Week 2 psychology leadership
Do leaders have to have certain personality types or character traits to be effective, as the “great man” model of leadership suggests? Do you think people are “born” leaders, or can leadership be taught? Explain your rationale. Engage your peers with questions. To complete this assignment, review the Discussion Rubric.
My questions 3-2
For this assignment, you will begin to outline the first section of your final presentation, which is your personal mission statement and SWOT analysis, and you will identify a chosen career direction for achieving your future professional goals. This is an opportunity to reflect on your career goals, determine your strengths and weaknesses, and start […]
criminal justice discussion
Discuss the recent developments that have generated widespread concern for white-collar crime in the United States.
Substance Abuse Rehabilitation
see attachment Continue in your role as an intern with the substance abuse facility. Review the Intake Assessment Form . As part of your internship, you have been asked by program managers to complete an intake assessment about Cynthia. (Cynthia is a 30 year old female who suffers from alcohol addiction. Cynthia graduated high school […]
Motivational Interviewing
see attachment Review the Angel Case Study . Assume you have been asked to assist in the preparation of a report for the treatment team at your facility on the benefits of adopting the Motivational Interviewing program for clients like Angel who struggle with substance abuse. Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 […]
203. D15
Bloodstain pattern analysis can be complex or simple. Using the scenario presented, identify how blood found at a crime scene can be used to prove or disprove the reported incident without a full expert analysis of the scene.
210. D7
Prison Crisis Incidents How do we attempt to prevent prison crisis incidents and increase conflict resolution efforts? Can inmates live meaningful lives in prison?
-Each student is required to write 1 post on the discussion board for each chapter(2 in total). Each post has to demonstrate a meaningful synthesis of the material posted (typically a research article) and the corresponding chapter assigned for that week. Keep in mind that your discussion forum postings will likely be seen by other […]
Module 3 Discussion Prompt – Restorative Justice, Rehabilitation, and Early Intervention
Select one of the theories from this week’s readings (Rehabilitation, Restorative Justice, or Early Intervention) and briefly identify the pros and cons of a correctional system designed to accomplish the goals aligned with the selected correctional theory. After establishing the pros and cons, argue whether this theory should (or should not) be the predominant theory […]
Law Assignment
what are the efforts made so far for the promotion of botanical garden in domestic tourism ??
Journal Data Collection
See attached doc Overview In this journal assignment, you will respond to questions related to the article provided. To complete this assignment, you must first complete the assigned textbook reading. Prompt Read this article and then prepare a journal assignment that thoroughly answers the following questions: · What are some ways the Vermont Department of […]
Data collection methods
Seee attached doc Criminological theory often focuses on the offenses for which you can be arrested. However there are offenses, such as traffic violations, that are still against the law even though people are not arrested for them. Data collection is an important aspect in reducing both types of offenses, as well as community complaints. […]
criminal justice
What is the role of criminal justice practitioners in the development and implementation of technology in the criminal justice system? Describe some of the controversial issues criminal justice policy makers face when considering an expansion of the use of DNA in criminal justice.
Substance Abuse Treatment Options
see attachments Read the Angel Case Study . Assume you are an intern for a local substance abuse facility. The treatment team at your substance abuse facility has requested your input for a report they will prepare for a regional organization. Based on the case study, write a 700-word summary report for the treatment team, […]
I need help with discussion
5-6 sentences for the discussion reply to Tyrah in 2-3 sentences
203. D12
Read the following articles concerning the Houston Police Department’s challenges at crime scenes and in the crime lab. Crime-scene Investigator Made Errors in 65 Cases, DA’s Office Says Crime-scene Errors Put 65 Cases Under Review, Audit Finds Crime-scene Investigator Blamed for Evidence Errors had Prior Problems but Returned to Work Findings of the Houston Forensic […]
crj 180 wk 9
CRJ180: Juvenile Delinquency and Justice Week 9 Assignment Juvenile Delinquency Q&A Part One: Juvenile Delinquency Please answer the following questions using well-developed sentences or short paragraphs, using your own words. The assignment requires at least 3 credible sources cited in Strayer Writing Standards (SWS) format. 1. Compare the juvenile justice system to the adult justice […]
See 3 attachments please Read the two articles and complete the discussion based off my definition of mental health. · 350-600 words · APA format · Use the two articles provided as references · Answer ALL questions below · 100% NO PLAGIARISM My Definition of mental health : The state of someone’s psychological well-being; either […]
210 . D6
Is there a correlation between education, income and mental illness?
