question assigment

5 Baseline Survey and Syllabus Review Student Name: Guzel Kalimullina Institution Affiliation: Touro University Course Code and Title: SEDN 602 Date: 3/1/2025 Baseline Survey and Syllabus Review Baseline Survey: 1.‘What experience do you have teaching or working with people with disabilities? I do not have experience working with students with disabilities. I am working now […]

Education Final Draft Assignment

Implement feedback from the previous draft and revise the final draft based on insight from experience gained in the course. The practice of health care and wellness providers at all levels brings you into contact with people from a variety of faiths. This calls for knowledge and understanding of a diversity of faiths. The purpose […]


please see attachment Use AI with caution. The university allows you to use AI for research, stimulating thought, correcting grammar, and a few other areas. See the  official policy here. HOWEVER, if the Turnitin System yields an AI score above 75% you will need to rewrite the paper on your own OR submit substantial documentation […]


  The  final project for this class is a multimedia presentation to the mayor  and city council of a city that is trying to entice a professional team  to move to their city (e.g., NFL, NBA, WNBA, NWSL, NHL, etc.). You are  the vice president of finance for a consulting firm that has been hired […]

I need help with home work

I need help with homework Required Refences: Phonological Awareness and its Connection to Reading: Science of Reading Required Watch “Phonological Awareness and its Connection to Reading: Science of Reading,” by Side by Side Consulting, located on YouT … Read More Basics: Phonological and Phonemic Awareness Required Explore “Basics: Phonological and Phonemic Awareness,” located on the Reading […]

question assigment

Module 8 Discussion: Building Critical Thinking in Young Children Using the MLP Building Critical Thinking Skills Using the MLP Up until this point, you have utilized curricular methods used primarily for Infants (Nursery) to Kindergarten. Now, practice applying what you have learned about building Critical Thinking Skills in K – 2nd Grade using the Molloy […]

question assigment

An Evidence-based practice (EBP) is a practice or policy guided by the results of current, credible and valid research. The term ‘current’ refers to research published in the last 10 years.  Locate sources of recognized EBP in Early Childhood Education. Submit a 6-7 page research paper (APA style) that includes at least two (2) different […]

Literature Annotated Bib

TOPIC: THE ROLE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND WHAT WILL HAPPEN IF TRUMP ALLOWS THE PROGRAM TO GO. Instructions: Provide a brief description of each article you have selected  so far  for your literature review paper — it should be in the form of an annotated bibliography. Include the citation followed by a brief description […]


.  topic:    The Role of Communication in Modern Relationship Dissolution

a. evans

Please see attachment Key Components to Successful Project Management Table of Contents Abstract  Enterprise Project Management (EPM)  Purpose and History Criticisms   Project Management Offices (PMO) Purpose and History Criticisms   Systems Engineering Methods (SEM)  Purpose and History Criticisms   References (Minimum of five in APA 7th Edition style Image Source: image1.jpeg


  Choose one of the topics below relevant to sexual assault.  1.  Sexual assault in the military 2. Date Rape 3.  Marital Rape 4. Homosexual Rape 5.  Prison Rape 6.  Child sexual Assault 7.  Sadistic sexual assault

U edwards

 Every Good Endeavor Reflection: Cultural Engagement Assignment we are in week BUSI 701 Every Good Endeavor Reflection Assignment Instructions Overview Keller and Alsdorf (2012) states, “We must love our neighbor, but Christianity gives us very specific teachings about human nature and what makes human beings flourish. We must make sure that our work is done […]

Education Benchmark Spiritual Assignment

This assignment has two parts: the first requires you to interview one person within your field of study, and the second requires an analysis of your interview experience. Part I: Spiritual Assessment Survey and Interview 1. First create a spiritual assessment survey. Based on the spiritual assessment resources in the topic Resources and any other […]

“Health and Aging.”

   “Health and Aging.”  This week, you should write a short essay responding to the topic: “Health and Aging.” Chapter 6 & 13 You should demonstrate what you have learned about the intersection between Health and Aging from these chapters. Discuss your response to the reading, and pose any questions or critiques. You should draw […]


  State your research question and identify any biases with your study. Your colleagues will respond with their comments relative to your research question and the biases that you have identified. Also respond to this question: As you have learned more about research in this course, would you consider pursuing a doctoral degree to continue […]


Directions: You must respond to both questions below separately in at least 100 words each. To encourage an atmosphere of a conversational discussion, citations and references are not required for the reply posts. However, any sources cited must have been published within the last five years unless the student is citing classic or historical theoretical information […]


