need by tomorrow

  complete the “SPD-581 Differentiating Literacy Instruction” template.  SPD-581 Differentiating Literacy Instruction Part 1: Planning Differentiated Instruction: Complete each of the steps below to complete the chart. · With your mentor, identify an upcoming lesson or activity in which you could work with the small group (3-5) of students. · With your mentor, identify and unwrap […]

DB 1

  Working together, come up with a list of behaviors that your group agrees is morally wrong (mala in se) although it is not illegal or criminal and explain in a sentence or two why the group believes each to be so. 

question 0829

Assignment # 1 Create a reflective and applied statement describing how the material from Weeks 1–4 has affected your thought processes, development, and professional disposition. This statement should articulate your personal learning process (challenges, moments of discovery, life experiences, and interactions). You may also include questions for your faculty member about material that may still be […]

source evalution comm120

Hide Assignment Information Turnitin™ This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin™. Instructions Goal: The goal of this assignment is to research your topic, evaluate selected sources, and organize your sources. Description: During the Week 3 Assignment, Project Plan, you chose a topic and created your project plan. In the Week 3 Lesson, you read about […]

Self Eval

Evaluate  SELF-EVALUATION GRADE SHEET: 20 pts. All public speakers, no matter how experienced, will have areas in which they can improve. The only way you can begin to make improvements is to first know your strengths and weaknesses as a public speaker. You will conduct a self-evaluation to examine your current public speaking skills. Along […]


Research response to intervention (RTI) at the elementary, middle, and high school levels on the  RTI Action Network  website. Create a response to intervention timeline for either the elementary, middle, or high school level, using a technology tool from the  Technology Resource Library , or another technology tool. You can also use Microsoft Word for this assignment. Review […]

teacher conference

Meet with the elementary, middle, or high school teacher you have arranged to complete your clinical experience with for this assignment. Discuss the following with the teacher: · The mini lesson you will be adapting and teaching (this can be a lesson developed by the cooperating teacher, or another lesson approved by the teacher)  · Who you […]

Topic 5

Please view attachment!!   Lewis, W.E., & Strong, J.Z. (2021). Literacy instruction with disciplinary texts: Strategies for grades 6 – 12. Guilford Press. ISBN 978-1-4625-4468-4 ISBN 9781462530083  American PsychologicalAssociation. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.). 

quanna week 2 powerpoint

Please see attachment CJUS 701 Scenario Presentation Assignment Instructions This assignment will be very similar to the Scenario Paper Assignments. However, it is our desire that not only do you become a great researcher, you become an “expert of the presentation.” When you earn your PhD you may find yourself in a teaching role. In […]

Choosing a Childcare Center

Selecting a childcare center is an important decision for families. They need to feel comfortable with their choice and be confident that their child is in a safe, caring, and nurturing environment. There are many different types of childcare facilities available and knowing the differences will help inform a family’s choice. Aligning family goals with […]

Chose a WEB MD

   Pick  a WMD event . using at least  three sources include short  discussions on the weapon, Who used it, the effects and anything else  that found interesting about the incident. You may choose an incident of  your own choosing or use one off of the list below Tpkyo Subway attack US Anthrax Attacks 2001 […]

Choose a diaster (destini)

 Chose a disaster  of your choice.  Include in your discussion a short description of the type of  disaster, the damage done, and what was done afterwards for another like  disaster 

Question 1

600 words total 2 references/in/text citations Due 8/29/2024 Answer the following questions: What is educational research? (200 words) What are the ethical requirements when conducting educational research? (200 words) What is action research? (200 words)

Discussion 2

300 words 2 references Due 8/28/2024 Watch the videos. Pick a topic that can be studied from both a qualitative and a quantitative approach.  Describe a qualitative study you could conduct to address the topic, then describe a quantitative study you could conduct to address the same topic. Briefly describe the problem and identify the […]


See attachment below. Chapter 2 of “World News Prism” (p. 33) introduces us to David Shenk’s book, Data Smog, Surviving the Information Glut. In this book “Shenk argues that the well-known global village (Marshall McLuhan’s theory- know his name!), created by mass communication, is at the same time growing increasingly fragmented and fractionalized as people, despairing […]

Education Part 2 Speech Assignment

 Reflect on the research you have conducted for this assignment and thoroughly review your peers’ contributions to the collaborative slides and now write up a paragraph or two on your plan for preparing, practicing, and presenting speeches and even other assignments for this course.  The plan you write up should include the following: Which strategies, […]

