project ppt presentation

Project 3 – Ensemble Methods and Unsupervised Learning In this project you will explore some techniques in unsupervised learning as well as ensemble methods. It is important to realize that understanding an algorithm or technique requires understanding how it behaves under a variety of circumstances. You will go through the process of choosing and exploring […]

How hackers get info

Identify at least two ways in which hackers gather information about companies. What can companies do to limit this access, specifically to the ways you have identified? Which type of information can be gathered with enumeration? How and why should companies protect themselves against enumeration attempts?

internet tabs

There is some debate about which is most appropriate. Do an Internet search on opening links in the same browser and then opening links in a new tab and see what you find. Based on what you learned, share in the discussion which side you are on. Should the link open in the current window […]

Azure Virtual Machine

When would you want to create an Azure VM for your company’s network? Tell how you might access the VM if you have one created on your subscription. When you create an Azure VM, is it easy to turn off or remove it from your subscription?

Database and coding

  Attached two files , one for the data you will work on in excel file and file discription for the data in PDF As a data scientist please study the data and answer the following questions  1- what is the primerly diagnosis ? 2- What potential risk factors were there? 3- Make a statistical […]

Introduction to Organizational Modeling for Digital Transformation

Assignment #1 Assignment Submission: Submit your assignment on d2l that has a SINGLE ZIP file that has 1. All Visio Diagrams 2. The PDF document that has all the diagrams and the answers inline below every question including the essay/textual questions. Assignment Deliverables: Provide your answers for the following requirements and deliverables: 1. Create the […]

Java Programming

FinalProject.pdf Final Project – Credit card numbers and the case of Mobius Duck In this project, you are assisting an investigation. The investigator asked you to help him determine the validity of credit card numbers located in a case of Mobius Duck, case number 20150510-001. Your task is to: – Read the data listed below […]

Project 2: Design the Cloud Deployment Architecture

Project 2: Design the Cloud Deployment Architecture  Step 1: Develop User Stories From BallotOnline Employees  BallotOnline has decided to move forward with the migration of the email, software development, and backups and archiving workloads to the cloud. You will need to have a good understanding of what users really need in terms of performance, capacity, […]

sorting problems

  Your job is to: 1) implement the one algorithm in these files that is not already implemented (merge sort), 2) Tell me in a comment in your code three things: what the runtime of this algorithm is whether it is “destructive” whether it is “in-place” 3) submit timing data along with your code to […]

Week1- Generative AI

attached file Discussion 1: desirable properties of a generative model Comment on what makes a generative model a good model:  1. How is discriminative modeling different from generative modeling? 2. How is generative modeling different from statistical modeling?  Assignment 1: multilayer perceptron for images – Deadline 05/12/2024 See the code that builds and evaluates multilayer perceptron […]

research proposal for computer science

This is a challenging assignment, but I am hoping you will have FUN with it! You must find a news or journal article that is evidence that the problem or issue you wish to study is something current and of concern. Please download and use this template. (Save it per the video “How to Save and Submit Assignments, […]

3/4 paragraphs

In this discussion, you are going to research Vigenere Cipher. Use the Vigenere Table to encrypt the message using the key ORANGE: Hard work always pays.  Now use the same key, to decrypt this message: Oktnio ok dncr Instructions: 1. Ignore all cases and punctuations 2. Do not encrypt or decrypt spaces 3. Post your answers […]

Project Peer Feedback

  Prepare the peer’s presentation topic by finding and reviewing the Internet resources and documents about the topic that you are assigned to review. Prepare for your feedback and questions that you will raise throughout the presentation.  provide feedback to your peer.   Ask your questions, critique the presentation, and make your contributions to the presentation.

please complete the acess file by using the excell file and completing the instructions for the acess file should have expericnace with pearson my ITLAB

ID mSysRowId 1 WnOhQRx2VWrBbvEgufY1AgGvtEY+mtg2M1gxBmDMm/o=-~8CPWFYMF8GjG2+7AvNgSFw== StudentID LastName FirstName Major Class GPA mSysRowId 123450 Sullivan Ellen Natural Science Freshman 3.05 123451 Hepburn Audrey Information Technology Freshman 3.15 123452 McGraw Adriana Elementary Education Sophomore 1.8 123453 Wilson Cornelius Medical Informatics Freshman 2.0 123454 Ennis Claudius Psychology Sophomore 1.5 123455 Conway Edgar Engineering Science Freshman 3.15 123456 Connelly Rosaline […]

Week1- Introduction to AI

file attached.  1 Week 1 – Discussion: AI in Business Consider what you have read so far in the learning materials for Week 1, and write a one-page summary about it. Focus on the use of Artificial Intelligence in Business. The summary must present your understanding in your own words (500 words minimum). Use APA-style […]

