Strategic 1

Create a 9–12 slide presentation on the importance of strategic planning within the context of a local healthcare organization.


In the SLP assignment, you have the opportunity to evaluate strategies taken by union organizers to organize nonunion workplaces. Review the sources pertaining to union organizing listed on the Module 3 Background page, review the article (below), and conduct your own research. Hussein, F. (2017).  Labor Movement Turns to Social Activism to Attract Millennials […]


This assignment is about unions and labor contract agreements. The written agreement is a key element to the understanding of how actions and activities take place in the workplace. Often, however, there are differences in opinion between management and labor. View the following humorous video that shows the importance of ongoing communications and that the […]

PowerPoint Lunch & Learn

 Prepare an 8–10 slide PowerPoint presentation for a Lunch and Learn.  As a new leader, you’ve decided to prepare a 30-minute Lunch and Learn agenda to give to healthcare managers to cover the topic of ethical theories and principles. Explain the relationship between personal integrity and ethical leadership, and between ethical leadership and positive organizational […]

Healthcare Strategics

TABLE OF CONTENTS Background Information · CHS Mission, Vision and Values Internal and External Analysis · SWOT Analysis Formulating Strategies · Future Direction of CHS/MBHS · Corporate-Level Strategic Recommendations · MBHS-level Strategic Recommendations · Functional Areas Strategic Recommendations Action Plan · Prioritized Strategic Recommendations · Action Plan Financing the Plan References Appendix · Memo re: […]

Change Medical Terms

Change the medical terms in a progress note for a patient with a skin condition into common terms. Spell all medical and common terms correctly on the provided template.

Change Common Terms to Medical Terms

Change the common terms found in the history and physical (H&P) into medical terms or abbreviations of a patient who presented to an emergency room with a number of issues. Spell all medical terms or abbreviations and common terms correctly on the provided template. 

Three Potential Health Issues

Submit three potential health topics for a 30-minute educational session for patients of a family practice office.

PowerPoint Presentation Health Topic

Record a 30-minute slide presentation (10 to 15 slides) on a health topic of your choosing to present to patients of a family practice clinic. 


READ-Thanks for your respons! I also work in primary care and regularly use the PHQ and GAD tools in clinical practice. I don’t use the MMSE, but I do use the Mini-Cog which is a similar tool. I find the PHQ to be quick and easy to use, and it has also been shown to […]


ORIGINAL POST- My clinical practicum setting is within a primary care o?ice, and most of the patients I encountered are elderly patients. This demographic is at a high risk of su?ering from mental health challenges like depression, anxiety, and deterioration of cognitive abilities. The management of these challenges entails proper screening to allow appropriate and […]


1. Caring for geriatric clients can be challenging for caregivers and for providers. What ethical challenges might the provider face and what resources are available to ensure appropriate, ethically sound care for this client and her family? 2. Include the following components: a. Write 200-300 words in a Microsoft Word document b. Demonstrate clinical judgment […]


READ-Thanks for your respons! I also work in primary care and regularly use the PHQ and GAD tools in clinical practice. I don’t use the MMSE, but I do use the Mini-Cog which is a similar tool. I find the PHQ to be quick and easy to use, and it has also been shown to […]


READ- Elderly patients with underlying medical conditions might endure significant mental health issues. Temple et al. (2021) state that depression and anxiety symptoms that are underreported, unpublished, or overlooked due to stigma, lack of awareness, or a focus on physical health concerns. During acute assessments at the clinical site, depression with Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) […]

Experimental Design and Validity

Review article and use template to demonstrate each of the four experimental designs: reversal, multiple baseline, changing criterion, and alternating treatment and discuss strengths and limitations and well as all forms of validity for each experimental design.

