
  Why do supervisors typically do a bad job of performance management?

respond to discussion 4.1

Respond to each one Racheal In June 2023, Ocean Gate’s submersible, the Titan, imploded on its journey to the Titanic’s wreckage in the Atlantic Ocean.  The Coast Guard initiated an investigation into the incident that left 5 individuals dead, including the co-founder of Ocean Gate, Stockton Rush.  The New Yorker (2023) alludes to Whistleblowers who […]

Discussion 1 MR

Table of Contents   Module 4: Duty Ethics  Discussion: Your Duty: Ethical Leadership Discussion: Your Duty: Ethical Leadership   Your Duty: Ethical Leadership These are your final discussions. Let’s make the most of them and keep the momentum going on your Trident Education Journey.  Writing for Publication Organizations often require managers to write short articles […]

HRMT 413

SEE ATTACHMENT 250-300 WORDS ANSWERING THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS, MINIMAL CITATIONS PLEASE. 1. List and define the key leadership styles. 2. What type of leader do you work best with? Why do you believe that to be the case? What type of leader are you? Has your leadership style changed over time?

Human Resource Management assignment 9

When considering Global Employee engagement strategies, forward-thinking companies are shifting the focus from engagement and culture to a more holistic approach that includes the employee experience from before it begins, while it is occurring, and after the career with the organization ends. Identify at least one of the five components that define an employee’s experience […]

Wk 9 discussion: Change leader

Determine your “Change Leader Preference” by taking this self-assessment: How comfortable are you with risk and ambiguity? Do you see order and stability or change and uncertainty? Describe your level of comfort in high-risk situations. Describe your degree or restlessness with routine, predictable situations. How intuitive are you? Do you use feelings and emotions to […]


This final reflection asks you to consider how you want to engage with the nonprofit sector going forward by posing the question: What is your personal theory of change? Read the below materials to remind yourself of what a theory of change looks like


Course Objectives: Prepare a scholarly reflection  describing the artifacts in the e-portfolio and how they demonstrate skills, knowledge, real-world application, and mastery of the program objectives. Explain professional growth attained during the master’s program or explain your professional skills to a potential employer. Prompt Write a reflection  that: Reflects on your professional growth during the […]

Week 5

The assignment for the Week 5 Module for this class is to respond to the topic below.  The submission for this assignment should be three pages (not including the title page and reference page), double-spaced, in size 12, New Times Roman font.  This paper should include a minimum of 3 references with in-text citations using […]

Human Resource Management Week 8 Assignment – Resistance and Communication

Introduction Using your selected organization, diagnose the organization’s level of resistance, and construct a solid communication plan. (Google) Instructions 4p Diagnose the reasons for resistance to change. Interpret the potential causes of resistance in the organization. Identify and describe three potential causes of resistance to your change plan. Identify and describe three potential sources of […]

respond to discussion 3.2MR

Respond to each discussion. D’yani Florence Healthcare administration has a wide variety of career services.  A plethora of topics that pertain to ethics are discussed. Because of the multitude of standards from different departments, skepticism unfolds about regulations (Young, M & Wagner, A., 2024). One popular topic is telemedicine. Telemedicine has brought so many benefits […]

DIscussion 3.2

Week 2 Discussion Post Use ChatGPT or another AI program and enter the query “provide a list of modern topics in ethics in xx.” The “xx” should be your area of work, study, or preferred career path. Examples include logistics, HR, healthcare administration, military leadership, etc. If you use an idea provided by ChatGPT, you […]

HRMT 413

SEE ATTACHMENTS Instructions Recall the memo you submitted in week 4 for Part I of the Training Project.  Assume that the CEO of FEF, Inc has approved your suggested training.  Create a PowerPoint that you will present to the employees of FEF, Inc. to address the discrimination issue you detailed in the memo. Your PPT […]

Research project: Project Draft

 Instructions will be attached Example 1 Finnigan, E. & Starr, S. (2010). Increasing social responsiveness in a child with autism: A comparison of music and non-music interventions. Autism, 4, 321-348. Retrieved from This study examined the e�ects of music and non-music interventions on an autistic pre- school child’s social and behavioral areas. The authors conducted […]

Unit 5 DB: Masculinity Interview

  Briefly summarize major findings of your interview and share with your classmates. Be sure to keep your interviewee’s identity private. When responding to others compare what you found in your research and interview to others’ gathered data.  


One proposed improvement to the traditional interview is called the ‘behavioral interview,’ in which interviewees are asked to describe past situations when they have demonstrated positive traits such as leadership or teamwork. Most but not all experts believe that behavioral interviews constitute a big improvement over traditional unstructured interviews. What do you think?


