Applied Sciences homework

what is excel Week 01 Discussion: Uses of Excel Whether you are new to Excel or you have some experiences there are always new things that can be learned, especially when using Excel for decision-making in your personal life or business. How could you use Excel in your personal, educational or professional lives to improve […]

hem case studies

1 MEDT 4600 Hematology Review Instructions: 1. Please print this document (5 case studies). Read the cases carefully and answer the questions. 2. CBC units are given in Case Study A and are the same throughout the cases. 3. These are real patient case studies and they are meant to be challenging!!! You will need […]

case study

SBAR  SBAR report to physician about a critical situation S Situation I am calling about <patient name and location>. The patient’s code status is <code status> The problem I am calling about is ____________________________. I am afraid the patient is going to arrest. I have just assessed the patient personally: Vital signs are: Blood pressure […]

Applied Sciences homework

define communication Read the primary documents of Chapter 20 of the American YAWP.   Booker T. WashingtonLinks to an external site.,  Jane AddamsLinks to an external site., and  Eugene V. DebsLinks to an external site. all offer explanations as to why reform and regulation (the establishment of clear rules) of American life is so necessary.  Theodore Roosevelt […]

Applied Sciences Hit medical homework

Please see attached directions APA FORMAT 200 WORDS TOPIC:  Healthcare Iron Triangle v. Healthcare Improvement’s Triple Aim   Using the Library database systems or Google Scholar and search for articles on the Healthcare Iron Triangle and Triple Aim.  Use these articles as the basis for the Discussion Board:   Compare and contrast the Healthcare Iron […]

Health Information Technology

Please see attached directions APA FORMAT Research AHIMA certification content outlines for CCA, CCS, and CCS-P for a global perspective of the role of a coding professional. Also, do a internet search for job titles coding professionals can hold. Write a 2 to 3 pages paper on the job title that interest you. The paper […]


please help 1 Assessment 04 – Informatics and Nursing-Sensitive Quality Indicators For this assessment, you will prepare an 8–10 minute audio training tutorial (video is optional) for new nurses on the importance of nursing-sensitive quality indicators. Before you complete the detailed instructions in the courseroom, first review the Nursing- Sensitive Quality Indicators below and select […]


Help please 1 Assessment 03 – Evidence-Based Proposal and Annotated Bibliography on Technology in Nursing For this assessment, you will write a 4–6 page annotated bibliography where you identify peer- reviewed publications that promote the use of one of the technologies presented below that enhance quality and safety standards in nursing. Before you complete the […]


2 Shevon Magnant Chamberlain University Advanced Research Methods: Evidence-Based Practice Dr. Sherman April 16, 2023 Reflection My plan to promote lifelong personal and professional growth in using evidence-based practice as a future nurse practitioner is to continue to engage in self-directed learning and stay current with the latest evidence-based practice changes. I will work to […]


Before you begin this assignment, be sure to familiarize yourself with the following information including laws and their amendments. Anti-Defamation League. (2012).  Religious accommodation in the workplace: Your rights and obligations.   Gepp, R. (2017).  Religious accommodation in the workplace: Guidance for Avoiding Legal Trouble . HR Daily Advisor.  HR Hero. (2017).  Americans with Disabilities […]


Case Assignment Signature Assignment: Information Literacy, Reinforced Level In this Case 1 you will be finding, selecting, and incorporating  the most effective sources of information to support your discussion of Atlantic Shrimp’s actions as they relate to discrimination laws and regulations. Give special attention to the  quality of sources utilized. Exploring Equal Employment Opportunity and Discrimination Before […]

MGT 411 Mod 1 SLP

Module 1 – SLP TOTAL REWARDS; BASE PAY To prepare for this SLP assignment, review the following videos and textbook chapter about total rewards, base, and variable pay. Pease note that the links below labeled ‘LinkedIn learning’ will open in a new window and may require activation of a LinkedIn account on the first attempt. […]


1. Why is it important to have an adequate supply of registered nurses in the United States and throughout the world? Discuss one of the following factors in your response: natural or human-made disasters, war, terrorism, or epidemics.  1 paragraph  contain at least two citations with corresponding references no later than 2019


Module 1 – Case TOTAL REWARDS; BASE PAY Assignment Overview Signature Assignment: Information Literacy, Introduced level In this assignment, your information literacy skills will be assessed. The information literacy rubric will be useful for this purpose. In the course MGT407, information literacy skills were assessed at the “introduced” level. In MGT411, they will be assessed […]

