Applied Sciences Homework Nursing
Help to me: Complete a systematic evaluation of a unit, facility, or organization with which you are familiar, in an attempt to identify the need to address the economic health care issue.
Module 4 Reflection
Describe either your best training experience, OR your worst training experience. For your best training experience, what elements of BST were included? What did they do that made you enjoy the training? For your worst training experience, what elements of BST were missing? What did they do that made you dislike the training? In either […]
The government has provided a grant for powering a mini grid covering 10 homes whose daily energy is 15 units per month per house. The mini-grid is in a place with very good wind speed of average 7m/s. XYZ board for which you are the employee in charge of project development has approved that it […]
Applied Sciences help with homework
It is anticipated that the initial discussion post should be in the range of 250-300 words. Response posts to peers have no minimum word requirement but must demonstrate topic knowledge and scholarly engagement with peers. Substantive content is imperative for all posts. All discussion prompt elements for the topic must be addressed. Please proofread your […]
Job Redesign Case
In the background materials you had a chance to read about the traditional “top down” approach of job redesign as well as the newer “bottom up” approach of job crafting. Before starting on this assignment, make sure you have thoroughly reviewed the readings and understand the key job redesign and job-crafting strategies. Once you have […]
Job Redesign
As with the Case Assignment, make sure you have thoroughly reviewed the background readings and understand the key concepts of job redesign and job crafting. Then think about your own job and workplace and how these concepts apply to your own work life. Once you have finished reviewing the background readings and have carefully thought […]
Group Intervention
For this assignment, continue to write about the current organization you work for or one that you worked for in the past. Before writing this paper, make sure to thoroughly review the background readings. Think carefully about how Open Space Technology and Future Search could be used at your organization. Then write a 3-page paper […]
Large Group Interventions
First and foremost, remember to go very carefully through all of the required materials before starting this assignment. There are two short articles, plus two in-depth book chapters to go through. There are also some optional readings in the background materials that you can use for your paper. It is important to make sure you […]
Applied Sciences Week 8 Assignment: Cultural Humility Policy
You can do any social work policy you can think of Your final project is to present a leadership training plan that includes cultural sensitivity. Your organization plans to adopt cultural humility in place of cultural competency as a framework. Create a cultural humility policy with procedures for your organization. You can then include the […]
READ BELOW: 1. 1. chose Atomoxetine for this patient. 2. List medication class and mechanism of action for the chosen medication. 1. According to Stahl (2021), this drug is a norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor and a selective norepinephrine inhibitor. Atomoxetine boosts norepinephrine/noradrenaline and increased dopamine in the prefrontal cortex. It also blocks norepinephrine reuptake pumps. Atomoxetine […]
7 drc
Questions to answer below: Why is it imperative to write your NPI and DEA # on this script? Why will you check the prescription monitoring program in your state prior to prescribing? What factors influence the prescribing of an extended release stimulant formulation over an immediate release formulation in the treatment of ADHD and what […]
Topics for Essay I [1] Carefully explain the argument for ethical relativism as formulated by Pojman. On what grounds on does he rejects this theory? Explore the concept of “moral isolationism” as proposed by Mary Midgley and its significance in ethical relativism. Additionally, delve into Midgley’s assertion that moral skepticism leads to a program of […]
Module 8
Explain the following point: “It is contingencies that define values, not values that drive the contingencies” Explain its relevance when conducting an FBA. AI/ TURN IT IN Is used to screen assignment , Rubric posted
Business Controversies from a Duty Ethics Perspective Duty or deontological ethics highlights the inherent rightness of an action, independent of outcomes. It promotes consistent moral behavior. In a rapidly changing world, duty ethics is often referred to as a steadfast moral compass. **Complete Case 4 before SLP 4** Case 4 Resources Text: 2.5 Deontology: Ethics […]
3 ETH501 SLP 4 ETH501 SLP 4 Your Name Trident University International ETH501 Business Ethics Due Date Presentation: Ethical Considerations You have selected to deliver a video presentation to your organization or a professional group in your discipline. You may use visuals to deliver the message. Use ChatGPT or another AI program to research trending […]
Public Relations and Media Communication
Directions Reality TV shows often seems staged but is some instances you really can’t make up some of the things that are presented. Some of the more popular shows have focused on restaurants and the issues they face for daily survival in a highly competitive environment. For this assignment we enjoy our own version of […]
Mod 4 SLP
2/19/24, 7:02 PM SLP – HRM401 Staffing Organizations (2024JAN08FT-1) 1/5 Module 4 – SLP EMPLOYEE RETENTION For this SLP assignment, review the following: Arthur, D. (2019). Chapter 17: Online employee orientation. In Recruiting, interviewing, selecting, & orienting new employees (6th ed.). Harper Collins [Books 24/7]. Available in the Trident Online Library, Skillsoft database. Losing key […]
Behavioral Support Plan
Please see PENT Fillable BSP PLAN and instructions. [removed]
How Can eBay Dropshipping Automation Transform Your Selling Strategy?
