Assessment and Instructional/Behavioral Plan for Students with Disabilities

Develop a plan of specially designed instruction including present performance levels, measurable goals (academic and behavioral) on powerpoint include  Measurable Goals for the following were aligned to student’s needs and included in the Instructional/Behavioral Plan:          (a) Academics          (b) Behavioral Will also use the Case Study Analysis framework to analyze (e.g., impact of disability; […]

week 11 final discussion

 Out of the five ideas learned:  Constructivist. Collaborative. Integrative. Reflective. Inquiry-Based Learning  what do you feel are most relevant to the widest variety of instructional situations. Explain your reasons for choosing these ideas.


Week 4 dq 1 – Case studies employ various sources of data to examine a particular case of a phenomenon in-depth. Different sources of data may require an analytical approach other than thematic analysis. If you were to use archival documents or artifacts as sources of data in a case study for which conventional thematic […]

M1 WA#1

 After reading all the required readings, and looking at the videos and websites, answer the following questions using complete sentences. Proofread your answers for spelling, grammar and punctuation before submitting, and make sure to answer each part of the question. 


Assignment 1 – 1 page Reply to, you must support your assertions with at least one acceptable source, with a citation in current APA format. Acceptable sources include course readings, special education peer reviewed research journals, course content, professional web sites etc. Jay is a fourth-grade student who finds herself in a specialized classroom designed […]


Co-teaching is a collaborative approach to instruction in which two teachers, typically a general education teacher and a special education teacher, work together to plan and then implement instruction for a class that includes students with disabilities (Bateman & Cline, 2015). Identify and describe two co-teaching models and explain the benefits of each model. Identify […]


Overview During this Performance Task, you will participate in a field  experience in either an infant or a toddler setting. You will first meet  with your Host Teacher to explain the Assessment and discuss  considerations of developing a respectful, supportive, and challenging  experience with a child or small group of children in her/his class. You […]


Read 1. Chapter 15: A Unique University Design in  the innovative university: Changing the DNA of higher education from the inside out. 2. Chapter 16: Getting Started in  the innovative university: Changing the DNA of higher education from the inside out. Discussion Question: Please provide at least a 250-word response, utilizing references from the text […]


Please see attachment to complete powerpoint, Need it as soon as possible Neva Ferebee Eportfolio Midterm Neva Ann Ferebee Interdisciplinary Studies Major at ECSU Introduction My name is Neva Ann Ferebee. I was born and raised in moycok NC. Attended school in Currituck NC were I graduated and received my high school diploma. I chose […]


  The music of the Baroque Era was hugely elaborate, with endlessly  intertwining competing melody lines and irregular phrasing. This is in  keeping with the ideals of exaggerated emotion and passionate expression  of the age. The Classical Era was a little bit different. This era was  heavily influenced by the ideals of the Enlightenment, which […]

book review

Book Review This file is too large to display.View in new window


Illustrate the opportunity for your venture. (CO 1) Develop your final business plan. (CO 6) For this first week, please submit an assessment overview of your entrepreneurial venture. What is the name of your venture, what problem are you solving, what is your solution, what is your vision and purpose for the venture, and what […]

Cultural Perspective

Can I get help with cultural perspective? HLTH 330 HLTH 330 Cultural Perspective Paper Assignment Instructions Overview The purpose of this assignment is to take a look at God’s Word as it pertains to food, eating, and our cultural view of food. Instructions Write a two- to three- page, double-spaced essay, APA format, and integrate […]

Education I need help with homework

 Can you help me with this assignment Requires Lopeswrite Assessment Description It is important for educators to know and identify milestones of the stages of child and adolescent development to implement appropriate strategies that meet the cognitive, linguistic, social-emotional, and physical needs of all students. This information is needed to identify the major concepts, principles, […]

Development Plan

Outline for Leadership Development Plan One way to develop leaders within your organization is to create individual Leadership Development Plans for your emerging leaders. Use the sample development plan provided in the Learning Activity entitled Developing a Leadership Development Plan as a guide for completing this formative assessment. Using the information from Formative 1 in […]

Map 2

Mind Map Developing employees is essential if you want to continue evolving your workforce. This development includes leadership skills. For this formative assessment, create a mind map or other visual artifact to assist you in determining where in the organization leadership development is needed the most. Look at the relationship/overlap between the organization’s current strategic […]

OSH 4301 Unit 7

Please view attachment.  OSH 4301 · Select one standard discussed in this course. Then, write an essay that addresses the following elements:  1910 Subpart I – Personal Protective Equipment · Discuss the purpose of the standard, who it affects, and who is excluded.  · What are the key elements of the standard?  · Select and […]

