PLEASE SEE ATTACHMENT, You must submit a 5 page summary of the assigned journal article readings from this week (1 page per article). This is not the appropriate place to discuss whether or not you enjoyed the material but is instead a means to assess whether or not you understood the material well enough to […]
please see attachment, Discussion 9: Implementation Evaluations, Part II In this module, we continued our examination of implementation evaluations. In the reading supplements, Miller and Miller (2015) offered an essay on how program fidelity could be reconceptualized to be more informative to various stakeholders. Also, in an empirical piece evaluating a large drug diversion program […]
Please see attachment 1. According to Allen and Sawhney (2019), define motivation. 2. According to Allen and Sawhney (2019), explain the difference between “needs theories of motivation” and “process theories of motivation.” 3. According to Allen and Sawhney (2019), describe Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. 4. According to Allen and Sawhney (2019), explain Existence-Relatedness-Growth Theory. 5. […]
Criminal Justice
1,What is the role of the corrections subdomain of the criminal justice system? What are its goals? 2.How are prisons similar to jails? How are they different? 3.How is probation similar to parole? How is it different? 4.Which of the four major models of corrections (punishment, crime control, rehabilitation, reintegration) do you think has been […]
Response 10
1. Megan’s Law and similar sexual predator statutes require registered sex offenders to notify law enforcement and, in some cases, the public about their residence. These laws are designed to protect communities from individuals who have committed serious offenses with lasting psychological and physical effects on victims (Sample & Kadleck, 2008). However, applying comparable notification […]
efine police discretion and the factors that influence it.
Define police discretion and the factors that influence it. What is police discretion? Why is police discretion important?
module 4A1 discussion board
Discussion Board Topic: Using the module resources, name some characteristics of the sexually deviant crimes that can impact minors. What are some of the effects of these crimes? A quick analysis of available date from the FBI’s Crime Data Explorer for 2021, shows that 17% of known sexual offenders were under 18. We often don’t think of young […]
please see attachment, Theories of crime and criminal justice can be defined as statements about relationships, particularly between an independent variable and a dependent variable. Academics refer to formal theories in order to establish testable hypotheses; for our consideration, formal criminological theories offer many suggestions about where crime originates and how it persists. For instance, […]
Research Methods
This is the fourth part of the project. In the fourth part, which is due this week, you will submit your analytical plan including the major statistical techniques that you are going to use to analyze the relationship among your variables. You can also talk about your expected findings and explain how you predict changes […]
Against presidential
Include a brief reflective summary describing why i am against Presidential immunity
Identify how the relationship between the local police and the local media can either enhance or hinder police–community relations
Identify how the relationship between the local police and the local media can either enhance or hinder police–community relations. In what ways can the media enhance or hinder police-community relations? How can police departments build relationships with local media?
chapter 2
watch the Columbian Exchange video, answer the following discussion question. Make sure to include relevant points to your answer and make sure that your information is correctly cited. You must post before you can see the posts of others. What is meant by the Columbian exchange? Who was affected the most by the exchange? Did anything […]
Jenkins 8
Megan’s Law and other sexual predator laws are statutes promulgated in most states that require sex offenders to register with police authorities when they move into a neighborhood. Furthermore, many such statutes require that specific notice be given to occupants in the neighborhood naming the offender and providing his or her picture and address. Should […]
to an external site. Summarize section 5 as it pertains to impression evidence.
Dear class, the exam will be due Thursday evening on, March 6, by 11:59PM. Please make certain that the answers are in your own words. Please do not use AI technology. And of course, it is important to reference your comments, when necessary. I try not to tell students how many paragraphs to write; it […]
WK7 DB Replies
CJUS 400 Discussion Assignment Instructions The student will complete 4 Discussions in this course. The student will post one thread of 300 – 500 words by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Thursday day of the assigned Module: Week. The student must then post 2 replies of at least 150 – 250 words by 11:59 p.m. (ET) […]
Read attachment for assignment Instructions This assignment is an essay assignment of two questions to test knowledge and assimilation of the course objectives. You may use any of the texts, readings from this course and outside material that is academic in nature. 1. Summarize two main strategies for managing a cross-cultural security force in a […]
Responses 7
1. criminal justice and criminology research, ensuring the validity of experimental findings is crucial for producing reliable and generalizable results. Internal validity refers to the extent to which a study can demonstrate a causal relationship between variables, while external validity pertains to the generalizability of the findings to broader populations or settings (Rennison & Hart, […]
Criminal Justice
Assignment submitted to Turnitin.com No AI Please! The “article report” assignment, which is due this week, is about “Variables and Analytical Plan” section of research. For this assignment, you need to find THREE quantitative articles and read their Methods and Results sections and then report what was the findings of those studies as well as […]
200 word response Due 2/28/2025 Amrita Reply to this student’s presentation and state one item which you learned from their presentation. You should explain how you can use that information in the future.
