d mitchell 2

  The  journal entries are designed to encourage reflection on course  concepts, applying criminological and psychological theories to  real-world scenarios and media portrayals of crime. These reflections  will help you critically engage with the intersections of fan culture,  social media, and crime. This week you are tasked with locating and analyzing a  real-life case of […]


Write a letter as to why you failed a class and the reason should be  that you were taking care or your auntie in another country by working overtime and sending money for her medication and well being and you forgot to prioritize your school work because the auntie was like a mom 

Edu 510 week 3 discussion

Refer to attached document.  EDU 510 Week 3 discussion To prepare for this week’s discussion and assignment, review the five guiding principles from the “Guidelines for Selecting and Using Classroom Assessments’ section starting on page 2 of your textbook. Respond to the following: · What are some of the considerations that you need to make […]

discussion 3AM

Discussion Week 3: Reading & Writing Strategies #11-23 Read Ferlazzo & Sypnieski Reading and Writing – Strategies #11 – 23   Discussion Week 3 – Select Error Correction Strategies (#19) AND two strategies and how you would apply them in the classroom with ELLs. Respond to one other classmate.

Two of GCU CDS’s great faculty are Drs JoAnn and Nicholas Markette.

  Two of GCU CDS’s great faculty are Drs JoAnn and Nicholas Markette. This husband and wife team have teamed up to make some terrific videos designed to help GCU doctoral learners move forward with their dissertations quickly and effectively. For this week’s optional assessed forum, please check out Dr. Markette’s YouTube channel located here: […]


Please select an article/reading from our reading list. APA – 2 pages. Please respond to these questions:   1. What reading did you choose and why?     2. How does the reading specifically connect to  Human Service Ethics?     3. What is the author’s/authors’ main point?     4.  What is something that […]

Final Draft

IMPACT OF STUDENT TRAUMA ON ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT 1 Impact of Student Trauma on Academic Achievement Jalen McGhee School of Education, Liberty University Author Note Jalen McGhee I have no known conflict of interest to disclose. Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Jalen McGhee Email: [email protected] Abstract It is crucial to recognize that student […]

question assigment

1 Response Name: [Your Name] Institution: [Your Institution] Date: [Insert Date] Response to Grace C.’s Post Hi Grace, I had been touched reading your reflections on the creative curriculum to preschool and how it has helped in building up young children. You did a great job arguing how this model enhances active learning and social […]


  Data Sources and Data Collection Procedures Introduction: In Module 3 of the Session Long Project, we will delve into the data sources and data collection procedures for our hypothetical research study. Building upon the methodology components chosen in previous modules, we will outline the step-by-step processes involved in data collection, ensuring clarity and comprehensiveness […]

edu 510 week 3 assessment plan

refer to attached document.  Problem-Solving The ability to identify and frame problems, explore ideas, and create effective, ethical, and evidence-based solutions. Overview It is important to use your  Problem-Solving skills to identify and frame problems as you define the makeup of the students. This step is needed before you can evaluate students’ performance. Teachers should determine […]


As educators, we are always trying to improve ourselves as well as our professional approach. One needs to reflect on our personal needs and areas of professional growth. Take time to reflect on your math capabilities as well as your math instructional practices. Identify your areas of strength and weakness concerning math content knowledge and/or math […]

s edwards

PLEASE SEE attachment CJUS 703 Biblical Worldview of Corrections Assignment Instructions Overview For the Biblical Worldview of Corrections Assignment in this course, you are to write a short essay that critically examines corrections from a biblical perspective. Include any theory and practical applications regarding corrections and the Bible. This essay must internalize and express a […]

U edwards

  1. Delivering Customer Value  2. The Evolving tech of Martech and Advertising  3. Tools for capturing information to fuel growth  4. The rise of Omnichannel promotion and distribution  5. Organizing for Marketing Agility 6. Innovation NPD and Commercialization    choose one of the subtopics (listed as 1.1., 1.2  or 2.1 2.2 etc…), and answer […]


state:  Georgia    1. You are to find one slave narratives from a LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1930s SLAVE Narrative  for your assigned state. 2.  you will retell to the class what you heard and read  about from your chosen person about their slave experiences.Remember to explain what details and experiences these  ex-slaves gave in describing the institution of slavery and […]

