Engl 223

Wright and Ellison Part A For this assignment, we’ll be discussing Richard Wright’s “Blueprint for Negro Writing” and Ralph Ellison’s  Invisible Man. As I mentioned in the Module 5 Lecture on the  Module 5 Required Readings page, these are the questions I encourage you to consider as you discuss these readings on the discussion board: What […]

Teaching Strategies for Diverse Learners

EDLC 510 Teaching Strategies for Diverse Learners Essay Assignment Instructions Overview Classrooms are filled with students from diverse backgrounds with various ability levels. Educators need to embrace the diversity among their students through the examination of instructional strategies. This assignment will allow you to investigate strategies for teaching students with specific academic and emotional needs. […]

Action Plan

Action plan for organization Assignment 3: Action Plan for Organization (25 points) Utilizing the National Standards for Professional Learning and other similar resources as a guide,  analyze and apply the pertinent information learned in this Course to the selected organization.  As a minimum include the following resources:  learning designs, outcomes, leadership, data implementation and learning communities […]

Reflection 6

School of , Liberty University Author Note I have no known conflict of interest to disclose. Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to . Email: 2 2 References

Case Study

School of , Liberty University Author Note I have no known conflict of interest to disclose. Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to . Email: 2 2 References


Summative Assessment: Facilitate Crucial Conversations In this activity, you will examine Crucial Conversations and evaluate how to best facilitate Crucial Conversations. Navigating difficult conversations effectively harnesses problem solving at a collective level, with measurable improvement to your institution or organization. Following the Crucial Conversation framework, you will now use the tools you have learned in […]

News 2

See attachment below Find a news article about your assigned country, remember your country is “Ghana”. Use Google or use ABZY News Links at http://www.abyznewslinks.com/  Each post will include 1. A news article about your country (copy and paste) 2. A short summary of the article 3. A brief explanation about how the article relates to […]


APA – 1 page Next, take a few moments to do the exercise found on pg. 94 of Levine & Kline ( exercise is attached). Once you have completed the exercise, be prepared to write down your experiences immediately in as much detail as possible. 1. How did your sensations, emotions, and thoughts change during […]


Please read the article below. Provide a summary of the article, discuss the findings, include a personal reaction, as well as an APA style reference of the article found. Steiner, A.M., Goldsmith, T.R., Snow, A.V., & Chawarska, K. (2011). Practitioner’s guide to assessment of autism spectrum disorders in infants and toddlers. Journal of Autism and […]

Education Four Part Assignment

I have attached the document for review there are four assignments please follow the directions.  3 Title of Your Choice Your Name School of Education, Franklin University EDUC 612: Ethics, Laws, and Values in Education Dr. Lee Ebersole September 22, 2024 Title of Your Choice The title of your paper is centered and bold on […]

Lesson 1

300-word response Due 9/20/2024 1. What is qualitative research? 300-word response Due 9/20/2024 2. How do we collect and analyze qualitative data?

Discussion question

Worksheet 1-A, A Tale of Two Families Case Study A TALE OF TWO FAMILIES CASE STUDY THE ANGELINO FAMILY The Angelino family has five children and a sixth on the way. The children are aged 14 (girl), 12 (boy), 10 (girl), 7 (boy), and 6 (girl). They are all bilingual (English/Spanish) and attend a nearby […]

LIT 8000 Discussion 3

Of the language learning theories discussed in this chapter, which do you most agree with? Do you find that cognitive and sociocultural theories are incompatible? If not, discuss some ways drawing on different theories can help inform your instruction. 

Interactions of Hazardous Materials

Please view attachment  Oxidizers and explosives have been used as weapons of mass destruction (WMDs). For this assignment, you are the lead incident commander for Star City Fire Department, which is responding to an explosion at the Regional Federal Building in downtown Star City. In preparing to respond to this incident, you noted that it […]

PD for teaching ELLs.

Create a PD session to present at a staff meeting for classroom teachers, detailing specific opportunities and strategies for continued growth as educators in supporting ELLs. Outline/agenda of the 30-minute meeting, with detailed facilitator/speaker notes. 

