
Follow the attach instruction to complete the work. Final Assignment: Presentation on Report to Mark Carman Summary of the Assignment: • Task: In this assignment, you will prepare a PowerPoint presentation, with audio, to the full-time workers and Mark Carman as a follow-up to your report to Mr. Carman. • Length: Your presentation will comprise […]

Q7 regression analysis in xls

Follow the excel and few basic questions based on xls.  a. Develop a scatter chart for these data. What does the scatter chart indicate about the relationship between total points earned and hours spent studying? b. Develop an estimated regression equation showing how total points earned is related to hours spent studying. What is the […]

Project 7

See attached. Senior Dog Sanctuary Five years ago, a nonprofit senior dog sanctuary opened on the outskirts of a small town. The mission of this sanctuary is to provide a safe haven for senior dogs. The sanctuary has a strong social media following, but it is not well-known within the local community. To increase the […]

Module Six Activity

See attached. Must use Illustrator Central Dauphin High School of Technology Monday, June 8 8am-6pm The education department is raising money to buy new vans. Donations are accepted as well. We appreciate your support!


IT 212 Project Guidelines and Rubric Competency In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competencies: Explain the func�ons between hardware and so�ware in a network Design a simple network Design and implement a secure interconnected network in support of an organiza�on Scenario Throughout this course, you have been wri�ng various reports […]


  This week’s discussion topic is Social Engineering Policy. Instructions: Discuss the policy that you would put into place to address social engineering in an organization (choose an organization that you used in previous assignments in this course) and the associated functions to put that policy into action.

MY success plan

 The “My Success Plan” template asks a series of questions to help you figure out where you are in your degree program and what your next steps should be to achieve your academic and professional goals. It will also help you figure out a plan of action should the unexpected happen.  Follow the attach Instructions […]


Need help with a question. Assignment Content 1. Top of Form As the CISO for a health care organization, you are tasked with the following: · Analyze an information system for determining the selection of security control objectives in order to manage information security risk and apply that gained knowledge to build a security assessment […]


Need help with a question. Due: 8/12/2024 As the CISO for a health care organization, you are tasked with: · Choosing a risk management framework and associated systemic process that measures and evaluates risks that may impact the organization’s assets and data · Developing a security management plan that is aligned to the health care […]

Evaluate your Skills and Strengths

  As you reflect on these strategies, think about how you previously learned a new skill, subject, or process in an informal setting. When we often think of learning, we focus on formal settings–your high school classroom, an online class you took, military training, or a boot camp for a certification. Informal learning experiences can teach […]

communication through teamwork

  (3-4 paragraphs): Given that project teams are made up of people with varying ways of absorbing information, what is the value of the team communicating in different ways? If you were in charge, how would you suggest to others that using different channels and forms of communication is essential to project success? What advice […]

Introduction to computers

Assignment 3: Introduction to Computers Assignment Instructions: Question Of the five primary components of an information system (hardware, software, data, people, process), which do you think is the most important to the success of a business organization? Part A- Define each primary component of the information system. Part B- Include your perspective on why your […]

Are You Using These Must-Have Features of a Cloud Contact Center?

  In today’s fast-paced business world, how you communicate with your customers can make a big difference. A cloud contact center can help, offering tools to make your operations smoother, boost customer happiness, and grow your business. But are you using these key features? 1. Omnichannel Communication A cloud contact center lets you handle customer […]


Review over the DR template and pick an industry such as (airlines, ecommerce, banking, etc.).  Within that industry, pick a specific organization for the development of the Disaster Recovery Plan such as Healthcare – Physical Therapy Clinics – ATI. Pick an industry/company to focus on for this assignment.  Based upon the given information you can […]

Daftar dan Login Paris88 Situs Slot Gacor

Daftar dan Login Paris88, bandar judi terbaik yang telah berdiri sejak tahun 2017, menjadi pilihan utama para pemain judi online di seluruh Indonesia. Kepercayaan dan kepuasan pemain adalah prioritas kami, dan kami berkomitmen untuk menyediakan platform judi online yang aman, adil, dan terpercaya

Module Five Project

See attached. Use Adobe Illustrator. Save your personal key 26TS-EKF9-K10C-MZBW Your personal key was generated on July 23, 2024 at 3:05 PM You need your personal key if you forget your password. Keep it safe and don’t share it with anyone. If you reset your password without your personal key, you’ll need to verify your […]


