7502: Week 2 Discussion
DISCUSSION: According to the author, “we need to think of learning particular mathematical concepts as the constant and the amount of time it takes to do the learning as the variable, rather than making the historical error of viewing the time as the constant and learning as the variable.” Respond to this quote. What do […]
Clusters and Standards Activity: One of the things that we will consider this semester is what it means to “unpack” a standard and different approaches to doing so. In Chapter 4, the author of the Brahier textbook describes one approach. Another strategy involves starting at the Cluster level. For this activity, your task is to […]
Please answer each question in complete paragraph. Do not repeat the questions. All answers should be followed by a reference
please see attachment CJUS 703 Discussion Assignment Instructions The student will complete 5 Discussions in this course. The student will post one thread of at least 1000 words. For each thread, students must support their assertions with at least 2 scholarly citations in current APA format. The student must then post 2 replies of at […]
U edwards
Please see attachment BUSI 701 Discussion Assignment Instructions Initial Thread Provide a 600 to 800-word summary (formatted according to APA guidelines) of the new research in this area from a minimum of five new peer reviewed journal articles and identify questions that need exploring in future research. Your discussion should be organized in a three-paragraph […]
please see attachment CJUS 703 Discussion Assignment Instructions The student will complete 5 Discussions in this course. The student will post one thread of at least 1000 words. For each thread, students must support their assertions with at least 2 scholarly citations in current APA format. The student must then post 2 replies of at […]
Can you help me with my homework Module III Discussion Subscribe Discuss a nursing model that would be most appropriate to your future advanced nursing practice role. Post your initial discussion by 11:59 PM ET on Thursday. Posts are a minimum of 250 words, scholarly written, APA formatted (with some exceptions due to limitations […]
Can you help me with my homework Module III: Men’s and Women’s Health Discussion The pharmacology of men’s and women’s health is a dynamic and evolving field that requires a nuanced understanding of gender-specific physiological and pathological differences. Clinicians must integrate pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic principles with individual patient characteristics to optimize therapeutic outcomes (prevention, […]
Early Intervention of Developmental Disabilities
Describe the relationship among sensory processing, sensory integration, and regulatory disorder. What is the role of occupational therapy in the process of sensory processing? Please make sure to include a reference to support your initial posting to cite the reference within the narrative and list it at the end of your posting.
WK 4 DB: Theory, Metatheory, Nature/Nurture, Human Genome Project As I read through modules three and four, was the theories and experiments and their similarities in the results. Each theorists shared their assumptions that learned behavior in a child’s early years can have lifelong effects that will show up into their adult years. An example […]
topic 6
What is bias versus a well-supported opinion? Some people think that to have any opinion at all is Share one source you might use in your op-ed. Provide an explanation regarding how this source adds to your argument. Does it support your claim? Does it provide information about the significance of the problem? Explain. Please […]
discussion 4AM
Discussion 4 Read Ferlazzo & Sypnieski Speaking and listening – Strategies #24-33 Discussion Week 4 – Select Total Physical Response (#26) AND two other strategies and how you would apply them in the classroom with ELLs.
Organizational Culture
You will write a 5 – 8 page Research Paper (not including the Title and References page) that builds off of the annotated bibliography and draft research paper that you developed in the formative assessments leading to this deliverable. Use these formative assessment sources and insights as a foundation for this research paper regarding the […]
Goal Statement
I would like to create a goal statement for admissions into the specialist program at mercer university. It needs to the articulate my motivations for pursuing the program. It needs to include my experience as a 10-year elementary school teacher, teaching kindergarten for 6 years and 2nd grade for 4.5 years. It needs to include […]
Edu 510 week 4 discussion 1
Refer to attached document In your Week 3 assignment, you had to define the student population for which you will be creating your assessment plan. For this discussion, you will practice your Self and Social Awareness skill as you think about what you learned in researching this population, and respond to the following: · What misconceptions […]
