Law – Criminal Week 9 Assignment – Prisons
Prisons The United States incarcerates more people, in both absolute numbers and per capita, than any other nation in the world. Since 1970, the number of incarcerated people has increased sevenfold to 2.3 million in jail and prison today, far outpacing population growth and crime. In the United States, approximately half a million correctional officers […]
anatomy of a murder
Watch the movie: Anatomy of Murder Which form of homicide is the theme of the movie? Summarize some of the arguments made in connection with the homicide.
Criminal Law
Please assist. Thanks CJ 120 Project Three Guidelines and Rubric Competency In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency: Describe how differences in culture impact society’s interactions with criminal justice professionals Scenario You are in the same role you chose for Project One: Because you did such fantastic work with the […]
Business law
a. Has the explosion of e-commerce altered the way legally binding contracts are formed? Compare and contrast traditional contract formation with those entered into electronically. b. What is involved in an assignment of rights and a delegation of duties? c. What is the nature of and the need for a social media policy?
8-1 Project Three Submission
2/29/24, Assignment Information Page 1 of 3 CJ 340 Project Three Guidelines and Rubric Competency In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency: Apply theory when analyzing incidences of criminal behavior Scenario You are a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) senior special agent assigned to the National Joint Terrorism Task Force […]
8-3 Practice Activity: Research Questions
Please follow rubric 2/29/24, Assignment Information Page 1 of 1 CJ 340 Module Eight Practice Activity Guidelines and Rubric Overview For your final course in the Criminal Justice program, you will be expected to create and investigate a research question. To help you prepare for that task, each course in the program will include an […]
8-2 Discussion: Make Your Case
Throughout this course, you have studied numerous theories that attempt to explain criminal behavior. Because criminology is closely connected to sociology, explanations of criminal behavior have been predominantly sociological. Some criminological theorists who offer biological and psychological explanations for criminal behavior believe that their theories, for a variety of reasons, have not been as broadly […]
SEE ATTACHED 250 words minimum and 3 scholarly sources, APA FORMAT The course materials delve into the concept of organizational conflict. Review the course materials and locate relevant research on the topic of organizational conflict in law enforcement entities. Provide a report of the results of your research. Fully explain what organizational conflict is, […]
Use the juvenile justice resource made available in the Modules section. Detention is intended to be short time and only when needed while the juvenile is pending court. Juveniles do not have the right to bail, so once detained pending court, only a judge can release the juvenile. By statute, in order to be detained, […]
Choose two of the forensic psychology subspecialties that attract you and discuss their similarities and differences. Include at least two tasks each specialty performs. Also, include any educational requirements and specialized training that would benefit your career choices.
Discussion Board #4 – Part 1
As discussed in this weeks PowerPoint lecture and readings, members of police subcultures can hold unique morals, values, beliefs and norms which may differ in certain crucial respects from those held by members of the wider American culture. Does the existence of a police subculture impede the effectiveness of a professional police force in […]
Criminal Justice
Example of a full-sentence outline: Each roman numeral (I, II, III, IV…) indicates the start of a new paragraph. So I. is the first sentence of the introduction, II. is the first sentence of the first paragraph of the body, III. is the first sentence of the second paragraph of the body, and so on. […]
Business law
a. Identify the sources of American Law and discuss how each impacts the business environment. b. If disputes arise in a business relationship how are they resolved? Discuss the role of the Judiciary and other methods of dispute resolution. c. Explain the Constitutional rights of a corporation? d. What is the objective of piercing […]
QUESTION 1 What are the claims of the Sikh separatists? How valid are they? How far should the right of self-determination be extended? What are the potential pitfalls of extending this right too far? QUESTION 2 What if you were a terrorism expert and had to devise an anti-terrorism policy based on the events from […]
Observing an Interview
See attachment. Imagine you have been asked to observe one of the counselors at your agency and report to your supervisor on different strategies that the counselor used that you may implement as you work with justice-involved individuals. Watch the video: Counseling with a Mother who has an Out-of-Control Teen: The Essential Counselor Observe how […]
Capstone EMSH699week3
Purpose of the Research Once the problem statement is solidified, you must create research that answers the problem statement. This is the purpose of the research. In this section, you should support that the research is tied to academic resources. Failure to prove others have conducted research that has a similar purpose can void the […]
Discussion Topic: Chapter 8 DiscussionChapter 8 Discussion It is important to remember that journalism is a for-profit business, however, the First Amendment guarantees freedom of the press. As a police chief, what limits, if any, would you put on your officers regarding contact with the media?