Nutrition PSA

(I DONT NEED VIDEO JUST SCRIPT) Diet has a direct effect on the quality of a person’s health and well-being. A healthful diet is based upon a daily intake of nutritious foods and meals. Consuming a wide variety of foods from all food groups ensures that the essential nutrients will be obtained. A child’s physical […]

Classroom Map

M1: My Classroom This is part 1 of your Management Signature Assessment. • Describe what your classroom environment would look like. • Include classroom management maps to clarify your description. • Be Creative! Category Target – 5 Revisions Required – 3 Unacceptable – 0 Classroom Environment Descriptions includes abundant detail; appropriate for intended audience; classroom […]

10 Lesson plan project

Are you familiar with GELDS (Georgia Standards for PRE-K)? This is the first of 5 parts to this lesson plan. If you take on the first one you must take on the other 4. Is this something that you can do? I live in GEORGIA and the lesson plans must align with GEORGIA PRE-K standards.

5 stations

At least one of the station should involved the used of technology.

Becoming an Effective Teacher: Reaching All Students

After reading Chapter 11: “Becoming an Effective Teacher: Reaching All Students,” you will summarize the four learning outcomes in a PowerPoint presentation. Use the attached template as a guide to assist you in your presentation. Please note: 1. Presentations should be a minimum of 8 slides including title and references slide 2. Be sure to […]

week 3 discussion

This week, you learned about different design considerations you will want to be aware of as you set up a learning environment to be welcoming to a diverse group of learners. According to Bullard (2017), “The environment affects productivity and sends a message regarding the value we place on those that use the environment.” When […]

I need help with home work

I need help with a video presentation Requires Lopeswrite Assessment Description As a teacher, you will encounter all kinds of students, including some with exceptionalities who are legally entitled to receive special education services. Knowledge of the laws that govern special education is essential in professional practice. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) outlines […]


  Please answer each question in complete paragraph. Do not repeat the questions. All answers should be followed by a reference      

Cross-Curricular Unit Plan

 Carefully review the data for each student in the “SPD-581 Class Profile.” Assume the students in the “Class Profile” are in the grade level that you are most interested in teaching. Using the data from the “Class Profile,” complete the “SPD-581 Cross-Curricular Unit Plan” template as directed. 

Progress Monitoring

use doc attached for instructions INSTRUCTIONS – FOLLOW THOROUGHLY This assignment will help you reflect on what it means to administer these diagnostics. First, you’ll need to understand what phonics are and then understand the importance of determining the strengths and gaps that students have in understanding phonics. You will review (1) a video (2) […]

Short discussions

JOURNAL 3 The following reading and video will help you understand concepts related to the concept of culture and will help you achieve the learning objectives and complete the weekly journal 3. · Read  Culture and Education  Actions by Sonia Nieto (MLO 1) · Watch  What is Culture? (MLO 2)Links to an external site. After […]

quay 1

  As  the Director of Health Information for a large health system, you have  been asked to analyze data sets, secondary data sources, and archival  methods through the application of health informatics techniques. The  CEO and Board of Directors have asked you to propose a plan to implement  across the organization and recommend best practices. […]

mini lesson 5

Week 5 Refer to the Mini Lesson you adapted in the Clinical Experience Lesson Review and Adaptation assignment from Week 4. Teach the Mini Lesson in a small group or an individual one-on-one setting. Consider using various methods of delivery (technology, oral, etc.) that promote expressive and receptive communication skill reinforcement, meet the needs of […]

LP6 accomodations

Week 6 Imagine you teach in a regular education classroom of 25 students. Among them are 1 student who has a learning disability, 2 students with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), 1 English language learner (ELL) student, and 1 gifted student. Choose your preferred grade level for this class. Identify a content area (e.g., math, science, social […]


Imagine you are a special education teacher. You have been asked by your principal to develop an IEP for one of the 5 student profiles below. Derek Jeremy Leanna Marty Mwajabu Use the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children and the Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Achievement as guides to understand scoring. Consider how you will ethically use […]

Sam week 2

  Study project cost analysis, including cost estimating and budget development. Prompt: Activity Duration Estimating 1. Explain the considerations that must be made on the constraints of cost and scope when estimating activity durations. 2. Discuss the primary benefit in three-point duration estimating. 3. Explain the use of contingency estimating. 4. Explain any constraints in […]

quita week 2

please see attachment Choose one social problem of racial inequality, ethnicity inequality, or gender inequality . (NOTE: Please do not select racial or gender discrimination. These are not the same as racial or gender inequality.)  Find a recent (within the last 24 months) News Article related to your chosen issue. · Do not select or […]


