Human Resource Management assignment 1

Demonstrate why hiring people with both a strategic understanding of processes and developable competency attributes may offer a workforce planning competitive advantage. 

Week 2 replies

see attached Instructions: Replies (100 words minimum, per reply) (1 source, per reply Sited in APA format) 1. Yinezca Hernandez Mar 21, 2024Mar 21 at 9:08pm Manage Discussion Entry 1. Key Term  and Why You Are Interested in It (100 words minimum) I am interested in conducting further research on globalization because of its profound […]

Unit 5.1 DB: Famous Siblings

 Identify a famous set of siblings (e.g., Ann Lander and Dear Abbey, the Kardashian/Jenner siblings, Venus and Serena Williams, Michael Jackson and Janet Jackson, JFK and Robert Kennedy, Ben and Casey Affleck) and explore how their birth positions, gender, physical attributes, their family’s trauma, social class, race and ethnicity, and so forth all interacted to […]

Unit 5.2 DB: Single People Terms

What terms do we have to refer to women and men who have never been married? What connotations are attached to these terms and what does this suggest to you about gender and power? 

Unit 5.3 DB: Parenting Figures

 Do children need both a mother and a father figure for optimal socio-emotional development? Explain your answer. In considering your stance, how may it harm children to be raised in two-parent families where the couple relationship is conflicted and strained? 

Need Help Today

Discussion 1  Review the video “The Fifth Discipline in Three Minutes” located in the topic Resources. Peter Senge, author of the book The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization said, “When I look at effort to create change in big companies over the past ten years, I have to say there […]

Discussion Replies

See attached REPLIES INSTRUCTIONS: You will reply to 2 classmates. Every reply should meet the word requirements on the rubric 300 words Minimum and should advance the conversation further by providing new ideas and insights, asking probing questions that get to the heart of critical issues, and share from one’s personal and professional experience. For […]

Unit 4.2 DB: Purpose of Marriage 2 Responses

1.  Marriage provides a pathway for individuals to commit to each other emotionally, legally, and socially. It is often a stable foundation for building a family and raising children, as it is a platform for emotional support, companionship, and intimacy between partners. Sharing life’s joys and challenges with a committed partner can contribute to well-being […]

Exercise 5

PLEASE SEE ATTACHED PDF Mgt 3307, Diversity in Organizations University of Houston, Downtown Name: _________________________ 1. Strict “English-only” rules are generally not defensible under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. When can employers require employees to speak English? 2. Access and treatment discrimination against Hispanics have been clearly documented; however, in some cases, Hispanic […]

Exercise 6

PLEASE SEE ATTACHED PDF Mgt 3307, Diversity in Organizations University of Houston, Downtown Name: _________________________ 1. What are some potential negative individual and organizational consequences for Asian Americans being perceived as being highly successful and well-educated? 2. 2. If you are not Asian American, do you know someone well who is Asian American? What is […]

Metrics, Analytics, and Other Measurements

See Attached  How will you know whether your approach is proving successful or needs to be refined or adjusted? You must measure the effectiveness of your plan. Recall your learning on HR scorecards, benchmarking, dashboards, and return on investment (ROI), among other key concepts. Which measurements will serve as tools for analyzing the data to […]

week 2 ass2

attached Prior to beginning work on this discussion, please read Chapters 5 and 6 of the course textbook and the  Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance – United States, 2019Links to an external site.  (YRBS) report. After your readings you should be more familiar with the power of organizing individuals within a community and the effect it […]

Topic 6

Need Help Assessment Description Leadership studies demonstrate that the most effective leaders know how to draw upon self-leadership skills to in turn motivate and lead others to expand their strengths to ultimately better serve the goals of an organization. For this assignment, you will continue to study conscious leadership and look at a leadership example […]

Module 5 Graded Learning Activity #2: MLA

Please hightlight the correct answer Question 1 You must cite something if it is paraphrased.  False True Question 2 You do not have to cite something if it is quoted directly from the source. True False   Question 3 If a source does not have page numbers or paragraph numbers provided, only include the author’s […]

Family of Origin

Due Date: . Points: 100 Overview: A person’s family of origin has presumably been the most powerful influence on how we think, feel, behave and interact with others. Before a person can work as a human service professional, he/she must first take a look at their own lives, to include their family of origin system […]

Unit 4.1 DB: Launching and Leaving

 What do you believe is the appropriate age for young people to be launched/leave home and establish their independence and autonomy? And what kinds of pathways do you believe are the most functional ones for young people to follow as part of the leaving home process? 

