
 Examine the effects of contemporary health policy on providers and consumers, including consideration of continuous quality improvement processes. Practice and the Workplace All people need medical care. Stigma, bias, and systematic inequalities in health care settings can hinder individuals from receiving the support and care every patient deserves. In addition, public policies can contribute to […]

Amenify Cleaning Services Near me

Amenify offers top-tier cleaning services tailored to your needs, ensuring a spotless, healthy environment for your home or business. With professional cleaners and customizable schedules, Amenify guarantees exceptional results every time. From deep cleaning to regular maintenance, our services are designed to enhance your living or workspace effortlessly. Trust Amenify for a cleaner, stress-free lifestyle. […]

EN 111

INSTRUCTIONS ATTACHED Directions For this activity you will write a short, two-source annotated bibliography, similar to what is described in  The Little Seagull Handbook, chapter W-16. First, use the search databases found at the  Ivy Tech Library website  to find two sources relevant to your class’s closed research theme question and your specific interest within that […]

Time Management

How does the Autor Northouse explain time management as an administrative skill

mgt 411 mod 3 cse instructions

Module 3 – Case EMPLOYEE BENEFITS Assignment Overview Signature Assignment: Body of Knowledge, Reinforced Level In this assignment, your body of knowledge skills will be assessed. The body of knowledge rubric will be useful for this purpose. In HRM402, your body of knowledge skills were assessed at the “introduced” level. In MGT411, they will be […]


Module 3 – SLP EMPLOYEE BENEFITS Read: Types of Employee Benefits and Perks for an overview of the employee benefits area. As you have learned from the article, some benefits are required by law and others are offered by the organization to attract high-caliber employees. The purpose of this assignment is to determine the effectiveness […]


Homework help ing%20cousins%20to%20May,plane%2C%20beneath%20our%20conscious%20awareness. Please write a minimum of 2 FULL pages. I will grade your work on completeness. In other words, in your summary of the article, have you captured the main points presented in the article to demonstrate that you have fully read and understood the article. Proof read your paper – points will […]

Exploring the Skeletal and Muscular Systems

  Understanding of the intricate language used to describe the structures, functions, and disorders related to these crucial components of the human body. Assignment Instructions Explore the medical terms related to the Skeletal and Muscular Systems. Identify and define key terms, including bones, muscles, and relevant anatomical features. Anatomy Terminology Breakdown (Skeletal System): Choose 10 […]

Advanced Health care Management

 Reflect on how you can apply the concepts learned in this course to your current or future career. How might the lessons you have learned positively impact your career success? 


Case 3 Resources Text:  Profiles in Business Ethics: Contemporary Thought Leaders  (2023)  Text:  The Lives of Ethical Philosophers  (2023)  Text:  2.3 Managing a Socially Responsible Business  (2023) Text:  5.8 Emerging Trends in Ethics, CSR, and Compliance  (2023)  The 3 Pillars of Corporate Sustainability  (2023)  What is Sustainability? How Sustainabilities Work, Benefits, and Example  (2023)  Insights […]


One of the topics you learned about economics in this first module is  price elasticity of demand. This is an important topic to you as a new entrepreneur because it will help you to price your products appropriately. This is because a change in price affects the demand of the product. Some companies assign a lower […]


Before starting this assignment be sure you are familiar with the following laws and their amendments: Katz, H. C., Kochan, T. A., & Colvin, A. J. S. (2017). Employment law. An introduction to U. S. collective bargaining and labor relations. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, pp. 71-79. Available from Skillsoft Books in the Trident Online Library. […]


Assignment Overview (Signature Assignment: Critical Thinking, Introduced Level) Compliance and the HR Functions Before starting this assignment, be sure that you are familiar with what is meant by “critical thinking.” Critical thinking is one of the five key rubric criteria by which your assignments are graded. Therefore, you are expected to demonstrate evidence of critical […]


Assignment Overview Laverty and Little (2020) discuss the entrepreneurial journey.  Begin reading about the seven steps in the entrepreneurial journey on page 48 of the Laverty and Little (2020) text: Inspiration. When someone thinks about becoming an entrepreneur, what gives them inspiration to carry on? For this stage of the journey, an open mind is needed […]