OSHA Unit 3

Please view attachment OSHA As a safety professional, you have been asked by a well-known safety trade journal to write a piece on OSHA operations. They would like for your article to be in essay format and to touch on the following: · OSHA’s legal authority and system for scheduling inspections · Include the process […]

week 10 edu 501 discussion

  A number of cognitive factors affect motivation. Please respond to the following: Select one of the following factors. Value. Mastery goal. Personal interest. Expectancy. Situational interest. Describe the cognitive factor you selected, why you selected it, and how you might use it in your practice.

Week 5-Reading Difficulties

See Content Scenario: As you begin the school year with a new third-grade class, you notice that one of your students is especially weak in fluency. You have brought your concerns to the special education teacher for guidance on intervention strategies.  Create a 175- to 350-word fictitious profile for this third-grade student with very poor […]

Week 4-Reading Difficulties

See Content Scenario: As one of the literacy coaches in your school district, you have been asked to develop a presentation to share scientifically based interventions at an upcoming professional development conference in your district.  Select 1 of the students from the case studies in the “ Five Domains of Reading ” learning module that […]

How to survive in a toxic culture?

Please refer to attachments 2 Assignment Two: Deciding How to Survive in a Toxic Culture by Student Name ORGL 8770 CRN ##### Critical Thinking for Decision Making Nova Southeastern University Date Assignment Two Introduction Start here with this topic. Major Communication Problems Start here with this topic. Inconsistency of Individuals not Following Policies Start here […]


  Please answer each question in complete full  paragraph. Do not repeat the questions. All answers should be followed by a reference  

special education

Please use the required readings with additional sources Required Online Readings in this Module: What is an Ability Focused mindset? Take a look at the article below and reflect upon this question, how can I ensure I am an ability minded person? · Focus on Ability: Interacting with people with disabilities, NASA Johnson Space Center […]

Lesson plans

Complete one lesson plan for your unit plan (10 points) (TS #1) – using resources and materials from Canvas, lectures, and activities.  Must include all materials used during lesson plan to support student learning. You will use this lesson when you create your Taskstream Unit plan. You will use ONE of these case scenarios for […]

sedwards week 5

 Please use attachments to respond to questions  As you conduct your literature review you will identify techniques,  sources, and datasets that may prove useful to your classmates. Please  address the following three items in your post. 1.  Identify at least one technique that you employed in your literature  review that produced sources relevant to your topic (i.e. […]

Midterm dee


Midterm Brothers

Please see attachment Case Study Title: “Fostering Inclusive Instructional Leadership: The School Redesign Challenge” Background: You are a newly appointed principal at Monroe High School, a diverse urban school with a student population encompassing various ethnicities, cultures, and socioeconomic backgrounds. The school has a history of academic disparities among student groups and faces challenges in creating […]

Cognitive Development and Learning

  Discuss Piaget and Vygotsky’s theories as well as information processing theory. Include the key points of the theories. Explain how each impacts student learning. Discuss the key points of the three types of cognitive learning. Identify the similarities between the three types of cognitive learning. Identify the differences between the three types of cognitive […]

Education Week 5 – Final assignment

  Women Creating Culture [WLOs: 1, 2] [CLOs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] Prior to beginning work on this assignment, review Did Women Have a Renaissance?Links to an external site. and From 1971: Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists?Links to an external site. Also watch The Story of Women and Art: Episode 3Links […]

week 7 discussion

Consider the Five Steps for Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking. How can you apply each of them to your research and Profile of a Graduate Signature Assignment? Your responses to your peers should include elements such as follow-up questions, further exploration of topics from the initial post, requests for further clarification, or explanations of some points […]

Literature Review

Assignment Description: For this assignment you are asked to complete a small-scale literature review on an educational topic of your choice. You have already collected 5 educational journal articles on 2 different topics. Select the topic of your choice from the 2 and  write a 4 -5 page literature review on the articles you’ve selected. […]

617 discussion 1

 What do you remember most about learning to comprehend what you read in grade school? How did your teachers (other than English/reading teachers) focus on teaching you to comprehend what you read in their courses? What made the process of “learning to read” easy or difficult? How would you rate yourself as a reader? 