Unit 4.2 DB: Purpose of Marriage

 What purpose does marriage serve in society and how essential do you believe it is for our social wellbeing? How does marriage serve or sabotage society and how does it serve or sabotage couples? 

Discussion question- Managing and Leading Across Cultures

See Attached choose a key term that you wish to write on for your thread: Business Ethics Include the exact key term you selected in your thread’s subject line Subject: Business Ethics Thread ( 600 words minimum) research a minimum of 3 recent international business/management articles that relate to the concept on which you wish […]

HR In Global Context

First, read this article: Nissan To Produce New Crossover Based On Kicks Concept. Also review “Establishment of the ‘Nissan Way’” (Figure 3, within Chapter 11, Section 4.2.3 in your textbook).  Then, compare the “Nissan Way” organizational culture with the Brazilian jeitinho cultural trait as discussed in our Module Three reading.  Now consider both of these […]

Help with Swot Analysis

  1.  Describe three leadership practices of the current leader, other than yourself, in the existing organization. 2.  Discuss how the current leader has affected organizational culture. 3.  Evaluate two of the organization’s current strengths. 4.  Evaluate two of the organization’s current weaknesses. 5.  Evaluate two of the organization’s current unmet opportunities. 6.  Evaluate two […]

Sanders Psy 4306 Unit 7 ESY

For the Unit VII Essay, you are an external industrial-organizational (I-O) psychologist hired by a manufacturing company to implement the team concept with all production employees (800 employees) and managers (100 managers). Company ABC wants you to create a program that addresses the criteria below. · Create an organizational structure for the 800 employees and […]

Sanders COM 2302 Organizational Communication Unit 3

Locate an article in the CSU Online Library that focuses on managing conflict in an organization through communication. For this assignment, you will need to accurately identify the article’s premise, significant points in support of the premise, and the significance of those points to the course and/or the field. You need to present an insightful […]

Sanders COM 2302 Organizational Communication Unit 4

The purpose of this journal is to compare and contrast two communication techniques that can be used to improve employee trust and engagement. Your response should include the components below: · Explain why communication is essential in an organization. · Discuss the relationship between strategic planning and communication. · Explain the ways that effective communication […]

Sanders Psy 4306 Unit 5 DB

Sometimes, job satisfaction is defined as cognition (attitude), emotion, or both. Consider a time when you were satisfied with your job and a time when you were dissatisfied with your job (these can be two different jobs), and list the cognitions (thoughts) you had and the emotions you had.

Sanders Psy 4306 Unit 4 Journal

Recall a recent instance in which you were interviewed for a full-time or part-time position. Was the interview structured or unstructured? Name three ways that you could have improved this interview. Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary.

Sanders Psy 4306 Unit 3 PP

The manufacturing organization ABC has hired you as an industrial-organizational (I-O) psychologist to evaluate 100 assembly workers, 15 floor managers, and one plant manager. Create a PowerPoint presentation that discusses the important factors of job performance, job performance measurements, and evaluation and feedback. Address the following information in your presentation. · Identify the different components […]

Unit 3.2 DB: Working with Low-Income Families 2 responses

1.   Therapists who work effectively with low-income families possess a unique set of qualities, knowledge, and experience that enable them to provide the best care and support. Firstly, they exhibit empathy, understanding, and compassion towards the challenges and struggles faced by individuals living in poverty. They are culturally sensitive and aware of the societal and […]

Unit 3.1 DB: Social Class & Internalized Messages 2 responses

1.  While the poor are often portrayed as those who lack resources or may be seen as dependent on social assistance programs, I definitely grew up in a low-income household where we struggled with a lot of things like financial hardships and my parents being concerned what we would have for supper for that night […]

Literature Review

See Attachment  Assessment 1 Strong communication skills are imperative for an effective HR leader. The audience may be extremely broad—ranging from senior managers to employees at all levels. Effective communicators command attention that can translate into action and implementation. The ability to successfully communicate organizational mission and policy is vital for successful HR practice. Often, […]

Need Help

review the attached document This is an Individual PowerPoint (PPT) assignment ( REMINDER, you must use the required template in the Topic Resources). You MUST use speaker notes in your PPT. This is where the body of your essay should be with the slides used for bullet points that highlight the content from the speaker […]

week 1 ass

  The true story of the eleven blue men by Berton Roueché is one of the staple readings for many who begin the study public health and epidemiology. The story takes place in late 1944 and centers upon eleven men who, aside from their breakfast location, have little to do with one another. However, what […]

week 1 dis 1

  Now that you have reviewed the general history of public health and reviewed some of the organizations that have influence at the national, state, and local levels, what do you feel is the biggest health issue facing your community? Present an assessment, policy, and assurance scan for this health issue. In your post, Explain […]