    This week, you will have the opportunity to unleash your creativity in order to help you and your classmates study.   For this assignment you will be able to create an infographic or video presentation. Discussion Instructions: Select one of the topics below. 1.    Cellular Adaptation, (Chapter 4, p. 74) 2.    Manifestations […]

Corporate Social Responsibilty

Session Long Project 3 Resources Text:  A Succinct Theory of Business Ethics  (2023)  Text:  2.4 Utilitarianism: The Greatest Good for the Greatest Number  (2023) Text:  3.2 Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Entrepreneurship  (2023)  Text:  2.5 Trends in Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility  (2023)  Text:  Corporate Social Responsibility and Business Ethics  (2023)  Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) […]


SNAPPS WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT TEMPLATE What is the self-directed learning issue that was identified in your oral presentation? [Write your self-directed learning topic that was identified in your presentation here] Research the self-directed learning issue and provide a summary of your findings which is fully supported by appropriate, scholarly, EBM references. [Research should be confined to […]

Finding resistance

Find the resistance of the load if it is connected in series with the battery 

E 111 comparative

INSTRUCTIONS ATTACHED INSTRUCTIONS To prepare the final draft of Writing Project 2: Comparative Analysis, do the following:  1. Start with your half-draft. Continue to add and develop your body paragraphs comparing the two readings.  Also, add a concluding paragraph.  2. Review feedback from your instructor (in Grades) on your final draft of Writing Project 1 […]

Applied Sciences SPC3210-Weekly Assignment 3

Read Chapters 11 and 12. Answer all of the below questions and link the textbook concepts/theories. 1.  Compare and contrast the internal dialectics with their external counterparts. What causes these dialectics to exist?  2.  In your mind, are there any gender- or culture-specific aspects to relational dialectics? If so, what are the consequences of these […]

week 1 ORG

need asap Please Q.1 PART B: The organization and you If you could choose, what would you prefer: Working through the career ladder in the organizational hierarchy, or working on different projects for different organizations as a contractor, where you would need to learn and improve on skills to remain marketable?  Why would this be […]


Privacy Policy | Contact Module 4 – Case RISK MANAGEMENT; SAFETY AND HEALTH Case Assignment Review the following concerning transit bus safety: James, C.  (2017, January 26). ABQ Ride employee:  “I wouldn’t allow my family to ride the bus.”  KOB 4. See if you can find other information related to this situation specifically or to […]


Module 4 – SLP RISK MANAGEMENT; SAFETY AND HEALTH Pease note that the links below labeled ‘LinkedIn learning’ will open in a new window and may require activation of a LinkedIn account on the first attempt. Trident students may use their student email address to access this free subscription to LinkedIn Learning as a part […]

Quality assessments

how to  integrate the steps of the model of data governance standards, regulations, and policies to develop a plan to achieve data integrity 


Instructions- Review the Healthy People 2030 Vaccination objectives. Answer the following questions: What vaccines would be recommended for a young adult? What opportunities for education would you identify? How would an individual’s opinions about vaccines impact your educational strategies? Include the following components: i. answer all questions in the reflection prompt ii. demonstrate clinical judgment appropriate to […]

Health Information Technology Howard help

Please see attachments for questions Knowledge Activity: Quality Improvement with the EHR (Associate) Student instructions 1. If you have questions about this activity, please contact your instructor for assistance. 2. You will review the chart of William Petrov to complete this activity. Your instructor has provided you with a link to the Quality Improvement with […]

Applied Sciences SPC3425- Homework 3- Chapter 3

Find a piece of media, such as a video clip, advertisement, or article, that exemplifies a concept in Chapter 3. Post the piece of media or a link to the piece of media to the discussion board. Identify what concept/s it illustrates, explain how it illustrates the concept/s, and analyze as it relates to Chapter […]


Is the stock market a way of gambling? The stock market has often been accused of being a modern way of gambling. Please explain and discuss why you think it is or is not a way of gambling. Your discussion should be of sufficient length (at least 300 words) briefly explaining a stock’s characteristics, risk, […]

research outline

Topic- Academic Motivation  Remember, this is an outline. You need to provide sufficient detail to inform your instructor, but responses are not fully fleshed out. The complete details are provided in the Research Proposal and not here in the outline. To provide better guidance, responses to questions in the outline should not exceed one paragraph. […]


