
 Assignment:  The  Baypoint Group (TBG) needs your help with a presentation for Academic  Computing Services (ACS), a nationwide organization that assists  colleges and universities with technology issues. ACS needs more  information about the differences between the IEEE 802.11a and IEEE  802.11g standards so that their salespeople will be better equipped to  sell this wireless technology […]

week 3

attached Discussion 1 The differences between inferences and assumptions are: · Assumption: This is a piece of information or a belief we take for granted as true. We usually apply this to our thinking to develop an inference. · Inference: This occurs when deciding that something is true in light of some other piece(s) of […]

Influence of Globalization

   Consider the influence of globalization, and economic, political, social, cultural, and technological change on organizations. How do you expect these changes will influence the role of the leader? Explain and including citations and references.

Education Week 4 – Assignment: Sexual Dysfunction Causes, Impacts, Treatment

Hide Assignment Information Turnitin™ This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin™. Instructions Assignment Directions: In this assignment, you will explore the various types of sexual dysfunctions and develop a deeper understanding of their potential causes, impacts on individuals/relationships, and treatment options. This assignment allows you to dive deeper into one common sexual disorder, separating facts […]

assitant needed s

please see attachments MGT 220: Introduction to Sport Management Learning Unit 6: Assignment LU06 Assignment: Marketing Follow the directions below to complete your unit assignment: 1. You are the marketing director for a minor league hockey team in a city of your choice. Using each of the bases of segmentation discussed in this chapter, identify […]

assitant needed p

please see attachments PSY 121: Developmental Psychology Learning Unit 6: Handout Extra Go-2 Resources The Weight of the Nation (2012) A five-part HBO documentary on the consequences, choices, and challenges of obesity. Part 3 focuses specifically on children. Child Development and Parenting Information Picture books. (2016, August 23). The Horn Book. Too Scared For School […]


 Please answer each question in complete paragraph. Do not repeat the questions. All answers should be followed by a reference      


 Topic:  Police Patrol   Analyze the principles of patrol procedures and the methods that will enable them to protect life and property  . You are required to provide a well-developed  analysis of the topic. You should utilize your critical thinking skills  and demonstrate your understanding of the criminal justice material you  are researching.  Any use of AI […]


1.Knowledge of requirements for formatting and preparing documents such as letters, reports, proposals, graphs, figures, and charts. 2. Ability to establish and maintain office filing systems and to accurately file and retrieve individual records. 3. Ability to compile and summarize oral or written information and to state or write a brief summary of important facts. […]


I chose the song- I believe I can fly By R-Kelly  If you selected a piece of music, you might research its origins, or how it was received when it was first released.   Please complete attachment

I need help with home work

Can you pleas help me with this assignment.  Assessment Traits Benchmark Requires Lopeswrite Assessment Description As an educator, you will be expected to know how to create and implement daily lesson plans and assessments. It is important to develop the skills to write lesson plans that include state standards, effective learning objectives, appropriate instructional strategies, […]

Building Organzational Effectiveness

Overview of Summative: You will develop a Mini-Paper that displays your understanding of organizational effectiveness and ways to build organizational culture. In 2-4 pages, you will write a Mini-Paper on recommendations to improve organizational effectiveness for the same organization you previously assessed in the Strategic Improvement Plan. This Mini-Paper should be based on your thoughts […]

Strategic Plan

Overview of Summative: You will develop a Strategic Improvement Plan that displays your ability to critically assess existing internal cultural norms and explore opportunities to enhance organizational capacity. Refer back to your formative assessment titled “Plan: Develop a Strategic Improvement Plan”. In addition, refer back to the formative assessment titled “Infographic: Execution Plan” as this […]


   Using credible web sources (do not use wikipedia, blogs, etc.), create a short PowerPoint or Prezi presentation that addresses the following: A.  Is prejudice really decreasing, or are the negative emotions and attitudes changing into modern racism; B.  Why is there resistance to the idea that racism still exists?; and C.  What evidence is […]


  Please answer each question in complete paragraph. Do not repeat the questions. All answers should be followed by a reference   

quay. SMART Evaluation Criteria

 Construct  3-5 evaluation criteria for your planning project in the SMART format.   No references or  citations are required. 

quay. Strategic Plan Presentation

  The  CEO of Acme Medical Center has requested that you present your  strategic plan to the leadership team comprised of members from  disciplines and departments facility-wide. Your 8-10-minute PowerPoint  presentation should include all the major elements of your strategic  plan on the scenario that you selected: Executive Summary  History and Characteristics of the Institution  […]