Exo 4

ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS  1- Although more educated than ever before, African Americans remain more likely to be unemployed than comparably educated Whites, at all educational levels. What can explain racial differences in rates of return on educational investment? Is obtaining a college degree still a worthwhile investment for African Americans? 2-  Why do you think […]

Exercise 3

Please see attached PDF Instructions: · Circle all of the questions on this fictitious application form that could be directly or indirectly related to a prohibited ground of discrimination. · Come up with alternative ways for those questions you believe directly or indirectly related to a prohibited ground of discrimination. Employment Application About Yourself Preferred […]

Unit 3.3 DB: Motivation for Immigration

 What are the differences between those who immigrate for economic versus political reasons? How do you think these differences effect the process of acculturation to the host culture? 

Unit 3.1 DB: Social Class & Internalized Messages

 What messages have you internalized about “the poor,” “the middle class,” and “the wealthy”? How did you learn these messages and how do you feel about them? How may these messages impact your work in the human services field? These messages may include aspects of physical image or appearance, family size, identity, values, aspirations, home […]

Employment Law

ASSIGNMENT 08 R01 Employment Law Directions: Be sure to save an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling, and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be four (4) pages […]

Employment Law

ASSIGNMENT 04 R01 Employment Law Directions: Be sure to save an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling, and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be four (4) pages […]

Unit 2.2 DB: Children and Sexuality 2 Responses

 response to your peers, consider the messages received and share your experiences, both similar and different.  1. The appropriate age to begin talking to children about sexuality is a matter of individual judgment, considering the child’s developmental readiness, cultural norms, and family values. However, experts generally recommend starting conversations about sexuality early, in an age-appropriate […]

Discussion 1

Read the following article regarding diversity: Diversity in Everyday Discourse: The Cultural Ambiguities and Consequences of “Happy Talk”, Joyce M. Bell and Douglas Hartman Address the following: How do you see the individualism that is central to the American mainstream as being specifically in conflict with these definitions of diversity? Choose one of the five […]

Transfer ut

Rate the three most important concepts that you learned in this course in order of importance (one being the most important). Propose two applications of this knowledge in your current or a future position.

Unit 2.1 Gender Socialization 2 responses

1.   In conservative, traditional homes, girls are raised to be homemakers and nurturers and educated. While this perspective is shifting, I was raised to help keep the house clean, assist with meal prep, and look after my siblings. My brothers were responsible for what were considered more masculine duties, taking out the trash, helping with […]

Sanders COM 2302 Organizational Communication Unit 3

Locate an article in the CSU Online Library that focuses on managing conflict in an organization through communication. For this assignment, you will need to accurately identify the article’s premise, significant points in support of the premise, and the significance of those points to the course and/or the field. You need to present an insightful […]

Sanders COM 2302 Organizational Communication Unit 4

The purpose of this journal is to compare and contrast two communication techniques that can be used to improve employee trust and engagement. Your response should include the components below: · Explain why communication is essential in an organization. · Discuss the relationship between strategic planning and communication. · Explain the ways that effective communication […]

Sanders PSY 4306 Industrial Organizational Psychology Unit 3

The manufacturing organization ABC has hired you as an industrial-organizational (I-O) psychologist to evaluate 100 assembly workers, 15 floor managers, and one plant manager. Create a PowerPoint presentation that discusses the important factors of job performance, job performance measurements, and evaluation and feedback. Address the following information in your presentation. · Identify the different components […]

HR In Global Context

The challenges to initiate transformational change in industry can be overwhelming. Analyze the Brazilian concept of jeitinho and explore how the concept may be useful in breaking the status quo.  In your journal assignment, provide two recommendations using the Brazilian cultural concept of jeitinho to address current and future knowledge worker shortages that Nimble Storage […]

Human Resource Management assignment 11

What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of using social media tools in the recruitment process? What type of policies should organizations implement when using social media tools for recruitment? What are some legal ramifications of using social media during the recruitment process?

Impact of Personal Attitudes and Values

For your reflection essay, describe how—or if—your personal attitudes and values regarding human sexuality have changed because of this course and the research you have conducted to complete this project. Cite the research using current APA guidelines. The grading is not based on the content of the paper, but on the ability to evaluate/assess your […]