SQL & Data Management

Write a SQL query to find the second-highest salary from an Employee table without using LIMIT. Given a Sales table with Date, Product_ID, and Revenue, write a query to find the cumulative revenue per product over time. Design a normalized database schema for an e-commerce application handling customers, orders, and payments. Implement a stored procedure […]


SQL help Exercise 8: Write your SQL statement in a file named CIS276DA_Lesson3Exercise8_MEID.sql. Run the script and export the results to CIS276DA_Lesson3Exercise8_MEID.csv. Exercise 9: Write your SQL statement in a file named CIS276DA_Lesson3Exercise9_MEID.sql. Run the script and export the results to CIS276DA_Lesson3Exercise9_MEID.csv. Exercise 10: Write your SQL statement in a file named CIS276DA_Lesson3Exercise10_MEID.sql. Run the […]


  This week you identify an appropriate theoretical foundation or practice orientation as the theoretical framework through which to view your proposed project. Let’s discuss how you are determining an appropriate theoretical framework for your proposed study. Choose one of the following for your post: Discuss the theoretical foundation or practice orientation for your study. […]


 in the files are the screenshots of my learning styles questionnaire The simple online learning style inventory you took this week, Index of Learning Styles QuestionnaireLinks to an external site., evaluated whether you are active or reflective, sensing or intuitive, visual or verbal, or sequential or global. For this discussion, evaluate your responsibilities as an […]

Help SQL

SQL Statements Exercise 8: Write your SQL statement in a file named CIS276DA_Lesson3Exercise8_MEID.sql. Run the script and export the results to CIS276DA_Lesson3Exercise8_MEID.csv. Exercise 9: Write your SQL statement in a file named CIS276DA_Lesson3Exercise9_MEID.sql. Run the script and export the results to CIS276DA_Lesson3Exercise9_MEID.csv. Exercise 10: Write your SQL statement in a file named CIS276DA_Lesson3Exercise10_MEID.sql. Run the […]

Project 1

Follow the attach instructions to complete this work. Project #1: Supply Chain Risk Analysis Overview For this project, you will write a research-based report on Cyber and IT supply chain risks which the client company, Sifers-Grayson must be aware of. This report will be presented to the company’s executive leadership to help them understand the […]


Many security experts argue that their primary concern isn’t hardware or software. It’s peopleware. Successful attacks often rely on some form of social engineering either to obtain access information or for the attack itself. Phishing, in particular, has become a growing concern. Research a phishing technique, including an actual case example if possible, and provide […]

assignement 4 CR

Nova Southeastern University College of Engineering and Computing Winter 2025 – Master Level Course Term Code: 202530 – CRN: 30675 Sec: L01 Cr: 3.0 Dates: 8 weeks: 01/06/2025 – 03/02/2025 MSIT 650 Platform and Network Tech (3 Credits) Midterm Exam Check Syllabus and Calendar for % and due date Make sure you provide enough detail […]

CMAP 605

Unit 8 Assignment Directions: Project 3: Paper for Cybersecurity Conference Read the scenario and then write a white paper that follows all the steps listed below. For more information on writing white papers, visit the UMGC Library Writing Center. Scenario Your company requires you to present a white paper at a cybersecurity conference. The conference […]

An application is requesting an I/O operation from the OS, which consists of several steps. The current step is: Block the current application. What are the next two steps?

An interrupt occurs. Data transfer for the current application completes. Execute kernel function in kernel mode. Transfer execution to another application. An interrupt occurs. Block the current application. Data transfer for the current application completes. Transfer execution from another application back to the kernel in kernel mode. this are the option give me the right answers


To complete this assignment, review the prompt and grading rubric in the Module Four Worksheet Activity Guidelines and Rubric. You will also need the Module Four Worksheet. When you have finished your work, submit the assignment here for grading and instructor feedback.


To complete this assignment, review the prompt and grading rubric in the Module Four Activity Guidelines and Rubric. When you have finished your work, submit the assignment here for grading and instructor feedback.

Computer Science assignment

A. Description of the Assignment Imagine that a company has been using the Linux operating system / kernel for all of its products that are used in a broad range of commercial applications in the past, but the company is currently considering developing an operating system / kernel for real-time embedded systems, so that company […]

chapter 1 powerpoint presentation

Presentation Document Project Always think of the end user interaction. How will any individual interact with the product you create? Products must comply with law. Your goal is for the end user to have a positive experience with the product while being compliant. Microsoft PowerPoint (Microsoft 365 App) is the application of choice for this […]

Computer Science A quick assignment on DABS

JUnit Assignment Description: You work for a large flooring company that sells hard wood and carpeted floors. Salesmen go out to people’s home to sell them flooring. You created a program that allows the salesmen to compute the area of a room. Salesmen typically carry laptops on each sales call. The program is designed with […]

research and critical analysis jan 25 2025

CLASS/HW: 1st Research Article – Screenshots, Methodology & Results (W. 3) Assignment Content Top of Form Prep Task Ensure you have your FIRST research article intended to be used in your Literature Review for later. (1) CONFIRM: that you have applied the required search parameters – last 10 years, full text, journals – BEFORE beginning […]

neural networks that computes the XOR

  Project 2: neural networks that computes the XOR Construct by hand a neural network that computes the XOR function of two inputs. Make sure to specify what sort of units you are using. Show how to build neural network with no hidden layer to implement XOR. If this is not possible, explain why that […]

Activation Function

Suppose you had a neural network with linear activation functions. That is, for each unit the output is some constant c times the weighted sum of the inputs.  Assume that the network has one hidden layer. For a given assignment to the weights w, write down equations for the value of the units in the […]

binary classification problem with ensemble learning.

