S. Edwards

Please use the following attachment to fill in all the requirements of the thesis. Please no copy and paste from previous assignment.    Introduction  Statement of the Problem Type your statement of the problem here….. Purpose Statement Type your purpose statement here….. Research Question Type your research question here….. Literature Review Type your literature review […]

quita week 8 powerpoint

  Choose  a family problem or stressor that can significantly impact the  functioning of a family such as military deployment, child abuse and  neglect, domestic violence or substance abuse. You may choose another  issue but it must be one that presents a significant stressor. Create a  power point presentation of 8-10 slides that includes the […]

chcichi final

Please see attachment Your final project is a culmination of activities you have been working on during class. The main objective of this final assignment is to teach what you have learned about the Hospitality Management industry – specifically careers available, skills and knowledge necessary, and how to identify issues that are affecting the industry. […]

chichi brochure

Please see attachment  Your required to create a tri-fold informational brochure  about an injury of your choice. This brochure should be informational  and geared towards understanding a common injury in a sport, and the  immediate treatment of the injury. Identify the anatomy and resulting  damage, mechanism of injury, initial first aid response to the injury, […]

ET2001( Written Communication)

I need this done by Tuesday 2/27/2024. Please be sure to follow all instructions and read all attachments IMG_7074.PNG IMG_7075.PNG IMG_7076.PNG IMG_7077.PNG IMG_7078.PNG IMG_7079.PNG IMG_7080.PNG IMG_7081.PNG IMG_7082.PNG IMG_7083.PNG IMG_7084.PNG IMG_7085.PNG IMG_7086.PNG IMG_7087.PNG IMG_7088.PNG IMG_7089.PNG IMG_7090.PNG IMG_7091.PNG IMG_7092.PNG

military history (coco)

   Q1 What was the American Civil War about for the Confederacy? Q2 Which Confederate General led the Army of Northern Virginia? Q3 Who won the First Battle of Bull Run and what was the impact? Q4 Which Union General was having the most success in the western theater and quickly rising in popularity? Q5 […]


  Part I: Using the Reconstruction Period (chapter 13) as a guide, what role should the U.S. Army have in domestic disturbances such as riots, large-scale strikes, etc.? What more recent uses of the Army in domestic interventions can you think of? Part II: What is the difference between the militia and the National Guard? 


 Reflect on a time when you wished you had listened. Explain why not  listening effectively during that time affected your life. What did you  learn from the experience? Why was it important to listen in that  situation? 

Des health

Q1  Describe 5 health and Wellness Benefits of Cardiorespiratory Endurance.  Q2  List 5 Physical Activities to increase YOUR cardiorespiratory endurance  Q3  Identify 5 methods you can use to assess your cardiorespiratory endurance 

Brothers 3

  Please access the link above. How will this impact you career in education? How should public school superintendents respond?


Please see attachment, Note I do not currently have a topic and the name of the class is:  Educational Research Methods 

neva english

  Please select a historical moment/person from the list below, research and create infographic (using canva.com) complete with pictures. Please remember that Wikipedia is not an acceptable source.  The Greensboro Four  Medgar Evers’ assassination Mae Jemison  Langston Hughes and the Harlem Renaissance  Garrett Morgan and his inventions Booker T. Washington and creation of Tuskegee   Madame […]

neva aa music

 Compare and contrast the life and times of Ma Rainey and Robert Johnson,  how did they contribute to the Blues. Include place of birth and death. 

tina module7

  Objective: To create a construction play activity plan for preschoolers. Scenario: You are a teacher at a preschool with  students that range in age from 4 to 5. Your class will soon be starting  a theme called “My Community.” The children in your care come from  diverse cultural backgrounds, and several of them speak languages […]

module 7

please see attachment Part 1 (10 Points) Read the case study on page 127 of your text and answer the 3 questions. Use at least 1 scholarly source to support your answer. The room where Rowan’s child care group meets has only one com-puter, which is much sought after by all the children. This afternoon […]


Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to use different types of observation and conduct observations of physical, social, cognitive, and/or language development by using appropriate observation strategies.  Directions:  Part I. 1. Describe the purposes of the different types of observations (Anecdotal, Running Record, Time Sampling, and Event Sampling). Part II. Watch three short videos […]

