Response 2 706

100 word response 1 reference/intext citation Due 2/15/2024 King Rethinking Education Reform in Light of the Pandemic A learning organization, according to Senge et al. (2012), is supposed to mean “where people continually expand their capacity to create the results they truly desire, where new and expansive patterns of thinking are nurtured, where collective aspiration is set […]

Response 1 706

100 word response 1 reference/intext citation Due 2/15/2024 McCoy A learning organization, according to Senge et al. (2012), is supposed to mean “where people continually expand their capacity to create the results they truly desire, where new and expansive patterns of thinking are nurtured, where collective aspiration is set free, and where people are continually learning to […]

Education Assignment 3

CIMA 706: Assignment 3 The Interview- 750 words minimum Objectives 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Due End of Week 6 Purpose of the Assignment: The purpose of this assignment is to discover what a Leader of Change experiences and perceives during an actual change initiative that he/she has lead in an educational institution. […]

journal topic

how to write a journal article  a written critique of a referred journal article relating to assessment, test and evaluations, has to be about preschool children. ONLY a type summary maybe a page an a half or a page!!!

Week 1-Reading Difficulties

See Content An important aspect of supporting students in literacy efforts is involving students’ families, first by sharing knowledge about the reading problems children can experience, and then by explaining the interventional and instructional strategies that can be used in school and at home to help bridge literacy gaps. Scenario: In your role as a […]

Using Standards to Create Goals

Standards to Create Goals Using the template provided you will select a content topic (e.g., Social Studies). You will search under a grade level and that subject to select three standards of your choice.  Based on the topic and three standards you will create three measurable goals for each of the standards using one […]


At this point, you should be noticing that various concepts (i.e., reliability, validity) previously discussed are very related to testing bias and the related adverse impact and differential validity. Psychological testing (e.g., intelligence tests, personality assessment, etc.) has an interesting past in many countries. It has been used in many ways, some of which could […]


Turnitin™ This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin™. Instructions Directions: Read the scenario below and then respond to the questions/statements which follow. Scenario: Sally is a third-grade student with an identified specific learning disability in the academic areas of reading comprehension and math reasoning. Sally requires a resource level of support whereby she spends the […]

A2: Factors Influencing Prenatal Development

A2: Factors Influencing Prenatal Development Hide Assignment Information Turnitin™ This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin™. Instructions In this week’s assignment you will develop an original chart AND/OR diagram based on your understanding of these concepts that will illustrate how prenatal development is influenced by environmental AND/OR genetic factors. Please utilize your Creativity, it is […]


  Read the article by Gerber et al. (2004), and book chapters (Richards & Leafstedt, 2009) posted on Canvas under the heading “Teaching Small Intervention Groups”. Read the section on Core Intervention Model (CIM) from pp. 241-242 of the article and book chapter (chapter 6) and write a response. Your response might include information such […]


  From this week’s reading (Ladson-Billings: But that’s just good teaching!) select three quotes that resonate with you from the article or two quotes from the reading and one quote form any other resource from this week. For each quote, write 1-3 sentences reflecting on why the quote stood out to you.  Please close with […]

dsrt 839 week 6

please refer to the attachment · Overview: Now that you have an understanding of the sample size needed to complete your study, you will draft the sampling procedures and data collection sources section of Chapter Three. The data collection sources section should discuss the reliability and validity of the quantitative instrument (where applicable) and qualitative studies […]

learning actvity

EDLC 606 Learning Activity: Student Portfolio Assignment Instructions Overview Portfolios can supplement grades and show supporting evidence of a learner’s achievement and growth. For this assignment, you will create a portfolio, establish rubric(s), and create a rating form. The portfolio must be created for a particular group of students in an authentic context. Ideas for […]

dsrt 839 week 3 q

please refer to the attachment Overview: In previous weeks, you began working on your IRB application, this week, you will finish the IRB application and gain permission from your instructor to submit.  Directions: Using the appropriate Word version of the IRB application from the  IRB and Research Organization/Doctoral Research site , complete the following sections of the […]

Discussion 7 706

500 word response 2 intext citation/references due 2/14/2024 Module 7 reading activities provide insight into what it takes to be accountable for sustained educational reform. This Discussion requires you to apply lessons learned from this week’s reading activities, with a specific focus on proposing a sustainable reform concept.   Objective To create a sustainable reform […]