  Why are recent college graduates so likely to quit their first full-time jobs after graduation?

Case 3

3 ETH501 Case 3 ETH501 Case 3 Your Name Trident University International ETH501 Business Ethics Due Date ETH501 Case 3 Remember to always indent the first line of a paragraph (use the tab key) or paragraph formatting (see below). The introduction should be short (2-3 sentences). The margins, font size, spacing, and font type (bold […]


3 ETH501 SLP 3 ETH501 SLP 3 Your Name Trident University International ETH501 Business Ethics Due Date ETH501 SLP 3 Remember to always indent the first line of a paragraph (use the tab key) or paragraph formatting (see below). The introduction should be short (2-3 sentences). The margins, font size, spacing, and font type (bold […]

deli 12 by bent

Deliverable 7 – HR Initiative Portfolio Top of Form Bottom of Form Assignment Content 1. Top of Form Question <bdi></bdi> Competency · Develop Human Resources and organizational leadership strategies to foster a high-performing workforce enabling the attainment of organizational goals. · Design a self-development plan to become an effective individual contributor to an organization. · […]

Wk 7 people first leadership

From the video, “5 ways to lead in an era of constant change,” and your readings this week, respond to the following: How would you describe the importance of putting people first in the transformation process for organizational change? Describe the role of inclusive leadership when building a guiding coalition for successful organizational transformation. (Note: […]

Wk 7 improving performance management within TM

Context The SHRM Essential Guide (2023) states the following, “For performance management (PM) to be effective, it needs to be a process, which means we need to think about PM, not just performance appraisals. The process of PM is a way to provide feedback, accountability, and documentation for performance outcomes”, p. 123.  Post a Response  Please […]

Activity 2

Imagine being an HR manager at KLC company who has been tasked with creating a Talent and Value Proposition that focuses on creativity, annual budget savings, and possible labor reduction. Leadership has recently learned about a variety of automated solutions to assist with faster production, including artificial intelligence. This solution could shrink the current internal […]

Human Resource Management assignment 7

Benefits are another core element of a Total Rewards Program that no longer focuses primarily on insurance benefits. Benefits are designed to help protect and ensure financial security and includes retirement plans, health and welfare plans, and programs that provide pay for time not worked. Identify at least one nonmandatory or voluntary plan that you […]

respond 3.1

Module 3 Week 1 Felipe Chung There is a lot of ethical issues in using AI like ChatGPT in writing academic papers, mainly because it compromises the academic integrity standards. The use of AI in students’ work miss-presents work as one’s own, conflicting with honesty principles dictating that academic work should be a product a […]

CHFD 220

SEE ATTACHMENT Instructions Assignment Directions: In this assignment, you will analyze how teenage sexuality and older adult sexuality are depicted differently across two popular media sources. The goal is to develop media literacy skills by examining messages about sexuality at different life stages. 1. Select two current popular movies, TV shows, books, etc. One should […]

HRMT 413

SEE ATTACHMENT 250 -300 WORDS ANSWERING THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS 1. Choose one or two recent attempts (successful or unsuccessful) at unionizing. Some examples include Amazon, Starbucks, REI, Trader Joe’s, Apple, or Kickstarter.  2. Summarize your research — why are employees attempting to unionize? How did the corporation/organization react to these attempts? Have the employee’s efforts […]

Human Resource Management Assignment

1. Complete and Submit Assignment 4.   Consider the following scenario, and in no more than one (1) page, answer the questions listed below: You own a local ice cream shop. The local labor market is 50% female and 50% non-white, yet almost all of your employees are white males. To diversify your applicant pool, […]

Human Resource Management Assignments

1. Complete and Submit Assignment 5. For this assignment, you will be analyzing the business practices of the nation’s leading companies when it comes to diversity management. A very useful starting place is the Top 50 Companies For Diversity . In no more than one (1) page, answer the following questions: . You must choose […]


Companies typically keep their successi plans secret from affected employers. So nobody really knows where they are on the companies depth chart. Is this a good idea, or should companies be more open about this process?


Is maamagement of diversity not much more than the new name for affirmative action?