Week 10 Discussion – Reflection on Labs
For the lab from which you learned the most: Describe the single most important lesson you learned from completing this lab. Explain how you will apply this lesson in your current position or one you hope to obtain. For the lab from which you learned the least: Explain what you hoped to learn from completing […]
week 4
Research and discuss compassion fatigue. Why would human services providers be at risk for compassion fatigue? What are the indicators, what are some of the strategies for coping? Can compassion fatigue be prevented? What more does the field of victimology need to do to assist victim advocates and first responders suffering from compassion fatigue? Support […]
week4 journal.
x All questions are worth 20 points 1. List three personal values and the reasons why they are important to you? How would those values be related to professionalism in victim services? 2. Identify some of the cultural barriers in your community. Please discuss […]
Please see the files attached Worksheet 2 Reality and Science 2 Questions Parts of Theory 1. Choose a criminology theory and provide examples of the elements of theory from it. EVALUATING THEORY 2. Evaluate a theory of your choice based on the above theory strengths and weaknesses. image3.png image2.png image1.png
7-2 Project Two Submission
2/25/24, Law Journal Library – Page 1 of 2 ! � ✉ ! � � � 395� � � � � More Like This PathFinder Contents 1329 Cite 0 Likes ! ! 0 Comments BehavioralSciencesandtheLaw Behav.Sci.Law22:395-414(2004) PublishedonlineinWileyInterScience( SerialMurderinAmerica: StudiesofSevenOffenders JamesO.BeasleyII,B.S.,M.P.A.* Thisarticlesummarizesandcompares seveninterviewedserialkilersin designedtostudysimilaritiesand theseindividuals.Theaimofthis ourcollectiveknowledgeofthedynamics byexaminingtheperpetrators’backgrounds, uniQuewaysinwhichtheyviewthemselves aroundthem.Althoughqualitative aloneisnotsufficienttofullyunderstand itisusefulinmanv waS.Some discussedbasedonthesevenoftenders […]
Summative Assessment: Observing an Interview
See attachment Imagine you have been asked to observe one of the counselors at your agency and report to your supervisor on different strategies that the counselor used that you may implement as you work with justice-involved individuals. Watch the video: Counseling with a Mother who has an Out-of-Control Teen: The Essential Counselor Observe how […]
7-1 Practice Activity: Theory and Ethics
2/25/24, Undergraduate Discussion Rubric – BUS-210-Q3548 Managing/Leading in Business 24EW3 Page 1 of 3 Undergraduate Discussion Rubric Undergraduate Discussion Rubric Overview Your active participation in the discussions is essential to your overall success this term. Discussion questions will help you make meaningful connections between the course content and the larger concepts of the course. These […]
Week 8 discussion
Crj week 7
journal 3
All questions are worth 20 points: 1. Describe some of the problems with defining elder abuse? 2. Discuss the types of programs developed to effectively respond to victims of child abuse and neglect. 3. Identify and discuss the factors that […]
Data Analysis For this assignment, you share the results of your study. Describe what your analysis of the data has revealed. Discuss how your findings can be used to make improvements in the field or as the basis for further research. In addition, restate what you originally expected your research to reveal (part of Week […]
Law Assignment 1 con
Part 1 IRAC format Issue. Relevant Facts. Relevant case law. Application to case. Conclusion Include proper citations for 4 United states cases and statutes Part 2: This is your own opinion, so there is no right or wrong, but you should provide a strong basis for the reason for your opinion.
Law Assignment 2
See attached One day, while Officer Careful is sitting behind his desk, he gets a phone call from a person identifying himself as Snitch, who tells the officer, “Trust me, Batman and Robin are planning to start a huge narcotics smuggling ring. They’ve already imported more than 100 kilos of cocaine and are planning to […]
Think about your community. How could crime mapping or social network analysis assist your law enforcement officials with criminal justice issues? How do you think authorities can use this data?
