
If you have a desire to play online, try this game site – , how wonderful it is to play on this online game site for me has long been the site for every day where I can play and relax, it’s really fantastic and I really appreciate this opportunity, the best site for me […]


Internet Assignment #2 August 27, 2024 Use Google Scholar to search for an article that highlights an organization’s use of Lean, Six Sigma, Lean Six Sigma, or high reliability.   Demonstrate knowledge in utilizing these tools and techniques (via graphical representation) and give examples of each. Using a word-count of 300, be sure to write in your own […]

Week 4 | responses: Sleep Theories

here you copy and paste the discusion and the 2 peers comments, dont forget to mention that the references should be from websites .edu or .gov or .org

Discussion Board

In this role-play, you will simulate the political realities of a Department of Homeland Security or FEMA call for projects. You will be able to explore this simulation from the perspective of a wide variety of projects from different parts of the country. Prepare: Prior to beginning work on this discussion, please: · Read · Who […]


Please see attachment to complete highlighted portions Case Study 1: The Discovery of Penicillin In 1928, Dr. Alexander Fleming was investigating the biology of Staphylococcus aureus, a common bacteria on the surface of human skin that causes several diseases. After a summer break away from his lab he returned, only to discover a few culture […]


 Post a description of advanced practice and how you believe it differs from generalist practice in social work. Then, address why it is important for practitioners to use theory in advanced practice. Finally, explain how the use of theory relates to the social issue(s) and associated population you identified substance abuse in adolescent. 


Please see attachment for instructions Instructions Topic: Will female deer urine attract male deer? Complete the following using the topic above · Hypothesis · Design am experiment · Experimental Group · Description · Independent Variable · Dependent Variable · Control Group · Description · Identify Constant Variable for both groups · Sample data or graphs […]

Week 7 Discussion: Balancing Budgets 8030

As you prepare to create your legitimate budget for your Week 8 assignment, where are the areas that align well with your existing agency budget and where are their conflicts? Consider whether new staff will be hired. Who will be responsible for the benefits part of the salary. If salary is not covered in the […]


please help 1 Assessment 02 – Protected Health Information For this assessment, you will prepare a two-page interprofessional staff update on HIPAA and appropriate social media use in health care. Before you complete the detailed instructions in the courseroom, first select one of the settings below that will become the focus of your interprofessional staff […]


help with informatic technology 1 Assessment 01 – Nursing Informatics in Health Care For this assessment, you will write a 4–5 page evidence-based proposal to support the need for a nurse informaticist in an organization who would focus on improving health care outcomes. Before you complete the detailed instructions in the courseroom, first review the […]

Healthcare and Public Health Sector (hospitals)

· Healthcare and Public Health Sector (hospitals) Prior to beginning work on this assignment, please: · Read · Secure Cyberspace and Critical InfrastructureLinks to an external site. · Preserve and Uphold the Nation’s Prosperity and Economic SecurityLinks to an external site. · Chapter 1 of  Critical Infrastructure Protection in Homeland Security: Defending a Networked Nation […]


The experiment found the expression of plant-Defence related genes in pathogenic infectious conditions and conditions in which beneficial microorganisms coexist with plants. with 5 questions


The experiment found the expression of plant-Defence related genes in pathogenic infectious conditions and conditions in which beneficial microorganisms coexist with plants. with 5 questions


The experiment found the expression of plant-Defence related genes in pathogenic infectious conditions and conditions in which beneficial microorganisms coexist with plants. with 5 questions


The experiment found the expression of plant-Defence related genes in pathogenic infectious conditions and conditions in which beneficial microorganisms coexist with plants. with 5 questions


The experiment found the expression of plant-Defence related genes in pathogenic infectious conditions and conditions in which beneficial microorganisms coexist with plants. with 5 questions


The experiment found the expression of plant-Defence related genes in pathogenic infectious conditions and conditions in which beneficial microorganisms coexist with plants. with 5 questions


The experiment found the expression of plant-Defence related genes in pathogenic infectious conditions and conditions in which beneficial microorganisms coexist with plants. with 5 questions