Context & Background (alcohol and drug foundation)

  the connection between public policy, public opinion, and public space. You must do research on the modern public sphere’s function, particularly as it relates to the integration of digital and online spaces (websites, social media, mobile media, digital platforms, and so forth) from the standpoint of corporate communication. The kind of organisation you choose […]

building the body

Hide Assignment Information Turnitin™ This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin™. Instructions Each of the Body Paragraphs of an essay consist of a topic sentence, supporting details and evidence, and a concluding sentence. This week you will build the body paragraphs of your essay. • Begin with the topic you wrote about in the Week […]

annotated bib

Hide Assignment Information Turnitin™ Turnitin™ enabledThis assignment will be submitted to Turnitin™. Instructions Item 2 of the Portfolio: Annotated Bibliography (due in week 4) This week, you will submit an annotated bibliography for two (2) of your sources for the final project paper. Both sources should be scholarly (peer-reviewed) and from the APUS Library. Read […]

Edu 512 week 9 discussion

Discuss the distinctions between individual racism and institutional racism. Be sure to explain why the distinction is important. Share an experience you may have had with one of these forms of racism. Be sure to use information from your text to support your initial post. Create a post that is thoughtful, professional, and provokes further […]

Edu 512 week 9 activity

Incorporating Instructional Technology With Equity Login: Su200449023 Loveme1117@ Introduction There are not many areas of education that do not incorporate some form of technology. However, while technology has become a significant part of the learning process, it is important that technology is accessible to all learners and that adaptive measures are in place for those […]

Australian wildlife society

What is the mission, key objectives, and strategies of the organisation, especially in relation to public sphere and public opinion? Who are the organisation’s stakeholders? How does your chosen organisation use online spaces and digital technology to engage with the public? Through what kind of digital platforms does the chosen organisation present its public image? […]

Theorist Presentation

SEC 311 | Assignment 2 – Theorist Presentation Choose a theorist from each of the following schools of thought: behaviorism, humanism, constructivism, social-emotional learning theory. For each theorist, you are to use Canva to complete a slide (or more than one if you would like) with the following information: · Explain how the theorist’s ideas […]

Discussion & Peer Responses needed

 Offering an expanding menu of choices to parents has become a priority as supporters try to ensure that there’s something to appeal to every niche interest with providers competing to offer what they claim as their own distinctive and quality offerings. School choice seems to be where this country is headed. But Pittinsky questions whether […]

Topic 4

Please view attachment!!  Lewis, W.E., & Strong, J.Z. (2021). Literacy instruction with disciplinary texts: Strategies for grades 6 – 12. Guilford Press. ISBN 978-1-4625-4468-4 ISBN 9781462530083  American PsychologicalAssociation. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.). 

Education need help with homework

I need help with my PowerPoint presentation Requires Lopeswrite Assessment Description Special education teachers often consult and train staff members. Consideration of typical development and achievement of developmental milestones can help staff determine if a student needs a referral for a special education evaluation. This information is often used to select assessments and identify the […]

Discussion 1 AM

Discussion 1 Discuss several approaches for the teaching of spelling. How do you incorporate these in a classroom? Discuss several interventions for spelling when students are struggling. 

Education Assignment 1AM

Assignment 1 There will be a minimum of six (6) data forms required for this course. Each form must be completed following your tutoring session with your selected remedial student. The forms can not be turned in all together at the same time. They are submitted after each session. The form can be found in Appendix A at the end of the […]

Student Diversity

Use the chapter reading material on Student Diversity: Culture, Language, Gender, and Exceptionalities to complete this assignment. Instructions to follow

Scavenger Hunt

US Department of Education Virtual Scavenger Hunt: Exploring the U.S. Department of Education Website Objective: This scavenger hunt is designed to familiarize students with the U.S. Department of Education website, promoting awareness of key information and resources available on the site. Instructions: Visit the U.S. Department of Education website at Task List: Welcome to […]


 Please respond to all questions in a complete paragraph. Do not repeat the question in the answer. All questions should be followed by a reference. 

FS 2

  Assignment Content Discuss whether battered person syndrome (BPS) should be recognized as a mental disorder and whether it meets the criteria for self-defense.  Requirements: At least one case must be used and properly referenced in your discussion.  The paper must take a position on whether BSP should or should not be recognized as a mental […]

Topic 3

Please view attachment!  Lewis, W.E., & Strong, J.Z. (2021). Literacy instruction with disciplinary texts: Strategies for grades 6 – 12. Guilford Press. ISBN 978-1-4625-4468-4 ISBN 9781462530083 


Below is a periodical reference. The standard form has 4 parts: i) Author and Date, ii) Title of Article, iii) Title of Periodical, and iv) Issue, Volume and Page. The citation has 1 APA format error located in one of its 4 parts. Locate the error. Shim, J. (2014). Multicultural education as an emotional situation: […]

Education Assignment 1A

100 words Response Due 8/25/2024 Identify a rationale for studying cognitive retention in children to prevent learning loss.