Overview of Summative: First, you should provide a description of the scenario that you will attempt to support. Then you will share the questions you would ask during the initial conversation with the teacher you are coaching. Specific Assignment Details For the description of the scenario, be certain to include the following information to support […]


  Please answer each question in complete paragraph. Do not repeat the questions. All answers should be followed by a reference        


EDUC 730 Page 1 of 3 APPS AND YOUNG USERS: WARNINGS AND SAFEGUARDS ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW Collaboration and communication apps have become ubiquitous in everyday functioning, but there can be risks and benefits to using these web-based tools, especially for children and teens. Few would question that the Internet substantially influences children and teenagers, yet […]


  Please answer each question in complete paragraph. Do not repeat the questions. All answers should be followed by a reference        


  As  part of this assignment, you will compare and contrast two countries  about which we have learned on three different issue/topic/category Country Options (you need to choose two) USA India China West Africa (you can choose a specific country or engage with the area more generally) East Asia (you can choose a specific country […]


q1  Students will identify the cultures and societies (plural) of East Asia  q2  Students will assess the role of foreign intervention in the making of modern Haiti Students will evaluate the role of creolization/hybridity in the making of Haitian society and culture q3  Students will assess the relationship between Europe and the world q4  Assess  the role of […]

tina science

Please see attachment Human Impact Lab Worksheet Name ___________________________ Date ____________________________ Select 4 human impacts you learned about in the activity, 2 from the Island and 2 from the Atol. List the following information for how each impact affects the ecosystem: a. Describe how the human impact you selected affects the ecosystem. b. Summarize some […]


 In this assignment, you will observe the progress of a 5 gallon aquarium  that utilizes no filtering or CO2. Instead it tries to reproduce what  would happen in a natural pond. You DO NOT have to do a tank yourself  (but if you like fish and feel inspired this is a great video series to […]


q1  Natadecha-Sponsel  talks about, in “Individualism as an American Cultural Value,” the role  of communalism (e.g. focus on the group/community) as opposed to  individualism. What do you see as the role of these two values in East  Asia? And how do they compare to at least one of the other societies  that we’ve talked about?  […]


  As  part of this assignment, you will compare and contrast two countries  about which we have learned on three different issue/topic/category Country Options (you need to choose two) USA India China West Africa (you can choose a specific country or engage with the area more generally) East Asia (you can choose a specific country […]


q1  Students will identify the cultures and societies (plural) of East Asia  q2  Students will assess the role of foreign intervention in the making of modern Haiti Students will evaluate the role of creolization/hybridity in the making of Haitian society and culture q3  Students will assess the relationship between Europe and the world  q4  Students will assess the relationship […]

2 discussion epistemology

Drawing on this PowerPoint lecture and the epistemological metaphor chart in this module, summarize (in one paragraph each) Positivism, Constructivism and Critical Theory.  Watch the following three teaching videos and describe the underlying epistemology demonstrated in each video. Use the Epistemology Metaphor Chart to help you identify the epistemological assumptions. For each video, write a […]

Epic timeline please reach out if you need anthing

Journal Assignment: Epistemological Timeline After viewing the sample epistemological timeline presentation, create your own timeline and post it. In creating your own timeline, answer the following questions:  What world was I born into? What place? What time? How did this world shape me? How did it shape what I know, who I know and how […]


q1  Students will identify the cultures and societies (plural) of East Asia  q2  Students will assess the role of foreign intervention in the making of modern Haiti Students will evaluate the role of creolization/hybridity in the making of Haitian society and culture q3  Students will assess the relationship between Europe and the world  q4  Students will assess the relationship […]


q1  Natadecha-Sponsel  talks about, in “Individualism as an American Cultural Value,” the role  of communalism (e.g. focus on the group/community) as opposed to  individualism. What do you see as the role of these two values in East  Asia? And how do they compare to at least one of the other societies  that we’ve talked about? […]


  As  part of this assignment, you will compare and contrast two countries  about which we have learned on three different issue/topic/category Country Options (you need to choose two) USA India China West Africa (you can choose a specific country or engage with the area more generally) East Asia (you can choose a specific country […]

Breezy Reaction summary

 After  watching : The  Global #MeToo Movement, , Blain, “On Transnational Black  Feminism”, and Cheryl Holder, Ted Talk, “The Link Between Climate  Change, Health, and Poverty”, share your reaction/thoughts about the  topics discussed in these sources. 