Book Study

  Each student will be responsible for reading the book (The Mis-Education of the Negro) by Dr. Carter Goodwin Woodson.  The student will make a presentation (PowerPoint, google slides, etc.) concerning the book.  This study should include: An Overview. A brief description of each chapter. A final reflection. If the book is still relevant today […]

I need help with home work

Can you help me with my homework Requires Lopeswrite Assessment Description While all states must adhere to federal laws and policies to remain in compliance, states may address these laws and policies in ways that they deem best to meet the needs of their students. States share many commonalities in how they approach the education […]

Motivate Strategies

Create a chart, diagram, outline, slide describing 3-4 motivational strategies that can be used in your organization. Be sure to include a description of the strategy, advantages and disadvantages of it as well as the audience it is geared for. Which one(s) are most effective in your organization? Which ones could be implemented for more […]

Determining Anesthesia Service Payments and Modifiers

 As a new medical coder for an Anesthesiologist group, it is important that you practice calculating service payments by assigning the appropriate anesthesia code(s) and modifier(s), as well as determining the base and time unit values, any modifying circumstances, and the conversion factor to arrive at your anesthesia service payment. Apply your knowledge of Anesthesia […]

question assigment

Please, I need to answer for this classmate: Grace C. The program model that is of the most interest to me is the creative curriculum for preschool. This program model is the most interesting as it supports active learning in children, furthermore developing their social competence. This model allows teachers “To arrange the learning environment […]

Student Work Analysis

HW Module 2 Discussion: Program Model  Program Model Discussion In thinking of the videos and PowerPoint viewed in this module: 1. Discuss the Program Model that is of the most interest and why in an initial post & follow-up response. 2. Regarding that Program Model, share in your initial post, the staffing pattern that you […]


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U edwards

please see attachment BUSI 701 Synthesizing Sources Assignment Instructions Overview Once you have completed the Intro to Annotated Bibliography Assignment, you can begin working on the Synthesizing Sources Assignment. For this assignment, you will construct a paragraph discussing three sources as it relates to the topic of discussing the relationship between LMX and Transformational Leadership. […]

U edwards

Please see attachment BUSI 701 Intro to Annotated Bibliography Assignment Instructions Overview For this assignment, you are going to work on creating an annotation for two journal articles. For the purpose of this assignment, pretend your topic is discussing the relationship between LMX and Transformational Leadership. The first article is: Coleman, R. & Donoher, W. […]


 Please answer each question in complete paragraph. Do not repeat the questions. All answers should be followed by a reference      


  Students must choose from one of the following topics: 1. The “Blue Wall of Silence” and Police Culture 2. Ethical Decision-Making Process 3. Developing Ethical Leaders 4. The Ethical Role of Police Subculture 5. Ethics vs. Morals 6. Defining Police Ethics 7. Defining Ethical Leadership Practices 8. The Purpose of a Code of Ethics within […]


chosen career path: Healthcare Administration [removed]

gibbs powerpoint

  Think about how Walden’s vision and mission align with your professional goals. Review the media where the presenters discuss their backgrounds in criminal justice and what you might do with your degree. Think about how your background relates to the professional goals you have determined.   An introduction of yourself and your background, including […]

destini mitchell

 Discuss a novel or film that inspired or impacted your life. You need to give specific ways in which you were impacted. Your introductory paragraph needs to end with a thesis. You need three body points that support your thesis. Each point should be in its body paragraph. A body paragraph should have a topic […]

destini mitchell

 For the journal reflect on a personal experience with fandom and your thoughts on social media’s role in shaping celebrity culture. 

Lesson plan redo

Lesson Plan 1 (LITERACY 4TH GRADE) and Lesson Plan 2 (Sceince) was a great start but needs to be redone/edited. Literacy Lesson Plan got a score 29/50 and Science Lesson plan got a score of 32/50 For questioning: The questions should be throughout your lesson so you can be checking for understanding and mastery of […]

Spirituality & Wellness in Healthcare

NO AI OR CHAT GPT PLEASE In 800-1,000 words, complete the three parts for this assignment. Part One Based on the topic Resources, in 300-400 words, respond to the following prompts: 1. Briefly describe the cultural, sociological, philosophical, and religious aspects of the term  spirituality. 2. Describe the relevance of spirituality in the context of […]


Discussion Assignment Instructions Directions: You will post one thread of at least 300 words. For each thread, students must support their assertions with at least 2 scholarly citations and references in APA format. Any sources cited must have been published within the last five years unless the student is citing classic or historical theoretical information […]


A.Help How will you use your degree to give back to the African American Community? 