EA Repository and 2FA

  The Enterprise Architecture Repository is an online, web-based platform designed to store and organize Enterprise Architecture artifacts produced by EA software tools. You work as a developer for CMS and want to protect the security of the organization. You have developed a level of trust with the development team, and they see that your […]


 Instructions: Q1. Design a program that asks the user to enter a series of 20 numbers. The program should store the numbers in a list then display the following data: The lowest number in the list The highest number in the list The total of the numbers in the list The average of the numbers in […]

software system design May 6

Assignment Content 1. As individuals, we influence the world around us. Research ways in which millennials are influencing software engineering and the modern day workplace. Prepare a 2 page response in the APA format. Have a separate page for references. Follow the APA Format! 2. Research what is meant by enterprise agility and compare and […]


 Instructions: Q1. Design a program that asks the user to enter a series of 20 numbers. The program should store the numbers in a list then display the following data: The lowest number in the list The highest number in the list The total of the numbers in the list The average of the numbers in […]

CSET Diagram

do a cset diagram for Staples print department, Departments and Key Tasks: Print Services Department: In the diagram identify: ● major departments and their key tasks/activities/responsibilities ● major systems and databases ● threats/vulnerabilities/risks Tasks: Printing: Handling various types of printing including bulk, specialized, and quick print services. Copying: Providing self-service and full-service copying for customers. […]

Analyzing SSL packets with Wireshark Unit 5

  IT543-4: Design an implementation of cryptographic methods for an organization. Assignment Instructions: Perform the lab described in the zip folder Wireshark — Capturing SSL Packets. Follow the directions, perform the indicated instructions, and provide the requested information. Take screenshots of each step to show that you are working through the steps. Instructions are 

Discussion 2

Discussion The unit readings outline several challenges of implementing and upgrading enterprise information systems. Employees were cited as one of the pain points. Why do you think this is? As an MIS leader responsible for implementing or upgrading an enterprise information system, select two or three strategies you would use to reduce transition problems. Describe […]

research proposals May 1 2024

   You must find a news or journal article that is evidence that the problem or issue you wish to study is something current and of concern. Please download and use this template. (Save it per the video “How to Save and Submit Assignments, in two formats. Submit the file from your computer.) You MUST […]

CMSC 430

test1.txt // Function with Arithmetic Expression function main returns integer; begin 7 + 2 * (5 + 4); end; test2.txt // Function with a lexical error function main returns integer; begin 7 * 2 $ (2 + 4); end; test3.txt // Punctuation symbols ,;() => // Identifier name name123 // Literals 123 ‘a’ // Logical […]

project Ml

Project 3 – Ensemble Methods and Unsupervised Learning In this project you will explore some techniques in unsupervised learning as well as ensemble methods. It is important to realize that understanding an algorithm or technique requires understanding how it behaves under a variety of circumstances. You will go through the process of choosing and exploring […]

Big Data use cases.

 Assignment Instructions: Research and select 3 different Big Data use cases. Create a digital artifact that details the typical business objectives and analytical solution for each use case.

Arduino IDE Help

   Combine both codes or make it work with 2 separate tabs. I am using Arduino Ethernet Shield W5100 with Arduino UNO trying to send a notification to PushSafer. Each code works individually but I cannot get to work together.

CMSC 405 CMSC 335

Please arrange the files with the proper titles and project numbers  1 Project 2 JOGL OpenGL Project Overview In this project you will create a unique 3 graphics scene composed of OpenGL graphic components using transformation methods. Requirements: 1. Using Netbeans or Eclipse, develop a JOGL application that displays a unique 3D scene. The scene […]

CMSC 335

1 Homework 4 1. (10 pts) For the following program, explain the interesting elements related to threads. Focus on explaining the output of the program. 1 public class TaskThreadDemo { 2 public static void main (String args []) { 3 String [] sa = {“a”, “X”, “+”, “.”}; 4 for (String s: sa) { 5 […]

CMSC 405

1 Project 2 JOGL OpenGL Project Overview In this project you will create a unique 3 graphics scene composed of OpenGL graphic components using transformation methods. Requirements: 1. Using Netbeans or Eclipse, develop a JOGL application that displays a unique 3D scene. The scene has the following specifications: a. Size: minimum 640×480 b. Includes at […]


Project 3 – Ensemble Methods and Unsupervised Learning In this project you will explore some techniques in unsupervised learning as well as ensemble methods. It is important to realize that understanding an algorithm or technique requires understanding how it behaves under a variety of circumstances. You will go through the process of choosing and exploring […]

2 questions

   Lab 2 Workstation Specifics: List two features that should be enhanced for each of the following: graphic and CAD/CAM workstations, audio/video editing workstations, virtualization workstations, gaming PCs, home theater PCs, and home server PCs. Lab 1 Beep Code: Identify the BIOS version of your motherboard. Look up the beep codes this motherboard uses on […]


