tati final powerpoint

please see attachment This class has been focused on practical food safety tips and procedures that everyone should know because everyone eats and most of us prepare food for ourselves, family, and friends at some point in time. The goal is to instill enough knowledge and confidence in you so that you can share what […]


Who is willing to complete a short question? Week 4 assignment: Ch. 9, Strategies for Learning Your name: As you learned in Ch. 1, in the discussion of learning characteristics, the author informs us that there are cognitive characteristics of learning that impact learning for students with high incidence disabilities. Generally speaking, students with HID […]

PowerPoint presentation

Can you complete a PowerPoint assignment? Assignment VI Final Presentation Explain each component of a family-involvement program Content: Format: Delivery: Dosage: Fidelity: Evaluation: Discuss your growth over this course, and how you will use the knowledge from this course to your future career development.

Home based program

I need a home-based program assignment completed.  Assignment V: Develop a home-based program Part A: Explain the focus of your program: Children’s skills, parent-child interaction, theory of change Part B: Create a policy of family participation explaining the expected interactions between parents and professionals. Part C: Explain how often you will visit, how long you […]

Week 5 discussion and peer responses

Your Research Design After reviewing the Module 4 Assignment, discuss the following: Indicate your research design (i.e., correlational, experimental, quasi-experimental, or causal-comparative, etc.) State the descriptive (i.e., mean, median, mode, standard deviation, range, percentages, etc.) State the inferential statistics you will be using to analyze your data given your variables and design.


   Integrate communication that facilitates a partnership approach to quality care delivery. PC 3.2: Interact with others in a professional manner using appropriate communication and presentation skills. Interprofessional Communication and Collaboration Interprofessional communication and collaboration is when people from different backgrounds exchange information to work on the same concept. Interprofessional communication within a profession allows for teamwork, […]

Education Assignment for shy

 pick a social problem. (1) It can be any social problem. (2) Define the  problem. (3) Explain why this issue is a social problem. (4) construct a  solution for how you would solve/get rid of the social problem you  chose for this assignment.  

Developmental disabilities

 Based on your readings of the Legal Rights of Persons with Developmental Disabilities, identify the three most important concepts, laws, or information that you have learned.  Indicate why you found these to be the most important. You must reference the reference within the narrative response as well as at the bottom of the response.  

Annotated Bibliography

Make 5-10 annotated bibliography under how to integrate AI Technology to Improve Listening Skills of Cambridge A2 Key English Language Learners in ELT?

Cultural Transformation

When an organization is going through a cultural transformation, there will always be hiccups along the way. It is important to always keep in mind your stakeholders and how all the steps and goals of the transformation are affecting them. Through the past activities in this assessment, you tackled the topics of management practices and […]

Leadership Development

Overview of Summative: Use the information you learned about leadership development and succession planning to begin the development of a succession plan for your organization. When you think about the skills gap and talent management, think about your experience with High5 or another self-assessment like StrengthFinders. How could these types of assessments help develop a […]


EDUC 872 Page 1 of 2 CURRICULUM RESEARCH PAPER ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS The candidate will write an 8-page, excluding title and reference pages, research-based paper in current APA format that focuses on the topic of curriculum design and development. The topic must address at least two prominent curriculum theorists’ positions and the candidate’s stance for or […]

Edu 512 week 4 discussion

Why do you think single-sex schools became popular? Do you think this trend toward single-sex schooling should be stopped, supported, or tolerated? Support your position with at least one piece of scholarly research. Create a post that is thoughtful, professional, and provokes further discussion.


Provide a 150-word response to the peer discussions below. Please reference the response. 1. In relation to students, I aim to position myself as an open and approachable teacher who is also a well-prepared and professional presenter. I believe that being approachable encourages students to ask questions and seek help when needed, fostering a supportive […]

Education Methodology Assignment

Assignment: Choose two scholarly research articles that incorporate research methodology (qualitative or quantitative research studies) that were published within the last three years.  These articles can be found by searching in a database (like ProQuest).  Pick two of the following areas as the focus of the research articles you choose: 1) women and higher education, […]

5. Investigation: Resource Review

see attached 5. Investigation: Resource Review   To complete the Resource Review, identify two resources related to (but not directly from) the course content to enhance your professional practice, and deepen your understanding of the course content. Topics may include: · Antecedents, Behavior, Consequence and data collection · celebrations · preschool classroom organization · Social Emotional […]