The experiment found the expression of plant-Defence related genes in pathogenic infectious conditions and conditions in which beneficial microorganisms coexist with plants. with 5 questions


The experiment found the expression of plant-Defence related genes in pathogenic infectious conditions and conditions in which beneficial microorganisms coexist with plants. with 5 questions


The experiment found the expression of plant-Defence related genes in pathogenic infectious conditions and conditions in which beneficial microorganisms coexist with plants. with 5 questions


answer the question in excel following the order order The experiment found the expression of plant-Defence related genes in pathogenic infectious conditions and conditions in which beneficial microorganisms coexist with plants. Treatment 1 neg Sterile tree Treatment 2 Xcc The tree is infected with canker disease in lemon. (Xanthomonas citri pv citri) Treatment 3 Pse […]


The experiment found the expression of plant-Defence related genes in pathogenic infectious conditions and conditions in which beneficial microorganisms coexist with plants. with 5 questions


The experiment found the expression of plant-Defence related genes in pathogenic infectious conditions and conditions in which beneficial microorganisms coexist with plants. with 5 questions


The experiment found the expression of plant-Defence related genes in pathogenic infectious conditions and conditions in which beneficial microorganisms coexist with plants. with 5 questions


The experiment found the expression of plant-Defence related genes in pathogenic infectious conditions and conditions in which beneficial microorganisms coexist with plants. with 5 questions

Please answer the questions for me. I need this back by Sunday

ACEs  or adverse childhood experiences are potentially traumatic things that  occur in a child’s life. These experiences occur before a child is  eighteen, but they remember them throughout their life. ACEs refer to  specific types of trauma children may experience. They  include physical, sexual, and emotional abuse; neglect, losing a parent  such as through divorce, […]


Sabrina Jones Article #1 August 21, 2024 1.Summarize the historical events that have contributed to modern performance improvement programs. 2. Relate how key legislation has influenced healthcare quality initiatives. 3. Illustrate how key individuals and organizations have shaped the theory and developed models for use in performance improvement activity. Also… Find an article about healthcare […]


  What laws does this arrangement violate? Why? What are the consequences of the violation(s)?


I need help For this assessment, you will create an 8-12 slide PowerPoint presentation for one or more stakeholder or leadership groups to generate interest and buy-in for the plan proposal you developed for the third assessment. Collapse All Introduction As a current or future nurse leader, you may be called upon to present to […]


Help with proposal 1 Interdisciplinary Plan Proposal Write a brief introduction (2 to 3 sentences) to your proposal that outlines the issue you are attempting to solve, the part of the organization in which the plan would be carried out, and the desired outcome. This will set the stage for the sections below. Objective Describe […]

Unit 2 Discussion

Presentation: A 14-year-old girl with cystic fibrosis has complained of an increased cough productive of green sputum over the last week. She also complained of being increasingly short of breath, and she is noticeably wheezing on physical examination. Arterial blood was drawn and sampled, revealing the following values: pH 7.30 pCO2 50 mm Hg pO2 […]


I would like help Running head: Interview & Interdisciplinary Issue Identification Interview and Interdisciplinary Issue Identification Interview and Interdisciplinary Issue Identification YOUR NAME NURS-FPX4010 Capella University MONTH DAY, YEAR Interview Summary Summarize your interview in this section. Be sure to relate concise information about: · the health care organization that was discussed in the interview. […]

Infection Control

Speaker Notes For this assessment, you will create a 5-10 minute video reflection that addresses either an interprofessional collaboration you experienced or a collaboration case study scenario that you imagine you experienced. Collapse All Introduction Interprofessional collaboration is a critical aspect of a nurse’s work. Through interprofessional collaboration, practitioners and patients share information and consider […]


. Create a five- to eight-slide PowerPoint explaining the sixth amendment. Additionally, provide 50 to 75 words of explanations for each of your PowerPoint slides in the discussion area, just as you would present an oral presentation explaining the slides on the topics listed. In your PowerPoint slides and discussions, · List the requirements of the […]