  This week’s discussion topic is Cyber Security Evolution. Instructions: Briefly describe the Cybersecurity needs as they transitioned from the 1980s and 1990s to the Cybersecurity needs of today. Given those needs, speculate on what the Cybersecurity needs of the future will be (e.g., 2014 – 2020) for wired, wireless, and satellite networks that affect […]

Aissignment_Inf & _Sec

Unit III PowerPoint Presentation Top of Form Bottom of Form Assignment Content Top of Form There are many types of information security policies out there. On your own, search for one institution that provides security policies from a variety of higher education institutions. Then, evaluate the specific policy by discussing your findings in a PowerPoint […]

milestone two

IT 212 Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric Overview The final project for this course is due in Module Seven and is the crea�on of a report for a poten�al new office of the adver�sing firm described in Milestone One. To help you complete the project, you will complete two milestones that will be key sec�ons […]

Sec & Info

Topic/ class of Information Security Concepts NOTE; later followed two reposed each (Discussion I and II) Discussion I Part II: In your opinion, how are leadership and management similar? How are they different? Discussion II What is the difference between least privilege, need-to-know, and separation of duties when it comes to access control?

Steganography tools

  What do you believe was the original purpose of steganography tools and how have criminals used them to their advantage? Share some steganography tools you’ve found on the Web and provide links to any useful resource you find. Describe in a few sentences how you might use these tools for good, and how they […]

Flow diagrams

  In your first paragraph, talk about the use of process flow diagrams in the specialization of cyber-security. What did you learn from your research about your area? Be specific and cite your sources. In your second paragraph, describe the process one would create for a process flow diagram in Week 6. Diagrams are useful, […]


file attached.  Building a Baseball Statistics Data Dashboard. The Springfield Spiders, a baseball team in the All American Baseball Association, wants to create a data dashboard for its fans. Spiders management would like the fans to be able to review the runs scored and allowed by game, and review the number of wins and losses and […]

week 4 discussion risk register

 After reviewing the week studies, discuss how, when, and by whom the risk register should be utilized and how it has an impact on successful risk management. 

Web site creating

Am in need of a simple website where i can upload learning resources payment.


   Defensive Tactics and Procedures. Instructions: Discuss how you would develop strategies for security architecture consisting of tools, techniques, and technologies to detect and prevent network penetration and to design effective cybersecurity countermeasures.

Compiler Theory

Please follow instructions thoroughly. semantic1.txt // Variable Initialization Mismatch function main returns integer; value: integer is ‘A’; begin 1; end; semantic10.txt // List Subscript is not Integer function main returns integer; aList: list of integer is (1, 2, 3); begin aList(1.5); end; semantic11.txt — Mixing Numeric and Character Types with Relational Operator function main returns […]


  Using the Entities and Attributes you created for your business from the week 1 discussions, show the tables and relationships resulting from your model in the form of an E/R diagram.  Be sure to identify key attributes and relationships across all entities. You can use Microsoft tools like PowerPoint/Visio, or any other graphical modeling […]


here I have attached Project #1 Market Capitalization and Profit by Sector. The file  Fortune500Sector contains data on the profits, market capitalizations, and industry sector for a recent sample of firms in the Fortune 500. LO 5 1. Differentiating observations by using a different color for each industry sector, prepare a scatter chart to show the […]

Need Help

Assignment Operational Excellence Week 13 Assignment Information Systems for Business and Beyond Questions: · Chapter 13– study questions 1-10, Exercise 1, 2, & 4 (Chapter 13 | 306) 01. Which countries are the biggest users of the Internet? Social media? Mobile? 02. Which country had the largest Internet growth (in %) in the last five years? […]

managing conflict

  The ability to deal with professional conflict is one of those soft skills that is very useful when working in teams. In 3-4 paragraphs, discuss the following: Imagine you are on a team at work, and the Project Manager has asked each of the team members for their input on how the team is […]

Information Entropy

   A family clinic contains a dataset as uploaded in the module for the final project. Identify how the following methods and techniques can be applied to the dataset to aid necessary decision support. 1. Description of the use of Information Entropy to identify the reduction in the possibility of the development of heart disease […]

Natural Language Analysis

Write a report (max 1,500 words) on the challenges the dataset presents, the solutions, and your findings, which will be assessed as follows: 1) Discuss the following feature extraction techniques and explain how they work and their advantages and disadvantages a) Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) [10%] b) BERT [10%] 2) Two step Classification: a) […]