06 500-0

The final project will be a video recording of the group’s thoughts about the book, specifically the representation of diverse populations and how this book could be used in the classroom. The video should be 4 – 10 minutes long. The video will be posted on the discussion board.  We Will Paint the Octopus Red

discussion Board

  The Assignment Based on what you have read, what are two questions you have in regard to curriculum development in the context of special education? Find an article that responds to your two questions.  Post the article in Moodle (a url link will be good for this).  Identify the article and describe its response to your […]

Checkpoint one

2 Curriculum Development Project (Checkpoint I) Searching for Meaning in Curriculum Dr. Hawkins EDCI 5020 Introduction The curriculum of schools in America has drastically changed over the years with a lot of shifts which have resulted in changes to existing curriculum. In America, the stages of evolution in the curriculum follow the trends and patterns […]

Edu 501 week 7 discussion

Select two learning and study strategies that you would use to support learners. Discuss why you selected the two strategies and include a description of each strategy. Which of the factors that you listed do you think is the most important? Why?


Attatch Compose a 3 page paper with the following components: 1. Introduction 2. Describe the intention of school vouchers. 1. What did this policy intend to solve? 3. Discuss the impact of school vouchers on education. 1. Was this policy effective? Why or why not? 4. What is your position on the use of school […]

Des world civ

Please see attachments Top of Form READ the two essays below (PRO and CON) that are posted below in the form of images. ASSIGNMENT/PROMPT:  Which of these essays makes the stronger case–and why?  Your essay must have a thesis statement that  directly and specifically answers the question in the assignment/prompt and is underlined or highlighted or […]


 Please answer each question in complete paragraph. Do not repeat the questions. All answers should be followed by a reference 

week 6 sam

  Assignment Sites/Videos:  Assigning Resources in Microsoft Project (7 min video)  How to Add Resources in MS Project (4 min video)  Required:  Watch the 2 videos above prior to starting your assignment. Make sure  that you review each resource and that they are not resourced more than  100% (each resource should be at or below […]

jordan week2

  please read this article and please answer the following questions: What characteristics are necessary to be a successful sport entrepreneur? Do you believe you have any of the qualities required?

Family Structure

Purpose: This assignment aims to identify and understand the different family structures and learn how to collaborate and communicate with them. Directions: Read the following article by Christina M. Tschida and Lisa Brown Buchanan Complete the 4 A’s Protocol attached. 

week 1 tati

 Visit the Association of Child Life Professionals  and reflect on what Child Life does and how you envision Child Life  philosophies will impact your future career with children and families.  Then complete both the questions/answers and complete the table at the  bottom of My Education and Certification Plan to create your own  education and certification […]

quita week 6

  For the Case Study, you will provide a brief overview of the case, analyze the information, and draw a conclusion. The  study will briefly describe the events leading to the incident, legal  considerations, analysis of the information, and a conclusion.  You may  select from the following case studies: Sandy Hook, Elementary School, New Town […]

Education Lesson Plan Assignment

Support with a lesson plan.  EDUC 398 Lesson Plan Assignment Template I. Subject and Grade Level: II. Topic: III. STANDARDS A. Virginia Standard of Learning: B. Common Core State Standard: IV. Objective: V. Materials: VI. Technology Connection: VII. Biblical/ Character Education Principle: VIII. Procedures: A. Set: B. Developmental Activities: i. Instruction: ii. Guided Practice: iii. […]

Education Strategic Planning Assignment

Assignment: Interviewing for the Job Your day has come. You are excited because at this point the consulting company has invited you to an interview with a large midwestern university that is indeed interested in hiring you to be a consultant working on a two-year contract in helping the university drive new levels of growth […]

R*vised Synthesis – R*search Skills

All information in attachments. please read carefully. Additional articles from the R*vised Synthesis P*per Supplemental Articles List is included in attachment. Synthesis from topic 4 with feedback also included. 

Winter 2024 Discussions

Questions on the attachment Discussions Week 3 Discussion           This  week, locate an article on family roles across cultures.  Use the NSU  library system which will offer you a wide variety of scholarly  full-text articles in those areas. Include bibliographic information in  APA format (author, year, title, journal, etc.) so your classmates may  also locate […]

Share you Evaluation

● The goal for this presentation is to share your evaluation of the leadership approach as it supports the initiative, as well as areas that could be addressed to enhance the support and/or mitigate potential risk related to the leadership approach. ● Please select the presentation style and modality most appropriate for the audience you […]

Describe the Setting

● Describe the setting and the initiative with enough detail for your reader to understand how the Leaders and Followers interact with each other. ● This is your initial analysis of the leadership, so be sure to include the current leadership approach demonstrated within the organization and your evaluation of the effectiveness in the organization. […]


