student conducts and honesty

Your opinions about student codes of conduct and scholastic honesty Scholastic Honesty Effective: 04/17/2023 It is assumed that all students are enrolled in class to learn; therefore, cheating is not an acceptable practice. Dishonesty of any type in a course, including cheating on examinations or plagiarizing materials, can result in a grade of “F” and […]

graduate admissions

 graduate admissions   Preparing for a major graduate admissions test like the GRE, MCAT, or LSAT is a daunting but exciting challenge, especially with a tight deadline. Imagine you have only eight weeks to prepare for one of these crucial exams. Assignment Details: Think about the strategies you would employ to ensure the most significant […]

Hypothetical Job Position

 Hypothetical Job Position      1    Select a Hypothetical Job Position: Choose a job within the field of Kinesiology that interests you. This could range from a Strength and Conditioning Coach, Exercise Physiologist, Sports Psychologist, Rehabilitation Specialist, to a Wellness Coordinator, among others. Be creative and think about where you see yourself in the future.     2    Identify a Hypothetical […]

Collaborative Leader Model

 Does invoking a collaborative leadership model influence systems thinking as a whole in an organization? If so, how and to what extent. If not, why not? Support your view. Including Scholarly References.

Collaborative Leader

 What do you believe is the most significant way in which a collaborative leader can influence an organization to become or continue to be a learning organization? Why? Support your position. Including Scholarly References.


Directions: For each discussion below, you will individually post two replies to the posts of others of at least 150 words each. Each reply must incorporate at least one scholarly research article in current APA format. The source cited must have been published within the last five years. As you participate in the Discussions in […]

ICL 7503: Week 4 Curriculm

 Read the Instructions in the Week 4 Module Summary. For your INITIAL POST: In the title, include information to identify the standard (Grade 8 Math). Attach the resources that you identified. Justify your selection. Why did you consider the resources high quality or low quality? Why would you use the high-quality resource with your students? […]

ICL 7503: Week 4 Reading Discussion

  Respond to the following questions: What do you think it means for curriculum materials to be “coherent pedagogically, logically, and conceptually” (Larson, 2016)? Why is this important? In some schools, teachers are expected to use a variety of programs (e.g., online tutoring programs) and curriculum materials (e.g., the adopted textbook; supplemental materials). Do you […]

ICL 7059: Madeline Hunter Model

– Create a lesson cycle using the Madeline Hunter Model for one or more of your learning objectives that you created in Module 1. Lesson Plan must include: Content: 8th Math Learning Objective(s) Instructional Strategy(ies) Answer: How was culturally responsive teaching addressed in this lesson? (Be specific in your response. Refer to the CRT reading […]

Stem Unit Plan

 Candidates create a thematic unit that integrates STEM experiences with literacy, math, or social studies for a grade level of the candidate’s choice. Regardless of the relative emphasis of STEM, literacy, math, or social studies within the unit, appropriate STEM methodologies should be explicitly included (e.g. vocabulary instruction, how/why questioning emphasis, inquiry/discovery learning, science and […]

Unit IV Journal

Please view the attachment.  You are asked to evaluate employees’ exposures to methyl n-amyl ketone during a painting operation using NIOSH Method 2553 for the sampling. You can access the method by clicking the link below: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. (2003).  Ketones II: Method 2553 . In P. M. Eiler & M. […]

Education Death and Stages of Grief Assignment

PLEASE USE NO AI OR CHAT GPT Write a 750-1,000-word paper analyzing Wolterstorff’s reflections in  Lament for a Son. In addition, address Kubler-Ross’s five stages of grief, as they are expressed throughout  Lament for a Son, and respond to the following questions: 1. Explain the medical and philosophical meaning of death. 2. Explain the five […]


 Please answer each question in complete paragraph. Do not repeat the questions. All answers should be followed by a reference  


  1. How did the Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch, and British initiatives in Asia differ from one another? 2. What was the significance of the silver trade during this time of empire building? 3. How did the emergence of the fur trade affect those indigenous peoples who had long lived in North America? 4. What roles […]

question assigment

CURRICULUM PLANNING AUTHENTIC ASSESSMENT & DIFFERENTIATION OF INSTRUCTION The Curriculum Design Wheel Excellent Curricular Planning is the result of child-centered Action-Research PLANNING BY DAP Standards, Goals & Objectives to meet individual & group needs (Some published curricula use goals & objectives derived from the state and national standards. E.g., The Creative Curriculum © &TSG Gold […]

