Predicting Emerging Trends Digital Artifact

  Choose one of the Business Scenario Options to establish the audience and business perspective for your Emerging Technology Analysis Report. NASCAR Consider the Topic Options presented under each of the Emerging Technology Categories and choose one topic option to investigate,   Blockchain for Data Security In your role as a consultant in your chosen business scenario, create a […]

Computer Science Assignment

Assignment 10.1 – Unified Modeling Language (UML) Research a scholarly paper or professional video on “Unified Modeling Language (UML)”  and reflect on only one (1) of the following topics: · “Benefit”: What UML diagrams are most beneficial for displaying business systems?  · “Most”: What type of organizations or industries use UML diagrams the most? · “Effort”: Is […]


Note: The answers to the questions and the screen captures that justify your answers will both be assigned some points.    1. Use the “date” command to display the time you are doing this assignment. 2. Use a command-line tool to find find the IP address associated with the Ethernet or Wi-Fi port of your […]

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Presentation Requirements 1.  SLIDE  SETUP AND ORGANIZATION Your presentation must include the following slides and sections: Item 1:  Title Slide Your Title Slide should contain the following: · Project Name · Your Name · Instructor’s Name · Course name and section number Item 2: Organization or Company Information (Section 1) Item 3: Description of the Digital Media […]


  What are the different kinds of storage devices available?  How does one determine which to use? Identify the purposes and characteristics of power supplies

Project small network infrastructure1

Project Requirements, Tasks, and Deliverables Use Packet-Tracer 8.2.1 for this project. You need to submit the final project Word document and Packet-Tracer file via Canvas. Note: Project files submitted late will not be graded! Requirements Summary Design, configure, test and implement a network infrastructure for a small Computer Training Business named Alpha-Tech which plans to […]

march 8

Assignment Content 1. Top of Form There are numerous examples of fascinating real-life challenges in the world of crisis management. Let’s take a look at one highly visible crisis management case study from 2018, looking in particular at what we can learn from it. You can click in the hyerlinks in the reading for more […]

R language

Please read the instructions and questions carefully in ” Assignment_2_2024.pdf” file and use “Auto.csv” to finish the assignment. You should submit both 1) an R code ; 2) A PDF report with answers through the link “Submit Assignment 2 Here”. Guidelines: ➢ Use R and R Studio for this assignment (do not use Excel or […]

3 paragraphs discussion for 10 topics

1. Top of Form THIS IS PART OF YOUR FINAL EXAM! · YOU MUST CHECK YOUR SIMILARITY prior to submission. Any academic dishonesty will result in a zero.  USE YOUR NOTES CREATED IN CLASS SESSIONS TO HELP YOU WRITE THIS.  Please pull up the sample discussion section in this week’s folder – (I have also attached it […]


Understanding Operating Systems (Zero-cost course material) Unit 5 Lab Assignment 5: Networking and Security (40 points) In this assignment, you will learn to check network configurations and services and to configure an IP address on a computer. For each of the two questions, do the following: 1. Create a document (use Microsoft word or any equivalent […]


  Solve the following two questions and upload 1). Screenshot of the Output 2. Python files for both questions Q1. Write a program that displays a table of the Celsius temperatures 0 through 20 and their Fahrenheit equivalents. The formula for converting a temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit is                                              F = (( 9/5 ) […]

Week 1

Vulnerability Assessment Perform a Vulnerability Assessment of your place of employment or living area. If you use your work area make sure you inform the Security Manager to get permission as to what you are doing. If you live in a gated community inform the security guard of your activities.

Computer Question

  Explain the importance of motherboard components, their purpose, and properties.  Compare and contrast various RAM types and their features. Instructions: Responses should include direct questions. 

Computer Science Assignment

Research – System Analysis and design Assignment 9.1 – Business Processes and Process Management Research a scholarly paper or professional video on  “Business Processes, and Process Specifications”  and reflect on only one (1) of the following topics: · “Processes”: What type of business system’s Processes exist? · “Specifications”: How important is it to define the […]

Discussion Board

Please see attachment for details Please write a response to the discussion board question and two responses for the peer posts. DAD220 For your initial post, address the following: Consider your role as a professional. Use what you have you’ve learned in this course and this week’s supplemental resources to support your answer and guide you […]

Week 8

Business case:  Bule Hills Water Authority Water systems are important for the health and stability of the nation. Bule Hills Water Authority is the local one. Blue Hills Water Distribution Management System (DMS) has been used to monitor and control the water distribution system. DMS systems collect data from sensors and other devices in the […]

Tech and Finance

 Illustrate the integration between IT infrastructure, business process, and finance. 