Classroom Management Presentation will include the following: Slides 1-2.          Introduction:    Introduce yourself; Then discuss your rationale and philosophy regarding education.  This could include how you view yourself in terms of Psychoanalytic, Ecological, Humanistic and Behavioral. Slides 3-5:          Procedures: What types of classroom rules and responsibilities do you require to make your classroom a safe […]

Education Assignment 3AM

Assignment Three-  Including Visual Arts and Music in the core curriculum of elementary schools The purpose of this assignment is to design a presentation on the importance of including visual arts and music in the core curriculum of elementary schools. Imagine that you have been invited to present at a conference to discuss the main […]

week 5 video

Can I get someone to help me analyze the videos in the file? CHS495V – Simulated Field Experience Capstone CHS495V Simulated Field Experience Reflections Template Video 1: Write the Name of the Video – Learning Walks: Structured Observation for Teachers a. Main Point and why it is an important topic. The main point of the […]

Data Needs

Question Instructions The program you are proposing is centered on particular goals and outcomes, developed around stakeholder expectations. (see link for program) Link is for info • Determine what data you will have at the completion of your program without evaluation tools (that is, based only on learning assessments). • Determine what data you will […]

speech proposal

Topic : Holi Formal Outline Example Title: Vegetarianism Central idea: The benefits of a vegetarian diet are worth changing your eating habits for. Specific purpose: To persuade the class of the value of a vegetarian diet. Introduction I. We eat meat in a variety of ways, meat that is loaded with chemicals. These chemicals enter […]

Journal Analysis

Can someone help with a Journal Analysis? HLTH 330 HLTH 330 Journal Analysis: Micronutrients and Water Assignment Instructions Overview The purpose of this assignment to give students the opportunity to examine and analyze food records for vitamin and mineral content as well as water as they relate to adequacy, deficiency and health benefits. This fulfills […]

need asap

  Attend a school board meeting for a local school district. If you are unable to attend in person, you may watch a live stream or an official recorded video of a recent school board meeting. In a 500 reflection about your experience, address the following: Describe each item addressed at the board meeting. What was being discussed […]

Education Interview Assignment

EDLC 510 Interview Assignment Template – Questions for Student or Parent Interviewer, you may type the interview responses directly onto this template. First name or initials of interviewee: Age of individual discussed in the interview: Relationship to the individual with special needs: Description of the individual’s special needs, including: · Name of condition, syndrome, or […]

Special Education

EDLC 510 Understanding Special Education Paper Assignment Instructions Overview Special education provides educational opportunities for students who need additional support to make academic or social progress in school. All educators need to understand the components of special education because effective special education programs include collaboration with a variety of educators, administrators, and school staff. Instructions […]

500-5 citation, references

500-0 5 Part I: After viewing the presentation Understanding Autism: Strategies for Classroom Success and Effective Use of Teacher Supports, address the following prompts: Describe 2 supports that you noticed in the classroom you observed on slides 11 and 12. Identify 2-3 elements of a well-structured classroom. Describe the strategy of Priming with students […]


 Create a narrated slide deck that represents your data analysis a. Create a narrated slide deck (using PowerPoint, Google Slides, or Loom) to analyze your film by relating the data you collected to what you have been reading about in class so far. In this analysis, think about those questions that you answered as you […]

case study

Case Study: Clinic Strategic Planning Process At the recent clinic strategic planning meeting, the team members (administrators, healthcare providers, clinic staff, and community members) decided it was time to upgrade the patient management system to include a comprehensive electronic medical record (EMR) system, including converting all paper medical records to e-records; implementing patient exam room […]

Specialized Curriculum and Instruction

 developing a presentation for a “lunch and learn” session about selecting and providing specialized curriculum and instruction for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities.  

Signature Part b

can you please help with this? Signature Assessment Section B – Plan for Teaching, Learning, and Assessment Template with Tips General Directions for Signature Assessment Planning and Assessment: Teacher candidates must complete the Signature Assessment: Planning and Assessment that demonstrates their knowledge and understanding of the teaching and learning process. The assessment is composed of […]


Professional Pedagogical Reflection on First Clinical Experience and Call to Professional Commitment to Future Action


Professional Pedagogical Reflection on First Clinical Experience and Call to Professional Commitment to Future Action


Start by reviewing the possible root causes for the event described in your RCA. Come to a consensus on ONE of the possible root causes for application of the PDSA. · Apply the steps of PDSA quality improvement framework to the selected root cause of the RCA. ·   Plan: The planning phase involves defining the […]