Response 1
200 word response Due 2/28/2025 Reply to this student’s presentation and state one item which you learned from their presentation. You should explain how you can use that information in the future.
Sab 7
There are a number of threats to experiments. Among these is the threat to internal validity. Discuss how to control for the problems that are faced such as history or maturation. Move to the threats to external validity. How would you control for selection bias and reactivity threats.
Please see attached. 2 Pick two (2) crimes that are described in the Bible (Other than murder) and discuss each in light of the following: 1. Discuss and state the elements of the crimes as they are presented in the Bible. 2. How do they compare to the equivalent crimes in your home state? Make sure to cite the relevant […]
Law Assignment 1.2
300 word response with 2 references/intext citations from the internet Due 2/25/2025 The United States Department of the Interior (DOI) is in charge of preserving and running federal lands and national parks. One of its duties is to allocate and issue oil drilling permits and licenses to various private oil drilling companies to drill on […]
Law Assignment 1
Due 2/26/2025 Create a 12 slide PowerPoint presentation (not including the title slide and reference slide) summarizing the main parts of your final paper. Your presentation should summarize the main parts and findings of your final paper in bullet point form.
what you will do if ‘you pull over a speeding car late at night. The driver is a young Black male who appears nervous and apologetic. Upon running his license, you find it’s clean, but the car matches the description of one linked to a recent burglary. You face a decision: do you escalate the […]
Securities Fraud
Securities Fraud Assignment Before completing the discussion forum assignment, watch the following videos: Kevin Bacon on the Madoff Scandal How Madoff Did It Scott Rothstein: Prince of Darkness Have you ever been offered an opportunity to become involved with something you thought, or knew, to be a ‘Ponzi Scheme’? If so, describe the situation and outcome. If not, research and describe such […]
effects the 2ndAmendment
Discuss the effects the 2ndAmendment has on police. How have court decisions in the last decade impacted interpretation of the 2ndAmendment?
Responses 3
1. The question of whether Administrative Law Judges should be appointed for life, similar to U.S. District Court judges, involves balancing judicial independence, accountability, expertise, and flexibility in government administration. ALJs play a crucial role in adjudicating disputes involving federal agencies, and their decisions can significantly impact regulatory enforcement and individual rights. Therefore, their appointment […]
I believe ess@y
Following the guidelines provided in the Appendix of This I Believe, write your own This I Believe statement. Please note: You are not required to submit your paper to the This I Believe website. You should only submit your paper to the Dropbox. The This I Believe Paper should be 350-500 words in length, and […]
Response 2
200 word response 1 reference/ intext citation from the internet Due 2/22/2025 Etienne Explain how the public would lose confidence in the person who requested the opinion if that person failed to follow the opinion’s guidance (ie. would that hurt the agency’s reputation in the public’s eye and undermine government in general? why/why not) 1. […]
Response 1
200 word response 1 reference/ intext citation from the internet Due 2/22/2025 Marcelo Explain how the public would lose confidence in the person who requested the opinion if that person failed to follow the opinion’s guidance (ie. would that hurt the agency’s reputation in the public’s eye and undermine government in general? why/why not) The […]
P1 R2
P1R2 100 word response 1 reference/intext citation from the internet Due 2/21/2025 Bethany In forensic science, there are many different techniques that can be utilized to gather evidence from vehicles. The first is through looking at the tire impressions at the scene. Investigators use casting materials to make a model of the tire tread impressions […]
P2R1 100 word response 1 reference/intext citation from the internet Due 2/21/2025 Charlize Processing a homicide crime scene requires a comprehensive approach that integrates enhanced forensic methodologies, analytical techniques, and adherence to investigative protocols. There are a number of different forensic and analytical methods used for preserving and interpreting evidence. One method is DNA analysis […]
P1R1 100 word response 1 reference/intext citation from the internet Due 2/21/2025 Hollie Vehicle-involved investigations often present diverse and complex opportunities for evidence collection. What advanced forensic techniques are used to gather evidence from vehicles, such as tire impressions, event data recorders, and trace materials? Critically analyze how such evidence is reconstructed to establish timelines, […]
European Convention of Human Rights
The interpretation of statutes has become unpredictable with the Human Rights Act 1998. Discuss how judges achieve compatibility with the European Convention on Human Rights when interpreting statutes.