ACE and theories
Child abuse and neglect, how do these contribute to delinquency? In both these cases, the child is the victim. Does this mean victims are more likely to become offenders? Well, it could be. And, not really. Evidence shows that childhood abuse is linked to delinquency and adult crime. Abuse can cause psychological problems and social […]
general intent crime vs specific intent crime
Explain why intoxication is never a defense to a general intent crime but can be a defense to a specific intent crime.
career path
Here are some additional places to LOOK: Social work websites.docDownload Social work web sites.doc The purpose of this assignment is to explore career paths in the Social Service field. The job announcements will expose you to the vocabulary of the industry, point out education and experience requirements, and give you an idea concerning salary […]
Purpose of the Research Once the problem statement is solidified, you must create research that answers the problem statement. This is the purpose of the research. In this section, you should support that the research is tied to academic resources. Failure to prove others have conducted research that has a similar purpose can void the […]
Discussion 7 Think back now to week 1 discussion, where you viewed the scene from “The Andy Griffith Show”, your week 4 discussion where you stopped a single mother for speeding and using her cell phone in a school zone, and now watch this short video clip. What is the message? What is your take […]
Criminal Law
Please attach a copy of the tables and explain what each one means. See the link to see my table. I would ask that each of you create your own table, using your own variables. Go to this link, create a table using each three variables and then write up a description of your table. […]
Respond to Angie Post
Hello, The benefits of understanding criminal theories is helping one gain the understanding of crimes and the criminal justice system. The limitations of applying theories is that all behaviors cannot be explained by existing theories. (, 2015). When stereotyping criminal behaviors you can possibly overlook the true cause of someone’s actions. This is the easiest […]
Respond to Sam Post
The use of criminological theories can be positive. If law enforcement officers understand the theories and can pick out which theory works for each situation, they can get the best possible outcome. I think an issue with using criminological theories is that utilizing just one or two of the theories can limit the understanding law […]
criminal justice
interview a person getting ready to start his career in law enforcement
Compare the EOKA to the FLN in Algeria. What similarities and differences exist? In what way were the FLN innovative?
Compare the EOKA to the FLN in Algeria. What similarities and differences exist? In what way were the FLN innovative? What are the claims of the Sikh separatists? How valid are they? How far should the right of self-determination be extended? What are the potential pitfalls of extending this right too far?
Problem Statement The idea that surrounds the topic of Social Vulnerability and Disasters: Training to Meet the Complex Needs of Vulnerable Populations could be understood with a little understanding, open mind, and empathy for others. Disasters can disproportionately impact vulnerable populations, including low-income communities, elderly individuals, people with disabilities, and marginalized groups. Social vulnerability refers […]
court hearing assigment
Memorandum Date: January 9, 2024 To: Your TA’s Name From: Your Name Subject: Salt Lake City Third District Court, January 9, 2024 at 8:30 This memorandum details the Court Hearing Assignment for Business Law. First, attend (whether in person or virtually) a court hearing for at least an hour this semester. Second, write a summary […]
Please the files attached Seminar Plan: Women’s Needs After Release from Prison to a Rural Community Introduction In this seminar, we will discuss the unique needs faced by women upon release from prison to a rural community. This seminar plan is based on the article “Women’s Needs After Release From Prison to a Rural Community” […]
Criminal Justice
Gun Violence References Bandel, S. L., Bond, A. E., Bryan, C. J., & Anestis, M. D. (2023). Public perception of gun violence-related headline accuracy and the credibility of media sources. Health communication, 38(9), 1856-1861. Bottiani, J. H., Camacho, D. A., Lindstrom Johnson, S., & Bradshaw, C. P. (2021). Annual research review: youth firearm violence disparities […]
Guideline draft
Please see the file attached Instructions · To complete this Milestone Activity, read the question below and then provide your response in the comment box. In order to score a “Proficient” or “Exemplary”, your response must be thoughtful and substantive, and you must reference or cite content from this competency. Your tutorial faculty will use […]
week 2
Research and discuss a hate crime case. Why is the impact of hate crime on victims much more severe than that of a similar crime without bias. If you were a bystander of a hate crime, what would you do?
journal 2
All questions are worth 20 points: 1. Victims sometimes have unrealistic expectations of the criminal justice system and become even more dissatisfied with the system when their recommendations are not accepted. If you were a victim advocate, how would you advise them of the realities? […]
Using the four photos in this week’s lesson, answer the following. Regardless of the community we live in, we have potential targets for terrorism. Some we pass by every day and may not think about, or even realize, the potential danger. The photos for this assignment are of a school district bus barn where hundreds […]
Theme of Homicide
Watch the movie: Anatomy of Murder NOTE: As of Nov 14, 2022, Anatomy of a Murder is available for rent on Amazon prime for $3.99. Alternatively, the Miami-Dade Public Library has a DVD of Anatomy of a Murder. You can check it out for free with a library card. A documentary on the OJ Simpson Trial is currently available on Investigation Discovery (ID Channel) […]