Write a brief letter to the families describing the literacy activity. The letter should be written in a way that uses appropriate, grammatically correct language, and is easy to understand for all families.  Consider translating the letter for any non-native English speakers.  Incorporate a design and format which makes the letter engaging for families to […]


Can someone do this for me you need to  imagine you read a story for 3-5 years old. Reflection Questions  Provide detailed answers to each of the following questions. How did the pre-planning of intentional questions and prompts change the intent of the reading activity and the engagement of the children? What made this experience […]

Education Educational Philosophy Assignment

   Educational Philosophy Assignment Educational Philosophy Assignment An essential component of a teacher portfolio is your educational philosophy. This assignment requires that you develop or refine your personal educational philosophy and ground it in the philosophies and theories studied in this course. This task has you grappling with the fundamental cultural and ethical questions that […]

Topic 8 (Question & Answer Format)

  Please view attachment!!  Lewis, W.E., & Strong, J.Z. (2021). Literacy instruction with disciplinary texts: Strategies for grades 6 – 12. Guilford Press. ISBN 978-1-4625-4468-4 ISBN 9781462530083  American PsychologicalAssociation. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.). 

Understanding special education

EDLC 510 Understanding Special Education Paper Assignment Instructions Overview Special education provides educational opportunities for students who need additional support to make academic or social progress in school. All educators need to understand the components of special education because effective special education programs include collaboration with a variety of educators, administrators, and school staff. Instructions […]


CLASSMATE 1 Please provide examples of interventions for specific math, reading, and writing disabilities. Support your recommendations with peer-reviewed journal articles. A recent study was done to see how to improve outcomes for children with dyscalculia. The study was looking into improving the child’s working memory to see if that would improve the child’s ability […]

anna week 6

please see attachment Week 6 Assignment: Creating Measures As a researcher, it is critical to translate observations into meaningful data that will yield meaningful interpretations. In this assignment, you will create a series of data collection instruments. For each of the methodologies listed, you will develop a measure and explain your decision in creating the […]

vaeh 1

   The Neuroscience/Biopsychological perspective emphasizes biological factors such as genetics, the nervous systems, illness or injury, and physical attributes.  Describe how your thoughts, feelings or behaviors have been affected by a biological factor.  The Cognitive perspective proports that our thinking determines our feelings and behaviors.  Describe how your feelings and behaviors have been affected by […]

vaeh 3

  Using information from sleepfoundation.org, describe how you could use the ideas presented under sleep hygiene to improve your sleep 

vaeh 4

   In your first paragraph, define sensation and perception. In your second paragraph apply the following quote to explain the uniqueness of your sensation and perception. “We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.”

vaeh 2

   There are many areas of study about how the brain affects our psychology (the way we think, feel and behave).  Choose three of the following videos based on what you find interesting.  Write a paragraph on each that includes some interesting facts you learned, and your thoughts on the topic.

unit 4

  Apply skills and strategies presented in this lesson to develop a plan for teaching from “The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County” (reading level 7.4 and interest level 9-12).  Your plan must involve a minimum of 4 reading comprehension strategies.  Available at to an external site.  EXPLANATORY NOTE:  This assignment does NOT require a […]

Science article review

(Science education ) EDLC 634 Science Article Review Assignment Instructions Overview You will complete two Science Article Reviews designed to acquaint yourself with teacher-oriented literature in science education. An article review is a short paper focused on critical reading and analysis of one peer-reviewed scholarly article. Instructions Completion of and topics of the two article […]


2nd grade sped student  EDLC 510 Interview Assignment Template – Questions for Student or Parent Interviewer, you may type the interview responses directly onto this template. First name or initials of interviewee: Age of individual discussed in the interview: Relationship to the individual with special needs: Description of the individual’s special needs, including: · Name […]

Leading Health Indicator

I need someone to help me.     Which topic area do you feel is currently the most critical to address right now? Why? What about the least critical? Why? What will those areas be 10 years from now?