Quay Organizational Change

  Acme  Medical Center is implementing a new electronic health record (EHR),  converting from a  system. Dana is the nurse manager of the  orthopedic department which clusters outpatient, inpatient, and rehab  services via product line management. In preparing her implementation  plan for the new EHR, Dana anticipates several different employee  responses to the change: Kevin […]


  Topic 1: Provide  a detailed discussion of date rape drugs and their ease of detection.   How does the influence of alcohol and date rapes drugs affect the  perception of rape by the victim? By the perpetrator?

tasha 2

  Topic 2:  Discuss the history of marital rape to include at least one landmark case involving marital rape.

Education Greg Assignment 6

Please see attachment · Identify challenges related to operations and production within the foodservice industry. · Analyze the components of a recipe and interrelationship of ingredients and preparation methods. Through the first six weeks, the content has provided a multitude of descriptions and quality specifications for a variety of materials, culminating in food preparation equipment […]

Greg Week 6 powerpoint

 Assignment:  The  Baypoint Group (TBG) needs your help with a presentation for Academic  Computing Services (ACS), a nationwide organization that assists  colleges and universities with technology issues. ACS needs more  information about the differences between the IEEE 802.11a and IEEE  802.11g standards so that their salespeople will be better equipped to  sell this wireless technology […]

assitant needed s

please see attachment MGT 220: Introduction to Sport Management Learning Unit 5: Assignment LU05 Assignment: SWOT Analysis Directions: 1. Perform a SWOT Analysis on the Athletic Department at your former high school OR college. Provide a thorough explanation for each of your answers. 2. Remember to include your last name in the file name and […]

assistance needed for english

please see attachment ENG 105: Composition I Learning Unit 5: Assignment Reading Reflection Questions Review the Course Schedule for the assigned reading options listed in LU5. You will need to choose at least one article from this reading options list. After you read the article, you will want to determine how to incorporate at least […]

assistance needed for english

please see attachments ENG 105: Composition I Learning Unit 5: Assignment Questions to Sample Essay Please read the sample student Ad Analysis essay that was written by Sally Jones. Then, answer the questions below. Submit this finished assignment to your instructor. See due dates on the Course Schedule. 1. Identify the writer’s thesis and write […]

Fleet safety manager

Please view attachment You were recently hired as the fleet safety manager for a small distribution company in the Midwest. Your small company just received a compliance, safety, and accountability (CSA) score of 81. Last month, your score was 77. Upper management has requested a review of the scores and your analysis of the company’s […]

Safety Management System

Please view attachments For this assignment, you will conduct a review of the safety management system (SMS) at your organization or an organization with which you are familiar.  Some students may not currently work in the safety field and do not have access to the required information outlined in the instructions. If this is the […]


Please view attachment Assignment Content Benzene is commonly used in manufacturing as an intermediate to create various products including but not limited to plastics, synthetic fibers, detergents, drugs, and pesticides. Benzene is also known as an environmental pollutant and can negatively impact humans. When discussing benzene, consideration must also be given to how the chemical […]

I need help with home work

I need help with this assignment to boost my grade  Effective Differentiation for Student Needs Lesson Information from Topic 4 Assignment Grade Level: State Standard: Learning Objective: Lesson Summary Students with Differing Needs Peter: Peter is an English language learner who was born in Mexico and speaks only Spanish in the home. His listening and […]

Healthy Development

  In this Performance Task, you will participate in a field experience by observing and evaluating indoor and outdoor environments in an infant and a toddler setting. You will create a narrated PowerPoint presentation based on what you have learned from the resources in the Competency, your observations, and reflective conversations with your Host Teachers. […]

week 2

attached Discussion 1 Read the following SPL overview and review the tables that follow. SPL Overview Throughout your program you will be introduced to the many challenges leaders face in managing complex individual and group dynamics. Leaders today must shape organizational culture, communicate value systems, model ethical behavior, engage and inspire followers, and manage diversity. […]

Week 8 discussion and reflection

Week 8 work discussion and reflection Week 8 – Discussion Watch Video    The Connection Between Language and Culture – As Nelson Mandela once famously said, “If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.” The […]

Week 7 discussion and week7 reflection

Need week 7 discussion and reflection done Article Assignment  to an external site. Links to an external site. 2023 CONNECTING WITH ELL FAMILIES: Strategies for Success – How can schools form strong partnerships with ELL and immigrant families? How can school leaders make that happen? The following tips provide some ideas for getting started! What are some of […]

