Human Resource Management assignment 2

As an organization develops a Total Rewards Strategy, one of the primary categories to consider is the compensation category. For a company to maintain a competitive edge, pay adjustments should be made based on job market fluctuations. As such, it is imperative to know where to begin as an HR professional. Discuss the steps needed […]


Proposal due 10/5 The agency should deal with a Social Equity topic Students need to submit a proposal (1 page) to clearly indicate the selected agency, the observed needs, and the preliminary format of the training program. The submitted proposal should include the following elements: •    The selected agency. Identify the public agency for […]

Human Resource Management assignment 1

Consider the various components in a compensation philosophy. Identify at least one practice within a compensation philosophy. Discuss the benefits of the selected practice as well as possible limitations or drawbacks that can occur if not aligned with an organization’s business strategy. Discuss pros and cons of pay transparency. Discuss why you would select either […]

pp hris

Human Resource Information Systems: Basic Application and Future Direction (5th edition) by Michael J. Kavanagh & Richard D. Johnson (ISBN-13: 978-1544396743) Publisher: Sage Publishing 

Human Resource Management COMPAA W6 ASSIGNMENT

SEE ATTACHED **Cite textbook and outside sources. Strategic Compensation: Martocchio, J. J. (2020). Strategic compensation: a human resource management approach (10th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc. ISBN: 9780135192146 Assignments: *****Imagine you are designing an incentive plan for your organization’s (or an organization of your choice) middle managers. Create both short-term and long-term incentives, explaining […]


SEE ATTACHED Please site textbook: Martocchio, J. (2020).  Strategic Compensation: A Human Resource Management Approach (10th ed.) Pearson. and outside source: *Please response to both discussions below regarding the following case***views about whether discretionary employee benefits should be an entitlement or something earned based on performance. NG1…To determine whether discretionary employee benefits should be considered entitlements […]

Discussion 10

 Review the module resources. Then, in your initial post, address the following:  What HR functional areas within the People Knowledge Domain do you believe will be affected the most by future trends? How?  What HR functional areas within the Workplace Knowledge Domain do you believe will be affected the most by future trends? How?  What […]


See attached 6 Discussion Week 6: Cite 2 outside scholarly sources and (textbook AUTHOR: Martocchio, J. (2020).  Strategic Compensation: A Human Resource Management Approach. Boston: Pearson Education. Discuss views about whether discretionary employee benefits should be an entitlement or something earned based on performance.

Activity 1

200 word discussion 1 reference/intext citation Due 10/1/2024 Social Equity Class activity I How will you distribute this chocolate cake? Let’s assume this is an in-person class with 20 students. Today, the instructor has brought a delicious 10-inch chocolate cake to share. As a student, how would you distribute the cake in the fairest way […]

Human Resource Management human, resource, assignment

I need your help Name: Enter your name here. Date: Enter the date here. Critical Thinking Final Touchstone In this assignment, you will make two contrasting normative arguments about what one ought to do. Both arguments will be about the same topic, and so at least one of the arguments is likely to be something […]

Human Resource Management Assignment: Assessment & Inclusion

  Part 1: Compare Data To complete this activity, please visit the IRIS Module: Assessing the General Education Curriculum: Inclusion Considerations for Students with Disabilities.Links to an external site. Make sure you watch the Challenge video and read all of the content in slides 1, 2, 3, & 4 of the IRIS Module Assessing the […]

Case 2

The case will be Social Equity and the Gender Pay Gap Submit the written memo, which should be 3 pages in length. Due 9/28/2024 Written memo To address each case, the recommended structure and expected responses are listed as below: · Basic information (headings). At the beginning of each memo, students must indicate (1) the recipient, […]


SEE ATTACHED *****Ensure the following questions are addressed and answered. Why did you make specific allocation in the Pay Policy Mix? What led you to your Pay-Policy Level decision?

Human Resource Management brito assignment 3

1 2 Job Analysis Worksheet Conduct an interview with someone who has a career or job position that is different from your own. Identify the duties associated with his or her position, as well as any skills and abilities necessary for the position. Use the information gathered in the interview, as well as the Chapter […]

Response 2

200 word response 1 reference intext citation Due 9/26/2024 Please use a reference for an article that can be accessed in the United States. Do you agree that “AI” should be applied in the public sector or the delivery process of public services? If you do, how can this technology be better implemented? If you […]

Response 1

200 word response 1 reference intext citation Due 9/26/2024 Please use a reference for an article that can be accessed in the United States. Currently, the mechanisms for online petitions have not been formally institutionalized in our political system, particularly at the local level. Do you agree or disagree that this mechanism should be integrated […]