Week 8 Individual Assignment: Purpose The purpose of this assignment is to individually evaluate the performance of your project team. Background During the course of a project, the project management team makes formal and informal assessments of the project team’s effectiveness. Effective team development strategies and activities are expected to increase the team’s performance, which […]


1. Prepare a professional cover letter Articulate effective interview strategies Explain the difference between a “good” interview and a “bad” interview Lecture notes There are 3 sections of a cover letter that are required when writing a professional cover letter to include with your resume: Introductory paragraph (to attract the potential employer’s attention) Main Body […]

Need Help on Resources Suggestion for slides for this project

  Choose one of the Business Scenario Options to establish the audience and business perspective for your Emerging Technology Analysis Report. Picked NASCAR Consider the Topic Options presented under each of the Emerging Technology Categories and choose one topic option Picked   Blockchain for Data Security You may use the same topic option previously chosen.   Instructions In […]


Week 8 Discussion: Software Development Security   Your Task: Develop an “intake” briefing for a group of software engineers who have been tasked with developing a standard set of security review processes for virtual teams. The purpose of these processes is to ensure that compliance for software security requirements is verified resulting in software applications and […]

Unit 3 part 2 Lab

  Describe how the dd command is used in the lab and why dd is a dangerous Linux command. In addition list and describe two other dangerous linux commands. List and discuss two common SSH security risks. Describe how you would avoid and mitigate each of these risks. What do the events information, audit success, […]


what is your favorite graphics or tables feature on Exel, and how will you utilize this feature in the future? Explain how this new feature might aid in your success.

Tech Innovation

 analyze the importance of technological innovation and the sources in which innovation arises. You will evaluate the types of commonly used innovations in the industry, as well as the factors that drive them.  

Complete Literature review for all topics

In class, we learned that the Literature Review includes: Introduction (6 sentences taught in this week’s lesson) Review of Literature  Analysis of Literature (use your EXCEL worksheet to compare and contrast what is the same and what is different among: WHY, HOW, and WHAT) For this submission: You will submit your completed Literature Review (all three sections) in a PDF […]

Simulation of a network

Omnetpp project simulation. Please see file for details. 1 Due: 3/4 Monday 1 day late -> 10% deduction: 3/5 Tuesday 2 days late -> 20% deduction: 3/6 Wednesday 3 days late -> No score: Any submission starting 3/7 12:00 AM CS6676 Project: Simulation of a network Total: 30 points (total 30% of the entire grade) […]


In this exercise, you will use  ANY (Windows OR Linux OR Mac)  command-line interface to create directories and files and organize them according to the following instructions. In a new folder which you will create, you are going to create a directory structure as shown below. The names in bold letters are folder names. The names with […]

Need tutoring

Need tutoring on this last minute. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The use of digital media has transformed how companies communicate with their customers. The use of the websites, YouTube, e-books, e-mail and various forms of social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Snapchat, Instagram, and blogs has shaped current day communication strategies. Project 1 Consists of: 1. […]


Do not forget to show visual evidence (screenshots) of the main actions you took to answer the questions. Before every command, display the time using the “date” command and make sure it shows on your screen capture. Save them in a document file named “Question2_YourName.docx” and submit the file under this question. You may perform […]


Lab – Using IOS CLI with Switch MAC Address Tables Lab – Viewing the Switch MAC Address Table Topology Addressing Table Device Interface IP Address Subnet Mask Default Gateway S1 VLAN 1 N/A S2 VLAN 1 N/A PC-A NIC N/A PC-B NIC N/A Objectives Part 1: Build […]


CSCI 351 Assignment 2 60 points Instruction: · Show your own work (at least 50% penalty otherwise) · Submit a single WORD document (*.doc or *docx only) containing all your answers to the assignment folder (“Assignment X”) under D2L (at least 10% penalty otherwise) · Make sure you submit the intended one. It is recommended […]

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Assignment – Cloud Computing In two paragraphs, describe the most important concept you learned in Chapter 20 and why it is important to you and your professional development. Apply all APA 7th edition student paper requirements. Research Paper Requirements:   · Paper should be approximately 250 – 350 words, not including the title page and reference page.  […]

Computer Science- Python Assignment problem VEXcode VR ActivitiesObjective:

   Demonstrate your VEXcode VR programming skills through a creative PowerPoint presentation enhanced with video and screenshots. Instructions: 1. Choose Activities: Select four advanced activities from the 2. Learn: You can learn how to program your virtual robot in the (It is strongly recommended that your review this information prior to attempting this assignment). 3. […]

Computer Science- Python Assignment problem VEXcode VR Activities Objective:

   Demonstrate your VEXcode VR programming skills through a creative PowerPoint presentation enhanced with video and screenshots. Instructions: 1. Choose Activities: Select four advanced activities from the 2. Learn: You can learn how to program your virtual robot in the (It is strongly recommended that your review this information prior to attempting this assignment). 3. […]