Who Am I

Reflection: Who am I? Purpose: This assignment aims to reflect on the readings and discussions as you relate to your own family experience and how it might influence your work with families of children with special needs. You should interview your family members to dig deeper and try to understand as much as you can about […]

Week 3-Reading Difficulties

See Content Scenario: To further develop your skills as a literacy coach, you have been asked to review and analyze a series of case studies of students demonstrating a variety of reading problems. You will make recommendations for assessments to diagnose the reading problems based on your analysis. These case studies will be shared in […]

please help

  Create a 12 slide digital presentation, to be given to general classroom teachers in a professional development setting, on inclusion and classroom management strategies that can be incorporated into classrooms. Include a title slide, reference slide, and presenter’s notes. The presentation should help the general education teachers build their skills in the following areas: […]


Assignment: Requested Analysis of Competition The traditional university who is your client has come to you with a problem. Apparently, a number of students in the last several years have left the university in pursuit of several prominent online universities which have boasted a much quicker pathway towards degree attainment. They have promised less expensive […]

Ethical Responsibilities

This must be a 5-minutes · An introduction defining the differences between the following elements and 2 examples of each: · Educational philosophies · Legal and ethical responsibilities of teachers · Professional standards · A review of how each of the elements relates to delivering impactful teaching and learning in diverse classrooms and schools · […]

week 8 module tina

 Please complete attachment Objective: To create a math lesson plan for preschoolers. Scenario: You are a teacher at a preschool. Your  class will soon be starting a topic called “Colors and Shapes in Our  World.” The children in your care come from diverse cultural  backgrounds, and several of them speak languages other than English at […]

Jameire week 4

   Topic: Phil Knight. Phil Knight is the created of Nike and he created this brand first out of high school. PROVIDE 1 PARAGRAPH FOR EACH SUBHEADING BELOW (EACH or Whichever Subheading/Sections you choose to have): Table of Contents Chapter I: Introduction Chapter II: Review of Literature  Overview of the Sport Entrepreneur Upbringing and history […]

week 4 thelma

  I included a template I use for my classes.  Assume  you are an employee of an organization and your executives have  requested that you investigate corporate sustainable policies and  initiatives. Develop a memo to respond to the executive committee.  Inform  these executives about the findings of your research. Offer concise,  relevant, and actionable advice. […]

case study tati

  PLEASE WATCH VIDEO Instructions: The  purpose of this assignment is to apply basic terminology and processes,  and expected course of care associated with the circumstances of a  designated patient population by demonstrating the cyclical process of  assessment, plan, intervention, and evaluation of child life services.  (CLC1d; CLC1a) To begin, choose a case study  from […]

midterm (Neva)

Please see attachment Select one the following cases/events: Rosewood Massacre, MOVE Bombing, Ledell Lee, Yusuf Hawkins, or Breonna Taylor. Using a one-pager template from create a document that details the case you selected. This will require research. Your finished product must include: ·  a detailed overview of the incident  · a visual/picture · a […]


Module 4: Post-observation Conference with Field Supervisor (PoP Cycle 1) · · Post Observation Conference– not later than 3-4 days after the Formal Lesson Observation. All these MUST be submitted 24 hours prior the meeting: 1. Submit the same Students Achievement Chart from pre-observation but now with post-assessments results  2. Submit lesson plan with revisions […]


Module 4: Post-observation Conference with Cooperating Teacher (PoP Cycle 1) 1. Share your self-evaluation  (JUST DOMAIN 3) using  Touro Rubric with evidence  Download Touro Rubric with evidence from your lesson you taught 2. Ask the cooperating teacher to provide specific feedback based on his or her observations in relation to Domain 3    During this meeting […]

Instructions in files

In files  Functional Behavior Assessment and Behavior Intervention Plan Project Guidelines The purpose of this project is to familiarize the student with the process of conducting a Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) and developing and implementing an appropriate intervention. Utilize these guidelines to ensure that all components of this assignment are completed. Part I: Identifying a […]

PowerPoint 8 slides

In files  PRESENTATION TOPICS · · FIRST AID · Wounds/Controlling Bleeding/Shock · Burns · Bone injuries/Joint Injuries/Muscle Injuries · Head Injuries and Concussions · Diabetes · Epilepsy · Heart Attack · Stroke · Poisoning · Bites and Stings · Cold Related Emergencies · Heat Related Emergencies · CPR in Schools · AED · ACCIDENTS · […]

Spring Flowers 2

See attached 1. Informational text is organized, or structured, in a specific way to guide the readers in identifying key information and making connections among ideas (Honig, et. al., 2018). Having the students understand how a text is organized helps with comprehension. Informational texts use a limited number of organizational structures, each having a set […]