2 peer responses Unit 2.1 DB: Confidentiality

1 . Confidentiality is key to building trust in counseling, but there are times when a counselor must break that confidentiality to ensure safety. According to Kanel (2015), counselors may breach confidentiality if a client is a danger to themselves or others, if there’s suspected abuse or neglect of children or vulnerable adults, or if […]

Deliverable 1 – The Operations Management Team

Scenario Wesley Enterprises is a long-term care facility. The organization was recently cited for deficiencies including infectious disease planning and staffing deficiencies. The CEO has decided to hire a consulting firm to evaluate its current processes and make recommendations for improvement. Upon initial review, the consulting firm has determined that Wesley is utilizing operational processes […]

WK1 545ASSIGN 2025 JOB

SEE ATTACHED Assignment 1: Please read the highlighted blue link for more information to complete this assignment: cite reference in APA FORMAT. Recruitment, Selection, and Hiring This is a practical assignment where you will practice skills related to employment law that will translate into real-life skills that will be utilized in your career as a […]

Week 1 Assign 2025

see attached HRA 549 Expectations for Written Assignments and Papers 1. FORMAT of assignments should conform to the following criteria:  Margins should be 1” in all directions  Papers should be double-spaced and in a single highly readable, black 12-point font (Arial, Times New Roman, Cambria, or Verdana are recommended). Headings may be larger […]

Critical Thinking

Critical thinking—consider what you have learned in this chapter reading. Students will complete the required assignment by following the instructions below. SCENARIO: Your company, a growing firm in the financial services industry, is extremely sensitive to the issues surrounding business ethics. The company wants to be proactive in developing a business ethics training program for […]

Unit 2.1 DB: Confidentiality

 Confidentiality is vital to the counseling relationship, however, there are limitations to that confidentiality. When may a counselor breach confidentiality? In your discussion, you should refer to your reading and the ACA Code of Ethics. After discussing these limitations, explain how the Tarasoff Case altered the way that human service professionals respond to crisis.


3 MGT501 SLP 3 MGT501 SLP 3 Your Name Trident University International MGT501 Management and Organizational Behavior Due Date MGT501 SLP 3 Remember to always indent the first line of a paragraph (use the tab key) or paragraph formatting (see below). The introduction should be short (2-3 sentences). The margins, font size, spacing, and font […]


3 MGT501 Case 3 MGT501 Case 3 Your Name Trident University International MGT501 Management and Organizational Behavior Due Date MGT501 Case 3 Remember to always indent the first line of a paragraph (use the tab key) or paragraph formatting (see below). The introduction should be short (2-3 sentences). The margins, font size, spacing, and font […]

Week Discussion 1

SWEE ATTACHED  TCOB Graduate Studies Discussion Rubric Criteria No Submission 0 points Novice (Criterion is missing or not in evidence) 1-13 points Basic (works towards meeting expectations; performance needs improvement) 14-16 points Proficient (meets expectations; performance is satisfactory) 17-18 points Exemplary (exceeds expectations; performance is outstanding) 19-20 points Support of Week’s Reading No Student Submission […]


Deli12 – Barriers to Change Executive Summary Top of Form Bottom of Form Assignment Content 1. Top of Form Competency Evaluate the risks associated with change. Student Success Criteria View the grading rubric for this deliverable by selecting the “This item is graded with a rubric” link, which is located in the  Details & Information pane. […]

deli10 by S

Deliverable 1 – Organizational Culture Change Training Top of Form Bottom of Form Assignment Content 1. Top of Form Competency Analyze the principles, types, and stages of change. Student Success Criteria View the grading rubric for this deliverable by selecting the “This item is graded with a rubric” link, which is located in the  Details […]

respond w3d1

Robert Zobel I scored high on the Cultural Intelligence (CQ) survey, especially in flexibility and interpersonal involvement across cultures. I think this score truly reflects my personal and professional experiences, which have helped me appreciate cultural dynamics. For instance, I have worked in several academic and internship contexts. These experiences have improved my capacity to […]

discussion 1 &2

Week 1 Discussion Post Take the survey,  Test your Cultural Intelligence . While this survey offers interesting insights, it doesn’t adhere to scientific rigor. Use its findings accordingly. Explain if you think the results accurately describe you and why. Consider sharing your experiences that may have played into the results. Week 2 Discussion Post Take […]


  Effective Supervision in Human Services Think for a moment about all of the supervisors with whom you have worked throughout your professional career. If you are like most people, you probably have worked with both effective and ineffective supervisors. Bring to mind the effective ones. What traits or skills did they possess? What behaviors […]

J. Moore for SS Need Back ASAP

Please answer each questions separated. Question 1 Essay describing your educational goals in relation to your program of study. 300 word (maximum) Program of Study: Business Office Management and Technology This essay is for a 12th grade apply for a Scholarship. Question 2 Why do you want to get a college education? 300 word (maximum)

Unit 1.3 DB: Changing Service Trends

 Explain how the introduction of psychotropic medication and the deinstitutionalization of the mentally ill influenced current crisis intervention and the provision of mental health services. 