Curious about the impact of eBay Dropshipping Automation on your e-commerce venture? Explore the dynamic world of automated solutions designed to revolutionize your eBay store. Learn how automation tools can streamline order processing, optimize inventory management, and propel your store’s efficiency to new heights. Discover the key insights and benefits that eBay Dropshipping Automation brings […]
need 3 by noon Saturday
All information on attachment. Very easy Recital Information Form NEED 3 PAPERS ON EACH LINK. DIRECTIONS WATCH THESE THREE LINKS PROVIDE A PAPER ON EACH LINK (TOTAL OF 3 PAPERS 500 WORDS EACH) FOR EACH DO A RECITAL REFLECTION Recital Reflection: The reflection paper should be a minimum of 500 words and include the following: […]
7 ch
NR 546 Week 7 Case Study- child and adolescent Subjective Objective The client is an 7-year-old male accompanied by his mother and 9-year-old brother. Client’s Chief Complaints: “My son is getting in trouble at school due to his behavioral. He has endless energy; he can’t sit still. When he plays, he is too rough with […]
7 20 t
ADHD Table Drug Name (include if IR, XR, ODT, LA) Indication (include approved ages) Neurotransmitter(s) Affected Target Symptoms Short-acting, intermediate-acting or long-acting. Duration of action, peak (if noted) Notable side effects /Patient education instructions Methylphenidate (D/L) (Concerta, Ritalin) Dexmethylphenidate (Focalin) (D) Jornay PM Amphetamine (Adzenzys) Dextroamphetamine/amphetamine salts (Adderall, Mydayis ) Lisdexamfetamine (Vyvanse) Atomoxetine Clonidine Guanfacine […]
Think about some terrorist acts that have occurred between the 1980s and the present day. This is where we will begin: The bombings of the US embassies in Beirut and Kuwait occurred in 1983. 1988: To launch attacks, Osama bin Laden reorganizes Al Qaeda in Pakistan. September 11th, 1993: Bombing of the World Trade Center […]
Mod 4 Case
2/19/24, 7:00 PM Case – HRM401 Staffing Organizations (2024JAN08FT-1) 1/4 Module 4 – Case EMPLOYEE RETENTION Case Assignment In the world of business, the high rate of employee turnover can be a significant problem. Economic research suggests that for some industries it can cost up to one-fifth of an employee’s annual salary to find, train, […]
The payroll tax levied on the earnings of individuals eligible for benefits is the primary funding source for direct social insurance programs, including Social Security, Medicare, and unemployment compensation. Do you believe that the programs that provide social insurance are effective? What kinds of effects do socioeconomic and political forces have on social insurance programs […]
Prepare for Week 7 Team Assignmen
In Week 7, you will work with a team to conduct a comprehensive cost-benefit analysis for implementing a health information system and create a podcast targeting the board to gain their approval for the implementation. A few things you should do to prepare to complete the assignment are: Click Vila Health: Value and Stakeholder Communication […]
Applied Sciences help with homework
For this assignment, you will put all of the puzzle pieces together to create the Community Health Assessment & Plan Presentation. The Powerpoint presentation needs to include your voice. You may do a voice over presentation or use screencast-o -matic Links to an external site. for your presentation. Provide 10-15 slide Voice enhanced presentation (based […]
Read the answer to a case study below: 1. Select one drug to treat the diagnosis(es) or symptoms. A medication that would be prescribed for the patient’s alcohol use disorder is naltrexone, and the medication for major depressive disorder is sertraline (Dyna Med, 2024). 2. List the medication class and mechanism of action for the […]
How does the pharmacological profile of Librium (chlordiazepoxide) contribute to its role in the management of alcohol use disorder, and what factors should be considered when deciding on its use in treatment plans for individuals with this condition?
