Week 4 Peer Review & Discussion

view attachment PEER REVIEW DISCUSSION The class will be divided into four learning communities at the beginning of the course (group A, B, C, and D). Each of the four learning communities will have a different strand assigned to individually select a topic to present to the group. (Note: this is NOT a group project. […]

Art Tatum

   Art Tatum who was Art Tatum?  -What was his connection to Toledo?  -What was his profession, and how did it begin?   -Why is he famous, what were his contributions to his profession and the world?   – at lest 2 pages -APA format –

Labor Migration

How would you assess the role that labor migration has played in the Middle East? QATAR · Chapters 7-9 from your course textbook,  Understanding the Contemporary Middle East · Ryszard Cholewinski and Uri Guttman’s article “ Understanding the Kafala Migrant Labor System in Qatar and the Middle East at Large, With ILO Senior Migration Specialist […]

Packback 12

this has 3 parts please read thoroughly. you must answer the professor questions with thesis and references. Then you must ask a question with an through description attached  then you must answer two students questions with references chp 12 is from the making of west seventh edition you can find the textbook online. Attached is […]


 How did the theology of Martin Luther and John Calvin differ? 

Country History

What major historical events took place in ancient history in Qatar? QATAR For this assignment, you will write a paper that describes the history of your country. You should begin with the country’s ancient history and then discuss the major historical events to the present. You should include the country’s experiences with imperialism and independence. […]

Discuss 3

see attached Module 3: Discussion In a substantial post based on the live April 2 lecture, the readings assigned in Module 3 (Chapters 22 and 23), and your own reflections, address these questions (by Thursday).  Make it clear that you have read the chapters, listened to the lecture, and absorbed the information. Use proper punctuation, cite ALL […]

discussion post

Thomas Hobbes and John Locke had very different conceptions of human nature.  Whose conception do you believe to be more accurate?  Be sure to (thoroughly) support your conclusion.

Foreign Influence

What impact has imperialism and foreign influence had on the Middle East since 1800? Submit an initial post in which you assess the impact that imperialism and foreign influence have had on the Middle East since 1800. Then, analyze how imperialism and foreign influence have impacted your country since 1800. Provide specific examples to support […]

Week 4 Peer Review & Midterm

view attachments Week 4 PEER REVIEW DISCUSSION This Humanities course will embrace the adult learning model of drawing upon the insight and wisdom of the group through peer presentations on topics of interest from the participants. Each week, participants will select a topic from a list of options, and will research and present information and […]


· Discuss your opinion on The historical memory of Christopher Columbus   · Right about how we as American should reconcile the memory of Columbus “discovery“ acts, he perpetuated against the natives with the fact that he was catalyst in the insurgence of European and western world into Americas.  

History Ancient history homework

WHAT DOES THE EPIC OF GILGAMESH TELL US ABOUT OUR EARLIEST CIVILIZATIONS’ REPRESENTATION OF THE HERO? In what way(s) does Gilgamesh become a hero in the second half of the work? What has he achieved at the end of the poem and why is this important? What is the function of a hero in society? […]


WHAT DOES THE EPIC OF GILGAMESH TELL US ABOUT OUR EARLIEST CIVILIZATIONS’ REPRESENTATION OF THE HERO? In what way(s) does Gilgamesh become a hero in the second half of the work? What has he achieved at the end of the poem and why is this important? What is the function of a hero in society? […]

Discussion 2

see attachment Discussion 2 In an initial (substantial) post based on the readings (Chapters 20 and 21) and the live/Teams lecture  (March 26) assigned in Module 2 (and your own reflections),  Do you think that it was appropriate for the U.S. to become an “International Police Power” to stop “chronic wrongdoing,” as Theodore Roosevelt wanted?   Should […]

Week 3 Peer Review & Discussion

view attachments Week 3 (Peer Review) Each week we will ask your pre-selected group to focus on one major strand of the Humanities during this time period. Please be sure that each member of your group selects a different topic from within your assigned strand (History/Culture; Religion/Philosophy; Visual Arts; or Literary/Music). To present your topic […]

national monarchies

What forces were at work that helped to speed up the rise of national monarchies in the 15th century Europe?

document analysis 3

I attached the instructions Document Analysis Three Instructions For this assignment, you will choose ONE of the links below and read/view it and write 1.5 pages analyzing the document and its contents using the questions below as a guide: Questions What is the main point of the document/video? What are the messages conveyed here? What […]

Video Notes

For today we were going to watch the remainder of 9.1 The Empire of Reason: Science and Islam, The Golden Age Please watch the remainder of that video, take notes, and also watch Medieval Mind: Power — we will discuss next week on Tuesday– take notes on Medieval Mind: Power too– use those notes — […]

History Homework

Assignment 3.2 This assignment will be worth 50 points. Your response should be approximately one and a half to two pages. Conduct research on one of the Presidents during the Progressive Era and type a one and a half to two- page essay explaining how he contributed to this period. Please provide a source page […]


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need  help with music draft answer  The Dance of the Hours by Amilcare Ponchielli is from the Romantic period. The Dance of the Hours is a short ballet and is the act 3 finale of the opera La Gioconda composed by Amilcare Ponchielli. It became even more widely known after its inclusion in the 1940 […]

