See attached Societal Impact and Ethics ( Assessment Assignment) Students evaluate the consequences of business or economic decisions on personal and social welfare Think about a recent decision made by a business or organization you have observed. Reflect on the following questions: 1. Describe the Decision: What was the decision, and what were its primary […]
assistance needed sports
please see attachment MGT 220: Introduction to Sport Management Learning Unit 1: Assignment LU01 Assignment: What’s Happening in Today’s Sports? Follow the directions below to complete your unit assignment: 1. Research online into what is happening in today’s sports. Select a sports-related article and apply it to one or more of the concepts within the […]
Special Education SE 405 IEP scenario Review the following interactive slide show on working with caseworkers and foster parents at before developing your IEP. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Twelve-year old Janet has been placed in a foster home since it was reported that she was being neglected by her mother, a single-parent who would leave her alone […]
a davis
Summarize the videos above
Superstrong Assignment Video Links to an external site. Using the information from the Superstrong write a 4-paragraph summary summarizing its results. Paragraphs should be at least 5 sentence minimum. Anything less than this and I will remove points. The paragraphs should include the following: Paragraph 1: Summary of your results. It should include your 3 […]
Young Children/Creative Arts
I help assistances completing this assignment. Who can help me? Total power point slides needed is 25. Check attachments for more details. The Vital Role of the Arts in the Lives of Young Children Scenario: As the director of a child development center that serves children from preschool through third grade, you are in […]
Child-centered Learning
I need help completing this assignment. Who can help me? For this Performance Task, you will take the role of a lead teacher who has developed a workshop presentation on Creativity and Child-Centered Learning. You have decided before you give the presentation you will work through the activities yourself by completing the Creativity and Child-Centered […]
Academic Writing Expectations Checklist The faculty will use this checklist to evaluate whether your written responses adhere to the conventions of scholarly writing. Review this checklist prior to submitting your Assessment to ensure your writing follows academic writing expectations. Click the links to access OASIS Writing Center resources: Sentence-Level Skills |_| Constructing complete and correct […]
There have been suggestions made by people in the field that open systems theory creates problems. What are the most significant problems that could arise when using open systems theory? Given these problems, is it worth using open systems theory in an organization? Why or why not?
Can organizations be successful without using open systems theory? Why or why not? If open systems theory is more likely to lead to organizational success, why do more organizations not use it? Explain.
Education U Edwards Every Good Endeavor Reflection: Stakeholder Theory & Social Justice Assignment
Please see attachment BUSI 701 Every Good Endeavor Reflection Assignment Instructions Overview Keller and Alsdorf (2012) states, “We must love our neighbor, but Christianity gives us very specific teachings about human nature and what makes human beings flourish. We must make sure that our work is done in line with these understandings. Faithful work, then, […]
U Edwards Discussion Thread: Problem Statement Development
This week you will select an organization and management, or business-related topic related to your cognate that interests you and construct the following components. You can refer to the resources provided earlier in the course for additional guidance. Post your write-up to the discussion and then compare and contrast your work with your class […]
U Edwards Annotated Bibliography
Please see attachment BUSI 701 Annotated Bibliography Assignment Instructions Overview In preparation for writing each of your Discussions, you should submit your Annotated Bibliography Assignment on the topic that is being covered for the week (Marketing, Accounting, Finance, Management, Economic Data Analysis, International Business). Instructions An annotated bibliography is a list of sources (books, journals, […]
Please answer each question in complete paragraph. Do not repeat the questions. All answers should be followed by a reference
How digital literacy skills will help me in the healthcare setting
An Interdisciplinary Partnership Approach to Improving the Digital Literacy Skills of Nursing Students to Become Digitally Fluent, Work-Ready Graduates Zeruba LOKMIC-TOMKINSa,b,1, Lindy COCHRANE c, Tania CELESTE c and Morag BURNIEd a Department of Nursing, The University of Melbourne, Australia b Centre for Digital Transformation of Health, The University of Melbourne, Australia c Library Services, The […]
Discussion 11: LITL 7000
Question 1. Why should teachers be advocates for their ELLs? And why is parental engagement so important? Discuss any experiences you have had in advocating for students and promoting parental engagement.