Performance Evaluations

  based on what you know about performance evaluations, use the Internet to research and select a performance evaluation tool that you believe is best suited for your company. Create a PowerPoint presentation with speaker’s notes to present this new tool to new supervisors. Create a PowerPoint presentation to present this new tool to new […]

Discussion 1 MR

How to Ethically Use AI Programs  ChatGPT 4.0 listed the pros and cons of its use in a graduate program: Pros: ChatGPT can provide instant, comprehensive responses, aiding in research and clarifying complex topics. It’s a valuable supplemental tool, enhancing self-paced learning and promoting diverse perspectives. Cons: Over-reliance on ChatGPT might inhibit critical thinking or […]

C. Moore Human Services Occupational Competency

Human Services Occupational Competency Course Description: This course will assess the students’ understanding of, and preparedness for, employment in the Human Services field. Examination of current occupational literature, interviews with current practitioners in the field, and the completion of a professional portfolio, will be a primary focus of this course. A Written Occupational Thesis and Student […]

Unit 4.2 DB: Women without children

 How are women stigmatized if they can’t or choose not to have children? How do gender roles and norms contribute to this stigmatization? How can society better support these women? 

Unit 2.2 DB: Socialization and Culture Diversity

 How does the gender socialization process differ culturally? How do you think your cultural, racial, or ethnic background affected the gender socialization process you went through growing up?  

Unit 2.1 DB: Gender Socialization

  When did you first learn about the concept of gender? Growing up who taught you what it meant to be a girl or boy in society and what messages did you receive? Did you align to your assigned gender roles? If so, how? If not, how were you treated by others? 

law chart

Employment Laws Chart Complete the chart below using information from the weekly readings and additional research if necessary. Employment Law Description and Requirement of Law Court Case(s) Influential to Establishment of Law Importance of Law Workplace Application Civil Rights Act of 1964 Enacted on July 2, 1964 is a landmark  civil rights and  labor law in the United […]

article presentation

Employment Law for Human Resource Practice 6th Ed., David J. Walsh, ISBN: 978-0357233252, Publisher: Cengage Learning, 2019.

Deliverable 4 – Cost-Benefit Analysis

Deliverable 4 – Cost-Benefit Analysis Top of Form Bottom of Form Assignment Content 1. Top of Form Question <bdi></bdi> Competency Hypothesize how change supports business objectives. Student Success Criteria View the grading rubric for this deliverable by selecting the “This item is graded with a rubric” link, which is located in the  Details & Information pane. […]

Human Resource Management deliverable 1Learning Organization Summary Assignment Content

Deliverable 3 – Learning Organization Summary Top of Form Bottom of Form Assignment Content 1. Top of Form Question <bdi></bdi> Competency Evaluate organizational reactions to environmental changes. Student Success Criteria View the grading rubric for this deliverable by selecting the “This item is graded with a rubric” link, which is located in the  Details & […]

Managing Through Communication

you will further define the problem you identified in the Module Two assignment and begin to develop a plan to address the problem using internal and external communications. Furthermore, you will prioritize the first steps in the process of addressing the problem and set goals for your communication. Assignment 2 Attached along with rubric

deliverable 1 correction

Attempt feedback: F Marie, I appreciate your efforts in resubmitting this assignment. Unfortunately, I must submit this to the Academic Integrity Committee for Review. Again, there are use of references that do not align with the information presented. It also appears that you have revised statements that were cited/not cited before but have now been […]

Track, Back

When a college graduate is employed in an administrative or operations aspect of an organization (like IT, medical records, human resources management, operations, billing, customer service, inventory, etc.), regardless of your title, you are a knowledge worker. In this capacity, you will often be assigned to oversee an area of responsibility for which you must […]

Quality Improvement Healthcare – Assign1

Please see the file attached Cover Page HSA 4383 Assignment 1 Quality Improvement Medical Terminology Name Page 2 Introduction/Abstract (Minimum one paragraph) Compare and Contrast: 1. Quality: (minimum three sentences) Safety: (minimum three sentences) Difference Between the Two: (minimum five sentences and should include examples of applicable use of the two terms) 2. Quality Control: […]

Health Risk Management- Assign1

please see the file attached MODULE 1 Assignment 1 Template COVER Page Name Term Course Name Date CONTENT Introduction (1 paragraph) Part 1: Compare and Contrast the Terms Include a description and comparison and an example for each term set. Each entry must be a minimum of one paragraph (3–5 sentences). A. Term Set 1 […]

Human Resource Management Assignment 1SLP

3 ETH501 SLP 1 ETH501 SLP 1 Your Name Trident University International ETH501 Business Ethics Due Date ETH501 SLP 1 Remember to always indent the first line of a paragraph (use the tab key) or paragraph formatting (see below). The introduction should be short (2-3 sentences). The margins, font size, spacing, and font type (bold […]