Education des major assignment 3 powerpoint

   Major Assignment 3: Major World Religions Research and Powerpoint Presentation You will be assigned a major world religion. You must: 1) Define the religion. 2) Country where the religion is primarily practiced. 3) Major beliefs and practices associated with this religion.  4) Beliefs about death.  5) Discuss funerals, burials, music, dress. 6) Beliefs about […]

Education major assignment 3 powerpoint

   Major Assignment 3: Major World Religions Research and Powerpoint Presentation You will be assigned a major world religion. You must: 1) Define the religion. 2) Country where the religion is primarily practiced. 3) Major beliefs and practices associated with this religion.  4) Beliefs about death.  5) Discuss funerals, burials, music, dress. 6) Beliefs about […]

neva english

   After reading part of “The Mecca” create your own version of this summary.  It does not have to be addressed to anyone but detail your academic year so far at ECSU. Share what you have learned, what you’ve seen, ate, enjoyed, your favorite assignments, what you’ve learned about yourself and how you’re growing as […]

Interview with Teacher of the Students with Severe/Multiple Disabilities

Instructions: This assignment requires you to interview a special education teacher who works with students with severe/multiple disabilities. The interview will consist of the completion of the framework attached using the questions below. All questions and their corresponding answers must be included in the specific framework topic. All answers should be comprehensive and detailed; if […]

RTI & Multi Tiered System of Support (MTSS)

RTI & Multi Tiered System of Support (MTSS) 1414 unread replies.1414 replies. Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to analyze and discuss advantages and disadvantages of using performance-based assessments and to communicate the reliability and validity of these instruments to parents.  Directions:  For this assignment, you will prepare a presentation for parents in your […]

Cookery course

Assessment Tasks and Instructions Student Name Student Number Course and Code Unit(s) of Competency and Code(s) SITXHRM008 Roster staff Stream/Cluster Trainer/Assessor Assessment for this Unit of Competency/Cluster Details Assessment 1 Short Answers Assessment 2 Assignment Assessment 3 Project Assessment conducted in this instance: Assessment 1 |_| 2 |X| 3 |_| Reasonable Adjustment 1. Has reasonable […]

case study advocacy

  intended to assess your Content Knowledge in promoting the current and future success and well-being of each student and adult by applying the knowledge, skills, and commitments necessary to engage families, community, and school personnel in order to strengthen student learning, support school improvement, and advocate for the needs of your school and community. How […]


  Evaluate your marketing strategy to include advertising, social media, etc. (CO 5) Develop your final business plan. (CO 6) Submit your complete marketing plan, to include the distribution channels, promotional strategy, and marketing strategy . Include a justification narrative of your choices.

Discussion 2

EDAS 647 Discussion Assignment Instructions You will respond thoroughly to one of the discussion questions below of at least 350 words. Your thread you must support your assertions with at least two scholarly citations in current APA format. Any sources cited must have been published within the last five years. 1. Re-watch the Watch: Understanding […]

Legal Aspects of Safety and Health (OSHA)

Please view attachment.   Field Operations Manual – Chapter 3 | Occupational Safety and Health Administration (   Field Operations Manual – Chapter 4 | Occupational Safety and Health Administration ( 

Healthy Living

Can someone assist me with this? HHP 157 Comprehensive Wellness Plan Assignment Assignment Information: Up to this date in this course, we have studied all of the Wellness Domains associated with your personal health. As we assessed during our studies, we have found that as individuals we find strength and weakness in different domains of […]


Topic: Sustainable Urban Development: A Holistic Approach.” The focus of the development would be to  understand and evaluate different aspects of sustainable urban development with an  environmental, social, and the economic approach.   Recommended headings: Research findings/thesis Rationale/justification/significance Literature review/research (including discipline-specific findings/research) Interdisciplinary integration

Teacher Turnover Rate in Rapides Parish

Retention Survey Instructions: This questionnaire includes a series of multiple choice, yes/no, numerical and open-ended questions. To record your responses, either select the box or boxes that correspond to your answer choice or type your answer in the space provided. Please use the navigation buttons located at the bottom of this window to move back […]


Rebecca bought 1.5 pounds of grapes and paid $3.72. What was the cost per pound of grapes?