Unit 1.2 DB: Crisis as Danger and Opportunity

 This unit’s reading explores the concept of crisis as both a danger and opportunity. Please think of a time that you were confronted with a crisis. What made that crisis a danger or an opportunity? (You are not required to share the details of this crisis). 

Unit 1.1 DB: Cocoanut Grove Fire

1.  After viewing the video about the Cocoanut Grove survivors, explain how people are impacted by a crisis. How does this crisis affect them in terms of the short-term impact and long-term impact? 

respsond to discussion

Respond to discussions Overall, the results of this survey were about where I thought they would be, with the lowest scoring being Extravert test at 73%. While this doesn’t make me a complete introvert, it says I’m also not a complete extravert. I think this is a great mix of the trait to have as […]

case 2

3 MGT501 Case 2 MGT501 Case 2 Your Name Trident University International MGT501 Management and Organizational Behavior Due Date MGT501 Case 2 Remember to always indent the first line of a paragraph (use the tab key) or paragraph formatting (see below). The introduction should be short (2-3 sentences). The margins, font size, spacing, and font […]


3 MGT501 SLP 2 MGT501 SLP 2 Your Name Trident University International MGT501 Management and Organizational Behavior Due Date MGT501 SLP 2 Remember to always indent the first line of a paragraph (use the tab key) or paragraph formatting (see below). The introduction should be short (2-3 sentences). The margins, font size, spacing, and font […]

can you help solving this project

can you help solving this project Graduate School of Business University/Academy : Arab Academy for Science & Technology and Maritime Transport College: Graduate School of Business Program: MBA in Business Administration Change Management Final Project Each group should select a change experience led by a transformational leader in an organization, collect the needed information to […]

Discussion for Music appreciation

I have a discussion i need completed by next week for music appreciation class it has to be completed as if i was a music reporter. 

respond to discussion 2MR

Abby Emotional assessment is identifying, evaluating, and understanding our emotional experiences. It’s like having a personal emotional detective, always on the case to uncover the hidden clues behind our feelings. On this, I scored a 25. Creating value for the community assessment score was high because it was a 26. My conceptual skills score was […]

Sanders HRM 4303 CS

In your textbook, review CASE 1: Spanning the Globe (which was part of your reading assignment on page 290). After reading this case study, in a minimum of a two-page paper, write a narrative that answers the following questions. Fred’s comment to Eric could easily be frustration on his part but also considered a threat […]

discussion 1 week 1

Week 1 Discussion Post Take the survey.  Servant Leadership Questionnaire Self-Assessment .  The Assessment  spreadsheet tallies the results. The survey is insightful, but lacks a scientific foundation. Interpret findings accordingly. Analyze your results. Explain if you think the results accurately describe you and why. Now that you’ve learned more about management and leadership, select one […]

respond to discussion 2MR

Nathan I received a score of 24 on this test, and I think that the results of the test fit my leadership style perfectly. The test said that I lean towards a more democratic or participative style of leadership and that is truly what I do with my team. While I am still the one […]


SEE ATTACHMENT  250-300 WORDS ANSWERING THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS What are the advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing to Low Cost Countries (LCCS)? How can the risks of outsourcing be mitigated?

Case 1

3 MGT501 SLP 1 MGT501 SLP 1 Your Name Trident University International MGT501 Management and Organizational Behavior Due Date MGT501 SLP 1 Remember to always indent the first line of a paragraph (use the tab key) or paragraph formatting (see below). The introduction should be short (2-3 sentences). The margins, font size, spacing, and font […]


3 MGT501 SLP 1 MGT501 SLP 1 Your Name Trident University International MGT501 Management and Organizational Behavior Due Date MGT501 SLP 1 Remember to always indent the first line of a paragraph (use the tab key) or paragraph formatting (see below). The introduction should be short (2-3 sentences). The margins, font size, spacing, and font […]

Wk 11 discussion Careying change with me

Reflect on the concepts and theories you have researched and learned about over the past several weeks. From the list provided below of John Kotter’s 8 Steps, choose one change management concept that was new to you, and discuss how you plan to utilize this new concept going forward. Justify your response. Creating a sense […]

