 Principles of Human Resource Management (2024MAR04FT-1) 1/2 Module 3 – SLP DEVELOPING AND REWARDING EMPLOYEES Overview This Module 3 SLP assignment rounds out the discussion of employee development and rewards to enhance workplace performance. Assignment Developing and Rewarding Employees What are some strategies to improve employee engagement, productivity, and […]

HRM MOD 3 Case 3

4/2/24, 9:47 PM Case – HRM402 Training and Development (2024MAR04FT-1) 1/3 Module 3 – Case LEARNING STYLES; DEVELOPMENT OF TRAINING Assignment Overview Signature Assignment: Body of Knowledge, Introduced level In this assignment, your knowledge skills will be assessed at the “introduced” level. In MGT411, they will be assessed at the “reinforced” level. Finally, in MGT412, […]

Week 2 – Jennifer Scott

1 Juvenile Court Probation Officer Report on Jennifer Scott’s Case Simone Ross Working with Juvenile Offenders December 8, 2023 Juvenile Court Probation Officer Report on Jennifer Scott’s Case Jennifer Scott, a 15-year-old bi-racial female with ADHD, Substance Abuse Disorder (Marijuana), Conduct Disorder, and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, is currently facing juvenile court charges for Runaway and […]


 Identify the research question(s) for this study.  Provide a critique of the conceptual underpinnings/research tradition of this study. Provide a critique of the research design. Please provide critique and answer these 3 questions based off the article attached. must contain at least two citations with corresponding reference 


Complete both sections of this assignment please.  Cognitive Development Activities For this assignment, use the Cognitive Development Activities template to create three standards-based instructional activities. Refer to Piaget’s stages of cognitive development theory, Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences, or Kohlberg’s theory of moral development to guide the design of your instructional activities Part 1: Activity […]

Discussion Five

As we read and talk about generalization, identify 2 specific concepts from this week’s readings and video that you can use in your current position. Share with your classmates what your current position is (behavioral analyst), and how you can use those two concepts. Be sure to reference and cite the readings. Next, describe your […]


Assignment Overview Communication Effective communication boosts productivity, fosters teamwork, reduces misunderstandings, drives employee engagement, and improves decision-making to build a successful workplace culture. **Complete SLP 3 before Case 3** Session Long Project 3 Resources 13 Strategies For Breaking Down Silos And Boosting Interdepartmental Communication  (2023)  How to Improve Cross-Functional Communication  (2023)  Organizational Silos: Causes, Cons, […]


Assignment Overview The Diverse Workplace Cultural Intelligence (CQ) drives understanding across diverse backgrounds and enhances workplace inclusion. Diversity brings varied perspectives, but challenges may arise from misunderstandings and biases. Inclusion, propelled by CQ, ensures diverse talents are harnessed, fostering innovation and collaboration despite inherent workplace challenges. Complete SLP 3 before Case 3 Case 3 Resources […]


Description It is important to understand all of the functions within a particular supply chain. Although most supply chains do have similar functions, the structure and elements can vary greatly. Therefore, it is important for you to not only be able to identify the various functions within a supply chain, but also how these connect […]

ENG 1100

Instructions attached Summary-Response September 12, 2018 WRTG 111 Summary Response #3 Article #1: ” Financial Health is Public Health” (Jason Q. Purnell) Summary: In the reading selection for this week, “Financial Health is Public Health”, Jason researched that seventy-two percent of adults worried about money “at least some of the time,” and 26 percent worried […]

Inclusion Criteria

EXAMPLE ONE: Search Procedure A systematic review of the literature for behavioral feeding interventions with children that did not include escape extinction or other intrusive interventions was conducted in accordance with the PRISMA guidelines (Moher et al., 2009). The PRISMA model entails four tiers: (1) identifying articles, (2) screening articles, (3) assessing eligibility of articles, […]

Lorem, Ipsum

 I’m particularly fond of the high-quality graphics and animations that Slots City offers in their slot games. It’s not just about the chance to win; it’s the immersive experience that makes me return. Additionally, being able to play on my Android device without any hitches is a big plus for me.  

Project 8

In this module, we have discussed a couple of specific work performance issues and the protocols supervisors should apply in resolving them. In this project, please demonstrate your understanding of addressing staff performance problems in an appropriate and effective manner. Select one of the below frequently occurred staff issues, Frequent absenteeism; Failure to incorporate naturalistic […]

business management help

Background Readings Urich, A., & Open Textbook Library. (2023). Methods for stress management. Pennsylvania State University. Chapter 1 Stress Chapter 10 Implementing a Stress Reduction Plan Carr, D. (2014). Introduction: What is stress? Worried sick (DGO – Digital original ed., pp. 1). Rutgers University Press. Chapter 2: Sweating the Small (and Big) Stuff: How and […]


How have your life and professional experiences prepared you for the WGU B.S. Nursing Prelicensure program?  Previous experience  Educational background  Community involvement  How can the WGU nursing program prepare you to deliver and/or support healthcare to the community in which you live?  Tell us about the characteristics, abilities, and skills you would bring to the […]

Project 6

This is what I sent but the instructor said I did not follow the Rubic. Please work on improving it for me. ABA 520 Module 6 Project Behavior Skills Training Proposal One day of professional development will be provided to the Outreach Program (the RBTs employed by the local school districts) as a kind of […]

getting answers

Petroleum 1.0.1.. mid-term. Name: 1 The following test is a mix between (multiple choices and true or false statement): Answer 40 questions . ————————————————————————————————————————– 1.The company’s successful advertising campaign resulted in a substantial pay rise for the marketing executive. 1. A: marketing executive 2. B: accountant 3. C: landman 2.The company is looking to hire […]

MGt 407 Mod 2 Case

3/25/24, 5:11 PM Case – MGT407 Principles of Human Resource Management (2024MAR04FT-1) 1/5 Module 2 – Case ACQUIRING AND RETAINING TALENT Signature Assignment: Information Literacy, Introduced level In this assignment, your information literacy skills will be assessed at the “introduced” level. The information literacy rubric will be useful for this purpose. In MGT411, they will […]