Instructions are attached. CMIS 320 Project 4 Examine the following relation and its attributes and answer the following questions. Assume these are the values for “all time”. Assume girls with the same name are the same person. GIRL GROUP AGE GAME CATEGORY PRICE Charlotte 5 year olds 5 Mirror Makeup 4.88 Susan 6 year olds […]

Computer Science Assignment

Operation excellence Operational Excellence Week 12 Assignment Information Systems for Business and Beyond Questions: · Chapter 12 – study questions 1-11, Exercise 1, 2 (Chapter 12 | 288) What does the term information systems ethics mean? 2. What is a code of ethics? What is one advantage and one disadvantage of a code of ethics? 3. […]

Financial Economics

See the instructions. This file is too large to display.View in new window


  This week’s discussion topic is Defensive Programming. Instructions: Research and discuss Defensive Programming and whether or not you would use it when developing procedures, processes, and architectures that guide work execution at the program and/or system level.

GRA 205 Module One Activity

Photoshop – See Attached for directions GRA 205 Module One Study of Design Elements PDF Template LINE STUDY [Label Here] [Label Here] [Label Here] SPACE TEXTURE SHAPE STUDY [Label Here] [Label Here] [Label Here] [Label Here] [Label Here] [Label Here] [Label Here]

Illustrator Color Palette

See attached SAVE THE TIGERS Credit: Tiger day vector created by pikisuperstar – • Adapted by A. Brisbane

Photoshop Color Palette

Photoshop – See attached for directions Directions Begin by performing some basic Photoshop functions. Then, create and apply three color palettes for the poster provided in the Supporting Materials section. Part One: Basic Photoshop Functions Specifically, you must perform the basic functions of Photoshop by addressing the following rubric criteria: 1. Import the provided grayscale image […]

Role of IT Summary

Select one of the videos found at to an external site. that addresses technology used in the disaster recovery and business continuity plans. You may even find one related to your group’s disaster and industry.   You are tasked with selecting one of the videos at to an external site. and provide a brief summary of […]

CSIA 485

CSIA 485: Practical Applications in Cybersecurity Management & Policy Project #3: Presentation for Board of Directors Your Task: Padgett-Beale’s Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) has tasked you to continue supporting the Merger & Acquisition team’s efforts to bring Island Banking Services’ security program into compliance with U.S. laws and regulations. The M&A team has provisionally […]

milestone one

IT 212 Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric Overview In Milestone One, you will: Given the provided scenario, explain the key considerations (must-haves) and constraints of the networking project at the �rm’s new location. Then make a well-reasoned recommendation of local area network (LAN) topology. Scenario You work for an advertising �rm with of�ces in Albany, […]

soft skills

  Employers want their employees to have certain soft skills like communication skills, critical thinking, time management, etc. Please respond to the following in a substantive post (2-3 paragraphs): In one paragraph, describe some soft skills that are common. How are these skills gained? How might you recommend to others to improve these skills? In […]

operating systems

  Everything we do with a computer leaves a footprint. In a few sentences, explain any that are included in the Microsoft Windows operating system to review these digital marks. What is your favorite Linux-based tool (or tools) that allow us to monitor processes in a Linux System? How do you think the information collected […]

Week 3 – Descriptive Analysis

file attached.  Data Without Wait-Tracking System With Wait-Tracking System 24 31 67 11 17 14 20 18 31 12 44 37 12 9 23 13 16 12 37 15

CSIA 485

CSIA 485: Practical Applications in Cybersecurity Management & Policy Project #2: Cybersecurity Implementation Plan Your Task: The Acquisition of Island Banking Services has moved from the strategy development phase to the integration phase. In this phase, the M&A team will develop transition and implementation plans. Padgett-Beale’s Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) has recommended that a […]

Impact of AI on Education and Employment

This unit, you have 1 assignment to complete. Select the button below to access detailed instructions for this assignment and to submit your work. Research Paper Overview Write a research paper using evidence to support a thesis that addresses your research question examining a current issue or event in the news from the perspective of […]

Analysis lect

Analytics & Business Intelligence Brief summary of three bulleted items that you took away from the lecture 1. What strategy or approach would you use if you needed to create Excel charts for a finance or accounting department to show yearly ales and returns to customer who like your state current state? Consider what is […]