Consider a binary classification problem with an ensemble learning algorithm that uses simple majority voting among K learned hypotheses. Suppose that each hypothesis has error E and that the errors made by each hypothesis are independent of the others. Calculate a formula for the error of the ensemble algorithm in terms of K and E, […]


Cloud Deployment Programmatic Tool Set Comparison 1. Overview 2. Selected Tool #1 Overview 3. Selected Tool #2 Overview 4. Selected Tool #3 Overview 5. Selected Tool #4 Overview 6. Comparison 7. Usability of Each Tool 8. Summary

Computer Science WK 3 Assignment

Please see atttachment for instructions With the provided PDF book ( The Internet Book : Everything You Need to Know about Computer Networking and How the Internet Works, Douglas E. Comer) complete the following exercise 11.4 located on page 128 by way of detailed short essay of 3 to 4 pages.

WK3 Discussion and Reply

Please see attachment for instructions     W3 Discussion Instructions: Broadband access solutions   In 250 word, answer the questions below with 4 evidence base scholarly articles in APA format.  1. Discuss important trends in broadband solutions that are emerging 2. What would you like to see in the next several years emerge or refined […]

project 1 milestone

To complete this assignment, review the prompt and grading rubric in the Project One Milestone Guidelines and Rubric. You will also need the Project One Milestone Template. When you have finished your work, submit the assignment here for grading and instructor feedback.


To complete this assignment, review the prompt and grading rubric in the Module Three Worksheet Activity Guidelines and Rubric. You will also need the Module Three Worksheet. When you have finished your work, submit the assignment here for grading and instructor feedback.


Project 1: Develop Cloud Migration Plan  Step 4: Install AWS Application Discovery Agent  At this point in the migration planning process, you’ve considered premigration issues, reviewed premigration assessment tools, and familiarized yourself with AWS Application Discovery Services. You are now ready to install and test the AWS Application Discovery Agent. Understanding the AWS Application Discovery […]

teaching format

  There will be times as an instructor that you may be asked to deliver instructional material to a group of learners that contains a great deal of information in a short period of time. What are the best practices that you will follow to be a successful instructor? After reading the article, “Teaching in […]


Research social media platform ethics in decision concepts and address the following: Do you agree that ethics should be applied to social networking BI? Why or why not?

minimizing the negative-log-likelihood loss function

Section 19.6.5 noted that the output of the logistic function could be interpreted as a probability p assigned by the model to the proposition that f(x)=1; the probability that f(x)=0 is therefore 1 – p. Write down the probability p as a function of x and calculate the derivative of log p with respect to […]


Discussion: Evaluation of AWS Application Discovery Service Contains unread posts Now that you have discussed the data migration and application migration strategies, you will discuss and evaluate AWS Application Discovery Service. You should ensure that you cover the following areas: · What is agent-based discovery? · What is agentless discovery? · When would you use […]

W2 discussion and replies

please see attachment for instructions     W2 Discussion Instructions: Analog, Digital, and what comes next   In 250 word, answer the questions below with 4 evidence base scholarly articles in APA format.  1. Discuss your thoughts on the evolution from analog to digital. 2. What advanced transmission and signal processing techniques do you believe […]


Module #2: Electronic Health Records – Dreams and Reality Module #2: Discussion Board Please respond to the following prompts: · How do data standards impact health interoperability?  · How can healthcare organizations balance the need for access to EHRs with the privacy and security of patient information?  · Please post your initial response to the […]

Computer Science Assignment help needed

Help required for the attached assignment. In this project, students will get familiar with reading packet captures (PCAP) and some standard man-in-the-middle techniques. This is where a malicious user puts themselves in the middle of a conversation with another user and an application and eavesdrops on all the tra ic. Students will familiarize themselves with […]

case study

To complete this assignment, review the prompt and grading rubric in the Module Two Activity Guidelines and Rubric. When you have finished your work, submit the assignment here for grading and instructor feedback.


INSTRUCTIONS!! IN THE LINK BELOW IS DISCUSS FRM WK 1 TO HELP WIT THIS ASSIGNMENT!!   Consider the aligned topic and problem for your project. For this week’s discussion, choose one of the following for your post: Share a resource (such as a link to a website or a business or scholarly article) that you […]

How to build a game website?