Crj week 9
CRJ325: Criminal Procedure Week 9 Assignment – Constitutional Amendments and Criminal Justice Process Template Name: Click or tap here to enter text. Professor Name: Click or tap here to enter text. Date: Click or tap here to enter text. Instructions For each Constitutional amendment: Provide the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 8th Constitutional amendments along with […]
Crj week 10
CRJ317 Week 10 Assignment Template Student Name: [Enter text here] Date: [Enter text here] Course: [Enter text here] Instructor: [Enter text here] Week 10 Assignment Template: Corrections Technologies Instructions Complete the following table. 1. Probationer Monitoring and Accountability Technology Device or Technology Name: [Enter here] Criminal Justice Technology Category: [Enter here] Describe how the technology’s primary […]
Crj 317 week 8
CRJ317 Week 8 Activity Template Student Name: [Enter text here] Date: [Enter text here] Course: [Enter text here] Instructor: [Enter text here] Week 8 Activity Template: The Ethics of Electronic Monitoring Tech and Its Ethical Issue Response © 2024 Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University Confidential and Proprietary information and may not […]
Safe School Climate & Culture
Can an appropriate balance be struck between crime control and immigration enforcement? Discuss the various elements of this balance.
I need help with discussion
I need about 4-5 sentences for discussion and reply to Lachell with 2-3 sentences
Discussion 4: Research Design II
In Module 4, we considered the second in our three-part series on research design. Specifically, the focus was on the quasi-experimental design, in which some comparison is made without the benefit of random assignment or full experimental control. Also, as with the prior week, this module’s assigned readings provided a bit of historical context for […]
I need help with discussion
LEG100 – Business Law I Week 9 Assignment – Applying Legal Knowledge to Business Organization, Agency, Liability, and Contracts Name: Click or tap here to enter text. Professor Name: Click or tap here to enter text. Date: Click or tap here to enter text. Instructions Read all three scenarios and respond to all the […]
Safe School Climate & Culture
Is current juvenile justice policy punitive or rehabilitative? What evidence are you using to make this determination?
Discussion Question
Describe how can a prison system provide the correct climate to develop the “therapeutic community” to effectively treat substance use. What are some ways in which prison systems can foster these therapeutic communities as part of a comprehensive rehabilitation system? Discuss how prison systems can support the implementation of a CBT, Motivational Interviewing, and/or 12-step model in […]
CHAPTER 5 :Criminal Profiling Each student is required to write 1 post on the discussion board for each chapter. Each post has to demonstrate a meaningful synthesis of the material posted (like a research article) and the corresponding chapter assigned. Keep in mind that your discussion forum postings will likely be seen by other members […]
Module 1 Discussion Prompt – Evidence-Based Corrections
In recent years, there has been an increasing call to base decisions on empirical evidence. This move towards evidence-based practices and policies (EBPs) has occurred in a variety of fields, including corrections. First, explain why it is important to rely on evidence-based practices rather than alternative approaches (e.g., those based on tradition or authority/correctional quackery). […]
Discussion 3: Research Design I
In Module 3, we considered the first in our three-part series on research design. Specifically, the focus was on distinguishing features of classical experiments, namely, random assignment and experimental control. Also, this module’s assigned readings provided a bit of historical context for the overall paucity of experimental evidence published in criminology/criminal justice. We’ve read a […]
At many crime scenes, by the time you arrive, the scene has already been disturbed by first responders, law enforcement, or witnesses who have walked into your crime scene. How can you protect your crime scene? How do you differentiate between footwear impressions that are evidence and footwear impressions that are artifacts from first responders? […]
How do victims survive physically and psychologically, or do they? And then what? Is Gabby Giffords, who was discussed in the lecture, atypical? As crisis responders, how can we help victims long term?
