
CASE: BAYCAT –  a New Hybrid Nonprofit Model Driving Social  Change It was a video premiere like no other. The debut was shown during the first timeout of the third quarter at a packed home game of the NBA’s Golden State Warriors at Oakland’s Oracle Arena. And the video was created in part by two teenagers […]


 Please answer each question in complete paragraph. Do not repeat the questions. All answers should be followed by a reference   


  1. How  does an ethical approach encourage problem solving skills in the  workforce?  What role does HR play in fostering this type of culture? 2. How  can the HR department partner with managers in their effort to improve  the decision making performance of a department’s team? What roles do  problem solving and decision making play in strategy […]


  please see attachment Create an 8-10 slide PPT, or some other presentation, that accomplishes the following: 1. Chose some ethical issue you feel is important (abortion, gun control, climate change, eating meat, anything that can be considered a moral matter – if you are unsure, be sure to clear with your instructor) 2. Present […]

Education Effects of Disposition homework

I need help with my homework Exam Content · Teacher dispositions are the values, attitudes, commitments, and professional ethics that influence a teacher’s behaviors toward students, colleagues, families, and communities. Teacher dispositions may be less visible than knowledge and skills; however, they can be considered the most influential quality of highly effective educators. In addition […]

Infographic 1

Take the information from your ‘Year in Review’ report, pull out the salient data, and put it into an infographic, so your key stakeholders will be able to see how well the organization did in the past year. Your infographic will include the following: 1. Organization and key information about the institution/organizational 2. Goals, accomplishments, […]

Year in Review 1

You will write a ‘Year in Review’ that will look at the organization’s projected goals, how they were accomplished and any highlighted performance results throughout the year. Make sure you also look ahead to next year and what goals or activities will be on the horizon. You can use past organizational data to help guide […]

Lab 1

Lab 1 HIM325 Lab Overview Scenario/Summary The software used for the course’s Lab Activities is Microsoft Excel. Microsoft Excel is a software program using spreadsheets to organize numbers and data for analysis using formulas and functions. Tedious calculations can be done using Microsoft Excel, freeing up students to focus on statistical concepts.  Uses: With Microsoft […]

Child Development final

Part A Identifying Quality Early Childhood Programs Top of Form Bottom of Form Top of Form Introduction Early childhood programs aim to improve outcomes for young children and their families by offering support services such as child health and development assessments, early education and care, referral to community resources, and more. The Assignment Assignment: Develop […]

Microsoft Excel and Financial Terminology

Regardless of where your health care career takes you, finance is an important part of the health care system. Finance might not be your professional calling, though it is important you have a working knowledge of the terminology and tools of finance and the stakeholders in the health care industry. Preparation Access the Week 1 […]


See attached SPRING WIG Incorporate the TEAMS app, Flipgrid and Voki in any of the components of a lesson (Lesson plan attached). The lesson is on Rocks and Minerals S3E1. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about the physical attributes of rocks and soils. a. Ask questions and analyze data to classify rocks by their physical […]


Minnesota and Wisconsin have a lot of lakes, and Midwesterners love our lakes.  We visit them often, but human activities may actually be hurting/destroying the lakes we love.    please watch the 2 videos . Also feel free to perform internet research. Then, explain 3 ways we are hurting our lakes. This could be changes […]


  Objective: To create a sensory play activity plan for toddlers. Scenario: You are a teacher at a childcare center  for toddlers. Your class will soon be starting a topic called “My Five  Senses.” The children in your care come from diverse cultural  backgrounds, and several of them speak languages other than English at  home. […]


short Slippery Rock University College of Education, Special Education Department SPED-611-89 – Special Education Law Spring 2024 Unit 2: Emotional Disturbance – Short Essay Assignment General instructions: Please consider the hypothetical below and provide a 2–3-page response. Please do not exceed 3 pages. Extra points will not be awarded for completing a third page. This […]

Education homework help

AVIA 245 Page 1 of 2 SERVICE PROJECT PRESENTATION ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS This is part 3 of a three-part assignment: • Part 1 – Service Project Plan – Module 3 • Part 2 – Implementation of Service Project – Module 4-6 • Part 3 – Service Project Presentation of Implementation – Module 7 and 8 Learning […]

DB5: Issues/Trends

Please answer all of the following questions: · After reading Chapter 15,  Issues and Trends in Early Childhood Education: Four Themes in your  Beginnings and Beyond text, which issue or trend has the greatest impact on (or is most concerning to) you, your family and your career? Why? · Reflecting upon the whole semester, which part or […]

