Response 2

200 word response 1 reference/intext citation Due 4/6/2024 Duggar The Daubert standard and the Fryer standard provide a foundation for discerning the factors that influenced the admissibility of expert impression evidence in Ramirez v. State. The Fryer standard requires that the court consider whether the expert testimony adopted utilized methods that are widely accepted by […]

Response 1

200 word response 1 reference/intext citation Due 4/6/2024 Patton A synopsis of Ramirez case involves how he was found guilty on September 20, 1989, of all forty-three counts, including thirteen counts of murder, five counts of attempted murder, eleven counts of sexual assault, and fourteen counts of burglary (Bruno, August 2023). On November 7, 1989, […]

Roadside Rescues: Why You Need a Reckless Driving Lawyer in Goochland County

  Whether you are facing a traffic infraction or need assistance navigating the legal complexities of reckless driving charges, you can depend on a Goochland lawyer’s expertise and zeal to defend your legal rights and work toward a favorable resolution. Come along with us as we set out to discover the priceless support and unwavering […]

Etiologies of Psychological Disorders

see attachment Scenario 2 Anna had a long history of severe mental illness dating back more than 20 years. During her first depressive episode, she had killed her baby while suffering psychotic symptoms. She also made two serious suicide attempts. Anna has been divorced twice and now lives alone in federally subsidized home. She has […]

Law 5

Need help with draft question Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric.html COM 449 Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric Overview Now that you have explored key legal areas and defined cases that have shaped them, you will apply what you have learned to the second section of your course project. Remember that you are continuing to add […]

Criminal Justice

The Fourth Amendment Search and Seizure How does the Fourth Amendment’s idea of seizure relate to arrest? Requirements, probable cause, suspicion, voluntary encounter.

Assintment 1

1) Do you have traditions? 2) Do you speak a different language or dialect at home? 3) How do you feel now that you are “away from home” – what has become most important to you? 

Criminal Law

Please help with assignment. Thanks CJ 140 Project One Scenario Family Visit to Jail A female enters a correctional facility with her three minor children, ages three, five, and nine, to visit her husband, who is incarcerated. When she enters the facility, she signs in and follows the procedures to prepare for her visit. As […]

week 6

  The readings in this week’s module introduce several myths about sex offenders. In your initial posts to your peers, address the following: Explain a few myths you believed about sexual offenders that you were surprised to discover were not true. Which facts or statistics in the readings surprised you the most? Why do you […]

5-2 journal

    This week, research different domestic violence treatment modalities. Look at both victim treatment and perpetrator treatment. In your journal, discuss what you have discovered and address the following: Did you find any mentions of ethnicity-specific treatments? Did you find analyses of different types of abuse being treated in different ways? What do you […]

week 5

  In combination with your reading this week, research different types of domestic violence. In your initial post, discuss your findings and address the following questions: Did your research uncover any types of domestic violence that surprised you or were new to you? In researching the types of domestic violence, did you find mentions of […]

Law Assignment 2 DR

Part 1 (based on classes 7-8): Sam is 27 years old and needs advice. He just found out that his 21-year-old girlfriend, Amanda, is pregnant. Amanda has aspirations of becoming an endocrinologist one day; therefore, she wants to place her baby for adoption. They live in the state of Washington. Sam wants to parent the […]

Discussion Board #6 – Part 1

  As presented in this week’s Module, there are numerous special populations that law enforcement has to deal with on a regular basis. For this week’s Discussion Board, please address the following: A population that is unique for police to deal with are individuals with mental health issues (which may range from mild to severe). […]

Discussion Board #5 – Part 1

 You have been invited to appear at a luncheon meeting of a local civic group. During your luncheon speech, the topic of discussion turns to the high cost of incarceration, and then questions segue to using alternatives to incarceration. What will you say concerning the types – and the efficacy – of these intermediate sanctions? […]

A better justice system?

  Watch the Ted Talk: Adam Foss, A Prosecutor’s Vision for a Better Justice System What are the components of Foss’ vision for a better justice system? Do you agree? Why/why not?


  play the role of a senior advisor to the President of the United States. He has asked you to assist him in persuading the American people that containment is ethical. Provide the American people (i.e. class members) with your justifications for containment of Ebola Virus. You should persuade them to believe that containing their sick […]


  play the role of a senior advisor to the President of the United States. He has asked you to assist him in persuading the American people that containment is ethical. Provide the American people (i.e. class members) with your justifications for containment of Ebola Virus. You should persuade them to believe that containing their sick […]


See attachment Create a document retention policy for your College (American Military University) that complies with all state and Federal regulations. Submission Instructions: • Prepare a Microsoft Word document (Font: Arial, 10; Line Spacing: Double) • Refer to documents marked Project.TS1.doc and Project.TS2.doc.