Case Study
Wk 4-elm/535/-case analysis Scenario: To further develop your skills as a literacy coach, you have been asked to review and analyze a series of case studies of students demonstrating a variety of reading problems. You will make recommendations for assessments to diagnose the reading problems based on your analysis. These case studies will be shared […]
Research Project
Attached is feedback from instructor from research topic. Rubric attached for research project 3 Poor Student Academic Achievement Research Study Name of Student Lecturer Name Course Date Poor Student Academic Achievement Research Study Problem Statement: The problem of poor academic achievement of middle school students will be addressed in this study. It aims to correlate […]
Draft Research Paper: Components of Organizational Culture Create an outline for the research paper that will be part of the summative assessment for this competency. In the paper, you will analyze ways in which organizations can use their identity, structure, policies and procedures to shape a unique culture. In this outline, create a rough draft […]
lesson plan project
Develop a lesson plan using the template provided. Mr./Ms. Your Name Your School Date Formal Observation #_ Lesson Name Lesson/Curriculum Resource (i.e. YourTime Math, Grade 4) A Brief Description of Your Lesson Approximately ___ minutes in duration Student count:____ ELL:______ ESE:_____ Standard(s) addressed: CCSS: [Example: 4.NBT.2 (Numbers and Operations in Base Ten, Grade 4, Cluster […]
edu 555 week 8 discusion
How would you gather feedback on your curriculum (Mental Health Awareness Among High School Students) and implementation and training plans from stakeholders? Briefly describe three strategies.
Thy self
see attached Ask Three- Know Thy Self! Ask at least three people you trust and respect the questions below. The goal is to continue to improve communication skills, understand other’s perspectives, and build trust. Summarize the answers by question and reflect on their responses, what you learned, felt, and experienced, and what you can do […]
Annotated Bibliography
Carefully read Joyce Carol Oates’ short story “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?”. Your task is to compose an analysis of the story or one (or both) of its primary characters—Connie or Arnold. How you choose to approach your analysis is up to you!
I need help with home work
Can someone help me with these assignments Requires Lopeswrite Assessment Description State standards and learning objectives are foundational to a successful lesson. For students to grow and learn according to state expectations, teachers must accurately align instruction to the state standards. State standards are the big picture and learning objectives are the puzzle pieces that […]
Wk 5-elm/535/-case analysis Scenario: To further develop your skills as a literacy coach, you have been asked to review and analyze a series of case studies of students demonstrating a variety of reading problems. You will make recommendations for assessments to diagnose the reading problems based on your analysis. These case studies will be shared […]
best practice
Select a grade range from the list below and consider how you would integrate reading and writing instruction in your classroom (including in the content areas) in that grade range: Kindergarten–1st 2nd–3rd 4th–6th Review best practices for teaching writing to elementary students. Pay particular attention to best practices for your selected grade range. Chapter 10, […]
READ INSTRUCTIONS ATTACHMENT Each student is required to write a four page reaction to one social studies ( DOUBLE SPACED ,APA 7TH ED , BOOK ATTACHED) book. The paper should consist of three sections: A summary of the main idea(s) of the book A personal reaction to the main ideas expressed Specific ideas and/or strategies […]
Driver Safety
Please view the attachment. Assignment Content 1. Top of Form During your annual screenings, you find out that 39% of your drivers have either Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes. This number shocks you, and you want to do something about it because you do not need to have any of the drivers blacking out […]
OSH Safety Management
Please view the attachments. In the CSU Online Library, read the following article by the author of our course eTextbook, Fred Manuele: Manuele, F. A. (2015). Culture Change Agent . Professional Safety, 60(12), 38–44. Write an article critique in which you accomplish the following: · Accurately identify the premise of the article. · Analyze the […]
Education s. edwards Discussion of the Juvenile Courtroom Actors Assignment
please see attachment CJUS 702 Research Paper: Discussion of the Juvenile Courtroom Actors Overview In this assignment, you will apply the Learn material in a meaningful way to clarify your understanding of the juvenile courtroom actors. Examples of various actors includes the roles of the prosecutor and defense counsel. Also, why is there a need […]
Education U Edwards Annotated Bibliography: Accounting Assignment
Please see attachment BUSI 701 Annotated Bibliography Assignment Instructions Overview In preparation for writing each of your Discussions, you should submit your Annotated Bibliography Assignment on the topic that is being covered for the week (Marketing, Accounting, Finance, Management, Economic Data Analysis, International Business). Instructions An annotated bibliography is a list of sources (books, journals, […]
quay 2
Review the case study scenario found online. Create a short history of Acme Medical Center based upon the facts provided; end by copying the current status of AMC as defined in the scenario. Develop the mission, vision, and value statements for Acme Medical Center. These statements will be an integral part of your final […]
Imagine that you are a project manager with a large hospital. You are responsible for facilitating the selection of a new healthcare information system. You are asked to preview the Epic EHR, Allscripts MyWay EMR, and Waiting Room Solutions demos. Explore all of the product modules and functions, such as the user-friendliness (interface and ease of […]