Unit I Disc

see attachment Module 1: Discussion Do you feel that “Gilded Age” was an appropriate way to describe the 1870-1900 time frame? Why or why not?   Which aspects of the era embodied that phrase?   How successful do you think strikes were in achieving the labor movement’s goals during this time frame?  ALSO, share something you […]


In need of assistance with comparing and contrasting civil and political rights. ● ● ● ● Political and Civil Rights in the 1920s of the group you selected in week one of this course (AFRICAN AMERICANS) with that of another of the groups (WOMEN) examined in this course as of 1924. In your essay compare […]

Pack back His 10

Please read thoroughly there are three parts to this assignment you must answer the professor questions listed below with an open thesis you must second ask a question of your own with description, then you must reply to two students after question is asked and response to the professor. to complete this assignment must look […]


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Week 2 Peer Review & Discussion

view attachments Week 2 (NON PEER DISCUSSION) Discussion Question 1 Select a topic, event, or individual you personally feel had an important impact and contribution to the culture, history, and humanities of this time period. 1. How, specifically, does your selection provide an example of self-conscious behavior, memory, or foresight, at a cultural level? 2. […]

History homework

BOOK REVIEW GUIDELINES Your book review should be between two and three pages in length and typed in twelve-point font Times New Roman. You are to read a non-fiction book of your choice concerning any person or event in United States History after the year 1876. Several books can be found on the online database […]

Chicano Studies

This initial post should be at least 3 solid paragraphs that cite the reading and demonstrate your understanding of the course material and topic.  What role did universities and college students play in the creation of Chicano Studies? WHAT did the activists have to do to get Chicano/Ethnic Studies established as a discipline in higher […]


 “Sex, Laughter and the End of the World” critical outline upload link 


see attachments 300 + word count Discussion How to eradicate Gun, Drug, and youth Violence in your city. You can even express a personal experience if needed.

History homework

ONE PAGE essay over what he or she learned about the Industrialization and the rise of Big Business.   History Paper One Page based on United States History Since 1876


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common core

I attached the instructions  Common Core Assignment 1302 (Midterm) Your Task: Using two of the following ‘Public Enemies’ and their respective sources to write a 500-1000-word essay that fully answers the following prompt: Prompt: During the Great Depression (1929-1939) there were a series of famous gangsters such as John Dillinger, Baby Face Nelson, Bonnie and […]

discussion question

Frida Kahlo is famous for her self-portraits. Often, she depicts her likeness as an expressionless mask yet fills her paintings with symbolic images. Why does she do this? What is the meaning of the symbolism used by Frida Kahlo in The Two Fridas. (28.51)? 

History history assignment

oth responses must be saved in a single file / document (.doc, .docx, .rtf, .pdf).  TurnItIn will only take one attachment. HUM 2020 Exam 1 Essay Questions: Answer TWO of the following questions, each with a well-developed essay (Thesis-driven, MLA style), meeting the expectations set forth in the How to Write an Essay presentation) based on course materials (Boyer, songs of […]

Approveal for net classes

About this Course This course is the final course in a six course sequence on research methodology. Students continue in a guided mentorship begun in CLED 900 as the student continues to prepare for the submission of dissertation prospectus under the supervision of the faculty member. During the course, students will develop and submit the […]


what its like to visit Egypt personal experience Writing Project # 2: Descriptive Narration Essay COM 088 /Spring 2024 Mr. Almanza Grade Weight: 122 points Length: Your essay must contain an introductory paragraph, three body paragraphs, and a concluding paragraph. 1. Your introduction paragraph must be at least 5 sentences long. Note: do not use […]

discussion question

What aspects of Impressionism were embraced by Paul Cézanne? What aspects did he reject? Why is Cézanne considered to be “the Father of Modern Art”? Select an image to use in your first post to illustrate your thoughts.

History Help Help

Turnitin™ This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin™. Instructions This Exam is an essay-based response discussing the 5 most significant events, people, etc. within the period of time covered in the textbook from Week 4 to Week 7. Responses can use examples both from inside and out of the text, however you should include at […]

neo colonialism of Africa

check file Prompt: In a well-researched and critically analytical essay, explore the phenomenon of neo-colonialism in Africa, delving into its historical origins, its present-day manifestations, and the implications for the continent’s socio-economic and political landscape. Your essay should also assess the strategies employed by African nations to assert their sovereignty and overcome the challenges posed […]

Roman Empire

 Roman Empire was so successful as compared to others that we have studied? 

Struggle of the Orders

atatchement  Describe in your own words what the Struggle of the Orders was about?  In your essay who was this between, why did it happen, and what was the result? 

Roman Empire

 In your opinion, why do you think the Roman Empire was so successful as compared to others that we have studied 

discussion 5 history

accurate and correct Instructions: Watch/listen to the embedded video and answer the questions below.  Your response should be about 300 words and has to use the information from the video to get credit.  If you don’t use that material or you use material from elsewhere, you won’t get credit How was Lincoln able to fight […]