Cjad210 DB A4
Does your state and local law enforcement have laws and policies to guide police response to domestic violence instances? What are those laws/policies? What responses from victims might responding officers expect to encounter? What resources does your community have for domestic violence victims and abusers?
Case plan
See attachment Continuing in your role as a juvenile court probation officer and using the same client, Jennifer Scott, from the previous assignments, create a case plan for your client. You may want to review her background again. You should leverage your assignments from the previous weeks in the creation of your case plan. The […]
Specialty Courts
See attachment (200 words) Identify 1 specialty court that is designed to be an alternative to the traditional juvenile court system. What is an intervention strategy for that specialty court? Why is that intervention strategy especially effective at that court?
I need help with discussion
Just 3-5 sentences to answer the question Reply to Destini in a few 2-3 sentences
In your response posts to at least two other peers’ initial posts, respond to the following: Compare and contrast your thoughts on the legal and compliance implications identified by your peers. Explain one additional measure for preventing such actions that your peer did not discuss in their initial post. Why do you feel it is […]
How do existing criminal justice and social policies create barriers for effective prisoner reentry and rehabilitation?
I need help with discussion
Only a few 5-6 sentences needed for discussion reply to megan with 2 sentences
crj 180
CRJ180: Juvenile Delinquency and Justice Week 6 Assignment Combating Juvenile Delinquency Please answer the following questions using well-developed sentences or short paragraphs, using your own words. This worksheet requires at least 3 credible sources cited in Strayer Writing Standards (SWS) format. 1. Examine two local programs that address juvenile delinquency and their strategies, partnerships, and […]
Please see attached
please see attached for instructions GOVT 220 Presentation Assessment: Biblical Origins of the Constitution Assignment Instructions Overview Prior to beginning this assignment, complete Watch: The Constitution – Part 1 and Watch: The Constitution – Part 2 as found in the Learn items for Module 1: Week 1. These presentations were recorded live at convocation at […]
Db A.3
For this exercise, you will need to create a crime scene sketch. Choose a room in your home that has five items of evidence and four items that are not evidence. Complete a hand-drawn sketch and submit it as either a photograph or scan. Follow the lecture provided to guide you. Use the best technique […]
Discussion Question
PART 1 Read Chapter 8 in TIP 44 Substance Abuse Treatment For Adults in the Criminal Justice System.pdfDownload TIP 44 Substance Abuse Treatment For Adults in the Criminal Justice System.pdf Discuss the key issues identified in the text related to substance abuse treatment. What treatment services can reasonably be provided in a jail setting? PART 2 Read Use of Medication-Assisted […]
Private prison
What factors contributed to the emergence of a market for private prisons in the U.S.? Discuss the 1. relationship between politics, 2. ideology, 3. and private prisons. How can policy makers optimize the use of private prisons in the criminal justice system?
C.S A.3
Use of Force & Law Enforcement Image Do you believe the use of force by the police should be more heavily regulated by the courts and legislative bodies, or should its use be entirely dictated by the state of mind of the individual police officer? Explain. The image portrayed by police tactical units is much […]
Case study segment 2
You will discuss the crisis intervention continuum and where on the continuum they ended up when working through your crisis. Refer to the assignment expectations for further detail.
criminal justice
What factors contributed to the emergence of a market for private prisons in the U.S.? Discuss the 1. relationship between politics, 2. ideology, 3. and private prisons. How can policy makers optimize the use of private prisons in the criminal justice system?
Risk Assessment
See attachment. CPSS/415 v2 Client Jennifer Scott Background CPSS/415 v2 Page 2 of 2 Client Jennifer Scott Background Information Categories Client Information Name Jennifer Scott Age: 15 Grade Level: 8th Diagnosis: ADHD Substance Abuse Disorder (Marijuana) Conduct Disorder Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Background Jennifer Scott is a 15-year-old bi-racial female, that identifies as lesbian. Jennifer resides […]
Law – Criminal WEEK 1 ASSIGNMENT
This is one of several journal assignments you will complete throughout the course to build your Personal Leadership Conceptual Framework. For this journal assignment, reflect on the leadership styles reviewed this week and describe your own personal leadership style. Then answer the following questions: What do you feel are your strengths and weaknesses as […]