Plan 2

You will write a Project Management Plan with at least 3 sources in APA format that builds off of the draft plan that you developed in the formative assessment leading to this Project. For this deliverable, imagine that you are an organizational leader in a higher education or corporate environment, and you have been tasked […]

assistance needed s

please see attachment MGT 220: Intro to Sport Management Learning Unit 8: Discussion Board 50 pts. Please create a new discussion post answering the following questions. Once finished, please respond to two other classmates’ discussion posts. Be sure to answer each question thoroughly. What was the biggest takeaway that you learned about Sport Management? Has […]

Early Intervention of Developmental Disabilities

  Students will select a vignette about a family with a child eligible to receive early intervention services. Students will complete a blank IFSP form will all relevant information based on the case of Kim. You can add any information that may not be addressed in the case study.  Students are then required to determine […]

u edwards

 Using one of the topics from your reading or a topic related to management from the 2023 Top 10 Work Place Trends   Links to an external site. and find five additional peer reviewed articles in this area (in addition to any of the readings) that provide context to the topic. Write summary and synthesis that discusses […]


 Please answer each question in complete paragraph. Do not repeat the questions. All answers should be followed by a reference 


 the  ways in which representations of China that we see in American society  differ from the reality of China as presented in the week’s readings and  media. 


Please see attachment Cause and effect paper 1. 3-5 pages; if you do three, it must be three full pages. 2. Use 1 source only. 3. You must pick one of the topics listed. 4. The Paper is due on Feb. 16th at 11:59 p.m. 5. You must have a MLA heading 6. You must […]


  Students will identify the cultures and societies (plural) of the China Students will evaluate China’s development as a country that rejected Western influence to the world’s second biggest economy.


  1. How did the Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch, and British initiatives in Asia differ from one another? 2. What was the significance of the silver trade during this time of empire building? 3. How did the emergence of the fur trade affect those indigenous peoples who had long lived in North America? 4. What roles […]

c mitchell

 the  ways in which representations of China that we see in American society  differ from the reality of China as presented in the week’s readings and  media. 


PSYC 725 Discussion Assignment Instructions Directions: You will post one thread of at least 300 words of the assigned week. For each thread, students must support their assertions with at least 2 scholarly citations and references in APA format. Any sources cited must have been published within the last five years unless the student is […]

question assigment

1.Cyntia C Classmate In the videos in assignment 1, I noticed that in the Ymca video, each student had a cot to rest in, however the napping area seemed crowded and lacked sufficient space for children to comfortably rest. One child’s cot was facing directly at the furniture. I rate this a 1 using the […]


 Self-Care It is important for nurses and nurse practitioners to engage in self-care, because as the old adage goes, “You can’t pour from an empty cup.” Nurses have to take care of themselves to do their jobs effectively and be the best caregivers to their patients that they can be. Paying attention to your own […]

assistance needed E

please see attach Write a 1-2 page paper communicating what you learn from an on campus interview of a staff, faculty or coach.  Paper should be 12 point font and double spaced.  The purpose of the paper is to identify someone on campus that can provide helpful insight into being a good student.  Interview someone […]

assistance needed

please see attached Provide a 400 word response to the video. Discuss 3 major takeaway from the video and how this knowledge can help you develop your memory. 

Close-loop system

 When viewing a team as a closed-loop system, each member becomes dependent on the next. How does this dependency influence the dynamics of a team from a systems perspective? Explain. How does a team in a closed-loop system interact with a learning organization? Explain and add scholarly references.