M8 WA#1

M8 WA#1 One component of psychosocial development is related to creative development. Creativity is something that preschoolers naturally have, but is often stifled as we get older. This assignment gives you an opportunity to use your creativity. 1. Choose  one of the following topics that relate to social and emotional development: · Helping a five year […]

Cookery project

Assessment Record Student Name Course Course Code Class/Group Unit of Competency /Cluster RTO/SRTO Assessment: (as applicable) Student Results: 1. Satisfactory |_| Not Yet Satisfactory |_| Not Completed |_| 2. Satisfactory |_| Not Yet Satisfactory |_| Not Completed |_| 3. Satisfactory |_| Not Yet Satisfactory |_| Not Completed |_| Overall, the candidate was assessed as: Competent […]

Education Literacy

Help with assignment Assignment Outline: Legal Implications of Modern Technology Court Cases and Research Summarize (with citation) Describe Impact Rights and Responsibilities of Stakeholders Student/ Family 1. Right 2. Responsibility *Make sure you connect to a specific law or policy and cite Teacher/ Staff Student/ Family 1. Right 2. Responsibility *Make sure you connect to […]


  Sensory Play Activity Plan Objective: To create a sensory play activity plan for toddlers. Scenario: You are a teacher at a childcare center  for toddlers. Your class will soon be starting a topic called “My Five  Senses.” The children in your care come from diverse cultural  backgrounds, and several of them speak languages other […]

Signature Part 2

Can you help me please?  For each scenario, provide a thorough description of your communication actions. Consider each of the following components: Describe and justify the audience(s) for your communication. Describe and justify the format of the communication. Describe and justify the tone of the communication. Describe and justify any potential collaborative needs. If there […]


 Please answer each question in complete paragraph. Do not repeat the questions. All answers should be followed by a reference    

Signature Part 1

can you help me with this please?   Communications Part 1: Attached Files:  Using the Teacher Interview Form.docx (17.196 KB)  Teacher Interview Form.docx (17.096 KB) Assignment Instructions: (Optional) Locate a teacher preferably in the same field and at the same grade level that you are interested in to interview. If you interview another teacher, use the attached Teacher Interview Form […]

quanna week 13

  topic:   How do intelligence-sharing mechanisms contribute to enhancing homeland security preparedness and response?   Please share with your classmates the significant findings of your  research. How do your findings contribute to the discipline of homeland  security? Please provide at least three (3) sources that significantly  contributed to your findings. Please include your research question at  the […]


 “What are the challenges facing teachers working with students with special needs?”   “What are the challenges facing teachers working with students with special needs?” No more than 750 words

education article

How do you plan to develop your students reading abilities as well as their love of reading? Upon graduation you are hired to teach a first/second grade self contained classroom. Address your plan to develop your students reading abilities as well as their love of reading . you are encouraged to integrate your philosophy of […]

Child Care Training in Australia

  Another in-demand sector pulling in local and international students is the childcare sector and that is one of the many reasons why a Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care is deemed crucial. At Melbourne City College Australia, we recognise the rising demand for childcare professionals and train our students not just in […]


Chart SPD-485 Literacy Case Studies Key for Percentiles Low: Student scores lower than the 21st percentile. Low to Average: Student scores in the 21st-40th percentile. Average: Student scores in the 41st-60th percentile. Average-High: Student scores in the 61st-80th percentile. High: Student scores in the 81st and above percentile. Elementary School Student Student A: Third grade […]

Education Edu 522 week 5 assignment

In this assignment, your objective is to use Badrul Khan’s Web-Based Framework Download Badrul Khan’s Web-Based Frameworkto evaluate an online course offered by a corporate organization for training purposes, an online academic course, or a virtual high school course. Instructions Search online to select an online course that you would like to evaluate. Then, view […]

Edu 522 week 5 discussion

“Exploring Khan’s Ideas on Successful eLearning” In his work on eLearning, Badrul Khan offers several perspectives on what constitutes a successful eLearning class. Select two of Khan’s ideas and discuss why you agree or disagree with them, drawing on your own experiences and research. 


