Human Resource Management Help with assignment

Description Building on your Weeks 1 through 3, you must now identify and discuss some of the legal and ethical considerations that must be taken into account in constructing your proposed healthcare facility. You are required to include the following: Define and discuss the differences between licensure, certification, and accreditation as they relate to health […]

Human Resource Management assignment 11

Think about what role employees might take to help an organization progress within the Hiring Maturity Curve.  Discuss the potential value 360 feedback efforts might provide toward organizations moving forward within the Hiring Maturity Curve.  Explain three major themes you have internalized as important takeaways from this course. 

Human Resource Management assignment 10

Discuss the pros and cons of traditional succession planning models.  Using your insight from a company you are familiar with, argue for or against the merits of a talent pool, as an alternative to succession planning.

Human Resource Management HomeWork MHA

HOMEWORK OVERVIEW For this assessment, you will write and present a leadership communication strategy for addressing your chosen AHA Advocacy Agenda item Quality and Equity from the American Hospital Association’s Advocacy Agenda page, found in  Assessment 4: AHA Advocacy Agenda 2023 . From the resources, you have learned many elements of team leadership and collaboration. […]


ORGANIZING RUBRIC FOR POLC PAPER Critical Elements Exemplary Proficient Needs Improvement Not Evident Possible Pts Organizational Chart or Structure A well-developed organizational structure is included that is consistent with the entity it represents. Research is included. 30 points An organizational structure is included and provides basic information. 20 points An organizational structure is included but […]

Human Resource Management Assignment

Please assist with this assignment, see instructions in file attached. Paper – Labor Relations You may write on any labor relations topic you choose.  It can be one that is discussed in the main textbook by Holley et al., or any other labor relations topic you want to research. Your paper must be 3-5 pages, […]

Statement of Purpose Help

In a 500-word essay, please describe what experiences have motivated and prepared you to complete your degree at the NYU SPS Division of Applied Undergraduate Studies. In addition, please address one of the following questions below and include it in your response: · What led you to decide on the degree program that you are […]

week 5 replys

reply 1    When I think back on my first discussion post, I realize that my responses have changed over time because I have developed a more in-depth knowledge of the intricate relationship that exists between social and biological factors that influence health. In the beginning, I was aware of the difficulties that were brought […]

week 5 ass 1

attached In your paper Part 1: Select a public health organization. This organization can be local (health department), national (American Red Cross, M.A.D.D., etc.), or global (UNICEF, CDC Global Health, etc.) For this assignment, you will explain how your chosen agency or program aims to eliminate social inequalities, such as racism, sexism, poverty, social exclusion, […]

week 5 ass 2

  In this assignment, you will compare and contrast current policies that address a particular social inequality in the United States to policies that address this same social inequality in other countries (at least two countries required). The goal of this project is to create real apples-to-apples comparisons, so you can use critical thought to […]

diversity 4

help with draft question  Module Four Activity Guidelines and Rubric.html IDS 400 Module Four Activity Guidelines and Rubric Overview For this activity, you will consider influences on constructive engagement with your topic. You will also propose how your ideas to transform conversations about your topic might influence how we as a larger society perceive it. […]

Moore Group Discussion: Module 1: Systems of Linear Equations

This post is similar to the module notes, assignments, and homework. In this post, you will apply multiple skills learned throughout module 1. You will use the knowledge of forming ordered pairs, plotting ordered pairs on a rectangular coordinate system to form a line, finding the slope given two points, and finding the equation of […]

week 5 dis

  eview your initial post your introduction discussion posting and address the following: Indicate if your answers have changed. Why or why not? Explain what you have learned about social and biological determinants and their impact on health that you did not know before this course. Explain what you have learned about social inequalities and […]

Unit 5 DB: Record Keeping

 What are the advantages and disadvantages of recording client information on the computer while conducting the intake interview? How does using a computer during the interview change the process? What about using a recording device (i.e. video camera or voice recorder)? 

Negotiation Advocacy

Submit Milestone One, which is the first of two milestones for the final project in this course. For this milestone, you will complete Section I: Summary and Section II: Cultural Analysis Overview of the final project. With references and sources

Negotiation Advocacy

One description of the espoused Netflix organizational culture from Netflix Culture – Seeking Excellence is “We believe a company’s actual values are shown by whom they hire, reward, or let go.” For this discussion post, craft a response which addresses the following question: Consider the aspects of the Netflix culture, which are listed below: Encourage […]

Strategy and Culture

See Attached The next component of your capstone project will focus on evaluating the strategy of your plan. Examine your approach in terms of strategic HRM for organizational success and competitive advantage. Consider whether your plan is aligned to the business strategy. Evaluate the connection between HRM strategy and organizational strategy in the global environment […]