Learning Experience Plan Template

Overview For this Performance Task, you will design, implement, and evaluate at least 3 learning experiences/lesson plans that are part of an integrated unit of study in your field experience setting.

inquiry based centers

Inquiry-Based Learning (IBL) places the student at the center of the learning experience. There are four primary phases to inquiry-based learning activities. These include student identification of a question or problem of interest, student-led research of the topic, student presentation of their knowledge/solution, and student evaluation of the accuracy while reformulating a new approach to […]

rough 2

instructions attached  A few things to note about the Essay #2 draft before proceeding… Your essay must be related to the theme of peer pressure. Remember, you already started your essay last week by writing the introductory paragraph. Be sure to review the feedback I provided on your introduction paragraph.  Now it is time to […]

Technology and education

Rubric for podcasts  Podcast Review Assignment Instructions You have done your research and now you are aware of what makes a good podcast. You have recorded some best practices and you believe you have a good idea of how this can be used in education. Now it is time to put your knowledge to the […]

Narrative or Informational Strategy

Use the attached information provided below. -Direction -Template  -student interview -parent/ Guardian Interview Please put everything in the template 

Home based program

Assignment V: Develop a home-based program Part A: Explain the focus of your program: Children’s skills, parent-child interaction, theory of change Part B: Create a policy of family participation explaining the expected interactions between parents and professionals. Part C: Explain how often you will visit, how long you will visit, who you will visit. Explain […]

Student Variables Discussion

Discussion Question: Must be at least 250-words. How do you want to position yourself in relation to students? For example, it may be as a subject expert, an open and approachable teacher, ‘tech savvy’, someone who creates interesting and unexpected moments in class, a well-prepared and professional presenter, a teacher who expects high standards of […]

week 4 journal

Reflection in Action [WLO: 3] [CLOs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] Throughout your program, you will encounter several relevant and pertinent program themes—leader, thinker, visionary, and advocate—that are woven throughout the program to enhance your learning experience and support your development as a professional and leader in the field. In each course, there will be […]

Critique 3

EDUC 872 CURRICULUM PLAN CRITIQUE ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW The purpose of this assignment is for you to critique a curriculum plan based upon what you have learned in this course by describing the strengths or weaknesses of the curriculum plan. You will evaluate and critique one curriculum plan three separate times using three different articles […]

Discussion W5

Discussion Assignment Four During this course, you will participate in six graded Discussions. Discussions give you an opportunity to reflect upon, process, and elaborate on the Learn section material. A thread addressing the discussion prompt (at least 400 words). Each thread must contain at least two peer-reviewed references, one Scripture reference, and must be at […]

DQ response

please see attachment 2 Please respond to this posts. All responses require a 300 word count, 2 resources and a bible verse I would like to start by defining social disorganization, a concept explored in numerous peer-reviewed studies that describes the breakdown of social structures and institutions within a community. This breakdown can lead to […]

3. Application-Implement

Please refer to the attachments below Course work requirements: · 12-pt font, double-spaced, 1” margins. · 1-paragraph = 5 or more sentences. · Clearly labeled responses (e.g. Application 2: Collaborate). Now is your opportunity to go deeper into intervention based on a plan you will create. Please complete both Step A and Step B, below:  […]

ELL SIOP Template

read “INSTRUCTIONS” fill out template and use the rubric to make sure it’s done well. PLEASE PLEASE DO NOT PLAGIARISE AT ALL!!

Fire Prevention

Please view attachment  Create an eight-slide PowerPoint presentation instead. For the presentation, you must follow the same prompt as above, but also include at least four images, a title slide with your name, the date, and the title of your original project, a references slide. Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for […]

Employee Assistant Program

Please view attachment  Assignment objective: For this assignment, we will be exploring the services, benefits, and support options available to personnel in your agency as it pertains to mental health(EAP. Employee Assistant Program). Details: You have noticed one of your colleagues acting differently around the firehouse. They are quieter than normal and are not engaging […]


I need this done in 3 days.   Create a PowerPoint Presentation with narration that: Explains the program and effective practice for each of the following: Head Start/Early Start Reggio Emilia Nature-Based Montessori For each program, be sure to include: A brief summary of the program’s mission/philosophy/approach (1-2 paragraphs) Ages of children who can enroll […]


 Please respond to all questions in a complete paragraph. Do not repeat the question in the answer. All questions should be followed by a reference. 