neva art
Please see attachment ARTH 210- Instructions for writing the Introduction Art Historical Critique Essay The Art History Critique (AHC) process takes a deep look into an individual work of art. Each Critique begins with a work of art, which will be assigned by the instructor. The Art History Critique process involves analyzing different aspects of […]
Education a davis major assignment
Select a film that depicts intercultural themes. Documentaries are also allowed. . Analyze the film for its use/misuse of intercultural themes. This is a time to practice being a film critic and critical communication scholar, learn to use your voice more effectively, and understand concepts in more depth. This is not for you to […]
Education Assignment 7: Parent Letter
MRU RED05 Reading Competency 5 Assignment 7: Parent Letter Directions: For this assignment, you will design letter aimed to engage caregivers and families in their children’s reading development. The letter serves two purposes: 1. Communicate the meaning of reading assessment data with caregivers and families. · The letter should provide an overview of reading assessments […]
Education MRU ESOL03 Assessments Assignment 3 Template
MRU ESOL03 Assessments Assignment 2 Template Name: Directions: Home Language Survey: Summarize the key points regarding the Home Language Survey (HLS) and its role in identifying potential ELLs during the school registration process Assessments Criteria: Provide an in-depth explanation of the criteria that lead to the classification of a student as an English Language Learner. […]
Universal Design for Learning
For each of the specific UDL goals outlined below, identify how being able to use the strategies listed under each domain would enable you to move your students toward these goals. For each, select one strategy under each section – Access, Build, Internalize – and describe how you would incorporate that strategy into a differentiated […]
Education assignment 1117
look at attachment Discussion 1 Review pp. 37-45 of Ch. 1, “The Selection of a Research Approach,” of Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches and the CDS Dissertation Guide. Provide a minimum 250- to 300-word substantive response on the difference between a research method and a research design. Then list three quantitative and three […]
literature review
EDLC 636 Literature Review: Presentation Assignment Instructions Overview For this assignment, you will examine literature related to the topic you selected for the Literature Review: Topic Submission assignment. You will develop a presentation identifying general trends in elementary social studies education associated with a set of articles in the content area. You will study the […]
Follow the assignment rubrics. All parts must be completed. TRANSITION MODULE LABORATORY EXPERIENCE K-12 ELSE 6193 Objective: The candidate will explore and discuss the process used when transitioning students to and from the special education programs provided by the local school district. Guidelines: Part 1: The candidate will contact the administrator responsible for overseeing the […]
Performance Assessment- Students demonstrate their abilities in a multitude of ways. Some will demonstrate mastery of written assessments while others will shine during projects, presentations, or artistic expression. How can students prove their mastery of your chosen standard in an alternative form? Create a performance assessment for your students. This will consist of four (4) […]
Write a letter to parents explaining the performance assessment and how the rubric will be used to grade their child’s submission. Items to include in your letter: a brief explanation of the task and the purpose behind the task; a summary of the rubric categories, how each category is scored, how the rubric score is […]
Discussion Question
Share an idea for 2 of the 5 questions listed below with your classmates. Your response for each question needs to be a paragraph (3-5 sentences) in length and include at least one reference. One sentence will not suffice. Be sure to identify which questions you are addressing: How can I engage learners using technology? How […]
See attachment below. Ask Three- What Makes You, You? Ask three people you do not know well: “What makes you, you?.” Consider asking individuals you come into contact with during service-learning hours, on campus, or just out and about in the community. The less you know them, the better strangers are encouraged Tips · Be […]
Outer Space Reflection
Can you do an outer space reflection Juduan Miles- DOL/ Reflection- Pumpkin Unit Planning 1.) “What did I want the children to learn? What were the important understandings and core concepts in this DOL (central focus)?” In this unit, I chose to use “Pumpkins” with the anticipation that it will bring experiences about the fall […]
COMM: Critical Reflection 3
COMM511 – Critical Reflection Paper 3 (Chapter 10-12) Kouzes, J.M. & Posner, B.Z. (2023), The leadership challenge: How to make extraordinary things happen in organizations, (7th ed.). John Wiley & Sons. ISBN: 978-1119736127 Purpose The purpose of this assignment is to reflect on course module concepts, which will include your synthesizing book chapter content, article content, […]
Education Assignment
see doc below Nutrition/Health Needs & Status ( Community Health Outcomes & Nutrition Status) All you responses are based on your own experiences and observations working with community members. 1. What are typical food and nutrition related concerns for the community you work with? PROMPT: What health problems or issues do community members experience? (e.g. […]
Education assignment 1114
Discussion 1 Read the materials for the week, including the weekly overview. Write a 250- to 300-word response to the following: · Describe qualitative and quantitative research methods. · What is the purpose for each method? · What might be some challenges in using each method? Include your own experience as well as 2 citations […]
Please answer each question in complete paragraph. Do not repeat the questions. All answers should be followed by a reference