Edu 510 week 4 discussion 2
Refer to attached document This week you will expand on your understanding of how to craft and use classroom assessments that are inclusive. After reading Chapter 7, please use this discussion space to share your understanding of Diagnostic Assessment and Formative Assessment in preparation for the Part 3 Assessment Plan due in Week 10. Use […]
Scripture Reading
Please feel free to comment and/or add to Sunday’s scripture message – or bring in any you’d like before Sunday! Please work to keep the scripture relevant to our week’s learning objectives… which is not hard to do! Topic Rationale:Organizations must learn and grow to be sustainable. Understanding the seminal thinking regarding the emergence […]
human services
Please select 3 different an article/reading from our reading list. APA – 2 pages. Each article Please respond to these questions: 1. What reading did you choose and why? 2. How does the reading specifically connect to Human Service Ethics? 3. What is the author’s/authors’ main point? 4. […]
Assessment Plan and Implementation Report
Your client is a 7th Grade ELA teacher. MEDT 7476: Assessing Learning with Technology-Enhanced Instruction * 1 Assignment 3: Assessment Implementation Remember to continue where you left off on your copy of the Assessment Plan and Implementation Report Template found HERE For this project, you will now implement the Assessment Plan you developed for Assignment […]
Discussion Post
For Your Initial Post In your Subject Line, write a descriptive title that is appropriate and makes sense to you! In the Body of your post, address the following: Looking at the results on your Table 9.1 Assessment Beliefs and Practices… Are there any statements where there was a significant difference between how you […]
reading journal
MEDT 7476: Assessing Learning in Technology-Enhanced Instruction Assignment 0 (ongoing throughout the course): Reflective Reading journal – MEDT 7476 Overview Through this assignment, you will reflect on your assessment practice as prompted by readings assigned from Sessions 0 to Session 7 of the course. You may also find these notes you take useful to support […]
U edwards
Please see attachment BUSI 701 Annotated Bibliography Assignment Instructions Overview In preparation for writing each of your Discussions, you should submit your Annotated Bibliography Assignment on the topic that is being covered for the week (Marketing, Accounting, Finance, Management, Economic Data Analysis, International Business). Instructions An annotated bibliography is a list of sources (books, journals, […]
Education Personhood Assignment
Please do not use CHAT GPT OR AI Part One: What It Means to Be Human Based on the topic Resources, complete the “Personhood Chart” about personhood, human dignity, and moral status according to the Christian worldview and another worldview. Part Two: Case Study on Moral Status Based on the topic Resources, write a 500-750-word […]
Discussion Assignment Instructions Directions: You must respond to the 2 replies below of at least 100 words each. To encourage an atmosphere of a conversational discussion, citations and references are not required for the reply posts. However, any sources cited must have been published within the last five years unless the student is citing classic or […]
respond to discussion 3AM
Responses Jerome, Effective error correction is crucial in supporting English Language Learners (ELLs) as they develop language proficiency. Implementing appropriate strategies not only aids in correcting mistakes but also fosters a positive learning environment that encourages risk-taking and active participation. One such strategy is recasting, where the teacher implicitly corrects a student’s error by restating the […]
question assigment
article review
brief summary of article EEX 3226 * STŬDI Note Template for Monograph Article Reading: INSERT ARTICLE TITLE AND AUTHOR(S) HERE Name: INSERT YOUR NAME HERE Instructions: 1. Read the assigned article; 2. Think about how you might succinctly summarize the article; 3. Complete the table below and bring the typed, printed table to class. A. […]
Cultural Research
Draft Research Paper: Influence of Behavior on Organizational Culture After completing the previous readings on organizational behavior and culture, and using your previous annotated bibliography as a framework, draft a research paper that examines the influence of organizational behavior related to: ● an explanation of organizational behavior ● how organizational behavior influences organizational culture ● […]
7059 Activity: Feedback for Teacher goals
You will provide feedback to one of your peers on their Goals for Teaching reflection: What connections do you have to their strengths or goals for teaching? What questions do you have about their strengths or goals? How might their strengths and goals compliment or help you grow your own?
