Question T

Networking Project Feedback I recommend removing the packet and circuit switching out since another student is covering that. Let the focus be on the MAC sublayer that needs elaborate research to pull up the infographic and the video. These are not just pictures but gateways to learning. Be creative and use less IA!

Case Study March 24

Assignment Content 1. Top of Form In this final case sudy, our focus will be in development of an effective crisis plan. Again, you can use the hyperlink provided in the reading to prepare your response on how well KFC responded to (or handled) this crisis. KFC and the shortage of chicken What Happened In […]

week4 case study

  Chapters 8 and 9 Chapters 8 and 9Hogaboam, L., Chan, L., Cao, R. (2022). Applied Artificial Intelligence in Business: Concepts and Cases. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. 

help needed in C programming for data structure and algorithm

Dynamic Programming for partation and  backtracing  CSE 3318 Lab Assignment 3 Due March 27 Goal: 1. Understanding of dynamic programming. 2. Understanding of subset sums. Requirements: 1. Design, code, and test a C program that uses dynamic programming to partition (if possible) a sequence of n positive integers into three subsequences such that the sum […]

Data science

Note: Read the resources posted in week 12 folder and the chapter 7 of the ebook in the week 12 folder (Python for Data Analysis). Solve the following problems 1 to 3, work with the Nutrition_subset data set. The data set contains the weight in grams along with the amount of saturated fat and the […]

Data science

CS628 – Data Science Week 12 Assignment Monroe College Note: Read the resources posted in week 12 folder and the chapter 7 of the ebook in the week 12 folder (Python for Data Analysis). Solve the following problems 1 to 3, work with the Nutrition_subset data set. The data set contains the weight in grams […]

deep learning

Given a Convolution Layer with 8 filters, a filter size of 6, a stride of 2, and a padding of 1. For an input feature map of 32 x 32 x 32, what is the output dimensionality after applying the Convolution Layer to the input?

display devices 221

  Describe the different display types available.  Describe how to adjust display settings and comment on the various video standards, resolutions, and concepts. You need to describe how to build custom configurations.  In particular describe the differences between a standard thick client, virtualization workstation and thin clients. Instructions: Responses should include direct questions.


  Discuss tools and techniques to remove Malware from infected machines; using a popular product to make your point. Discuss the vulnerabilities that computer memory and computer process have that malware can take advantage of and exploit. List any observations, tips or questions about this lab that would prove helpful to fellow students prior to […]

Case Study-IS Security & Risk Management

Assessment Brief: BIS3004 IS Security and Risk Management Trimester-1 2024 Assessment Overview Assessment Task Type Weighting Due Length ULO Assessment 1: Case Study Write a report to discuss recent types of information security attacks, protection mechanisms and risk management. Individual 30% Week 6 2500 words ULO-2 ULO-3 ULO-4 equiv. – equivalent word count based on […]


Project Scenario for Project 1: Previously, the CEO told you about the breach at a rival company and his concerns for security at Mercury USA. In light of these developments, Mercury USA has decided to conduct vulnerability assessments. An outside firm has conducted penetration tests on Mercury’s systems and provided the reports. Now, it is up […]


CSCI 351 Assignment 60 points Instruction: · Show your own work (at least 50% penalty otherwise) · Submit (1) a single word document containing the source code (copied from the source program file) of your program and screenshot of the program run including the number of words tested. · Submit source program files (e.g., and […]


3/20/24, 4:17 PM Assignment Information 1/3 IT 200 Network Configuration Model Guidelines and Rubric Overview Understanding basic network terminology and the rationale for speci�c network con�gurations is a key skill for succeeding in the information technology �eld. In this activity, you will demonstrate your understanding of both network terminology and systems mapping to create a […]


We are working on 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 12, 14, 22, 23, 24, 27 33, 38, 42, 46 and 50.

Week 3

Based on this week’s lectures take an inventory of door and window locks in your living area or place of work to identify areas of concern and improvement. Remember to get permission from security. 

Encryption Question

  Discuss the role of encryption in ensuring confidentiality; use a popular encryption to make your point if needed.


We are working on 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 12, 14, 22, 23, 24, 27 33, 38, 42, 46 and 50.