Assignment 1 – 4 pages Diverse Family Contexts. In module 2 we learned about home literacy experiences and diverse family contexts including language, race/ethnicity, socioeconomic status. Research 8-10 children’s books that support the diversity of families in your community and develop an annotated bibliography that includes the correct citation in APA style, with a description […]

special education

Required Readings/Preparation Read up on the roles and responsibilities of special education teachers: American Academy of Special education Professionals (2006).  Staff Development in Special Education: Roles and Responsibilities of the Special Education Teacher. Staples and Dilberto highlight guidelines for successful parent involvement: Staples, K. and Diliberto, J. (2000).  Guidelines for Successful Parent Involvement: Working With […]

Child Development 144

AP Child Development 144 Part A We’ve talked about Nature vs. Nurture.   We’ve also explored some ideas about opportunities which some children may or may not have that might affect their outcomes.  After reading the text and watching the videos under our Week 4 Lesson, talk about your thoughts about how where a child is […]

Education Cookery course assignment

Hi there, i have got some cookery course certificate IV i  kitchen management assignments to do asap. Anybody has done it before? Please let me know. Thanks.


1. The chapter on time management describes priority setting as a critical step in good time management.  Give an example where you personally or have seen a leader fall into one of the time wasters described in the chapter-why did this behavior create time waste?  What are some strategies you have developed to minimize wasted […]

1 Assessment Eligibility Chart

Identify the eligibility/assessment criteria for TWO of the 14 special education eligibility categories found at 34 CFR 300.8(c) following disabling conditions: Autism Spectrum Disorder Deaf-Blind Deafness Developmental Delay Emotional Disability Hearing Impairment Intellectual Disability Multiple Disabilities Orthopedic Impairment Other Health Impairment Specific Learning Disability Speech/Language Impairment Traumatic Brain Injury Visual Impairment Summarize the eligibility criteria […]

M5 WA#1:Curriculum

  Please complete each of the following activities and remember to proofread your work before submitting. 1.  Choose a theme or topic that is appropriate for preschool children (ages three to five). Using the blank activity plan attached to this module, complete an activity plan for this theme/topic. (You may look at the attached sample […]

DB3: Behavior

 Guiding children’s behavior… resolving conflicts…creating a caring classroom community…children with challenging behaviors…slow-to-warm-up children…limits…internal vs external motivation…The list could go on and on. Often one of the most challenging parts of being a teacher or teacher’s assistant is consistently managing the behavior of your students. After reading Chapter 7 Guiding Children’s Behavior in your Beginnings and […]

Home work

1. Benefit of certification 2. Certification Description:  Details about certification: · Process to obtain clinical certification · Cost of application and testing · Requirements prior to certification . Details about certification: · Examination description · Renewal time and process · Required items for renewal  Problem Description 3. Problem Statement: Knowledge deficit r/t __________________certification among __________(target population and setting) as […]


Lesson  ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY COMPONENT 3 PreK/Kindergarten: Activity 3: Lesson Video Description and Reflection Questions Page 1 of 11 © 2022 University of Florida Lastinger Center for Learning Your Name: Maria Alejandra Paz Date: 2/29/2024 Grade(s) You Teach: VPK Activity 3: Lesson Video Description and Guiding Questions Instructions: Watch a video of your own instruction […]


  Objective: To create a fine motor lesson plan for preschoolers. Scenario: You are a teacher at a preschool. Your  class will soon be starting a topic called “Airplanes, Trains, and  Tracks.” The children in your care come from diverse cultural  backgrounds, and several of them speak languages other than English at  home. Create a […]


  Great  teachers advocate for the lives of children and their families with the  “wrap-around services” that are available in their communities.  Providing guidance, information, and access to these services is one way  to support them. Very often, families are unaware of the multitude of  support services that are available to them- free of charge. […]


  What impact has the Affordable Care Act (ACA) of 2010 had on healthcare access, quality, and cost? What impact has the ACA had on uninsured and underinsured individuals, and at what cost? What was one issue of controversy with the ACA, and how has it been addressed?

Lesson Plan

LESSON PLAN Name: Jaron Brown Date of Observation: Ages/Grades of Students:9th – 11th # of Students in Class: 5 # of Students having IEPs/504: 1 Lesson Title: Importance of Education and the benefit after highschool Unit Title: Career Preparation 1. Context: Describe the Students for which this Lesson is Designed (1B): Identify your students’ backgrounds, […]

How do you stay focused in online classes?