I want to build a website like   [link=/]snow rider 3d[/link] [link name=snow rider 3d]/[/link] ((/)) ((/ snow rider 3d)) [/ snow rider 3d] [[/ snow rider 3d]] [L=snow rider 3d]/[/L] “snow rider 3d”:/ [snow rider 3d](/)


Create an E-R model based on the following scenarios: Note: is a free web application for creating diagrams. I have provided a video showing how to use this application. You are welcome to use the modeling software of your choice (Visio, Lucid Charts, etc.). Your models must use crows’ foot notation. Cardinality and modality are […]

Project 1: Develop Cloud Migration Plan

Project 1: Develop Cloud Migration Plan  Step 1: Research Cloud Premigration Considerations  In this step, you will research premigration considerations, such as the analysis of the current workloads that are being served out of BallotOnline’s existing IT infrastructure, and how the  cloud migration plan will align with business objectives and BallotOnline’s updated IT policies, which includes the […]

Discussion: Data Migration vs. Application Migration Strategies

Discussion: Data Migration vs. Application Migration Strategies Now that you have a comprehensive IT Policy that incorporates the Cloud Adoption Policy, you will discuss the dynamics between data migration vs. application migration. You should cover the following areas: · What is data migration? · What types of data can and should be migrated? · How […]

c++ social media platform

attached CE221 – C++ Programming Assignment 2 – 24/25 Dr Michael Barros ([email protected]) Deadline: 13:59:59, Monday 13th January 2025 Notice You should refer to sections 5 and 7 of the Undergraduate Students’ Handbook for details of the University policy regarding late submission and plagiarism; the work handed in must be entirely your own. Your programs […]

c++ social media platform

attached CE221 – C++ Programming Assignment 2 – 24/25 Dr Michael Barros ([email protected]) Deadline: 13:59:59, Monday 13th January 2025 Notice You should refer to sections 5 and 7 of the Undergraduate Students’ Handbook for details of the University policy regarding late submission and plagiarism; the work handed in must be entirely your own. Your programs […]

Computer Science WK1 Assignment

Please see attachment for instructions     W1 Assignment Instructions: Chapter 7 exercise 7.3   In 2 pages, answer the questions below with 5 evidence base scholarly articles in APA format.  In the 1970s, one of the main arguments in favor of using closed technologies focused on economics: companies asked how they could make money […]

WK1 Discussion and Replies

Please see attachment for instructions.     W1 Discussion Instructions: Where it all Started   In 250 word, answer the questions below with 4 evidence base scholarly articles in APA format.  1. Discuss what you find interesting about the origin of the internet covered in Chapters 7 and 8 of the PDF. Book: Comer, D. […]

Discussion 8…

Follow the attach instructions to complete this work. Ethical Practices for Cybersecurity Investments & Purchases   Must post first. Subscribe Moral and ethical requirements should serve as drivers which encourage a business to  invest in or  spend money on cybersecurity products, services, and programs. You have been invited to participate in a round table discussion on the […]

Discussion 7…

Follow the attach instructions to complete this work. Risky Business: How Can U.S. Companies Protect their Digital Assets Overseas?   Must post first. Subscribe Risky Business: How Can U.S. Companies Protect their Digital Assets Overseas? Prepare a 3 to 5 paragraph briefing statement that can be used to answer the above question. Your audience will […]

Discussion 6..

Follow the attach instructions to complete this work. Briefing Paper: Exploring Factors which Drive Market Demand for Cybersecurity Products and Services   Must post first. Subscribe Failure to understand what drives customer demand in the cybersecurity market can result in a quick trip to bankruptcy court or a forced sale of a company. For this […]

wk 1 discuss 2

BELOW I INPUT A CLASSMATE DISCUSSION TO SEE WHERE YOU SHOULD GO WITH THIS ASSIGNMENT MY MAJOR IS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY For your final project, you will be developing a two-unit course. Choose a topic for that course and develop an overview for it. The overview should be about one paragraph and broadly describe the subject […]


To complete this assignment, review the prompt and grading rubric in the Module One Worksheet Activity Guidelines and Rubric. You will also need to access the Module One Worksheet. When you have finished your work, submit the assignment here for grading and instructor feedback.

wk 1 yellowdigg

I am a Information Technology major so find something in the field of focus to this it something along the lines of cybersecurity is fine with me As you begin developing your Project Plan in this course, choose one of the following for your discussion post this week: Post a link to an article you […]

wk 1 defining the discipline

THERE ARE ATTACHED FILES TO HELP WITH THE ASSIGNMENT PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF THE PDFs WILL LOAD FOR YOU!!! For this discussion, imagine that you are an instructor teaching an introductory course to a group of incoming first-year students. It is your first day, and you want to provide an introduction to what they […]

CSIA Discussion 5

Follow the attach instructions to complete the work Career Planning & Growth for Interns   Must post first. Subscribe The interns have been asked to discuss their career plans and aspirations with one or more of the principals of Nofsinger Consulting Services. The guiding question for this discussion is: How can your internship as a […]