Behavioral Analyst

 EDF 6437 FINAL PROJECT Project Overview 200 points The purpose of the final project is to assess your ability to apply the concepts of your coursework to activities related to measurement and single case design. You are given several weeks to work on the project. While the current course may not have covered all of […]

Global Review of Disability and Accessibility

Individual APA 2-3 page paper Submit Here This assignment addresses your Global Awareness Outcome, Students will be able to describe the interrelated dynamics (e.g. legislative, attitudinal, linguistic, sociocultural, globalization) that influence accessibility for individuals with disabilities in communities across the world. APA Paper (15 points) · Each student will submit an individually written APA formatted […]

Clark/Kozma Debate

Kozma’s Learning with Media  Clark’s Media will Never Influence Learning Clark/Kozma Debate Paper MEDT 8463 For this position paper, you will research the literature on how instructional media and emerging technologies influence or impact student learning. Then, you will review, critique, synthesize, and use key ideas from the research literature to write a persuasive paper […]

Response 2 706

100 word response 1 reference/intext citation Due 2/23/2024 King Two top ideas/concepts I learned in this course and how they changed my thinking. The first top concept that I learned in this course is the five disciplines, personal mastery, shared vision, mental models, team learning and systems thinking. (Senge, 2012) They changed my thinking because […]

Response 1 706

100 word response 1 reference/intext citation Due 2/23/2024 Batiste Summation of Learning 1. Top 2 ideas/concepts learned:        I learned how to create and maintain a positive, productive learning environment and support and foster a safe classroom community. Managing change is a daily part of the human experience that leads to better planning […]

Spring Flowers

Please see Attached Create a plan of instruction to address the literacy challenges for the following: Sarah is a third-grade student who has been quietly struggling with reading comprehension. Despite receiving instruction in phonics and decoding skills, she continues to have difficulty understanding and retaining the meaning of the texts she reads. However, due to […]

RES DQ questions week 2

 Read EACH Students Response Provide THREE references to support your answer to the student I dont care of you use the same references to respond to all three students but each answer MUST have three PEER REVIEWED references to support your response on if you agree or dont agree with the students answer to this […]

Evaluation video

look at video first please EDLC 510 Evaluation of Video Lesson Template 1. Do the instructional activities in the lesson adequately support the lesson objective? Explain how the activities do or do not support the lesson objective. 2. Does the teacher effectively manage the classroom? What management strategies are used in the lesson? Which strategies […]


 common characteristics of students with intellectual and developmental disabilities 

computer science

computer science Computer Specifications Instructions: In a Word document, provide a response to the following: Describe the main components of a computer. What is their purpose?  What are the specifications of your computer? Give as much information as possible. At a minimum, you should identify the CPU type and speed, RAM amount and hard drive […]



respond to discussion 4AM

Discussion: Discuss how the three-dimensional art can stimulate the Naturalistic intelligence from Gardner’s theory.  Charvita Tolbert The hypothesis of multiple intelligences developed by the psychologist Howard Gardner postulates that individuals have distinct ways of utilizing knowledge and that humans do not possess all forms of intellect from birth. Stated differently, even beyond the completion of […]


 Please answer each question in complete paragraph. Do not repeat the questions. All answers should be followed by a reference     

J Jordan week 3

  After  reviewing this week’s resources, please discuss objectives on how you  would create a new MLS team for a city near you (it should be a large  enough city to support an MLS team). Make sure that MLS does not already  have a team in the city you choose. Why am I asking that […]

Education Assignment 4 706

Template for Reflective Journal Assignment 4 CIMA 706 · Reflective journals are used to record detailed descriptions of certain aspects of an event or thought. For example, who was there, what was the purpose of the event, what do you think about it, how does it make you feel, etc. Write down everything, even if you don’t […]


Textbook Chapters: Chapter 11: The Weight of the DNA in  The innovative university: Changing the DNA of higher education from the inside out. Chapter 12: Even at Harvard in  The innovative university: Changing the DNA of higher education from the inside out. Discussion Question: Please provide at least a 250-word response, utilizing references from the […]

