Computer Project assembly language software use masm and visual studio

COSC 2425 – Programming Project 1 You will write a simple assembly language program that performs a few arithmetic operations. This will require you to establish your programming environment and create the capability to assemble and execute the other assembly programs that will be part of this course. Your North Lake College student ID number […]

Objective summaries

1. The Risks of Using Smart Home Systems and Ways to Mitigate this Problem Important : doi should be formatted as a url for references 

discussion 4CR

Discussion #4 – Governance Policies Many policies exist in today’s modern organizations that help them to function effectively and efficiently. Section (Information Security Governance by Brotby) mentions different governance policies without going into any detail with regard to what goes into these policies. For this discussion: · Find an article (preferably peer-reviewed) that discusses […]


  This assignment is a formative assessment for Course Objective 7. For this week’s post please utilize the items described in the lesson/resources or research conducted on the web to ensure your post contains the following; Consider the phases of incident response listed below.  They follow a certain order, but which one(s) do you consider […]

computer architecture feb 12

Chapter 4 of the Course Textbook (The Memory Hierarchy: Locality and Performance). Search for an article that covered the course textbook chapter 4 (The Memory Hierarchy: Locality and Performance), do online research using Monroe College online Library Databases or other sources. Note: In this assignment, only submit a summary of the Article in APA format. […]

issc262 incident wk7

  For this week’s post please utilize the items described in the lesson/resources or research conducted on the web to ensure your post contains the following; Consider the phases of incident response listed below.  They follow a certain order, but which one(s) do you consider to be the most crucial to the process and why? […]


2 System Protection against Cyber-Attacks (Title of Outline/Final Paper) Introduction Background information on Cyber Security Data hacking and protection research Thesis Statement: Thinking and Acting Like a hacker to protect your system. Content Hacking and System Securities This segment addresses notable hacking techniques and how such techniques influence data security. Significance of Thinking and Acting […]

Unit 4 Journal

how Excel can be used in each of the following areas of daily life? home (e.g., saving money, budgeting, tracking expenses, keeping up with maintenance or projects); work (e.g., creating graphs or charts for presentations); and school (e.g., tracking classes, time management).


Unit 3 Lab Assignment 3: Memory Management (30 point In this assignment, you will learn to collect information about your OS’s virtual memory. For each of the two questions, do the following: 1. Create a document (use Microsoft word or any equivalent tool such as LibreOffice) and name it appropriately to reflect the assignment type, […]

discussion question

Explore the advantages and limitations of utilizing media-sharing websites, where you can share your photos and videos with others. Discuss the potential benefits that come with using these platforms, as well as the drawbacks that users should be mindful of. Share your perspectives on the impact of media-sharing websites on communication, self-expression, and privacy. Engage […]


Week 5 Discussion   Respond to both discussion topics. Please create a new thread for each discussion topic and identify in the subject line the topic to which you are responding. In responding to the discussions and to other students, please be sure to use the course material using in-text citations and a reference list to […]

Sample Size

This assignment is do on Feb 11, at 3:59pm. Top of Form Evaluate Sampling Method and Sample Size Instructions This assignment consists of three parts: (1)   Sample Selection  Recommend the steps that should be taken to draw the particular sample described below.  Format your response as a procedure.  a. A stratified sample of 75 doctors, […]


Assignment 1 must be a minimum of 1-full page in length with a minimum of 2 – outside sources. Please be sure to follow APA guidelines for citing and referencing source. 1. Chapter 6 noted that Friendster has obtained a number of social networking patents that it could potentially assert against other social networking sites […]

DOD Project 3

Submit a bulleted list of DoD-compliant policies, standards, and controls that affect the WAN, Remote Access, and System/Application Domains.

Computer Science Assignment 2 CC

Assignment 2 Please read the Florida statutes on the security of confidential personal information (501.171):  to an external site.   · Summarize the salient features of the stature [300 words]. · Assume that you are the Chief Information Security Officer of an organization. What steps will you take to ensure compliance for your organization with […]

Help with chart

chart FON241LL Lesson 4 Lab Diet Analysis & Health Assessment 1. What is your average percentage of total kcalories from carbohydrate? (See Macronutrient Bar Graph) (5 pts) 2. What are the dietary guidelines for percent of total kcalories from carbohydrate? Did you meet this range? (5 pts) 3. According to the RDA, you should consume […]

Information Technology3

Instructions: · Failure to follow the following instructions and those in the attachment will lead to a loss of points · You are going to do this lab twice, once with Linux command line, and once with the MS Windows command line. · Read the instructions in the word document very carefully. When the work is […]

Excel Formula

I have an excel workbook with a few sheets. Our main focus are sheets “Step 2” and “Step 3”. If you notice, the workbook is a Macro enabled workbook. The goal is to achieve the same results of the macro using a formula, instead of the macro and getting rid of the macro all together.  […]

Case study itm 281

  In this case, the parties eventually settled, and Dr. Lee went on to run the Google China initiative. If you were running Microsoft, what would you have done differently in this situation? Considering that this is a common scenario, how do you recommend companies to respond in the future? Read the case study on […]


  In the news we are constantly hearing about security breaches, invasion of personal privacy, and the increasing prevalence of our digital footprint. The increased availability of digital information presents concerns and challenges of privacy, accuracy, intellectual property rights, security, and censorship. As a global citizen, you need to be aware of these issues and […]


  In this discussion, we are going to focus on non-repudiation. Non-repudiation establishes accountability when two parties enter into a transaction. It provides assurance that parties can enter in an agreement independent of their locations. This requirement is the foundation of digital commerce. Discuss at least three transactions that you have entered in during the […]

Security concern262

 Considering that there are many security concerns surrounding wireless networks, and many tools are freely available, how does and administrator or even an individual user go about ensuring the security of their wireless network?  List a minimum of two methods/techniques, and explain the rationale for your decision?