Draft a response to Kayla’s mother that reframes her concerns about Anna and Kayla’s relationship into one that emphasizes a strength-based view of young children and their interactions. 

Strategic Communications Plan for Tasmanian Wilderness Society (TWS): Franklin Dam Controversy

Prepare a strategic communications plan that could be successfully implemented in the Australian business and legal context. Must identify a corporation or organisation that will be their ‘client’ (i.e. a case study) for this assessment.  Assist a lobby group or industry association in influencing legislation formulation by means of a successful public advocacy campaign. The […]

Question 08242024

Discussion 1 Please refer to this week’s learning materials. They are intended to help you engage effectively in this discussion. Complete the self-scoring “Followership Questionnaire” in Ch. 13 (p. 387) of  Leadership: Theory and Practice. Due Thursday Write a 250- to 300-word response to the following: Based on your results from the “Followership Questionnaire,” describe your high-scoring and […]


EDUC 776 Discussion Assignment Instructions You must reply to both of the classmates post below with at least 150 words each. Replies are not required to have citations. Any scholarly resource cited must have been published within the last five years. Acceptable sources include the course textbooks and articles from scholarly journals. Please avoid the […]

Case Study

EDUC 776 Page 1 of 2 CASE STUDY: LEARNING AND COGNITION ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW This assignment provides an opportunity to examine how human memory is fallible by analyzing a case study where students don’t remember everything they learn or misremember what they have learned. Cognition and learning are tightly-connected constructs. In Module 1: Week 1, […]


EDUC 775 DISCUSSION ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS You will complete two Discussions in this course. For each Discussion, you will post one thread of at least 400 words. For each thread, you must support your assertions with at least two scholarly citations in current APA format. Acceptable sources include the textbook, scholarly articles and books, and the […]

science article review

(professional development assignment)  EDLC 634 Science Article Review Assignment Instructions Overview You will complete two Science Article Reviews designed to acquaint yourself with teacher-oriented literature in science education. An article review is a short paper focused on critical reading and analysis of one peer-reviewed scholarly article. Instructions Completion of and topics of the two article […]

Culture Communication

For this formative assessment, you will take what you have learned about culture to provide “Tips and Tricks” for other professionals. You should highlight a minimum of 5 tips that you feel are important for effective communication to occur considering culture. You should provide a rationale for why you selected these 5 aspects and why […]

Cognitive Communication

● It’s important for us to consider how our thinking assigns meaning to behaviors, attitudes, and messages. For this formative assessment, analyze your own cognitive interpersonal communication. ● In this assessment, you should ○ Provide a scenario in which you communicated with others ○ Identify which theory is represented in the scenario ○ Include a […]

Education week 5 Assignment

Exceptional Learning and Inclusion Final Assignment  [WLO: 3] [CLOs: 1, 2, 3, 4] Throughout this course you have been on a journey to deepen your understanding of exceptional learning and inclusion. You have begun work towards this culminating assignment in Weeks 2 and 3 of the course. Now, it is time to complete two additional […]


See attachment below Paper on social media usage around the world, in the country you represent and in your own life. Remember your country is “Ghana” Explore these online articles What happens online in 60 seconds in 2021? | Smart Insights The global state of digital in July 2022 | PART ONE – We Are […]

Education Philosopher Assignment

EDUC 703 Philosopher Values & Ethics Template DISPOSITION HISTORICAL EXAMPLE With Citation CURRENT PROPOSED APPLICATION SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Fairness, Justice, Equity Plato focus was idealism. He believed that teachers must guide their students into knowing the truth (Smith, 2020). Teachers must have a higher level of knowledge so they can guide others. Teachers can use Plato’s […]

Topic 2

Please view attachment!!   Lewis, W.E., & Strong, J.Z. (2021). Literacy instruction with disciplinary texts: Strategies for grades 6 –12. Guilford Press. ISBN 978-1-4625-4468-4 ISBN 9781462530083 

10-12 digital presentation

 Differentiation and engagement are hallmarks of brain-based learning. Individuals’ brains are unique and, consequently, have different needs and require different forms of engagement to learn best. By recognizing unique configurations of the brain, as well as how best to meet the needs of various individuals in your professional setting, you will create a richer and […]

Discussion 1

500 words Due 8/23/2024 Please view the 2 videos posted below in this discussion board and discuss what Action Research is and how Action Research can be beneficial.