Reflection Post

Which part of Emperor Aurelius’ advice/reminders to himself written in his ‘Meditations’ do you believe is most essential to living a happy and content life? How does this advice reflect stoicism? Required Source/Citation:  Meditations by Marcus Aurelius  (Total Sources = 1) Important Notice: The purpose of Reflection questions is to  demonstrate that you have completed the […]


Managing Change Assignment Overview EI and Sustainable Choices Emotional Intelligence (EI) enables leaders to make decisions that consider diverse stakeholder perspectives and environmental impacts, fostering ethical and sustainable choices. Explore the relationship between EI and ethical and sustainable choices in your field. Leaders equipped with high EI can navigate the challenges of ethical decision-making and […]

Theatre wk 6

Theatre Part A The Assignment For this assignment, complete the following Research Activity: · Choose  two theatre traditions from the following list: · Kabuki (Japan) · Noh (Japan) · Bunraku (Japan) · Shadow puppetry (China) · Peking Opera (China) · Traditional Indian Theatre (India) · Regional Folk Theatre (India) · Kathakali Dance (India) · Yoruba Theatre […]

business management help

Readings Clark, M. A., Choi, J., Douglas, M., & Open Textbook Library. (2018). Biology (2e ed.). OpenStax. Chapter 18 Evolution and the Origin of Species Chapter 19 The Evolution of Populations Answer the following questions in essay format. See the assignment expectations below for details on how to format your essay. You will be selecting […]

Applied Sciences homework4

Welcome to the fourth and most important phase of the Research Project.  This assignment is the culmination of all your work over the semester, and it amounts to  12% of your final grade.  Please make sure to give considerable time and effort to this assignment, as it has the biggest impact on your final grade. […]

Fundamentals of Management 3

Create an approximately 5-minute presentation to staff and leadership on your planned response to emerging human resources issues.

wk 2

Post a brief explanation of three important components of the psychiatric interview and why you consider these elements important. Explain the psychometric properties of the rating scale you were assigned. Explain when it is appropriate to use this rating scale with clients during the psychiatric interview and how the scale is helpful to a nurse practitioner’s […]


Please discuss Infant mortality in Mexico Include the following information in your post: Definitions of related terms Scope of problem (include data, statistics) Population(s), individuals involved Contributing factors Efforts to address Health, economic, and social impact Efforts to address the issue Personal reflection as a nurse about the issue related to your practicecontain at least […]


Mental health care is o.en ini/ated in the primary care se4ng. Screenings are a cri/cal part of iden/fying clients who may require psychiatric care. Carefully read the ques/ons below and address each one I. Applica’on  of  Course  Knowledge a. Iden/fy your clinical prac/cum se4ng (It’s primary care office) and a popula/on that you typically see […]

managing change case

Change Management Rapid technology changes in workplaces can cause stress, prompting employees to resist adopting new tools. This resistance stems from fear of obsolescence, disrupted routines, and perceived tool complexity. Addressing these anxieties through effective communication and training is crucial for smooth technological transitions. Case 4 Resources Embracing Technology and Adaptability Through Change Management  (2023) […]

Marketing and Sales 3

Now you’re being asked to submit a detailed analysis of the price for this new line of products.

Marketing and Sales 4

Create a promotion analysis and sales plan for a new line of products, including goals and the means to motivate your team.

Marketing and Sales 2

Red Bull needs your help deciding how they will distribute these new coffee-flavored products,

Marketing and Sales 1

Analyze the new product line and Red Bull’s primary target market for its new coffee energy drinks.

HIT 1450 MOD 2 DB

 Now that you have completed your first practice assignment in Module 1 the one called M1A1 Introduction to Coding, then choose one coding scenario from that assignment that you did not assign the code correctly or you had trouble with. Provide the scenario and the code chosen and discuss how you will adjust the code […]

How Blockchain is Revolutionizing Online Gambling

  Blockchain technology is transforming online gambling by enhancing transparency, security, and fairness. This decentralized system, originally developed for cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, has found a natural fit in the online gaming industry. Transparency One of blockchain’s most significant contributions is its transparency. Every transaction is recorded on an immutable public ledger, ensuring that outcomes and […]