Using AI in business

Session Long Project 1 Resources Distinguishing Scholarly from Non-Scholarly Periodicals: A Checklist of Criteria: Scholarly Anatomy of a Scholarly Article How to Evaluate a Web Page Student Support Resources: Office 365 Downloads Reasons to use the free version of Grammarly (2023) How to add Grammarly to Microsoft Office on Windows Text: Chapter 11. Epilogue: Why […]

Uses of AI in the business world

{“”:”WARNING! DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE! ANY CHANGES MADE WILL BE LOST!”,”doc_id”:”1C4SHo9dd5tg5K7XrNMqVtQrP7_vglL78GB4v1skqQuw”,”resource_key”:””,”email”:”[email protected]”}

org change and design

help with assignment to illustrate topics 2 Week 1: Reflection Paper University of San Diego: GSBA-533 Organization Change and Design Ronald Belviy Managing change effectively, within an organization is a complex undertaking that mandates meticulous planning, flawless execution and vigilant supervision. It entails transitioning from present states to envisioned future states encompassing modifications in structures […]


1. What is the role of the nurse informaticist in big data and health policy? In your response, consider how the nurse informaticist can specifically assist nurses, other healthcare professionals, consumers, policymakers, or other stakeholders in their decision-making.  1 paragrapgh  contain at least two citations with corresponding references no later than 2019


Module 4 – Case EMERGING TRENDS Assignment Overview Note: Your Case Assignment and SLP assignment will be the same assignment in Module 4 only. You will need to prepare only one paper and submit the same paper in both the Case 4 dropbox and the SLP 4 dropbox to receive a grade (the same grade) […]

Applied Sciences help with homework

Instructions The purpose of this assignment is to reflect on your personal philosophy of nursing that you have developed through your nursing program and how you will use your philosophy to deliver care to your patients. Following this assignment, the learner will be able to: 1. Identify theories or elements that influence practice and personal […]

Controversial Treatments

Describe a controversial treatment using information from at least one reputable source. Discuss at least one pro statement that supports the use of the treatment. These may come from experts, therapists, parents, or others. Also, discuss at least one con statement that opposes or refutes the treatment. Summarize these statements and evaluate findings. Discuss at least […]


Case Assignment This assignment requires you to: Use online calculators to determine what impact wellness programs might have on an organization’s health care costs, absenteeism, and presenteeism. The assignment also shows the risks of doing nothing to try to curb those health insurance, absenteeism, and presenteeism costs. To carry out the assignment, you are required […]


The Background readings for this module explore the premise of how contingent workers, who have become a key foundation of the U.S. workforce, are compensated. In this assignment, compare and contrast the various aspects of how contingent workers are compensated compared with conventional workers. As you undertake this comparative analysis, address the following: · How […]


Consider the intended and unintended consequences of a healthcare policy implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic. Discuss at least one intended and one unintended consequence of the policy. In your opinion, has the unintended consequence been properly and thoroughly evaluated  at least two citations with corresponding references no later than 2019


WHAT YOU ARE REPLYING TO- Some great strategies to integrate when working with a teen that is a bit reluctant to share information. INSTRCUTIONS BELOW- a. You are to respond to what is wrote above. The above statement is responding to what you wrote about the 15-year-old Taylor going to see her doctor. You could […]


instructions attached Read Below-    Argumentative Scenario                Jane Doe, a 24-year-old new mother, brings her infant boy, John, to the clinic for his twelve-month check-up. The nurse practitioner (NP) walks into the room and observes Jane playing with the boy. Jane appears happy and calm. The NP introduces herself and asks Jane the reason […]

health record custodian

  key details regarding the U.S. legal system and health record legal process that HIM student interns in your department should know 


instructions attached Topic Adolescent client who is reluctant to answer questions Instructions: a. Create a scenario depicting an interaction between an NP and a client. Describe the setting and type of encounter. b. Describe the client’s challenging behaviors related to the topic assigned. c. Examine the potential impact of the client’s behavior on the client-provider […]


Module 3 – SLP PEOPLE ANALYTICS Discuss the top five metrics you think are the most critical to an organization’s HR function and defend why you have selected them. Present an example of each (applying numbers and explaining what they represent. Explain what value each metric is to HR and provide examples of decisions that […]

HRM 404 CASE 3 mod 3

Module 3 – Case PEOPLE ANALYTICS Assignment Overview Signature Assignment: Quantitative Reasoning, Reinforced level In this assignment, your quantitative reasoning skills will be assessed. The Quantitative Reasoning rubric will be useful for this purpose. In course HRM401, quantitative reasoning skills were assessed at the “introduced” level. In HRM404, they will be assessed at the “reinforced” […]