Infographic For this formative, use the information from your Year In Review outline to create an infographic or other graphic artifact to visually highlight the important areas in your review. As you develop your infographic, consider the following: ● What are the most salient parts of your ‘Year in Review’ report? ● How can this […]

Year in Review

Outline for ‘Year in Review’ Report This formative assessment will review the concepts from the learning activity, What is a ‘Year In Review’? and allow you to reflect on how your organization fared over the past year. Using a Year in Review document is a great way to highlight the accomplishments in the organization and […]

Question 042924

   1. Describe a time when your primary roles were in conflict (role conflict). How did you choose which role to fully invest in?   2. When you are in groups (work, school or otherwise), which type of informal role do you usually fall into, whether assigned or preferential? Tell whether it’s a task, maintenance, […]

quay final

  Those topics  will be the titles of the content for each week.   1.Culture and diversity    2.Motivation,   3.Communicating effectively with others 4. Organizational Strategy and Structure Tell me how EACH (of the four that you chose) topic  is important to understand as an executive in the company (Amazon). Tell me about that topic and how […]

Unique Memory

  To  observe and understand the dynamics of your memory in daily life. SEE  directions. This assignment spans three days, so please plan  accordingly. Assignment Description: Memory Collection (40 points): For  three days, carry a small notebook with you. Whenever you recall a  memory spontaneously (not because of this assignment), jot it down  briefly. Note […]

question assigment

July 2017 Student Work Analysis Lesson: Use this document to record information/evidence from the sample student work. Evidence should consider the Core Actions. Evidence recorded will be integrated into the Feedback Summary worksheet. Before analyzing student work, be sure to have first completed the student assignment. General notes and observations about the task: 1. Which […]

DP 2

Classroom Management Programs Presentation:          100 pts.  You will choose from one of the following nationally known and implemented classroom management programs:  Responsive Classroom Love and Logic  Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Responsible Thinking Process  Real Restitution  *Others may be approved by instructor*You will conduct independent research on your chosen program and develop […]

Education I need help with homework

I need help with my homework assignment 5 Student Discipline and Due Process Angelia Denard Grand Canyon University U.S and Arizona Constitution for Teacher Candidates POS-501 Dr. Bruce Murchison April 24, 2024 Student Discipline and Due Process North Bolivar School district, Mound Bayou, Mississippi requirements for short-term and long-term suspensions adhere to a school discipline […]

question assigment

Module 10: Post-observation Conference with Field Supervisor (PoP Cycle 3) TCAP Components #3. Instructional Unit & #4. Analysis of Student Work  · Post Observation Conference– not later than 3-4 days after the Formal Lesson Observation. All these MUST be submitted 24 hours prior the meeting: 1. Submit the same Students Achievement Chart from pre-observation but […]

lesson plan

lesson plan CPD 3 Competency Title/Statement: CPD 3: Plans and implements, in partnership with families, culturally, individually, and developmentally responsive curricular strategies and interaction that nurture infant/toddler development, learning, and mental health, and well-being. Summative Competency Assessment  Time estimate to complete the summative assessment: 6 hours Summative Assessment Type: Written response In this assessment, you […]

question assigment

Analyze the Student Work Student Work Analysis Lesson: Use this document to record information/evidence from the sample student work. Evidence should consider the Core Actions. Evidence recorded will be integrated into the Feedback Summary worksheet. Before analyzing student work, be sure to have first completed the student assignment. General notes and observations about the task: […]

Birth through five portfolio.

I need someone to modify my portfolio, It has three parts, and I’ve already completed it and turned it in, My professor gave me feedback on it and I need someone familiar with the NAEYC/CEC standards to do this. I’m only paying $30 because there’s not a lot that needs to be completed. I’m uploading […]


Part A Child Development (A) 1. To begin, watch the first video by clicking on “Play” and take notes as you view it.  You may find it is helpful to turn on the closed captions (CC) feature.    2. Create a 1-2 page paper in length to: · discuss four safety tips you learned from […]

Education homework help

CSTU 101 LEARNING ACTIVITY: EDUCATION AND ENTERTAINMENT IN WESTERN CULTURE TODAY ASSIGNMENT OVERVIEW The Learning Activities are short written assignments which require you to apply the knowledge you have gained in a creative and subjective way. Read over the appropriate Learning Activity instructions before you begin the module: week, so you can be formulating a […]

need help

 Develop an FBA/BPIP process pamphlet, handout, flow chart that you would be able to share with families as you go through the process.  

question assigment

Module 10: Post-Observation Conference with Cooperating Teacher (PoP Cycle 3) Schedule a Post-Observation Conference with your cooperating teacher no later than 24 hours after the Formal Lesson Observation 1. Share your self-evaluation  (JUST DOMAIN 3) using  Touro Rubric with evidence  Download Touro Rubric with evidence from your lesson you taught 2. Ask the cooperating teacher to […]

question assigment

Candidates engage in reflection on their own practice and lesson observations.   Reflective Journal  entries that focus on the insights and puzzling questions on their own teaching practice. The journal (350-500 words) should be a record of your journey in the classroom and plans for continual improvement. Remember, the point of the journal is to have […]