Week 5 Discussion RESPONSE

SEE ATTACHED Please site textbook: Martocchio, J. (2020).  Strategic Compensation: A Human Resource Management Approach (10th ed.) Pearson. and outside source: *Please response to both discussions below regarding the following case:You are a compensation analyst for Worry-Not Insurance Company, which is located in Hartford, Connecticut. Define the relevant labor market for insurance claims adjusters and for […]


SEE ATTACHED HRA 562 – Compensation Project Scoring Rubric Name: ___________________________________________ Date: _______________________ Students will complete the assignment with attention to the following criteria: Rating Scale Exemplary: Corresponds to an A- to A (90-100%) Proficient: Corresponds to B- to B+ (80-89%) Basic: Corresponds to C- to C+ (75-79%) Not Attempted: Corresponds to an F (0-74%) […]

Response 4

100 word response for each public organization 1 reference intext citation Due 9/24/2024 According to contingency theory, each public organization may require a different style of leadership. Discuss to determine an appropriate leadership approach or theory (as introduced in the prior slides, pp. 18-25) for the following public organizations. (1) Welleby Elementary School (public) in […]

Response 3

300 word response 1 reference intext citation Due 9/24/2024 (1Do you agree or disagree with the statement that successful leaders are born, rather than made through training? Explain your reasoning. (2) Based on your life experience, share an example of a leader (or a leadership style) you admire.

English Composition 14 Weeks

Introductory Paragraph: Hook- Main Ideas- Thesis- Body Paragraphs (same structure for each body paragraph) 1. Transition word or phrase that links this paragraph to the previous one. 2. Mini-thesis (topic sentence) The arguable point that you will prove and explain in this paragraph. Statement of this part of your argument (in proving your thesis). 3. […]

Managing Difficult Conversations

This course presented a number of different communication theories and applications that can be used in the workplace for individual or collaborative communication. For your final discussion of the course, assume the role of a manager and draft your personal communication philosophy you will use in your new position. Employees always want to know the […]

Managing Difficult Conversations

Combine all three into one final Cohesive finished product. Feedback for milestone One Good job describing the communication practices however I don’t see where you identified if they are explicit/explicit.   Feedback for Milestone Two Good job identifying “productivity above all” there are others heuristics that are relevant consider identifying those as you matriculate through the […]

Group Discussion Language Usage in an Online World

After reading Chapter 3 on Language and Meaning, watch the above video and answer the following questions. (CO2, CO3, & MO-3.3) 1. In what ways, if any, does the use of anonymous posting on social media contribute to the negative and positive use of language? 2. Please use the information from Chapter 3 and the […]

Human Resource Management MT Comp Assignment

See Attached ******Cite 2 outside scholarly sources and (textbook AUTHOR: Martocchio, J. (2020).  Strategic Compensation: A Human Resource Management Approach. Boston: Pearson Education. 1. How can incentive pay systems, when properly applied, contribute to companies meeting the goals of lowest cost and differentiation strategies? 2.Compare and contrast the various multi skill-based pay systems – the stair-step […]

Human Resource Management Week Assignment AA Comp

See attached 6 AA Comp Assignment: Cite 2 outside scholarly sources and (textbook AUTHOR: Martocchio, J. (2020).  Strategic Compensation: A Human Resource Management Approach. Boston: Pearson Education. *****Prepare a paper that presents the 5-step process for constructing a pay structure. The paper should present the steps in chronological order and explain the main objective of each […]

Discussion week 5

See attached 6 Discussion Week 5: Cite 2 outside scholarly sources and (textbook AUTHOR: Martocchio, J. (2020).  Strategic Compensation: A Human Resource Management Approach. Boston: Pearson Education. ******You are a compensation analyst for Worry-Not Insurance Company, which is in Hartford, Connecticut. Define the relevant labor market for insurance claims adjusters and for data entry clerks, explaining […]

Human Resource Management Week 4 assignment

FINDING AFFIRMATIONS In this week’s Discussion, you had an opp For each of the statements in the Finding Affirmations document, describe the strengths of the service user and create an affirmation based on those strengths.