Data Center Plan

Deliverable: 4 Scenario The Director of the Information Technology received notice from the Board of Directors that they are interested in a new Data Center. The Board has decided on dedicating a section of the West wing of the building for the data center. They are requesting a high-level design depicting a Data Center floor […]


The assignment must be a minimum of 1-full page in length with a minimum of 2 – outside sources. Please be sure to follow APA guidelines for citing and referencing source. Assignments are due by 11:59 pm Eastern time on Sunday. A large American multinational corporation wants to establish a telephone and email hotline for […]

Project 2 CSIA 360

 Compare/Contrast State Govt IT Security Policies  CSIA 360: Cybersecurity in Government Organizations Project 2: Compare / Contrast Two State Government IT Security Policies For this research-based report, you will perform a comparative analysis that examines the strengths and weaknesses of two existing IT Security Policies published by state governments for their operating departments and agencies […]

Computer Science- Python Python Homework Assignment using Jupyter Notebook

   Homework Assignment #2  1. Please use SQLite3 and the financial data provided in class(sp500_mafa2024.db) to estimate the ROA, Profit Margin, Asset Turnover, PPE (property, plant and equipment) to Total assets, Debt to Total Assets ratios for the information technology industry, and the consumer staples industry respectively from 2012 to 2022. Furthermore, please provide histograms […]

case study

ISEC 655 Case Study – An Analysis of the Secom Case Please review “Secom – Managing Security in a Risky World.” It details the decision environment related to cybersecurity and in many ways illustrates the struggle between security and operations that has been discussed in your texts. This assignment is due Feb. 25, 2024 by […]

LAB2 Information Tech7

Lab – Using IOS CLI with Switch MAC Address Tables Lab – Viewing the Switch MAC Address Table Topology Addressing Table Device Interface IP Address Subnet Mask Default Gateway S1 VLAN 1 N/A S2 VLAN 1 N/A PC-A NIC N/A PC-B NIC N/A Objectives Part 1: Build […]


Unit 4 Lab Assignment 4: Processor Management In this assignment, you will learn to collect information about and send commands to your OS’s processor manager. For each of the two questions, do the following: 1. Create a document (use Microsoft word or any equivalent tool such as LibreOffice) and name it appropriately to reflect the […]

Week 7 – Evaluate Automated IT Security Policy Compliance Systems

   Assume you are a security professional for a supplier of military products to the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD). Your organization has approximately 7,000 workers, which are located across the United States in 35 locations. You also have contractors. A recent security breach exposed flaws in your company’s Internet use policy and physical access […]

Need Help

Research – System Analysis and design Assignment #7.1 – Change Management and and Change Control Research a scholarly paper or professional video on “Change Management”  and reflect on only one (1) of the following topics: · “Impact”: How is the impact of change management on systems projects?  · “CCB”: Who are the member of a […]


The assignment must be a minimum of 1-full page in length with a minimum of 2 – outside sources. Please be sure to follow APA guidelines for citing and referencing source. Assignments are due by 11:59 pm Eastern time on Sunday. 1. HHS and the FTC recently launched an investigation into a major pharmacy chain […]

w6 ind assn

Assignment: Project Schedule Outline Purpose The purpose of this Individual Assignment is to become familiar with MS Project and to use this software to develop an initial project outline for your group project using the WBS developed in your group assignment. Note that the Week 5 Overview has links to videos that are useful for […]


aa DEPARTMENT OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING CHEG 3101-P02: CHEMICAL ENGINEERING LABORATORY I COURSE ASSIGNMENT GRADING AND OUTCOME Produce diagrams and tables such as PIVOT Tables of experimental results or raw data. 45 Points Correctly analyze or interpret the date 45 Points. Class Participation 10 Points Creating a Pivot Table Assignment A pivot table is a great […]

respond to discussion 4CR

Respond Sonia Discussion #4 – Governance Policies The concepts of “2.1 Cyber Security Awareness (CSA)” and “2.2 Cyber Security Knowledge Sharing (SKS)” are intricately linked to the Security Awareness Policy.   Cyber Security Awareness (CSA) is defined in the text as users possessing knowledge and a strong dedication to security. The CSA is indispensable to […]


  Part I: Reflection Reflect on your use of the Big6 Research Model (CO2). What step was the most challenging? How did you overcome the challenge? Using the steps in the Big 6 Research Model, consider your process of locating sources, categorizing, organizing, critiquing, and presenting information for the project. What worked well for you? […]


  Read the case study on pp. 454-455 of the textbook and Americans with Disabilities Act, Section 508. Then answer the following questions: Hays already had a contract with Mr. Ions preventing disclosure of trade secrets. What could Hays have done, if anything, to prevent disclosure of their information on LinkedIn? Investigate several at least 3 websites […]