I need help with home work

I need help with homework Required References for week 5 assignment The Crosscultural, Language, and Academic Development Handbook: A Complete K-12 Reference Guide Required Read Chapter 7. View Resource AZELLA Assessment Required Review “AZELLA Assessment,” located on the Arizona Department of Education website. Assessment for English Language Learners Required Explore “Assessment for English Language Learners,” […]

assistance needed E

please see attached ENG 105: Composition I Assignment Checklist Checklist for Synthesis Essay Use this checklist to evaluate your essay before submitting it to the submission area for a final grade. This checklist is for your use only–do not submit this document, as you will not receive a grade for completing this. 1. Write the […]

Education Edu week 6 assignment

Refer to attached document EDU 510 Week6 assignment Skills Being Assessed In this assignment, you will practice the following skill(s): Problem-Solving The ability to identify and frame problems, explore ideas, and create effective, ethical, and evidence-based solutions. Self and Social Awareness The ability to recognize thoughts, emotions, intentions, and biases of oneself and others and […]


research Search for and summarize an article that suggests effective strategies for differentiating instruction for a specific content area/skill in a specific elementary grade. 2nd grade When typing an Article Review, follow this format and include the bolded headings: 1. List the bibliography at the top. Use APA format. If you do not have the APA […]

A davis

  After  reading The Danger of a Single Story, you will create a response.  Your response should detail the name and author of the reading. It  should provide a brief summary(three to five sentences) and then share  what you learned from the reading, whether there were any aspects you  connected to, and why you think […]

Articles Summaries

Criteria Ratings Points Content, Focus, and Organization 53 to >48 pts Advanced The assignment meets or exceeds all of the following content requirements: A peer-reviewed journal article that describes a research study related to developmental psychology is summarized. The summary includes a brief synopsis of • hypothesis(es) (what was predicted), • methods (what was done), […]


EDUC 730 Discussion Assignment Instructions Directions: You will post one thread of at least 300 words. The discussion threads in this course require a high level of thought and investigation on a number of important topics and related questions. Your posts must demonstrate course-related knowledge from the assigned readings and presentations, and you are to […]


Directions: You must respond to the 2 classmates replies below of at least 100 words each. To encourage an atmosphere of a conversational discussion, citations and references are not required for the reply posts. However, any sources cited must have been published within the last five years unless the student is citing classic or historical theoretical […]


 Activity: Workshop Model for 8th grade math Create a lesson cycle using the Workshop Model for one or more of your learning objectives that you created in Module 1. Lesson Plan must include: Content Area and Grade Level – 8th grade math Learning Objective(s) Instructional Strategy(ies) Answer: How was culturally responsive teaching addressed in this […]

Health Care and Wellness Provider and Faith Diversity First Draft

PLEASE NO CHAT GPT OR AI In 1,250-1,500 words, provide a comparative analysis of the two different faiths, reinforcing major themes with insights gained from your research. 1. Answer the following basic worldview questions for Christianity  and the faith you selected. 1. What is prime reality? 2. What is the nature of the world around us? […]


In six sentences, in Spanish, summarize what Luis has shared about his family. Do not use a translator. Your sentences will be short and simple. You should use the vocabulary and structures modeled. Your summary should contain the most important pieces of what Luis shared. 

Race and Ethnic Inequality

 Race and Ethnic Inequality  This week, you should write a reflection responding to the topic: “Race and Ethnic Inequality.” You should demonstrate what you have learned about racial inequality from this chapter, discuss your response to the reading, and pose any questions or critiques. You should draw from all the readings – including the chapter, […]

Early Intervention of Developmental Disabilities

  Students will select a vignette about a family with a child who is eligible to receive early intervention services. Students will complete a blank IFSP form will all relevant information based on the case of Kim. You can add in any information that may not be addressed in the case study.  Students are then […]

Early Intervention of Developmental Disabilities

  Students will select a vignette about a family with a child who is eligible to receive early intervention services. Students will complete a blank IFSP form will all relevant information based on the case of Kim. You can add in any information that may not be addressed in the case study.  Students are then […]


  Students will identify the cultures and societies (plural) of the United States. Students will evaluate the place of the United States within a larger global context.


  1.  When it came to building empires in the Americas, the Europeans had  some advantages.  Explain what they were, and how they served as  advantages. 2. What was the Columbian exchange, and how was it global in nature? 3.  How did the Spanish transform the land once controlled by the  Aztecs and Inca into […]


  1. How did the Russian Empire change the lives of its conquered peoples and the land itself? 2.  What were some of the distinct features of the empire established by the Qing Dynasty? 3. What were some of the distinct features of the Mughal Empire? 4.  What was the significance of the Ottoman Empire […]