Health Care Policies Worksheet
Health care organizations develop operational policies and procedures that not only meet the organization’s purpose and mission but that are also compliant with state and federal regulations. This week differences between a law and policy are investigated. We will investigate how a policy is developed from regulations, which are based on a specific law(s) designed to […]
Regulatory and Compliance within the Health Care Industry
Write a response to one (or all if you wish) for the following discussion questions: 1 Whether you have experience with regulatory compliance in your daily job duties. 2 Regulatory compliance trainings or professional developments you have attended. 3 The importance of regulatory compliance in your current workplace 4 Is government regulation necessary to the effective delivery […]
The paper should be well-structured and should demonstrate your ability to analyze the problems you are writing on. The paper should contain no typos and no basic grammar mistakes. I do not want to subtract points based on grammatical or spelling errors so be careful and proof well. 1. First Page includes Title and Author […]
Team Collab
Assessment 3 Manuscript for Publication Write a 6–8 page manuscript for publication, with at least five scholarly references, that describes your EHR initiative and its outcomes and provides recommendation for further improvements. Collapse All Introduction After an EHR project is completed, consider sharing your process and results with other professionals. This is an important step […]
The United States Constitution still needs to include the Equal Rights Amendment, despite its initial proposal being made nearly a century ago. Its stated goal is to ensure that all male and female citizens of the United States enjoy the same civil liberties. The woman who spearheaded the fight for women’s suffrage, Alice Paul, presented […]
Applied Sciences help with homework
Unit 6Assessment: Written Community Plan 1. Unit 6: Introduction (Required Content) (1 of 4) 2. Unit 6: Discussion Diverse & Vulnerable Populations (2 of 4) 3. Unit 6: Assignment: Clinical Paperwork (3 of 4) 4. Current Assignment: Unit 6: Assessment: Written Community Plan, Assignment (4 of 4) Instructions At the conclusion of Week 6, you […]
Applied Sciences help with homework
Instructions: In this unit, you are learning about health issues that may affect diverse or vulnerable populations in your community. Your community may already be addressing some of those issues. For this discussion, you are asked to select one of the issues presented in the unit that has been addressed in your community. In this […]
Art Appreciation project Presentation
This week, you will complete the Art Appreciation Project with the submission of your formal presentation. In Week 4, you prepared an outline, in Week 5 you created an annotated bibliography, and in Week 6 you began working on your slides. Now it is time to submit the finished presentation. The total length of your presentation […]
6 tab
Drug Name Indication Neurotransmitter(s) Affected Target Symptoms Half-life (T1/2), Metabolism (CYP 450 enzyme) Notable Side Effects (link to NT or affected brain circuit) Initial Dosing Considerations Specific lifespan considerations (age, pregnancy, breastfeeding) Buprenorphine (Subutex) Buprenorphine/Naloxone (Suboxone, Zubsolv, Bunavail) Methadone (Dolophine, Methadose) Naltrexone (Revia, Vivitrol) Acamprosate (Campral) Disulfiram (Antabuse) Instructions below: 1. For each medication listed, […]
6 alcohol
Read the information below: HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: A 35-year-old male presents to the psychiatric emergency department for psychiatric evaluation. The client was sent directly from his PCP’s office. That morning, the client and his wife presented to the PCP’s office without an appointment, with a chief complaint of “being overwhelmingly depressed.” The client has […]