Biology Assignment 2 GFF

Graffiti Assignment August 21, 2024 Contextualizing Graffiti: An Analysis of Urban Expression Graffiti is common in many locations worldwide and is frequently regarded as a contentious form of urban expression. The specific graffiti in question offers a fascinating topic for examination because it is depicted in a vivid, disorganized mixture of colors and symbols on […]

Biology – Anatomy Assignment 1

1 Gang Paper August 21, 2024 The Latin Kings: Beliefs, Hierarchy, and Operations Introduction Urban life has always been significantly impacted by gangs, which have distinct cultures, hierarchies, and ways of doing things. The Latin Kings are one of the most infamous and well-run gangs in the United States. The Latin Kings, one of the […]

Biology [u06a1] Week 6 Assignment: Research Concepts Matrix 8030

Attached Overview This week, youwere introduced to the purpose statement in a research study. In the last twoweeks, we’ve also focused on ethical conduct in research and the introduction to research. This assignment focuses on building a second researchmatrix similar to the one from Week 3. The content youwill include in this matrix includes research […]

Biology – Ecology [u06a1] Week 6 Assignment: Developing a Logic Model 8030

Attached  The ethical practice in grant writing is to establish a firm understanding of the problem and potential solutions, and to communicate that in a clear and concise manner. Creating a logic model for your project will help you accomplish this clean, concise communication tool. Our logic model will begin with identifying the problem in […]

Biology week 2 assignment

Following the attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon in September 2001, President George W. Bush declared war on terrorism and put countries who harbor terrorists on notice that America would go after terrorists wherever they may be found (see  President Bush’s address to CongressLinks to an external site.). This series of events […]

Biology Week 5 Assignment 1

(a) Name of disease/disorder. (b) Disease etiology (what is the origin or cause?), why is the disease/disorder communicable or noncommunicable in nature? (c) Three credible sources from journal articles or book chapters for each disease/condition (a total of six credible sources). Include evidence behind what makes your disease/disorder either communicable or noncommunicable in nature, and […]

Week 2 – Discussion

Week 2 – Look at the Importance of Histology power point.  Afterward, discuss a disease that would be diagnosed through histology/histopathology (choose one disease).   /content/enforced/857802-000914-01-2232-US2-3450/Importance of histology Discussion.ppt  1. What is your disease?  Why did you choose it? 2. What is the cause of the disease? 3. How is histopathology used in the diagnosis […]

Major Case Analysis Presentation

 The recommended length of the presentation is 8-10 slides with audio commentary included. The presentation must be appropriate to college-level work, demonstrate critical analysis of the case, and be free of spelling and grammar errors.  The presentation should outline The Walt Disney Company and Charter Communications, leading to a blackout of Disney’s channels, including ESPN […]


Help with concepts Write a 4-6 page analysis of a current problem or issue in health care, including a proposed solution and possible ethical implications. Collapse All Introduction In your health care career, you will be confronted with many problems that demand a solution. By using research skills, you can learn what others are doing […]


Help with ethical principle? Assessment 03 – Applying Ethical Principles For this assessment, you will develop a solution to a specific ethical dilemma faced by a health care professional. Before you complete the instructions detailed in the courseroom, first select one of the ethical dilemmas below to be the focus of your assessment. After you […]


 What are the penalties associated with non-compliance with your law? Why would it be important to you and your  


 What are the penalties associated with non-compliance with your law? Why would it be important to you and your  

week one

Keep in mind that not all emergency management positions are found within the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Almost every federal agency will have at least one emergency preparedness or continuity role, so don’t limit your search to FEMA. After locating a federal emergency management position, identify the same or equivalent position on a state […]

week 13

  Please get familiar with the American Physical Therapy Association Statement on the Supervision of Support Personnel Please answer the following questions this week: 1. What is the preferred ratio for supervision for physical therapists and physical therapist assistants in your state, or in a US state you wish to practice (choose any state)? 2.  What […]