Course Textbook(s) Kroenke, D. M., & Boyle, R. J. (2023). Experiencing MIS (10th ed.). Pearson. Assignment three Unit III PROPOSAL Written Proposal Instruction Congratulations! You were just hired as an MIS consultant for a prestigious technology firm and have been assigned to work on an exciting new project for Sanaford University. Sanaford University was recently […]

Project 3

4/24/24, 11:52 AM Assignment Information 1/4 IT 200 Project Three Systems Thinking Guidelines and Rubric Competency In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency: Apply the process of systems thinking Scenario You are an employee at a consulting �rm that assists other businesses in solving systems problems within their organizations. Ann […]

Azure availability and fault tolerances

  What high-availability and/or fault-tolerance does Azure have to deal with power outages or natural disasters in your region? When addressing this, be sure to describe availability zones. Will your network benefit from them? Why or why not?


Course: IT Infrastructure Design and Management Discussion Please note that there are two posts needed to successfully complete the discussion board assignment. An initial post addressing the discussion board topic is due by end of day the day. A response post to at least one other student is due by end of day Tuesday.  Part […]

Computer Science website assignment

Description of your idea: In New York City, many people struggle to find events that match their location and interests. They’re tired of scouring the internet, unsure where to look, and often find that the information they find is outdated. Recognizing this need, our entrepreneur has conceived “GoEvent,” an application designed to address these challenges. […]

Computer Science

Hello, I need assistance discussing the evolution of technology as outlined in my attachment. Can you assist me? The paper will deal with the evolution of computer technology. Course Goal/Objective Describe how concepts such as RISC, pipelining, cache memory, and virtual memory have evolved over the past 25 years to improve system performance. Instructions In […]

week8 case study

1- Read “Case 18.3: Wearable Technologies Supporting AI in Healthcare” and write an essay that answers the following questions: 1. What is wearable technology, and how has it evolved beyond its initial purpose of tracking athletic activities? 2. What are the different types of data that wearable technology can collect, and how is this data […]

242 hardening

  Discuss some hardening techniques or products you have used for Workstations

Need Help on Resources Suggestion for slides for this project

 After the Executive Committee’s meeting, Peter Joseph, the President, and CEO of Container Manufacturing Solutions (CMS) was contented with the briefing that you made on how enterprise architecture can help the organization. Mr. Joseph is now interested in the risks involved in creating an EA. He wants you to prepare a presentation and an Executive […]

Week 8 – Reflection

Please write a reflection summary of what you have learned these past 16 weeks in the course “Physical Security” Also, tell me what things I did as an instructor that were the most helpful to you, as well as any suggestions you have for further improving this course. Thank you, and I am looking forward to reading […]

Week 8

Perform a LOPA (Layers of Protection Analysis) of your local living area or work location. Remember to get permission from security.

IT 200

4/18/24, 11:38 AM Assignment Information 1/3 IT 200 Project Two The IT Professional Guidelines and Rubric Competency In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency: Articulate the roles and functions of the information technology professional Scenario Whether you are just beginning your career in information technology or taking the next step […]

Do Lab with AMOS software

  Lab Assignment #9 Confirmatory Factor Analysis using AMOS Goal of Exercise:  The goal of this exercise is to introduce how to operationalize the CFA using AMOS. The exercise allows students to learn how to check if the measurement model has acceptable levels of goodness-of-fit and evidence of construct validity. Please review the worksheet for […]

Configure IPv6 Addresses on Network Devices .Topology Addressing Table Device Interface

Lab – Configure IPv6 Addresses on Network Devices Lab – Configure IPv6 Addresses on Network Devices Topology Addressing Table Device Interface IPv6 Address Prefix Length Default Gateway R1 G0/0/0 2001:db8:acad:a::1 64 N/A R1 G0/0/1 2001:db8:acad:1::1 64 N/A S1 VLAN 1 2001:db8:acad:1::b 64 N/A PC-A NIC 2001:db8:acad:1::3 64 fe80::1 PC-B NIC 2001:db8:acad:a::3 64 fe80::1 Objectives Part […]

data science

Assignment 5 Due Saturday 11:59 pm (Week 12) Part 1 (40 points) This dataset contains State-by-state data on COVID-19 vaccinations in the United States from 1/2/2021 to 8/2/2021. You will be required to answer the following questions by timeseries analysis. * For vaccines that require multiple doses, each individual dose is counted. As the same […]

The Course is a Deep-learning

   ,, I will upload more information about it to know better about the material Hi all, the instructions for the final project are attached. You are allowed to finish the project within 2 days at most. you can choose and tell me which option is easy and fast you can work on it Final_Project-1.pdf […]