Course Capstone Project

I need someone to help me with a course stone assignment.  MPH/570 v2 Choosing a Course Capstone MPH/570 v2 Page 2 of 2 Choosing a Course Capstone Part 1 List the topics you brainstormed. Part 2 Identify 2 – 3 issues that interest you most. Conduct research into health policies related to these issues. Be […]

Rhetorical Analysis Pre

 Access and complete the worksheet. This assignment requires you to identify and analyze the audience, purpose, and rhetorical appeals (ethos, pathos, and logos) of a persuasive subject.

Education s edwards The Future of Juvenile Justice Assignment

Please see attachment CJUS 702 Research Paper: The Future of Juvenile Justice Assignment Instructions Overview In this assignment, you will apply the readings and presentations in the Learn material in a meaningful way to clarify what issues you believe the future of the juvenile justice system as a whole are. Examples of what you believe […]


please see attachment BUSI 710 Developing a Research Framework Assignment Instructions Overview The problem frame is the cornerstone or foundation upon which credible and robust research is built. It provides the significance and justification for designing and conducting a research effort to expand knowledge or even replicate or challenge findings in the existing body of […]

U edwards

  In  this discussion forum, you are going to research current topics related  to international business and one of the following disciplines:  marketing, finance, accounting, or management. You will utilize one of these journals to conduct your search: Journal of International Marketing Journal of International Management International Finance  The International Journal of Accounting  The video […]


   Please answer each question in complete paragraph. Do not repeat the questions. All answers should be followed by a reference     

Stategies Portfolio Assignmnet

2nd grade EDLC 636 Strategies Portfolio Assignment Instructions Overview Throughout this course, you have been assigned to read 15 chapters in the Obenchain & Morris text. In those readings, you have been introduced to several instructional strategies. For this assignment, you will build a portfolio of strategies in which you apply various techniques and approaches […]

Routines and Transitions

Observation  Part 1: Infants Introduction: A brief overview of your observation setting. (1-2 paragraphs) Summary of information from the teacher in the infant setting. (2-4 paragraphs) Evaluation of infant routines and transitions you observed for safety, consistency, responsiveness, respect, and whether/how they fostered responsive and respectful relationships including attachment and/or autonomy appropriately. Be sure to […]

assitant needed s

please see attachment MGT 220: Introduction to Sport Management Learning Unit 4: Assignment LU04 Assignment: Sports Management Organizations Follow the directions below to complete your unit assignment: 1. Identify a sport management organization. Conduct a SWOT analysis of the organization and explain what strategic decisions the organization should implement to improve its position in the […]

assistance needed english

please see attachment ENG 105: Composition I Essay Assignment Outline Template: Summary and Response Essay I. Introduction a. Follows one of the models in Inquiry (Introductions and Conclusions Chapter) b. Narrows toward the specific topic II. Summary Paragraph a. First line includes author’s full name, full title of text, and gist of author’s main point […]

Education assignment 1211

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. […]


Draft an outline of a strategic plan that will assess internal cultural norms and how to build capacity for your organization. You will use this information to build a full Strategic Plan in the summative assessment for this competency. Your outline can be as specific as you would like it to be. For your outline, […]

stategic plan

Create an infographic detailing the execution of a strategic plan related to organizational culture. You can include the steps to creating this type of plan, how this plan applies to organizational culture, or your own organization’s specific strategic plan as it relates to the culture.


Telehealth Telehealth nursing has proven to be an important component of the health care crisis solution during the COVID-19 pandemic. With the arrival of COVID-19 and stay-at-home orders instituted across the country, nurses and nurse practitioners have relied on telemedicine as a way to remain engaged with their patients. This form of real-time, audio-video communication […]


4 Hypertension case and all soft and hard skills that will be needed to manage this patient Nurse practitioners (NPs) are advanced practice RNs (APRNs) who blend clinical expertise in diagnosing and treating health conditions, including hypertension, with an emphasis on disease prevention and providing health education, health coaching, and counseling to their patients.  Case: […]


. In this unit you will discuss the approach you will use to develop a list of differential diagnoses for clients presenting with acute complaints that may be related to cardiac disease; the symptom may contribute to cardiac dysfunction, complicate the dysfunction, or result from the cardiac dysfunction.  Diagnosis and management are based on a […]