history reserach topic



PLEASE REVIEW THE INFORMATION BELOW  Film Review Students have the freedom to choose a movie for the Film Review assignment. The movie must take place in USA. The film must also encompass the time or era we are learning about. For example, HIST 1301, 1500-1865 and HIST 1302, 1865-Present. The main objective of the assignment […]


  After watching Implicit Bias and Microaggressions: The Macro Impact of Small Acts presented by Dr. Wing Sue – 50:49 min   Discuss the following: Summarize the social and personal impact of microaggressions.  Share a personal experience related to implicit bias and microaggressions.

hist 1302 1

please review the information below  HIST 1302 EXAM #1 Name_______________________________________________ (Essay Questions are worth 25 Points each) The exams are divided into 3 UNITS. Each exam will cover a unit. For example, UNIT 1 covers Chapters 1-5. Each exam will have critical thinking essay questions. Each question requires a minimum 100-word response. Answer all questions. […]

History need assistance with homework for history

please see attachment HIS 111 Western Civilization: Early Modern to Present Instructor: Heather Davison Paper One Assignment Due Date: Thursday, April 18 by 11:59 PM on MyHills. If you are having trouble getting your work done on time, please contact me. You’re welcome to submit early. The Assignment: Choose ONE document from the list below […]


what do you think is most important for Chicana/o/x or Latinx people to learn about and why OR what do you think people who are not part of the community need to know about the experiences of this community?

assistance needed with history home work

please see attachment Past of the Present Assignment You will submit this assignment via the Turnitin assignment area on MyHills. The assignment should be 300-400 words, typed and double-spaced. Due dates See the course schedule. Submit via MyHills in the Past of the Present area of the course menu. You are welcome to submit them […]


complete an Annotated Bibliography for a Position P-aper related to the history and systems of psychology. First you will need to choose a topic, choose one of the following topic areas as your Position P-aper topic. Acceptable titles (Choose one): Cognitive psychology-historical origins, theories and current applications Behaviorism vs. psychodynamic-historical perspectives and current applications Behaviorism-historical […]


 Write a personal analysis of the impact of the news media on your own life and your own perceptions of government and politics. Consider where you get most of your information and analyze these sources in terms of the amount of coverage  Review the comments provided by 2 fellow students and answer the following questions: […]

Marc chagall

What are some of Marc Chagall’s key biographical information? What made the artist notable in the context of history? What influences, cultural artifacts and art works contributed to their art making journey? What media did the artist use and why? what technological or material advances were relevant to the artist’s work?

Marc Chagall

What are some of Marc Chagall’s key biographical information? What made the artist notable in the context of history? What influences, cultural artifacts and art works contributed to their art making journey? What media did the artist use and why? what technological or material advances were relevant to the artist’s work?

Marc Chagall

What are some of Marc Chagall’s key biographical information? What made the artist notable in the context of history? What influences, cultural artifacts and art works contributed to their art making journey? What media did the artist use and why? what technological or material advances were relevant to the artist’s work?

World Religion

Importance of world religion and correlate it to one religion

World Religion

Mention at least THREE importance of the study of Introduction to World Religion. Explain any of the importance with any ONE religion.


1 Requirement Read page 90-102 1.What factors motivated Iberians to explore and colonize the Americas in the 16th century? How did westward expansion impact Spain and Mexico? Define U.S. foreign policies during the 19th century regarding Latin America. How did these policies impact Latin America? What issues drove the Latinx American civil rights movement of […]


see attach MOD VII 1. What do you think the main goals of the conservative social agenda in the 1980s were? 2. In your scholarly opinion, what were the biggest sources of American strength in the 1990s? Simultaneously, what were the nation’s biggest weaknesses?      3. Also, share something you learned from Dr. O’Sullivan’s live/Teams […]


American history since 1877 can be divided in periods of rapid change and intermittent periods of relative calm. Among notable periods of rapid and substantial change, one can identify the Progressive Era (ca. 1880-1920), the New Deal (1933-1945), and the post- World War II years (ca. 1945-1968). Observing politics, economy, diplomacy, society, culture, gender and […]