block chain
Sertraline although it is in the category of SSRIs is the most dopaminergic of all. So this is a good agent to prescribe for someone with a diagnosis of MDD who have little energy, no motivation, loss of appetite. This has been referred to an anergic depression in the past. I do avoid it in […]
Article Review
Article and instructions attached. EDUU 696 Article Analysis Students will use the UMass Global Library or their BCBA’s Gateway account to search for an empirical study on an intervention used in behavioral practice. The article must be on a behavior change intervention, use single case design methodology, and may not duplicate your assignment from EDUU […]
Week 4
Refer to the scenario you chose for your Week 3 summative assessment. You are continuing in your role as a human services professional working at a psychological treatment center in a local correctional facility. You will be assisting your supervisor to research and determine an appropriate treatment protocol for the client in your chosen scenario. Research common […]
Applied Sciences HIT Homework Help
Please see attachment. TOPIC: Global Warming & Climate Change AHIMA Competency/Learning Outcome: V.4 Identify the impact of policy on health care(3) APA Format Assignment: Most people think of climate change as a political issue and rarely focus on the public health impact of global warming, disaster and recovery planning as consequences of climate change. Find […]
Please select two items from the following and explain your choices: · Rise of fascism, militarism and imperialism · Failure of the League of Nations · Hitler and the Nazi Party · The Lend-Lease Act Determine whether American foreign policy in the 1930s aided World War II’s outbreak. Had America intervened earlier, might WWII have […]
Antidepressant Medications Name Indication, starting dose, target symptoms, and affected neurotransmitters Half-life (T1/2) CYP450 enzyme Notes/Notable side effects/Precautions SSRIs Citalopram (Celexa) Escitalopram (Lexapro) Fluoxetine (Prozac) Fluvoxamine (Luvox) Paroxetine (Paxil) Sertraline (Zoloft) SNRIs Venlafaxine (Effexor) Desvenlafaxine (Pristiq) Duloxetine (Cymbalta) Other Mirtazapine (Remeron) Trazadone (Desyrel) Vilazodone (Viibryd) Vortioxetine (Trintellix) Bupropion (Wellbutrin) This table includes the most commonly […]
Read below: Escitalopram (Lexapro) came on the market once citalopram (Celexa) lost it patten. Citalopram (Celexa) also causes mild antagonistic effects at H1 histamine receptors causing drowsiness which is difficulty to tolerate being a young man. I will share with you that I never start patients on citalopram. Certainly I have patients that are on it […]
Within few days, loggers can change a forest into a field of stumps.But the field may not remain barren permanently.After the stumps are cleared, new trees can be planted in their place.Trees are a valuable resource because they provide wood for fuel and construction.They also provide oxygen.Brainstorm a list of resources that came form earth.Describes […]
Thesis and Outline
Topic: The Effects of the Internet Cause: the internet Effects: You tell me For this assignment, you need to submit your thesis statement and outline that can be used for the topic above. Remember, a thesis statement is ONE sentence that tells your topic
Mod 3 SLP HRM instructions
2/6/24, 9:58 PM SLP – HRM401 Staffing Organizations (2024JAN08FT-1) 1/3 Module 3 – SLP EMPLOYEE SELECTION SLP Assignment For this SLP assignment, review a job decription for a Customer Service Representative position. Then, review the following three resumes of fictitious customer service representatives. Mishka Prakash Lily Wright Michael Williams In the Module 3 SLP assignment, […]