Education week 5 assignment

attached Please refer to this week’s learning materials. They are intended to help you engage effectively in this discussion. Due Thursday Watch “RSA ANIMATE: The Power of Outrospection” on the RSA YouTube™ video community channel. A transcript is available. Write a 250- to 300-word response to the following: · Consider the differences between affective empathy and […]

Education Week 3 Assignment CHFD 331

Week 3 Assignment Top of Form Hide Assignment Information Turnitin™ This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin™. Instructions Week 3 Assignment Objective: To identify the effects of the use of media by a child at the preschool stage and outline recommendations for media use for this stage.   Format: 500-word essay format.  APA formatting is required. […]

Education Week 8 – Assignment: Issue of Sex and Gender in Society Today

Week 8 – Assignment: Issue of Sex and Gender in Society Today Hide Assignment Information Turnitin™ Turnitin™ enabled This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin™. Instructions Assignment Directions: Identify an issue that is facing our society today that is in some way related to sex and/or gender and has opposing sides. Consider a law that […]

King’s Business School EMBA: Empowering Professionals

 The Executive MBA from King’s Business School is tailored for experienced professionals seeking to enhance their leadership skills and business acumen while balancing work and study. Gain real-world insights, build a global network, and drive impact in your career.” 


  Please answer each question in complete paragraph. Do not repeat the questions. All answers should be followed by a reference       


 find  at least one related article from the library that relates to supply or  acquisition in the past or future in order to reflect on what will  change. Feel free to consider new technologies such as self-driving  vehicles, drones, 3D printers, and robots on how they might change the  future of supply chain management and […]

assitant needed s

please see attachment MGT 220: Introduction to Sport Management Learning Unit 8: Assignment LU08 Assignment: What’s Happening in Today’s Sports? Assignment Follow the directions below to complete your unit assignment: 1. Research online into what is happening in today’s sports. Select a sports-related article and apply it to one or more of the concepts within […]

human service

APA – 2 pages Code of Ethics is all you need. No need to Google 😉 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The National Association of Social Workers (NASW) Code of Ethics includes several components, Please read each one carefully.  Please think about and respond to these questions:   1. What is the main purpose of the Code of Ethics (in […]

week 2 discussion 2

  Problem Statement Speech  Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum,

Book Report

  Please view attachment American PsychologicalAssociation. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.). 


You are attending a special education meeting with your team and the special education team. At the meeting, you are going to need to address how you modify your assessments and your learning environment. Use the 2 assessments from Week 3 as your examples on how you modify your assessments for your diverse learners. Refer to […]

Organizational Annotate

Annotated Bibliography: Organizational Behavior In the prior readings, you were presented with resources that discussed organizational behavior and culture. For example, you were provided the most recent readings that focused on the management of organizational behavior and employee perceptions. Likewise, you learned about the influence that organizational behavior can have on organizational culture. For this […]

Discussion 2 AM

Answer-Discussion Week 2: Reading & Writing Strategies #1-10 Read Ferlazzo & Sypnieski Reading and Writing – Strategies #1 – 10 Discussion Week 2 – Select Language Experience Approach AND two other strategies and how you would apply them in the classroom with ELLs. Respond to one other classmate.   Reply to Joselyn The Language Experience Approach (LEA) is […]


  iterature Review: Analyzing Scholarly Articles Article 1: Problem Studied Guiding Questions Participants Results Recommendations/Conclusions  Article 2: Problem Studied Guiding Questions Participants  Results Recommendations/Conclusions Conclusion: Summarize the similarities and/or contradictions found in the results of two articles. 


 What are the advantages and disadvantages of a literature review for a qualitative study? What are the advantages and disadvantages of a literature review for a quantitative study?