See attachment Create a Litigation Hold Notice After receiving the Litigation Hold Notice, your next task is to do the following: Create a Litigation Hold Notice similar to the one provided to you in the handout called “L10.Project.TS1.doc.” Submission Instructions: Prepare a Microsoft Word document (Font: Arial, 10; Line Spacing: Double).


Please view attachment Instructions Instructions: Do Exercise 9 or Exercise 10 below, but not both. Exercise 9: Analysis of the Breach Notification Law Letter Learning Objectives and Outcomes You will search for a breach notification case study and review it to analyze the specific laws involved in the specific state and describe the appropriate response […]


Please view attachment Read and respond to the discussion in 250 words Copyright and its Various Owner Rights Contains unread posts Discussion Points: You are the original composer and performing artist of a hot, new pop song. Your music director, Christine, has praised you on your composition and she feels that your song is going […]


In Chapter 8 of our text, we are introduced to five models of blended sentencing statutes which are intended to provide both juvenile and adult criminal courts with a greater range of dispositional and/or sentencing options. After you review these models, what are your thoughts? Do these models align with the individualized treatment emphasis of […]


Hi, please help me if you can and I will pay you for it. BLAW 3330 Assignment Three I. James Jones and Sandra Smith have decided to open a sporting goods store as co-owners. On September 1, they met to discuss how to begin the business. James told Sandra that a friend of his, Peter […]


DISCUSSION POST According to the FBI, Next Generation Identification encompasses multiple identification technologies, including fingerprint technologies.  Choose two of these technologies to describe and give an example of how these technologies may be used to solve crime. REFERENCES


DISCUSSION POST According to the FBI, Next Generation Identification encompasses multiple identification technologies, including fingerprint technologies.  Choose two of these technologies to describe and give an example of how these technologies may be used to solve crime. REFERENCES

law 4

need help with draft question Module Four Short Paper Guidelines and Rubric.html COM 449 Module Four Short Paper Guidelines and Rubric Overview Understanding the legal and ethical implications of the right of publicity is an important skill for professional communicators. You’ve learned how the right of publicity protects individuals’ rights to control their likenesses and how […]


Please the files attached · Cabeldue, M., Blackburn, A., & Mullings, J. L. (2018). Mental Health Among Incarcerated Women: An Examination of Factors Impacting Depression and PTSD Symptomology. Women & Criminal Justice, 29(1), 1–21. ( Please see the file attached) · Important factors of the article · 2 questions for further discussions · 200 words

Theoretical Perspectives and Research

See attachment.  As a human services professional working with individuals experiencing behavioral health issues, it is easy to get caught up in the review of symptoms of a diagnosis; however, it is important for you to be able to integrate theoretical perspectives and research when addressing psychopathology issues with justice-involved individuals. In this assessment, you […]


See attachment. You encounter two inmates who are combat veterans. One of the inmates has developed symptoms of PTSD, experiences flashbacks and nightmares, avoids conversations about his military experience, isolates himself from others, appears sad and irritable frequently, and has difficulty concentrating. The other inmate, who had similar experiences in the military, does not display […]

Response 2 611

200 word response 1 reference/intext citation Due 3/27/2024 Vassel “The validity of latent fingerprinting identification as a science has been receiving growing scholarly attention. The courts, however, have almost uniformly not only held that fingerprint identification withstands scrutiny under Daubert, but have largely ignored or sidestepped the scholarly arguments on the other side” (Mnookin, 2007). […]

Response 1 611

200 word Response 1 reference/intext citation Due 3/27/2024 Dugar Taking into consideration the information covered in the presentation and these articles, what is your opinion of the validity of latent print identification? Additionally, how do these issues affect the validity other types of impression evidence?  After reading through the materials provided, I conclude that the […]


One of the core principles of the juvenile justice system is confidentiality. However, there has been a trend toward more open proceedings with fewer restrictions on confidentiality for juveniles. Where do you stand on this in light of the fact that juvenile justice operates under parens patriae (“the State as super parent”) and a juvenile does not […]


An important position in the juvenile system is an Intake Officer (often called “gatekeepers”).  In some jurisdictions, intake screening is an informal process, not open to the public, and potentially, provides no guarantee of certain constitutional rights for the juvenile. Intake officers’ have broad discretionary powers and the “the long-term effects of intake decisions making […]

Criminal Justice

Your summary should be about 150 words. Please cite all sources you use using APA format. Explain how culture influences crime. How do poverty and lack of opportunities influence the different cultures that emerge in different areas?