BY DAY 6 OF WEEK 1 Respond to at least  two of your colleagues on  2 different days by explaining the implications of why, as an advanced practice nurse, it is important to adopt a multidimensional, integrative model of psychopathology. Response 1 Dextina Smith Nov 27 9:58pm| Last reply Nov 30 9:30pm Reply from Dextina Smith MAIN POST Diagnosing […]


wk 2 assign dec dec 3 THE PSYCHIATRIC EVALUATION AND EVIDENCE-BASED RATING SCALES Assessment tools have two primary purposes: 1) to measure illness and diagnose clients, and 2) to measure a client’s response to treatment. Often, you will find that multiple assessment tools are designed to measure the same condition or response. Not all tools, […]


Topic: A proposal toward a new strategic direction, with a strong focus on employee growth Scenario: Diagnostic Medical INC (DMI), a midsize establishment founded in 2012, is a healthcare organization that specializes in high-end hospital products like diagnostic equipment and hospital products. DMI currently employs 600 people in their main location, located in the Southwestern […]

WK 2

WK2 ASSIGNEMENT Succession Planning Strategy – Case Study: Your health care organization has asked you as a human resources associate to explore succession planning as a possible strategy for organizational sustainability. To get started, research two organizations that have adopted a succession planning strategy and compare their programs and outcomes. How will you apply what […]

Pres & Fut Dev US Hlth Care 3

Develop a 12-15 slide PowerPoint presentation discussing the roles and responsibilities of health care professionals.

Pres & Fut Dev US Hlth Care 3

Develop a 12-15 slide PowerPoint presentation discussing the roles and responsibilities of health care professionals.

Forensic help plz

assist with this forensic assignment In matching a min. of 20 latent and known together.   Known Prints 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

Too Much Information

interpreting relevant ethical and legal standards in healthcare information. 


Please use the template below- 1. Definition a. Disease or condition b. Pathophysiology c. Incidence and prevalence 2. Assessment a. Symptoms b. Physical Exam 3. Diagnostic tests a. Testing b. Expected results 4. Management a. First-line medications b. Second-line medications c. Other treatments d. Follow-up e. Referral References The topic is about Hemorrhoids in older […]

assign 1

CLINICAL SKILLS SELF-ASSESSMENT Before embarking on any professional or academic activity, it is important to understand the background, knowledge, and experience you bring to it. You might ask yourself, “What do I  already know? What do I need to know? And what do I  want to know?” This critical self-reflection is especially important for developing clinical skills, […]


In this assignment you have the opportunity to look at employee voice and protections and restraints on that voice. Prepare a PowerPoint presentation (10-12 slides, not counting the cover slide or the references slide). Your presentation should include at least two of the following: tables, charts, pictures, drawings, or other visuals. (For example, you may […]


You are currently interviewing for a middle management HR position with a prestigious manufacturer. Prior to this onsite interview, you were asked to prepare a 7- or 8- minute presentation that will not only be viewed by them, but also will be sent to 4 off-site managers in India. The point of your presentation is […]


After reading required materials in Module 4, review the following case (which is the same case read for Case 4): Wirtz, J., & Heracleous, L. (2012).  Singapore Airlines: Managing human resources for cost-effective service excellence . Retrieved from  Please answer the following questions in a well-integrated essay: 1. Why do you think U.S. full-service airlines […]


Case Assignment (Signature Assignment: Critical thinking, Reinforced Level) After reading required materials in Module 4, review the following case (which is the same case read for SLP 4): Wirtz, J., & Heracleous, L. (2012).  Singapore Airlines: Managing human resources for cost-effective service excellence . Retrieved from  Please answer the following questions in a well-integrated essay: […]

Conflict Resolution PowerPoint with speaker notes

Based on the scenario in the Vila Health: Conflict Resolution media activity, create the type of PowerPoint presentation you would give to hospital leadership to prepare them to deal with situations such as the one in the media activity. Create a 5-10 minute audio recording in which you present the information in your PowerPoint deck.

assign 1 wk 1

FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE THE DEVELOPMENT OF PSYCHOPATHOLOGY  In many realms of medicine, objective diagnoses can be made: A clavicula is broken.  An infection is present. TSH levels meet the diagnostic criteria for hypothyroidism. Psychiatry, on the other hand, deals with psychological phenomena and behaviors. Can these, too, be “defined objectively and by scientific criteria (Gergen, […]