Technology Write for us

The main task of Technology write for us of ThoughtsMag is to encourage talented writers who are interested write topics and publish on our website. If you have also any good information related to our website, share your thoughts to us through below methods, we will check your content and publish your article on this […]

Self regulation strategies

I need help revising my work. Charlotte is 8 weeks old and her parents, having to return to work to provide for their baby, have no choice but to entrust her to Mahi, who has been looking after her for two weeks. This is a completely new environment for Charlotte, and it has taken her […]

Discussion 8 706

Final Discussion Posting for:  “Managing Change in the Educational Environment”.   Purpose: To share your culminating thoughts regarding what you have learned in CIMA 706. Directions: 1. Please submit a 2 page summation/reflection of your experience in this course 2. Include in-text citations from your book or other sources aligned to your comments. 3. Include […]

Informative presentation requirements:

 Based on a personal interest of yours, Choose a current event or issue that impacts college students.  focus on a topic you can research on the Internet or other sources. One goal of the informative speech is to blend personal experience and outside sources to create a successful, informative presentation. 

discussion 4AM

Discussion: Discuss how the three-dimensional art can stimulate the Naturalistic intelligence from Gardner’s theory.  Please cite two sources within your discussion to share your viewpoint   and remember to reply to at least two of your classmates. 


1. Social Justice vs. Market Justice Public health nurses are guided by the principles of market justice and social justice (Cornerstones of Public Health Nursing, MDH 2007). The economy of the United States has been shaped by the concept of market justice. Under this principle, people are entitled only to those things that they have […]

Learning Activity

EDLC 606 Learning Activity: Statistics Exercises Assignment Instructions This learning activity consists of a variety of problems from Chapters 13–15. In the Learning Activity: Statistics Exercises Template, type your answers directly in the document in the spaces provided. Please consider highlighting, starring*, or changing the font color of answers for ease of instructor grading. Note: […]

Diabolical Journal

Use the left column of the chart below to write clear references to the text; use the right column of the chart below to share your reactions. Use the summary section to write a brief gist summary of your observations and questions for each set of entries. In the center column, place the paragraph(s) number […]

Their Eyes Were Watching God

Persuasive Essay Their Eyes Were Watching God Write a persuasive essay on Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching God,  discussing something you believe is very important that Hurston is trying to express about race or racial matters, gender or male/female matters, nature symbolism, other symbolism, why Hurston uses dialect effectively, or the importance of shifting settings.  The […]

What’s your delivery method?

Are you able to make a PowerPoint for the persuasive speech? Power point Delivery Outline Guidelines This brief outline helps guide the speaker during the delivery of the speech. This outline should be key words and short phrases and should NOT be full sentences. It is to be used to keep the speaker on track […]

training presentation

 Training presentation requirements: 4-5 minute training presentation training the audience on how to utilize a resource that promotes student success. Must have presentation aid demonstrating steps or details to use the resource.  

Education homework #7

Scenario 1 – School Extended Scenario from Project Guidelines and Rubric You are interacting with a diverse group of peers this term who come from different cultures, socioeconomic statuses, ability levels, learning styles, career goals, and more. You are tasked with creating a guidebook that details the importance of social justice, cultural awareness, and communication […]


Comprehensive Classroom Management and Organization Plan (35 points) Purpose: The Comprehensive Classroom and Organization Plan is to reflect on one’s leadership and management style in order to develop a plan for effective classroom management and discipline. Your Comprehensive Classroom Management and Organization Plan must be written in the first person. This assignment requires the skills […]


  What was so revolutionary about it? In answering this, address not only the achievements of the individual scientists involved, but also look beyond. Please have a short thesis that succinctly answers the assignment question. Please support your answer with specific details–but not actual text/verbiage–gleaned from the readings. Please support your answer with specific details–but […]


 Discussion Question #1: What do you perceive as the benefits of this approach (if any?) Discussion Question #2: What were your top three approaches to curve the Church’s influence? Why?

Spec Mthds: Analyzing Public Issues

Instruction: Create a lesson based off the article “A Paleo Perspective on Global Warming”.  Lesson is based off questions that need to answered under: “Decision-Making Questions and Statements”