  Although it is hard to stay focused in online classes, focus can still be maintained and learning maximized by using proper strategies. One effective strategy for this is starting a study room that will minimize the chances of disturbance. Again, by setting goals for every class sitting, you may be able to keep yourself […]

campus improvement plan

EDL 6200 – Internship in School Administration Professor: Dr. Dylan G. Solice EXPERIENCE #10 – SHADOWING A PRINCIPAL PSEL Standard 10: School Improvement · Effective educational leaders act as agents of continuous improvement to promote each student’s academic success and well-being. Principal Leadership According to Green (2013), the processes used by school leaders and the […]

Teacher Turnover

Retention Survey Instructions: This questionnaire includes a series of multiple choice, yes/no, numerical and open-ended questions. To record your responses, either select the box or boxes that correspond to your answer choice or type your answer in the space provided. Please use the navigation buttons located at the bottom of this window to move back […]

Module 12 Discussion

  Discussion Question #1: Do you agree or disagree with the assertion many Civil Rights proponents claimed about the link between domestic racial and international events and that of communism? Discussion Question #2: According to Hartman, anti-communism served as a Trojan horse for resistance to desegregation in the South. Do you believe this is accurate? […]

military history (coco)

 The United States and the Soviet Union were allies during WWII. What led  to the immediate rise in tensions between the two Nations after the  fall of Nazi Germany? What were the causes of the friction? How did  these tensions lead to what is termed “The Cold War”? 


Topic: AI’s Effect on Mental Health Treatment  You will submit a draft of your research methods summary. It does not have  to be complete (but the more developed and polished it is, the better). 


Research Topic Proposal: Understanding the Impact of Nonverbal Communication on Interpersonal Relationships  draft of your research methods summary. It does not have to be complete (but the more developed and polished it is, the better). 


 Write an summary  based on the short videos on Climate Change in NC and on  your independent research. Make sure you include at least two effects of  Climate Change and two solutions being considered for those problems.  You should also include at least two references. 


  Review the two links below and respond to the following three items: 1) Discuss two things that surprised you the most about African presence in Asia. 2) Discuss two things that surprised you most about Black presence in early China? 3) How can this new knowledge increase Black Consciousness among all students studying in […]


  Describe the key stylistic characteristics of ragtime performance and composition. When and where did the earliest notions of ragtime develop. Describe the terms ” Rag’ or Ragging” What is Classic Ragtime?   What was Scott Joplin’s vision for ragtime, and what role did he play in its development. What social barriers did Joplin navigate in order to […]


  Chronic Absenteeism Is a Crisis. Do Parents Get It? (  Picture yourself as a leader of a large urban school district. How would you address this problem? What district resources would you use? 

Ongoing Professional Development

  Staff cohesiveness is an important part of the mentoring process. Mentoring programs help create a unified school culture by building positive relationships and common purpose. Building relationships with staff is an integral part of the leadership role of the instructional coach, and common purpose gives staff a direction and goals to work toward. For […]

Clinical Field Experience A: Teaching Practices with Technology

1 8 Understanding Adult Learning Theories Your Name Here Grand Canyon University Understanding Adult Learning Theories This first paragraph is your introduction. Begin with a strong grabber/intro statement go get the reader’s attention. Don’t forget your Purpose Statement. See this article for help with a Purpose Statement. 100-150 words. Summaruy of Malcom Knowles Principles In […]

Education Homework

 Discuss your reaction to gender issues. Provide a position statement in positive. (Provide your honest thoughts in such a way the reader understands your thoughts, stance, etc.)  


Learning for Early childhood education Age 3-5 This assignment serves as a compilation of influential works you have read/viewed over the thirteen week period.  A bibliography, personal summary and analysis of the chosen literature and readings that helped shaped your course learning is required.  The intention is to keep a running list of the books, […]


Please see attachment Q1 Describe your experience with Self Directed Learning.  Compare and contrast this to your online classwork.  Explain some challenges Q2 Compare and contrast the t hree basic types of evaluation in Family Life Education, and explain how you would use each of the three (not just one) to assess one program of […]


  Topic:    How do intelligence-sharing mechanisms contribute to enhancing homeland security preparedness and response?    Identify and explain at least two research methods that you considered for your thesis. Which method did you select? How and why did you make this decision? Please include your research question at the beginning of your post!


Module 7: Analyzing Students’ Work Activity 1. Watch the Analyzing Student Work video by Edutopia and jot down some key points. 2. 3. Review the Module 4 Materials –  Overview of Analysis of Student WorkLinks to an external site.  paying close attention to the protocol, 4. Read:  How to Give Effective Feedback to Your Students […]

united states

   The United States has a dual court system which is comprised of federal and state courts.  In your focus, compare the federal and state systems in terms of structure, selection of judges, and types of cases heard.