Journal 2

Journal 2 requires you to summarize what you have learned from Chapters 3, 4, 5, 6, and a minimum of four (4) court cases. Your journal must contain four sections and be written in a specific format. You should have a minimum of four case briefings in section one. See the Journal Assignment Expectations topic […]

Narrated Powerpoint

CJUS 810 Potential linkages in transnational organized crime and terrorism are a concern.  This concern may be particularly relevant in terms of global security and homeland security in the United States.  Using the construct explained above, prepare a narrated PowerPoint analyzing the potential transnational organized crime–terrorism nexus and the effect on global security as well […]

power point

Asia or Middle East  CJUS 810 Asia or Middle East Assignment PowerPoint Presentation Assignment Instructions Overview This assignment will be very similar to the Research Paper Assignments completed in this course. However, it is our desire that not only do you become a great researcher, but you also become an “expert of the presentation.” When […]

power point

Europe power point  CJUS 810 Europe Assignment PowerPoint Presentation Assignment Instructions Overview This assignment will be very similar to the Research Paper Assignments completed in this course. However, it is our desire that not only do you become a great researcher, but you also become an “expert of the presentation.” When you earn your PhD, […]


The Annotated Bibliography The first step in data collection is the development of the annotated bibliography. The research concept is to gather all information that is known about the problem so that the current project research can delve into the unknown and new knowledge can be developed. The development project is typically large and detailed. […]

Assintment 2

 Briefly discuss the impact of external societal factors on a juvenile’s decision to participate in delinquency. As part of your response, identify at least three (3) different external societal factors that can influence a juvenile when deciding whether to participate in delinquent behavior. 

Respond to Ashley post

Generational factors may increase stress in the work place because there may be differences in opinion when it comes to a number of topics. While the differences in generations may bring forth some pros, it could with its cons. There may differences in how people address or communicate with one another. People may not agree […]

Respond to Allison post

I believe that Generational differences in law enforcement impacts a lot of things such as communication, reporting styles and just the way they police. I believe Gen z cops have tomost difficultly in the field of work because they bring more of an emotional side to it and thay can make it difficult in some […]

Discussion 13

300 word discussion 2 references/intext citation Due 3/24/2024 Last week’s module covered Latent Print Identification and provided numerous articles involving the “issues” in the field. This week’s articles involve various research studies involving the accuracy of Latent Print Examinations. Taking into consideration the information covered in the presentation and these articles, what is your opinion […]

Is Domestic Terrorism still a threat

 What is the difference between hate crimes and terrorist acts?  What is domestic terrorism?  Explain the legal difference between extremism and domestic terrorism.  Do you believe that domestic terrorism is still a threat in the United States? Why or why not? Which do you believe is more dangerous to the American public, domestic terrorism or international terrorism?  In regard to […]

Week 4

  Use information from the module resources to determine the most important risk factors for assessing the potential risk of juveniles. In your initial post, discuss your findings and address the following: Discuss what you think are the most important risk factors where you live. Discuss the role that you think ethnicity plays in the […]

3-1 Discussion: Generational Differences and Stress in Criminal Justice

As you may know or may have experienced firsthand, there are several generations working together in the criminal justice field today. In fact, according to HR Daily Advisor (2018), there can be up to five different generations working together: Traditionalists (born before 1946), Baby Boomers (born between 1946 and 1964), Generation X (born between 1965 […]


The Literature Review The literature review examines what others have researched and written on your research topic. Each research topic includes numerous areas or themes to examine. Once you have identify themes within your area of research begin with an outline. This will allow you to see what areas exist and then you can find […]

plea bargaining to avoid the death penalty

 Can a person voluntarily agree to a plea bargain if he or she faces the Death Penalty? Why/why not? Is the possibility of a plea bargain Constitutional? Why/why not? 

law pro

need help with slideshow draft  Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric.html COM 449 Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric Overview Now that you have begun to analyze the history and evolution of key laws, regulations, and policies for their influence on professional and private communication, you will begin to work on your course project. In this milestone, […]