ENG 201 CASE Module 3

Module 3 – Case MODERN AMERICAN VOICES Assignment Overview Case 3: Social Commentary Literary Analysis Length: no less than 700 words, double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 pt font size. This essay is to consist of your own thoughts, words, and ideas. No secondary sources are to be used in this essay. This essay is not […]

Controversial Behavior Analytic Procedures

Conduct a search for information on one of the following aversive procedures: guided (forced) compliance, attention extinction, and escape extinction. Cite the source and describe the treatment. Discuss 3–4 pro statements that might be given to support the use of the treatment. Also, discuss 3–4 con statements that might be given to oppose the treatment. […]

organization change

journal entry for organizational change Ronald Belviy Change journal week 3: Read “Storytelling that Drives Bold Change” (available in the HBR coursepack) and answer the following questions: · Why is it that the harder the situation, the more essential storytelling is? · Why is it important to honor the past? · In your own words, […]

Chapter 15 Health and Welfare

four question  Weekly Current Event You must look through legitimate online media outlets and locate a news article that relates to the current chapter we are covering. The current event you submit must be a 250+ words summary of the article. It must also include 250+ words answering the question you will find in the […]


  Explore evidence-based data, inquiry, and application in nursing practice. Discover Evidence-Based Data Used in Clinical Practice This assessment helps cultivate a compelling clinical question and incorporate search strategies to find relevant evidence as it relates to your APN/APRN role. 1. Introduce the reader to the content of this paper with an introductory paragraph. 2. Create […]


Today’s HR professionals are expected to measure the success or failure of HR practices based on the achievement of organizational outcomes. Brand identity, bottom-line profitability, employee job satisfaction, and increased management focus are all outcomes that can be achieved in part through an organization’s total rewards program. This case examines a fictitious M. K. Makey […]


You have been asked to give a 10-minute presentation to a college’s undergraduate HRM class. You have decided to use the following case scenario to spearhead the discussion. . An Attractive Benefits Package? Susan greeted Beutan, her next interview applicant. Beutan had an excellent academic record and appeared to be just the kind of person […]


Intervention Notes for social work visits at home. with goals, Intervention, patients response and follow-up Instructions for this work. Please look at the sample below, the volume of your work should be like that but do not copy the words here. I need your work to be different and make your work more constructive. 3 […]


 Research a professional nursing organization.  Discuss any policies and candidates that the organization opposes.  1 paragraph  contain at least two citations with corresponding references (no later than 2019)

HRM 404 Case mod 2

Module 2 – Case HR TECHNOLOGY BEYOND SOCIAL MEDIA Case Assignment Select one of the two following options for this Module Case assignment. Option 1: Prepare a slide presentation with recorded narration (10-12 slides not including title and reference slides) for your supervisor and team members. Your presentation should provide an evaluation showing how introducing […]

HRM 404 SLP mod 2

Privacy Policy | Contact Module 2 – SLP HR TECHNOLOGY BEYOND SOCIAL MEDIA Drawing on the material in the background readings and doing additional research, prepare a 3- to 4-page handout in which you describe what is meant by cloud-based HR systems and how it might be used. What are the strengths and challenges of […]

Eng 201 Case Mod 2

Module 2 – Case ENLIGHTENED AMERICAN VOICES Assignment Overview Case 2: Feminist/Psychoanalytic Literary Analysis Length: no less than 700 words, double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 pt font size. This essay is to consist of your own thoughts, words, and ideas. No secondary sources are to be used in this essay. This essay is not to […]


Instructions-  Engage peers by asking questions, and offering new insights, applications, perspectives, information, or implications for practice: a. Communicate using respectful, collegial language and terminology appropriate to advanced nursing practice. Communicate with minimal errors in English grammar, spelling, syntax, and punctuation. Use current APA format to format citations and references and is free of errors. […]


Define the Kingdon model created by John kingdom  and discuss how it impacts agenda setting. Discuss one important concept in your response. 1 paragraph contain at least two citations with corresponding references.


Please follow directions exactly according to the attached document a. Correctly identify social determinant in the “Neighborhood and built environment” using the website below. Briefly define the determinant and describe how it impacts healthcare outcomes. b. Select an objective related to your “Neighborhood and built environment” social determinant from the Healthy People website linked below. […]