See two attachments Instructions · See ATTACHED ARTICLE to complete an article critique · 100% NO PLAIGIRISM · 2 Pages in length · APA format · Must contain the three parts below 1. Summary: After completing the assigned readings ask yourself: What are the main arguments? What is the point this book/article/chapter is trying to […]
Jenkins 6
Discuss whether you think administrative law judges should be appointed for life like U.S. District Court judges. What are the considerations for and against lifetime appointment?
200 word response with 2 references/intext citations from internet sources Due 2/18/2025 Post 2: Q2 Processing a homicide crime scene requires meticulous attention to detail and adherence to investigative protocols. What advanced forensic and analytical methodologies are essential for preserving and interpreting evidence in such scenes? Discuss how the interplay between physical evidence, environmental factors, […]
200 word response with 2 references/intext citations from internet sources Due 2/18/2025 Post 1: Q1 Vehicle-involved investigations often present diverse and complex opportunities for evidence collection. What advanced forensic techniques are used to gather evidence from vehicles, such as tire impressions, event data recorders, and trace materials? Critically analyze how such evidence is reconstructed to […]
Sab 6
Qualitative research often brings the researcher face-to-face with those being researched. Discuss what type of issues the researcher can face and how they might deal with or keep the issues from developing?
DB Responses
Please see attached CJUS 400 Discussion Assignment Instructions The student will complete 4 Discussions in this course. The student will post one thread of 300 – 500 words by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Thursday day of the assigned Module: Week. The student must then post 2 replies of at least 150 – 250 words by […]
Law Assignment 7
500 word response with references/intext citations Due 2/18/2025 We have studied the Freedom of Information Act this term which is a federal law that requires disclosure of records and documents held by federal administrative agencies. We have also studied the Federal Sunshine Act which requires federal administrative agencies to hold their meetings with proper notice […]
Discussion 7
500 word response with references/intext citations Due 2/18/2025 Florida administrative agency workers have the ability to petition the Florida Ethics Commission on advisory opinions as to their pending or contemplated actions. The Florida Ethics Commission itself is an administrative agency having jurisdiction over all State governmental workers and Florida State and Local administrative agency workers. […]
Healthcare services delivery and law courrse for graduate program U.S.A
Attached document study 4 questions Name: _____________________________ Case Study #3 H 516 Health Care Service Delivery & the Law Case Study #2 Instructions: The case study below is designed to test your ability to issue spot and apply the legal principles discussed in the course to isolated fact patterns. Questions, issues, and, importantly, responses may […]
Criminal Justice
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Firearms Practical
Need help with comparing known cartridge case from suspect to unknown found at the scene. Practical Two – Firearms Goal: Compare the known cartridge case (from the suspect firearm) to the unknown cartridge cases from the scene and determine whether the cartridge cases from the scene were fired in the suspect firearm. Filled out the […]
Responses 2
Please respond To each question 1. The Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution bestows individuals the right to oppose self-incrimination, ensuring that no person or legal entity is forced to bear witness against themselves in a criminal case. However, the extent to which business entities, such as corporations, can invoke this privilege remains a subject of legal […]
P2:R2 100 word response 1 reference/intext citation from a website Due 2/14/20 Hollie The Enterprise Theory of Investigation (ETI) offers a strategic framework for dismantling criminal organizations. How can this theory be effectively applied to investigate white-collar crime, particularly in cases involving corporate fraud or financial crimes? Discuss the steps involved in identifying the structure, […]
P2:R1 100 word response 1 reference/intext citation from a website Due 2/14/2025 Mickens The Enterprise Theory of Investigation (ETI) is used in special investigations such as organized crime. Since the workings of criminal organizations are broad and involve a network of people, ETI aims at disrupting the communication aspect of the organization by “developing human […]