Basic Counseling Techniques Wek 2 Technique

Please used the PPT that attach to gain information to do the assignment. The PPT is the week lesson plan. Week 2 Technique Summary #2  The technique summary is intended to be a shorthand tool for summarizing a technique. You will write about an individual technique and a systemic technique). I wanted to create a […]

Basic Counseling Techniques Week 4 Technique

Please used the PPT that attach to gain information to do the assignment. The PPT is the week lesson plan. Week 4 Technique Summary #4  The technique summary is intended to be a shorthand tool for summarizing a technique. You will write about an individual technique and a systemic technique). I wanted to create a […]

Basic Counseling Techniques Wek 3 Technique

Please used the PPT that attach to gain information to do the assignment. The PPT is the week lesson plan. Week 3 Technique Summary #3  The technique summary is intended to be a shorthand tool for summarizing a technique. You will write about an individual technique and a systemic technique). I wanted to create a […]

Diversity 3

need help with draft question Module Three Activity Guidelines and Rubric.html IDS 400 Module Three Activity Guidelines and Rubric Overview For this activity, you will critically analyze how those within your chosen population engage with your topic. You will identify what is already working well and opportunities for change. Completing this activity will result in […]

Sanders HRM 3303 Unit V DB and respond

Part 1 400 words Performance appraisals are used to address performance concerns, promotions, pay increases, and productivity. So, why do you think some human resource (HR) professions/managers feel performance appraisals are no longer needed? Have performance appraisals lost relevance in today’s metric driven performance management organizations? Part 2 Please respond this Discussion 200 words Performance […]

Talent and Workforce Management

See Attached  How do you find the right people for the right positions in an organization? Which strategies should be used for retaining high-achieving and necessary employees? In the next component of your capstone project, you will reflect on what you have learned about recruitment and retention. Make certain to consider the effect of technology […]

Unit 4 DB: Client Questions

 Assume you are employed by a local human services agency as an intake interviewer. How do you answer the following questions that your client has during the initial meeting? For this forum, your initial response can be formatted in bullet points to address each question. Be sure to also provide justification for your response. How […]

wrk 100 6

WRK100 – PREPARING FOR THE FUTURE OF WORK Name: Professor Name: Date: Week 6 Assignment – Employability Skills and the Future of Work For this assignment, you will be writing about the value and impact of two of the 10 Skills: Self and Social Awareness and Communication. Before you complete this template, review the Skill […]

Sanders HRM 3303 Unit III PowerPoint Presentation

In conducting a job analysis, there are two areas: (1) job-based and (2) person-based structure. For this assignment, identify the needed knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs); the tasks, duties, and responsibilities (TDRs); and any other specifics for a registered nurse’s position. We will be using research efforts to complete the assignment. Refer to the  BLS […]

Sanders HRM 3303 Unit IV Journal

When an employment offer is being presented, what are the key factors to be considered, prior to accepting the position? In addition, consider any differences between merit-based and pay-for-performance programs. Journal post to be a minimum of 500 words and at least one supporting reference. Journal posts should include a full coversheet – including your […]

Human Resource Management assignment 7

Context “For performance management (PM) to be effective, it needs to be a process, which means we need to think about PM, not just performance appraisals. The process of PM is a way to provide feedback, accountability, and documentation for performance outcomes”,. Post a Response  Please respond to the following: Analyze three PM key success […]

Diversity 2

need help with draft question  Module Two Activity Guidelines and Rubric.html IDS 400 Module Two Activity Guidelines and Rubric Overview For your project, you will examine a specific topic, such as an issue or event in diversity, and how it impacts individuals and society. You will demonstrate your ability to think critically, investigate, and communicate […]


Need help with draft question  1. How does the exploration of bias in the module overview and resources influence your thoughts about diversity? 2. How does thinking about intersectionality bring you to a new awareness of bias?

Negotiation Advocacy

 For this discussion post, define the fact pattern in the Netflix case study, which you read about in the following Module One resources:     Library Article: How Netflix Reinvented HR Article: The Woman Behind the Netflix Culture Doc Website: Netflix Culture – Seeking Excellence    Who: The individuals and organization involved in the issue What: […]


1.  How can decision-makers anticipate, prevent, and limit and control chaos? 2.  How can managers ensure organizational character during a crisis?

Unit 3.1 DB: Client Preference

 Granting client confidentiality preferences may not be appropriate in certain situations.  When is it appropriate? When is it not appropriate? Provide scenarios and documentation to support and clarify your answers. 