 Topic: Lynching This  week we are looking at the Black codes or laws that were enacted after  the Civil War to oppress African Americans and prevent equality for  people of color.  For the follow up– Look at the website that explains the History of Racist Laws in America. Pick  one law listed on the website […]

DQ response

 Please respond to the DQ prompt in the attachment   2 Please respond to this posts. All responses require a 300 word count, 2 resources and a bible verse Hi everyone. Social strain occurs when a society promotes a way of life but does not offer any means to sustain or support it. It occurs when […]

Governance Powerpoint

Assignment: Create a DOCTORAL Assignment. Create a slide presentation that summarizes perspectives on quality teaching and reconceptualizing the development of university teaching expertise.  Use clear headings that allow your professor to know which bullet you are addressing on the slides in your presentation. Support your content with at least four (4) citations throughout your presentation. […]

Revision, Methodology, Justification

All info in attachments College of Doctoral Studies LaMarcus Streeter RES-831 Problem Space Identification & Reflection Part 1 – Key Points Table Key Point Potential Topic Key Point Description Background to the Problem 1. Describe what is already understood about the problem. 2. Present findings from prior research related to the history of the problem […]

quanna weeek 4

Please see attachment CJUS 700 Discussion Assignment Instructions The student will complete 2 Discussions in this course. The student will post one thread of at least 600 words. For each thread, students must support their assertions with at least 3 scholarly citations in APA format, in addition to at least 1 Holy Bible reference. The […]

Education Integrated homework

Exam Content Review Principles 2 and 4 in the Arizona Language Development Approach. This will give you an overview of the purpose and importance of integrated instruction in content area learning and assessment feedback. Understanding these principles will help you complete this week’s assignment. Review the following resources from the Arizona Department of Education prior […]

dee Document-Based

  What insights about the experience of fighting in  World War I might you derive from these sources? What do they convey  about the impact of the war on the outlook of these men? To what extent  do these sources reveal the horrors of war in general, and in what ways  do they reflect the unique […]

dee world civ II

  Imagine a magical conversation between two or more historical figures or a composite figure (e.g. someone that you invent based on real historical actors). The world is your oyster. Use your imagination. Where do they meet, or how do they encounter each other? How do differences/similarities play into how they interact with one another? […]

Book Review

EDUC 872 BOOK REVIEW ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS For this assignment, you will write a 5-page book review in current APA format that focuses on the required course textbook, Make It Stick: The Science of Successful Learning. You must summarize the premise of the book, take a stance for or against the key points made, and discuss […]

help with proj 1 step 2-3

attached Project 1: Leading Strategically Step 1: Complete Your Skills Gap Analysis INBOX: 1 New Message Subject:  MCS Personnel Review—Skills Gap Analysis From:      Rebecca Sterling, Life & Leadership Coach To:           You Hello, Hope your projects are going well. I saw that you were going to be attending the upcoming leadership conference in Chicago—looks like a good mix of […]

Module 3-The Challenging Child

Reflection-see attachment DIRECTIONS: In  2 or more double-spaced pages (12pt font), synthesize your learning by summarizing how your learning in this course has evolved your professional practice.  To meet “A” criteria as outlined in the course rubric, your reflection should include: · A comparison of your learning goals from your Statement of Intention and Awareness in […]


  This week’s discussion  will be on the COVID-19 global pandemic and the significant stresses  and tragedies in the lives of children, families, and communities. 

Discussion W4

Discussion Assignment Four During this course, you will participate in six graded Discussions. Discussions give you an opportunity to reflect upon, process, and elaborate on the Learn section material. A thread addressing the discussion prompt (at least 400 words). Each thread must contain at least two peer-reviewed references, one Scripture reference, and must be at […]


Please see attachment This was the feedback from the last quiz questions Good work. Remember – Per the announcements, research, references and citations are mandatory for all Ph.D. level work and also to avoid any plagiarism issues. Make a note for all future essays. Thank you. Dr. Miller Each questioned should be answered in full […]

Self Reflection

Kindly View Attachment Needed Link    My rating is Authoritarian Style