Create three different resumes for the following profession 1. Registered Hospice Nurse 2. Registered psychiatric nurse  3. Register Clincal Research Nurse 

Sanders SOC 2302 Unit 5DB

1 Research an endangered animal online. Describe the animal, describe why it is endangered, provide information on what is being done to save the animal, and discuss any other things that can be done to help save it. You may also discuss the impact if this animal was to become extinct. Please provide a link to the […]

Sanders SOC 2302 Unit 4 Journal

1 Assignment Content 1. Top of Form Using the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Carbon Footprint Calculator, students will discuss their carbon footprint. For this journal assignment, you will need to visit the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Carbon Footprint Calculator and calculate your own carbon footprint. Next, answer the following questions: · Did your carbon footprint […]

J. Sanders HRM 4301 Training and Development Unit 4 Journal

1 In this unit, most of the discussion has been centered around program design and measuring the effectiveness of training and development programs. You have the opportunity to design a training program for your organization. Describe the training program and how the training program will be delivered. Who will be trained, and what would be […]

discussion help

help with discussion Navigate to Troy University’s online library or Google Scholar ( to an external site.) and download the following articles: Pfeffer, J. (1998). Six dangerous myths about pay. Harvard business review, 110-119.

Week 4 Discussion 2 Response

See Attached  PLEASE RESPONSE TO THE 2 DISCUSSIONS BELOW, REGARDING CAST STUDY ATTACHED. A TURNITIN.COM ASSIGNMENT. ** 2TA** What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of the simple ranking, alternate ranking, and point method job evaluation techniques? The simple ranking method for job evaluation has several advantages. It is easy and quick to implement, […]

help putting ideas together

Project Management MGMT 6100-01 Fall Semester 2022 Final Project Project Planning, Tracking, & Completion Due Date September 20, 2022 – 11:59 PM Points 300 (30% of overall course grade) Aligns with Learning Objective: · Identify the different stages of a project life cycle · Assess the significance of different project risks · Describe guidelines for […]

Human Resource Management Unit4Assignment:Helping Professional Responsibilities

HSV400 – Ethical and Legal Issues in Human Services Unit 4 Assignment: Helping Professional Responsibilities Due Date: Points: 100 Overview: A friend of yours is curious about what it is like to be a human services professional. They asked you to describe the work you do, the types of clients you see, and what your […]

XL Negotiation and Conflict Resolution

Unlimited Attempts Allowed Details Midterm Examination  Directions : Select  one of the two  question sets below to answer.  Your response to the questions should be at least 2-3 pages in the APA Writing Style Author-Date format. If you refer to any parts of the textbook, sources from other texts, movies, or internet sources, you must cite them.   […]


Identify and explain which of the ethical decision-making approaches you used to arrive at your decision.

Case 1

Due 9/21/2024 Submit the written memo, which should be 3 pages in length. This assignment requires students to demonstrate in-depth analyses for their self-selected case (Half of Loaf) with a memo format. To address each case, the recommended structure and expected responses are listed as below: · Basic information (headings). At the beginning of each memo, […]

Human Resource Management Assignment 1

Due 9/20/2024 The memorandum should be a maximum of two pages, single-spaced, with 1-inch margins and 12-point font. Please format the memo according to the standard memorandum format provided. To effectively address the problem in this case, students should follow these steps to write their problem-solving memo: Memo heading. At the beginning of each memo, […]

Week Discussion 4 and Reading COMP

SEE ATTACHED 6 Discussion Week 4: Cite 2 outside scholarly sources and (textbook AUTHOR: Martocchio, J. (2020).  Strategic Compensation: A Human Resource Management Approach. Boston: Pearson Education. ***ANSWER THE 3 QUESTIONS BELOW PERTAINING TO THE CASE STUDY**** CASE 1: Job Evaluation at Smith Upholstery Smith Upholstery has been in business since 1970. The company started out […]

Response 2

300 word response 1 reference intext citation Due 9/17/2024 Do you agree that “AI” should be applied in the public sector or the delivery process of public services? If you do, how can this technology be better implemented? If you don’t, what will be your major concerns?

Response 1

300 word response 1 reference intext citation Due 9/17/2024 Currently, the mechanisms for online petitions have not been formally institutionalized in our political system, particularly at the local level. Do you agree or disagree that this mechanism should be integrated into our democratic system? Should it replace traditional representative democracy?

Human Resource

  why managing diversity and understanding perceptions within your team are not just ethical imperatives but also strategic advantages that can propel an organization toward success. 

Consumer Behavior

What type of buying behavior do you typically have during normal behavior. · Read these  insights from McKinseyLinks to an external site.  on the state of the U.S. consumer sentiment as of May 2024. · Then answer the following questions in a minimum of 250 words altogether: 1. What type of buying behavior do you typically […]


SEE ATTACHED 1 8 *******Response to the following 2 discussion response below, regarding case study BELOW****** BD1.W hat are some advantages of offering a piece-rate pay plan to the furniture builders at Metropolitan Furniture? One of the main advantages is that promoting a piece-rate pay plan could boost productivity (Martocchio, 2020). This is because employees […]