Unit 3.2 DB: Cultural Sensitivity

 What are the diverse populations in your local community? How can you continue to develop your sensitivity to working with culturally diverse clients? 

managerial communication

please see attachment  Assignment for Managerial Communication. Answer all questions 1. Time management is one of the biggest challenges in our development agenda in The Gambia. As a Manager hired to initiate change in the “New Gambia”, what time management strategies will you employ to attain the objectives of the National Development Plan? 10 marks […]


Begin observing diversity in your work, school, neighborhood, religious, and/or entertainment environments. What is the racial, ethnic, gender, and age distribution of the people in each of these environments? What do you observe that you may not have noticed were you not investigating diversity in organizations? Explain.

week 2 ass

attached · Publications · Links to an external site. · from CDC featured articles webpage · NCHHSTP Social Determinants of Health: Frequently Asked Questions · Links to an external site. · · Social Determinants of Health · Links to an external site. · from Healthy People 2030 webpage · PMC Journal List · Links to […]

Moore Professional Ethics and the Law 2-5

Professional Ethics and the Law DB 2 Describe and discuss your current level of knowledge of, preparation for, and comfort level of working with clients from a different cultural background. How would you address any deficiency in knowledge, preparation or discomfort? DB 3 Discuss what your understanding of the important of boundary in counseling was […]

Moore Basic Counseling Technique Summary 1-11

Please read carefully!!!! Basic Counseling Techniques/Helping Relationship FT 7336  The technique summary is intended to be a shorthand tool for summarizing a technique. You will write about an individual technique and a systemic technique). I wanted to create a standard protocol or tool that would be used to access a theory in the same way […]

Diversity 1

need help with draft question  Module One Activity Guidelines and Rubric.html IDS 400 Module One Activity Guidelines and Rubric Overview This course will focus on four lenses, each with its own way of exploring the world based upon different assumptions and approaches. When we examine a topic of diversity through different lenses, it may alter […]

week 2 dis 2

attached · Publications · Links to an external site. · from CDC featured articles webpage · NCHHSTP Social Determinants of Health: Frequently Asked Questions · Links to an external site. · · Social Determinants of Health · Links to an external site. · from Healthy People 2030 webpage · PMC Journal List · Links to […]

The Future of Hiring: Jobma’s Cutting-Edge Video Interviewing Software

 Jobma’s intuitive video interviewing platform streamlines hiring with customizable one-way and live video interviews. Record, share, and collaborate on candidate videos seamlessly. Eliminate bias with AI insights while integrating into your existing HR tech stack. Stellar support included. 


INTRO TO HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT; HRM’S ROLE; STRATEGIC HRM It is important for HRM professionals to keep up on the HRM field. In the SLP assignment in this class, you will be investigating an HRM practitioner publication,  HR Magazine (found in ProQuest from the Trident Online Library). It is the main publication of the Society of […]


INTRO TO HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT; HRM’S ROLE; STRATEGIC HRM Assignment Overview This Case Assignment focuses on recognizing the link between organizational strategy and HR activities.  You are the new director of human resources at The King Company. As director, you must play a large role in resolving the organizational issues confronting the company and develop […]

Mental health recommendations

Pick one:        A.  OASAS Assessment – utilizing screening forms/instruments.        B.  SBIRT – Assessment Summary with outcome recommendations. Part 1 The Simulated Treatment Plan Slide Presentation (10 slides under 5min)        A. OASAS Treatment Recommendation                                   or       B. SBIRT Rationale & Outcome A recorded video presentation or voice-over slides should demonstrate the application […]

week 1 ass

attached In your paper and based on the table you created in the Levels of Determinants discussion forum, complete the following: · Identify the two levels of determinants that you feel have the greatest impact on health (individual, household, community, national, and international). · Conduct research on your selected levels and discuss what factors associated […]

Need help in 3hrs

Discussion 1 Explain a situation you have observed (or read about) in which a firm made a decision considering irrelevant costs or did not consider relevant costs. What was the outcome of the decision, and what could have been done differently? Discussion 2  Explain why pricing and production are extent decisions and not decisions that […]

Case Study

Ship Shape Case study, instructions attached  ● Answer all parts of questions 2 and 4 from Case 15.3: Ship Shape. ● Your response should be at least 500 words. ● Your response should cite each of the following references at least once. ● 2. The chapter outlines three different approaches to assessing consequences—ethical egoism, utilitarianism, […]

Sanders Academic Integrity Training Module Post Assessment

1. Speaking candidly, what mistake(s) were made in the submission that warranted this Academic Integrity Violation? 2. What have you learned that will help you avoid plagiarizing material or cheating in the future? 3. Outline all possible repercussions you may face if another Academic Integrity Violation is committed. 4. Who should you contact, in order […]

week 1 dis 2

attached  rior to beginning work on this discussion, please read Chapter 1 of the Social and Behavioral Foundations of Public Health textbook, review Social Determinants of Health Links to an external site. and How Your Biology Affects Your Health: Crash Course Public Health #2 Links to an external site. videos. Also, review the Collective Action […]