Sketch Leadership Powerpoint
Sketch Leadership Powerpoint Sketch of Leadership for Success This assignment is aimed at providing opportunities to compose a sketch about your views for successful leadership in your professional field (high school teacher). Imagine that you have been asked to outline the traits, skills, and characteristics describing a successful leader in your professional field. Considering your experiences […]
question assigment
Task (Select ONE from Choice A or B) · Collect ECERS-3 Data and record scores by clicking this link: ECERS-3 REPORTING FORMLinks to an external site. · Create and submit a PowerPoint Presentation (PPT) that summarizes the findings from your observations in either Choice A or B and outlines the staffing, physical environment, and population served in […]
Suppose that you are the HR manager for a company. The judge in a current law suit by a former employee has ordered mandatory pre-suit mediation. Your boss is unfamiliar with mediation and she asks you to advise her as to several issues regarding the upcoming mediation. Draft a memo thoroughly discussing, at minimum, the […]
please see attahcment This week your research focus is on Project Life Cycle Management. Use the outline below as a Table of Contents for your assignment and deliver a · Use at minimum two sources in correct grammar and APA 7th edition writing format. NOTE: the table of contents below is a structure to meet […]
2 Please Note: The fictional case provided herein was developed over the past seven months, before the current California fires. Lockheed Martin is deeply committed to supporting the relief and recovery efforts of those affected by the fires. We have donated to support immediate relief and long-term recovery of communities impacted by the Los Angeles […]
Topic: Core Competencies of Contract Managers: A Critical Analysis
Q1 Briefly, discuss the findings in a study conducted by Donner et al., (2016) pertaining to the relationship between self-control and police misconduct. In doing so, discuss Gottfredson and Hirschi’s (1990) general theory of crime as it is relative to self-control theory and police misconduct. Donner, C. M., Fridell, L. A., & Jennings, W. G. […]
assitant needed s
please see attachment MGT 220: Introduction to Sport Management Assignment Assignment: Final Presentation Follow the directions below to complete your unit assignment: 1. You are hosting a sporting event of your choosing at a location of your choosing. Utilizing the concepts covered in the text, provide the following in your PowerPoint presentation: a. Describe your […]
assitant needed E
please see attachments ENG 105: Composition I Learning Unit 9: Assignment Sample Synthesis Essay Assignment Instructions: Read the sample student essay carefully and answer the Response Questions. Before completing this assignment, be sure to carefully read (or listen to) all of the lectures pertaining to the Synthesis Essay. In addition, review the Synthesis Essay assignment […]
assistance needed E
Please see attachment ENG 105: Composition I Learning Unit 9: Discussion Discussion Posts 1. Write an original post for the Discussion Board. Announce your topic for the Synthesis Essay. See the assignment instructions for a list of topic choices. Write about one idea that is discussed by at least two or more authors. […]
week 3 discussion 2
Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, Read Chapter 3: Collecting and Considering Data of the course textbook One Step at a Time: A Roadmap for Problem Solving & Making a Difference. Review the What Factors Should Someone Consider When Conducting an Online Interview in Real Time?Links to an external site. video. Review A […]
See attached. *******Assignment: Max of 300 words ******** *Why I want to be a member of Delta Sigma Theta, Inc *Sorority* *Please incorporate verbiage using the 5 Thrusts of Delta. 1. Economic development 2. Educational Development 3. Physical and Mental Health 4. Political Awareness and Involvement 5. International Awareness and Involvement *Keywords Leadership, integrity, trustworthiness, […]
question assigment
M.F After viewing the slides and videos the Wladorf program model is the one I found to be the most interesting. Growing up the majority of the classrooms I was in used direct instruction. Due to me always being in a classroom setting where the teacher is always in the center, structured, and focused on […]
1 2 Program Note: DOC/714S is about the process and conceptualization of your research. Final Approval for research topic, problem and purpose statements, and research questions will be secured from your dissertation Chair and University Research Methodologist (URM). While your RES/709 faculty member’s evaluation and feedback are essential, final approval for your research topic, problem […]
Discussion 3
I have attached the requirements, which need to be returned by tomorrow. Module 3 Discussion · Implementing changes into educational institutions is challenging and oftentimes a slow process. Describe a change management model and analyze the challenges leaders could face when introducing a new community partnership.
please see attachement Name: ____________________________________________________ Date: _________________________________________ It is important to look at wellness as more than just physical health through exercise. There are multiple dimensions that contribute to one’s health. Discuss t hree (3) ways you can create balance and harmony for each of the dimensions listed. Be SPECIFIC if you would like credit. 1 […]
please see attachment WRITING THESIS STATEMENTS Upon successful completion of this lesson, you should be able to: • distinguish an arguable thesis from a statement of fact • write an arguable thesis statement • write a thesis statement and supporting arguments that logically align • revise a thesis statement so that it aligns with existing […]
please see attachment Diagnostic Essay. Spring 2025 Directions: You need to write a 5-paragraph essay addressing one of the prompts below. You must have an introductory paragraph concluding with your paper’s thesis. You need to have clear body paragraph points that prove your thesis. Each body paragraph must contain a topic sentence, evidence, and an […]
What is social inequality? Why does a country such as the United States have a large population of its citizens in low economic conditions for a wealthy country? What are the roots of social inequality in America
Education destini mitchell Gothic characteristics assignment
Please see attachment Pick one of the characteristics discussed in the article and write a paragraph discussing the characteristic, within the paragraph, you need an example of how you see it manifesting in literature or film and have a full analysis.
d Mitchell
Celebrity stalking is an extreme consequence of parasocial relationships, where fans form obsessive attachments to public figures. These one-sided relationships, often amplified by social media, can lead to dangerous and criminal behaviors, including harassment, threats, and even physical violence. Numerous celebrities, from Taylor Swift to Sandra Bullock, have faced serious stalking incidents that underscore […]