Lab – Designing and Implementing a Subnetted IPv4 Addressing Scheme Lab – Designing and Implementing a Subnetted IPv4 Addressing Scheme Topology Addressing Table Device Interface IP Address Subnet Mask Default Gateway R1 G0/0 N/A G0/1 N/A Lo0 N/A Lo1 N/A S1 VLAN 1 N/A N/A N/A PC-A NIC PC-B NIC Objectives Part 1: Design a […]

W3 case study

attached file Read “Case 6.2: Massively Chatbots” and write an essay that answers the following questions: 1. How can businesses benefit from using AI in customer service? 2. What are the advantages of using Massively’s conversational marketing platform over other customer service platforms? 3. How does Massively’s business model work? 4. How can AI help […]


Assignment #11.1 Executive Dashboards This is a required assignment, worth 20 points, and must be submitted by the due date. Review the Grading Rubric before completing this assignment. Research a scholarly paper or professional video on  “Executive Dashboards”  and reflect on only one (1) of the following: · “Components”: What are the components of an executive […]


this project will enhance learning and understanding of key networking and identification technologies, specifically Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), User Datagram Protocol (UDP)/TCP comparison, and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and Bluetooth technology. You can pull it out.  RFID, and Bluetooth Technologies Objectives To deliver an accessible and thorough introduction to TCP/IP, UDP/TCP, RFID, and Bluetooth […]

Networking 1

Interactive Infographics: . Develop visually appealing infographics illustrating key concepts of computer networks, such as layers and how they interact with each other and maintain security. . Research and Planning . Introduction Layer ·    Visual: Network diagram with nodes. ·    Interaction: “Start Transmission” button to animate data movement. ·    Outcome: Introduction to […]

Case: Equifax and the Data Breach

This week we look at another example of a real-life challenge in the world of crisis management. You can click in the hyerlinks in the reading for more details to assist you with preparing your response. Equifax and the Data Breach What Happened On July 29 2017 Equifax discovered a massive data breach which affected […]


  Describe various input and output peripheral devices and their uses as well as different types of adapter cards, cables, and interfaces commonly found in PCs. Compare and contrast various PC connection interfaces, their characteristics and purpose. Instructions: Responses should include direct questions.

Computer Science mySQL Homework help

COMP 283 Homework 3 On blackboard, provide brief responses to the following questions. Homework due Thursday, March 14th . Late assignments accepted until 3/17 11:59 PM for a 25% Penalty. Use the database shown in Figure P7.9 to answer Problems 1-5 This is the Data Structure of the SaleCo database. 1. Using the output shown […]

Case Study

file attached 2 case study Read “Case 4.1: AI Initiatives in Microsoft” and write an essay that answers the following questions: 1. How did Microsoft use machine learning and neural networks to improve their direct mail campaigns? What were the results of implementing BrainMaker? 2. What are the potential benefits and concerns associated with personalized […]

Slither io Game

 A Platform for Stress Relief and Relaxation: slither io provides a welcome escape from the pressures of daily life, offering a platform for stress relief and relaxation. The game’s immersive world and captivating gameplay allow players to unwind, de-stress, and clear their minds.

Geometry Dash

  Demystifying the Essence: What is the Full Geometry Dash? To embark on a journey, one must understand the destination. What, then, is the full Geometry Dash ? It is a multidimensional experience — a fusion of precision, rhythm, and visual artistry. The full version transcends its lite counterpart, offering an expansive canvas of levels, […]


Computer Networks Educational Toolkit The Computer Networks Educational Toolkit provides a comprehensive resource for users to learn about computer networks and their fundamental concepts. This project offers a variety of educational materials and interactive resources to facilitate learning and understanding of computer networks. Key Components: Interactive Infographics: ·  Research and Planning Develop visually appealing infographics […]

computer networking

Computer Networks Educational Toolkit The Computer Networks Educational Toolkit provides a comprehensive resource for users to learn about computer networks and their fundamental concepts. This project offers a variety of educational materials and interactive resources to facilitate learning and understanding of computer networks. Key Components: Interactive Infographics: · . Develop visually appealing infographics illustrating key […]


Instructions: Q1. Design a program that asks the user to enter a series of 20 numbers. The program should store the numbers in a list and then display the following data: The lowest number on the list The highest number on the list The total of the numbers in the list The average of the […]

best practices

You have been promoted as the manager of the e-commerce site for the company you working for. You are concerned about a recent SQL attack that happened. Your team reacted to the situation by notifying you immediately. You and your team were successful in containing and correcting the issues that allowed the website and database […]

Case Study

CBinsights Read “Case 1.1: CBinsights” and write an essay that answers the following questions: 1. How is CBinsights using AI and big data to revolutionize the business sector? 2. What are the services that CBinsights provides and how do they help businesses make strategic decisions? 3. What are the different AI technologies that CBinsights uses […]


Question #1: Research two software firewalls and explain the advantages and disadvantages of each one of them. Which one would you recommend and why? Question #2: What are the challenges in securing networks (internet, LANs, wireless)? Which network is most difficult to secure and why?