Computer Science- Python AI Lap assignments

First Assignment: <<Dealing with Depth First and Breadth First Search algorithms >> Second Assignment: <<Dealing with uniform, A* and Greedy Search algorithms >> Third Assignment: <<Dealing with Genetic algorithm>> The details are on the zip file. How to deliver your work: • Use a zip utility to bundle your files together and submit them as […]

Help with chart

Data flow Part A – Track Daily Food Intake and Generate Computer Data: 1. Write down all the foods and beverages you eat over a five-to-seven-day period, including  one weekend day. Record the amount and a description of each food or beverage. 1. Use ounces, cups, each, teaspoon, tablespoon, etc. 2. Estimate serving sizes, weigh the […]

excel part 1 and part 2

Topic: High Cost of Living as a Significant   Hindrance to Social Mobility and Deterioration of The Socio-Economic Divide in New   York City


ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS: Background This stakeholder identification/analysis process involves identifying project stakeholders regularly and analyzing and documenting relevant information regarding their interests, involvement, interdependencies, influence, and potential impact on the success of the project. Relevant information about project stakeholders is gathered to determine stakeholders’ expectations, their level of support for the project, their interest in the […]

Case study help

Need help with an assignment The case study-based homework assignment is based on the case study involving Apple. This case has six questions at the end for students to answer. I want you to answer  ANY FIVE  of these questions for  ONE  of the case studies. The one case (Apple) presents respective organizations negatively about […]


write a program that prompt the user to input radius of a circle. The program should then calculate the area and print computation on the screen. Using oop.

respond to discussion 3CR

Response Djessica Article:  IT Risk Assessment | Protect Your Organization ( to an external site.   Summary This week I read an insightful article entitled, “How to Perform a Successful IT Risk Assessment”. As the title suggests, it provides a comprehensive overview on what an IT risk assessment is, why it is essential, and how […]

discussion question

To what extent do technologies such as kiosks, enterprise computing, natural language processing, robotics, and virtual reality support individuals in their journey toward becoming digital citizens?

Problem Statement, I/O Design, and Walk Throughs

Problem Statement (paste this into the top of your submission) Bob runs a food truck business with four trucks. Every day, each truck leaves the warehouse and travels to a different part of town, selling food at multiple construction sites. To better understand his business, he collects metrics every day for each truck. The metrics […]


Write a reflection discussing how the internet is being used to wage a cyberwar that affects corporate privacy. Make sure to support your reflection with at least 2 scholarly resource

Exercise 9

 Starting with the UML object model from Exercise 8, add a player and a dealer object to the model. However, do not implement these additional classes. The player object will represent each player in the game. A player will need to be able to • Add cards to its hand, • Get the hand total, […]

Cover letter

(a)Cover letter for cybersecurity and network engineering job.  (b)write 150 characters or fewer, tell us what makes you unique for the cybersecurity job. Try to be creative and say something that will catch our eye!  

Computer Science Assignment

1 CSCI 351 Assignment 2 60 points + 5 bonus points Instruction: • Show your own work (at least 50% penalty otherwise) • Submit a single WORD document (*.doc or *docx only) containing all your answers to the assignment folder (“Assignment 1”) under D2L (at least 10% penalty otherwise) • Make sure you submit the […]

Problem Statement, I/O Design, and Walk Throughs

Problem Statement (paste this into the top of your submission) Bob runs a food truck business with four trucks. Every day, each truck leaves the warehouse and travels to a different part of town, selling food at multiple construction sites. To better understand his business, he collects metrics every day for each truck. The metrics […]


Question 2: Install OSs in virtual environment. In this question, you have to install/enable a hypervisor and install two guest OS, a Linux and a Windows Server. Do the following: 1. Download and install a type 2 hypervisor (VirtualBox or VMware Player) on your current OS installation. Alternatively, you may enable the Hyper-V (type 1 […]

solve computer science 2 question

 solve computer science 2 question Show that 8𝑛 − 5𝑛 + 7 = 𝑂(𝑛 ) Determine whether each of these functions is bounded by O(n). Say yes or no. 𝑓(𝑛) = 3a) 𝑓(𝑛) = 𝑛 + 𝑛 + 12b) 𝑓(𝑛) = ⌊𝑛⌋c) 𝑓(𝑛) = 17𝑛 + 7d) 𝑓(𝑛) = 15𝑛 log 𝑛e) 𝑓(𝑛) = 𝑛 […]