History need assistance with homework for history

please see attachment HIS 110 Western Civilization: Ancient to Early Modern Instructor: Heather Davison Optional Paper Two Assignment This paper is optional. If you don’t do it, I’ll just keep applying the same grade you got for Paper 1. Note: At the very least, you should look at my comments for paper 1. Better, however, […]


 Make a PowerPoint presentation. Presentations will be in chapter 8 of Sylvan Barnet. These need to (1) relay the content of the reading, and (2) generate questions based on the reading. 10-15 minutes discussion  


   “What does freedom mean, who gets to claim it, who doesn’t and why, and ultimately any future transformations that you see on the horizon?”  Your response must be based upon fact and must be supported by evidence (primary documents, data, statistics, journal articles, and other secondary sources—opinion is fine, but it must be base […]


Introduction TOPIC: Sojourner Truth Find sources on internet too This is the link for your writing assignment, and it will be run through a plagiarism check.  [A SafeAssign assignment is a writing assignment submitted to a plagiarism detection tool that compares submitted content to Internet content and other student submissions.  The tool can be used to help […]

Week 8 Capstone Final

view attachment WEEK 8 CAPSTONE FINAL As a reminder, the assignment for this week will be a response to the following question: “How do we realize justice in a multicultural society?” Select a topic from the list of themes presented in Week 4.  Our group has shared some wonderful feedback on the outlines thus far, […]

Struggle of the Orders

 Your notebook should have five sections: Events List* – A list of events in your surrounding area that are related to Humanities subjects Event Reports* – Reports for each of the Humanities related events that you attend LRC/Library Assignment Reports* – Reports for each LRC resource you read List of Web sites* – A list […]

book review

I attached instructions  Book Review Assignment Introduction Writing a book review as an assignment in a history course has at least four important objectives (1) effective written communication, (2) a substantive knowledge about a particular historical topic, (3) an understanding of the nature and use of historical research, and (4) an ability to think critically […]

History – American history Religion Research Assignment

Research Paper Rubric Introduction/Thesis Introduction is effective, generating interest in the topic. The 40 pts thesis is easily identifiable, insightful, and crystal clear. Organization Ideas are arranged logically to support the purpose or argument. 40 pts They flow smoothly from one to another and are clearly linked to each other. Content or Quality of Information […]


WHAT IS AMERICAN FREEDOM? From the Revolution to our own time, freedom has been America’s strongest cultural bond and its most perilous fault line, a birthright for some Americans and a cruel mockery for others. Eric Foner, the author of our textbook, takes freedom not as a timeless truth but as a value whose meaning […]


 You will find the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, other U.S. Founding Documents, as well as other important compacts at https://www.archives.gov/founding-docs. http://www.academicinfo.net/poliscius.html: This site includes some good links for U.S. Government and Politics. Question for p aper What are the characteristics of American democracy? How does American democracy differ from the theory of democratic government?

Military History

Assessment of the 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry (depicted in the movie Glory): What was the outcome? What were the keys to victory or defeat? What were the operational and/or strategic consequences? What insights are of value to the modern officer?

History Disc 6

see attachment Module 6: Discussion.   In a substantial post based on the readings assigned in Module 6 (Chapters 28 & 29), the live/Teams lecture on April 23, and your own reflections, address these questions.  Make it clear that you have read the chapters and absorbed the lecture information! 1. Which strategies used by civil rights activists […]


How the proponents and opponents of slavery used the analytical concepts that framed this course when making their arguments  Free U.S. History Textbook Available for Download – OpenStax 


  you will be asked to read, watch, research, and attend different events that have to do with art, literature, music, architecture, and history    Your notebook should have five sections: Events List* – A list of events in your surrounding area that are related to Humanities subjects Event Reports* – Reports for each of the […]

Week 7 Peer Review & Final

view attachments WEEK 7 PAPER HUMANITIES Reflection (before action) is a very important part of the learning process, and an essential component of the Jesuit Ignatian Pedagogical Paradigm of: Experience – Reflection – Action. Additionally, synthesis of material is necessary to demonstrate evidence of the higher registers of learning, and this class has been designed to […]

War of Independence or American Revolution?