It is important to remain a lifelong learner. Develop at least one SMART goal for each of the three categories:  1 Year Goal; Complete Graduate Degree 2-3 Year Goal; Retire from the US Army  5 Year Goal. Transition to a new career as a Teacher For each goal, identify the action/strategy you will take to […]


READ- 2. What are your goals for practicum? · What are your goals for the first day? My goals for the first day were to adjust to new people, feel confident, and just take in as much information as I could. I hope to get more comfortable with each day and try not to get […]


I. 1. What are your goals for your first nurse practitioner practicum? · What are your goals for the first day? · What do you hope to achieve by the end of the session? · Review the  Family Nurse Practitioner Practicum Procedures and Experiences ListLinks to an external site.. How can you use this document to […]


Module 2 – Case HRM AND MARKETING Assignment Overview A marketing plan is a formal business document that is used as a blueprint or guide for how a company will achieve its marketing goals. A marketing plan differs from a business plan in that it focuses more on market research, attracting customers, and marketing strategies, […]


Module 2 – SLP HRM AND MARKETING ICSC is “tweeting” RECon. Account holders on the social-networking service called Twitter will be able to receive updates (tweets, in Twitter parlance) about sessions, events, networking opportunities and new initiatives at RECon by signing up to follow ICSC_RECon. While on the ICSC_RECon page, participants can follow other Twitter-using […]

Chat Groups and cell phone usage

Describe how chat groups and cell phone usage inhibit task management and completion thoroughness. Describe how it can change courses at a moment’s notice based on the interruption of a text message to change course. 


Discussion Questions (answer one).  Be sure to relate your answer to Plato’s discussion of democracy in  Readings on Citizenship 1. Democracy was a major point of pride for the citizens of ancient Athens — except for Plato.  Though an Athenian citizen himself, Plato was very pessemistic about his regime, and predicted it was always headed […]


EEO Compliance for Federal Contractors/Subcontractors Before starting this assignment, be sure to familiarize yourself with the OFCCP and the following laws and their amendments: Hiring America. (2016, November 18)   Why should you hire veterans? [Video file] .  This video sets the tone for the SLP assignment. Legal Information Institute (n.d.)  Affirmative action .  National […]


Recruitment of Females and Military Veterans Before you begin this assignment, be sure to review the Module 2 Background readings. You work as VP of Human Resources for a  private-sector employer in an industry that has historically attracted only civilian males (for example, earth-moving equipment, steel making, etc.). Because of your organization’s great success in recruiting […]

Mona Evans

Kombinasi antara strategi dan keberuntungan menjadikan Book Of Kingdoms permainan yang sempurna untuk semua penggemar slot, baik pemula maupun yang berpengalaman.

ethical fading

Describe ethical fading and leadership erosion by Commanders in the US Army by scheduling many large-scale training events versus fewer quality events just so their evaluations are stacked. The commanders command for 2 years and move on. 


Threat of cyberterrorism Reflect: Think about the international relationships between the United States and other countries and consider how closely our economics and security are connected to other countries around the world. Also consider how those countries may perceive issues differently. There are many countries in the world that have different perspectives and may not agree […]

comm 2

define communication In lecture and through our YAWP  readings we have learned that the United States during the period 1865 to 1910 was undergoing extensive and rapid changes economically, politically, and socially.  How are the parallel narratives of the life of Jurgis Rudkus in  The Jungle reflective of what is going on in America during this […]

Confidential Training Program

explaining  how to structure and present an in-service program to staff members of various departments that addresses confidentiality policies and procedures of a healthcare facility 


Generational Ethics in Business Generational ethics influence workplace dynamics. As generations change, businesses must adapt to diverse ethical priorities, and foster cross-generational collaboration for sustainable success. Case 2 Resources Text:  5.2 Business Ethics over Time  (2023)  Text:  11.1 Business Ethics in an Evolving Environment  (2023)  Do Work Ethics Differ By Generation?  (2023)  Generational Differences in […]


diversity, Inclusion, and Virtue Ethics Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) refers to organizational strategies that promote representation and participation of various groups, backgrounds, and perspectives. D&I emphasizes recognizing and valuing differences, ensuring environments where all individuals feel valued, respected, and have equal opportunities. Session Long Project 2 Resources Text:  2.3 Comparing the Virtue Ethics of East […]