Predicting Emerging Trends Digital Artifact

  Choose one of the Business Scenario Options to establish the audience and business perspective for your Emerging Technology Analysis Report. NASCAR Consider the Topic Options presented under each of the Emerging Technology Categories and choose one topic option to investigate,   Blockchain for Data Security In your role as a consultant in your chosen business scenario, create a […]

Computer Science Assignment

Assignment 10.1 – Unified Modeling Language (UML) Research a scholarly paper or professional video on “Unified Modeling Language (UML)”  and reflect on only one (1) of the following topics: · “Benefit”: What UML diagrams are most beneficial for displaying business systems?  · “Most”: What type of organizations or industries use UML diagrams the most? · “Effort”: Is […]


Note: The answers to the questions and the screen captures that justify your answers will both be assigned some points.    1. Use the “date” command to display the time you are doing this assignment. 2. Use a command-line tool to find find the IP address associated with the Ethernet or Wi-Fi port of your […]

Need Tutoring

Presentation Requirements 1.  SLIDE  SETUP AND ORGANIZATION Your presentation must include the following slides and sections: Item 1:  Title Slide Your Title Slide should contain the following: · Project Name · Your Name · Instructor’s Name · Course name and section number Item 2: Organization or Company Information (Section 1) Item 3: Description of the Digital Media […]


  What are the different kinds of storage devices available?  How does one determine which to use? Identify the purposes and characteristics of power supplies

Project small network infrastructure1

Project Requirements, Tasks, and Deliverables Use Packet-Tracer 8.2.1 for this project. You need to submit the final project Word document and Packet-Tracer file via Canvas. Note: Project files submitted late will not be graded! Requirements Summary Design, configure, test and implement a network infrastructure for a small Computer Training Business named Alpha-Tech which plans to […]

march 8

Assignment Content 1. Top of Form There are numerous examples of fascinating real-life challenges in the world of crisis management. Let’s take a look at one highly visible crisis management case study from 2018, looking in particular at what we can learn from it. You can click in the hyerlinks in the reading for more […]

R language

Please read the instructions and questions carefully in ” Assignment_2_2024.pdf” file and use “Auto.csv” to finish the assignment. You should submit both 1) an R code ; 2) A PDF report with answers through the link “Submit Assignment 2 Here”. Guidelines: ➢ Use R and R Studio for this assignment (do not use Excel or […]

3 paragraphs discussion for 10 topics

1. Top of Form THIS IS PART OF YOUR FINAL EXAM! · YOU MUST CHECK YOUR SIMILARITY prior to submission. Any academic dishonesty will result in a zero.  USE YOUR NOTES CREATED IN CLASS SESSIONS TO HELP YOU WRITE THIS.  Please pull up the sample discussion section in this week’s folder – (I have also attached it […]


Understanding Operating Systems (Zero-cost course material) Unit 5 Lab Assignment 5: Networking and Security (40 points) In this assignment, you will learn to check network configurations and services and to configure an IP address on a computer. For each of the two questions, do the following: 1. Create a document (use Microsoft word or any equivalent […]


  Solve the following two questions and upload 1). Screenshot of the Output 2. Python files for both questions Q1. Write a program that displays a table of the Celsius temperatures 0 through 20 and their Fahrenheit equivalents. The formula for converting a temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit is                                              F = (( 9/5 ) […]

Week 1

Vulnerability Assessment Perform a Vulnerability Assessment of your place of employment or living area. If you use your work area make sure you inform the Security Manager to get permission as to what you are doing. If you live in a gated community inform the security guard of your activities.

Computer Question

  Explain the importance of motherboard components, their purpose, and properties.  Compare and contrast various RAM types and their features. Instructions: Responses should include direct questions. 

Computer Science Assignment

Research – System Analysis and design Assignment 9.1 – Business Processes and Process Management Research a scholarly paper or professional video on  “Business Processes, and Process Specifications”  and reflect on only one (1) of the following topics: · “Processes”: What type of business system’s Processes exist? · “Specifications”: How important is it to define the […]

Discussion Board

Please see attachment for details Please write a response to the discussion board question and two responses for the peer posts. DAD220 For your initial post, address the following: Consider your role as a professional. Use what you have you’ve learned in this course and this week’s supplemental resources to support your answer and guide you […]