Essay assignment for module 8: War of Independence or American Revolution? The 1783 Treaty of Paris that formally ended the war between Great Britain and the United States made it clear that Britain’s former colonies were now an independent, sovereign, and self-governing nation called the United States. The American War of Independence had been a […]

Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass

Essay Prompts for the Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass Answer one of the following questions in an essay of about three pages. Your paper should include specific details from the book to support your arguments and at least three quotes from the text. A. Towards the middle of the book, Douglass tells his […]


Final Project….US History (SLAVES RESISTANCE) Introduction This assignment is your final project. The purpose is to allow you to creatively explore a theme relevant to this class. This assignment is the culmination of all of the course’s objectives: 1. Explain the significance of specific people, places, and events pertaining to American History to the Civil […]


requirement are  the below file 5. Browse the following articles to get a sense of the significance of Octavia Butler for the writers sharing their encounters with her work: She Writes Her Way to Hope, by Jesmyn Ward “The Visions of Octavia ButlerLinks to an external site.” by Lynell George and Ainslee Alem Robson “Inside […]

Disc 5

see attachment Discussion 5 Assignment In a substantial post based on the reading assigned in Module 5 (Chapters 26 & 27), the live/Teams April 16 lecture, and your own reflections, address these questions (by Thursday).  Make it clear that you have read the chapters and absorbed the lecture information! Remember to use proper punctuation, cite ALL your […]

art history

just write about Jacques-Louis David. Compare his three paintings of Napoleon and consider what it tells the viewer about the subject, and how David achieves it

Packback 14

this has 3 parts must answer professor question with thesis and refrence from the Making of the West text book. Second you must ask a question with a full description of the question with references the you must response to 2 students. Professor Question:What do the primary sources for chapter 14 reveal about Christianity, civilization […]

Neva history

  Read the following poems written during the Harlem Renaissance: Incident by Countee Cullen (1925) If We Must Die by Claude McKay (1919) Describe the historical context of these poems. 

Watergate Scandal

I need two paragraphs on the following question What is the Watergate Scandal and how did it lead to the end of President Nixon’s career? Only need about 1 reference and 2 paragraphs 

Week 5 Peer Review & Non Peer Review

view attachment WEEK 6 PEER REVIEW DISCUSSION This Humanities course will embrace the adult learning model of drawing upon the insight and wisdom of the group through peer presentations on topics of interest from the participants. Each week, participants will select a topic from a list of options, and will research and present information and […]


MUSIC Unit 4 Romantic Era #3 Chap. 26b – Romanticism in Classical Forms: Orchestral & Chamber Music Chap. 29 – Late Romanticism in German Musical Culture Chap. 30 – Diverging Traditions in the Later 19th Century MUSI 1307 – MUSIC LITERATURE In this lecture, we will cover Orchestral Music – Berlioz, Mendelssohn German Musical Culture […]


Choose one of the following programs to discuss: the health care barter system, fee for service system, or the introduction of U.S.-based insurance programs. Write an essay of 500-750 words that covers the following historical changes: 1. Discuss the historical perspective, demand, and creation of the program. Include program benefits and who was covered. 2. […]

Roman Empire

 Look at all the civilizations or time periods that we have studied.  Which one do you think you would most fit into and why.  Please be specific with your answers and compare them with your class mates. i chose ROMAN EMPIRE


see attachment Module 4: Discussion . In a substantial post based on the readings assigned in Module 4 (Chapters 24 & 25), the April 9 live/Teams lecture, and your own reflections, address these questions (by Thursday).  Make it clear that you have read the chapters and absorbed the lecture information!  Use proper punctuation, cite ALL your sources, […]

History homework 5.2

Assignment 5.2 This assignment will be worth 50 points. Your response should be approximately two pages. Please type two page essay explaining the Causes and Consequences of World War II.

history analysis 4

i attached instructions, must be in chicago style  Top of Form Document Analysis: The Double V Campaign Two primary sources are listed below. The first is a letter to the editor of…comparing the fate of Black people in the United States who patriotically fought against fascism and racism in Europe while facing racism at home. […]


this has 3 parts must answer professor question with thesis and refrence from the Making of the West text book. Second you must ask a question with a full description of the question with references the you must response to 2 students. professor question: How did the Hundred Years’ War and the Great Plague represent […]