  As  part of this assignment, you will compare and contrast two countries  about which we have learned on three different issue/topic/category Country Options (you need to choose two) USA India China West Africa (you can choose a specific country or engage with the area more generally) East Asia (you can choose a specific country […]

des journal 6

  In the film Misery  (1990), Annie Wilkes’ obsessive behavior and violent control over the  author, Paul Sheldon, illustrate a dangerous side of fandom. For this  journal entry, use attachment theory or theories of personality disorders to analyze Annie’s actions and motivations. Consider the following questions in your analysis: Attachment Theory: How might Annie’s past […]


  As  part of this assignment, you will compare and contrast two countries  about which we have learned on three different issue/topic/category Country Options (you need to choose two) USA India China West Africa (you can choose a specific country or engage with the area more generally) East Asia (you can choose a specific country […]

U edwards

  In this discussion forum, you are going to research current topics related to economic data in The American Economic Review.  The video for the week: Economic Data and Business Impact, provides a walkthrough of how to search for these topics. You  will conduct a library search of the journal, choose a topic being  discussed, […]

s edwards

 In  this Discussion, you will apply the Learn material in a meaningful way  to clarify your understanding of the correctional system. Describe the  nature and discovery of the problem of reentry. Why are these components  important for reentry programs and their implementation? What  considerations need to be understood to relate re-entry as a  public-policy concern? 

Education u edwards Economic Data Assignment

Please see attachment BUSI 701 Annotated Bibliography Assignment Instructions Overview In preparation for writing each of your Discussions, you should submit your Annotated Bibliography Assignment on the topic that is being covered for the week (Marketing, Accounting, Finance, Management, Economic Data Analysis, International Business). Instructions An annotated bibliography is a list of sources (books, journals, […]

Education Every Good Endeavor Reflection: Cultural Engagement Assignment

Please see attachment  BUSI 701 Every Good Endeavor Reflection Assignment Instructions Overview Keller and Alsdorf (2012) states, “We must love our neighbor, but Christianity gives us very specific teachings about human nature and what makes human beings flourish. We must make sure that our work is done in line with these understandings. Faithful work, then, […]

week 3 discussion

  Anti-bias Curriculum [WLOs: 1, 2] [CLOs: 2, 4] As an early childhood development professional, it is crucial that you build and maintain culturally relevant, anti-bias learning settings. There are four goals of anti-bias education, and these provide a framework for your work with children. For this discussion, you will read several case studies about […]

Case Studies

SSC130: Case Studies Your project must be submitted as a Word document (.docx, .doc). Your project will be individually graded by your instructor and therefore may take up to five to seven days to grade. Be sure that each of your files contains the following information: · Your name · Your student ID number · […]


5 Annotated Bibliography You should start your paper with an introduction. Please know the APA manual states the word “Introduction” is not utilized. In this introduction, you will provide research literature on annotated bibliographies. What is an annotated bibliography? Why are they used in research? How can they help you with your research? All paragraphs […]

I need help with home work

Need help with homework Required Resources Creating Literacy Instruction for All Students Required Read Chapter 1. View Resource Practicum/Field Experience Reminder Required This course has 8 practicum/field experience hours. Review the Class Resources for requirements on completing the hours. Screen Share Required View “Screen Share,” to help with this topic’s GoReact assignment. What is the Science […]

7503: Curriculum Materials 2

 Curriculum Materials 2 In this Module content, you will find the Grade 6 Module on Ratios and Unit Rates from EngageNY (Eureka Mathematics). You are NOT required to review each lesson in this Module. However, the entire Module is provided to give you a full idea of how Eureka addresses this domain in Grade 6. […]

Professional Experiences with Toddlers

I need help finishing this assignment. Who can help me? Everything is attached. Infant or Toddler Experience: Planning Template Age(s) of child(ren) involved: Summarize the conversation you had with your Host Teacher, and how it will inform your thinking about the child or children with whom you’ll be working and the experience you are planning. […]


 You are  going to compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages on based shipping container, a wood-based shipping container and a  plastic-based shipping container for use as a distribution package (a  non-retail shipping package). You must consider the entire supply chain  in your response.  

video observation

everything explained in attached files  Watch the video again, focusing on observing one of the children in the video: Child A: Boy; Child B: Girl (White long sleeves); Child C: Girl (Pigtails/long sleeve black shirt); Child D: (Curls-short sleeve blue shirt) (2) Use one of the observation techniques described in this week’s lecture materials and […]

W3 Template

EDUC 730 STEM, ROBOTICS, CODING, AND MAKER’S SPACES OVERVIEW ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW Maker’s spaces and personal manufacturing present a fascinating future for education with some tantalizing possibilities. The barriers to adoption are real but worth overcoming for the potential benefits. STEM, Robots, Codes, and Maker’s Spaces are increasingly ubiquitous in the educational experience in classrooms. […]