Sex and Gender

SOC315– Sex and Gender Unit 8: Final Exam Due Date: of Unit 8 Points: 100 Overview: This exam will only cover Unit 8 materials! Please be sure to answer each question fully and include references to your textbook and at least two supplemental resources. You will have the opportunity to save your work and return […]


Should the penalties be increased for employers that violate federal labor law? A ‘bully’ is an equal-opportunity harasser, miserable and mean to anyone. It is well known that bullying causes psychological damage to its victims. Should bullying at work be illegal?

respond to discussion 1MR

Respond to discussion Abby When taking the test, I discovered that I was 16% extrovert, 34% Intuitive, my feelings were 25%, and my judgment came in at 31%. I have taken this test for a class before, and my results were close to the recent ones. I do believe that they are correct when it […]

discusson 1 and 2

Week 1 Discussion Post Take the test:  Discover your personality type . While this survey is informative and useful, it isn’t grounded in scientific methodology. Consider this when applying results. Analyze your results. Explain if you believe the results accurately describe you and why. Look over the sections on Career Choice, Communication Skills, and Behavior […]

Healthcare Risk Management Module5 Disc 2

Please check the file attached Aligning Stages, Learning Objectives & Teaching Strategies Not only will this chart help you write appropriate learning objectives, it will also help you select appropriate instructional strategies and give you suggestions for suitable discussion questions. Stage 1 Simple Skills Stage 2 Stage 3 Critical Thinking Stage 4 Evaluation Stage 5 […]

Quality Improvement Healthcare FinalP

Module 7 Final Project Measuring Healthcare Quality Course Number Your Name Session Abstract/Introduction: (minimum one paragraph) A. What did the data tell you about the close-ended questions? Minimum 3 paragraphs; should also insert graphs that support your response here) B. What did the data tell you about the open-ended questions? Minimum 3 paragraphs; should also […]

discussion final

Discussion Class is rapidly coming to an end. Reflect on what you are taking away from the class and what improvements you’ll make to the way you ethically conduct yourself in school or the workplace. Reflective discussion In this final Discussion thread, please address the following:    1. What concepts were most interesting to you? […]

respond to discussion 2MR

Respond to discussion Module 4 Week 2 Rachael Wheelous Good evening Class, This course provoked reflections about my character and ethical principles as a leader. I aspire to embody honesty, integrity, and accountability while fostering an environment conducive to my colleagues’ success. I found the exploration of generational differences enlightening, providing tools for fostering cohesive […]

J. Sanders HRM 4303 Unit 3 PP

You have been tasked to merge the staffs of two organizations, one based in the United States and one in a foreign country, which your company has just acquired. Using a fictitious company of your choosing, create a PowerPoint presentation of at least 10 slides (not counting the title slide or references slide) with speaker […]

Gender roles and norms in the media

SOC315– Sex and Gender Unit 7 Assignment: Gender roles and norms in the media Due Date: 11:59 pm EST Sunday of Unit 7 Points: 100 Overview: Choose a television show, movie, or song to analyze for gender. Instructions: • How are females, males, trans and non-binary individuals portrayed? • What gender roles, norms and stereotypes […]


3 ETH501 SLP 4 ETH501 SLP 4 Your Name Trident University International ETH501 Business Ethics Due Date Presentation: Ethical Considerations You have selected to deliver a video presentation to your organization or a professional group in your discipline. You may use visuals to deliver the message. Use ChatGPT or another AI program to research trending […]


3 ETH501 Case 4 ETH501 Case 4 Your Name Trident University International ETH501 Business Ethics Due Date ETH501 Case 4 Remember to always indent the first line of a paragraph (use the tab key) or paragraph formatting (see below). The introduction should be short (2-3 sentences). The margins, font size, spacing, and font type (bold […]


Course Objectives: Prepare a scholarly reflection  describing the artifacts in the e-portfolio and how they demonstrate skills, knowledge, real-world application, and mastery of the program objectives. Explain professional growth attained during the master’s program or explain your professional skills to a potential employer. PromptWrite a reflection  that: Reflects on your professional growth during the master’s […]

J. Moore Macroeconomics PowerPoint Topics

ECO231 Macroeconomics Topics for PowerPoint Presentation Macroeconomics is the study of an economy as a whole. For instance, when studying macroeconomics, researchers look at how certain factors affect the overall economy, especially when it comes to government influences. These factors can include everything from unemployment to interest rates to international trade. Because there are so […]

Health Care

Instructions: This class requires a project, with a focus on a current area related to health care quality management and outcomes analysis.  You may develop your own topic for this project or select one of topics describe below.   If you choose to select your own topic for this project, you should submit your proposed topic […]