P1 R2
P1:R2 100 word response 1 reference/intext citation from a website Due 2/14/2025 Dash Conspiracy laws play a important role in prosecuting drug traffickers and terrorists by enabling law enforcement to target entire criminal networks rather than just individual offenders. These laws allow authorities to charge individuals for planning or agreeing to commit a crime, even […]
P1:R1 100 word response 1 reference/intext citation from a website Due 2/14/2025 Mickens The federal law that addresses conspiratorial conduct is 18 U.S.C § 371 which states that “if two or more persons conspire either to commit any offense against the United States or to defraud the United States, or any agency thereof in any […]
Criminal Justice
The third “article report” assignment, which is due this week, is about “Data and Sample” section of research. For this assignment, you need to find THREE quantitative articles and read their Methods section and report the data and sampling method they have used to conduct their research. Submit to Turnitin.com. No AI please! ***Remember, on […]
Response 2
200 word response 1 reference/intext citation Due 2/14/2025 Rampersad State if you agree or disagree with the first part of their response as to their thoughts about “Schedule F” workforce restructuring; and 2) review their answer to the second question and then explain how your ethics theory works differently then theirs and if your ethical theory […]
Response 1
200 word response 1 reference/intext citation Due 2/14/2025 Etienne State if you agree or disagree with the first part of their response as to their thoughts about “Schedule F” workforce restructuring; and 2) review their answer to the second question and then explain how your ethics theory works differently then theirs and if your ethical theory […]
200 word response 2 references/intext citations Due 2/13/2025 Post 2: Q2 The Enterprise Theory of Investigation (ETI) offers a strategic framework for dismantling criminal organizations. How can this theory be effectively applied to investigate white-collar crime, particularly in cases involving corporate fraud or financial crimes? Discuss the steps involved in identifying the structure, roles, and […]
200 word response 2 references/intext citations Due 2/13/2025 Post 1: Q1 Examine the significance of conspiracy laws in the prosecution of drug traffickers and terrorists. How do these laws enhance the ability of law enforcement and prosecutors to address complex criminal networks? Discuss the challenges of proving conspiracy in court, the evidentiary standards required, and […]
Please see attached. Discussion Thread: Self-Defense/Defense of Others and the Bible In 1987, Florida became a “shall issue” concealed carry state, which opened a floodgate of states who adopted similar laws. Currently, all 50 states allow some form of concealed carry. This has brought attention to many theories of self-defense and defense of others. Please […]
Sab 5
Snowball sampling is often used for at-risk populations. Discuss how you might use this sampling method to do research on drug users.
Article Review
See attachments Instructions · See ATTACHED ARTICLE to complete an article critique · 100% NO PLAIGIRISM · 2 Pages in length · APA format · Must contain the three parts below 1. Summary: After completing the assigned readings ask yourself: What are the main arguments? What is the point this book/article/chapter is trying to make? […]
Discussion 6
400 word response 2 references/intext citations Due 2/12/2025 Read the order and watch the videos. 1. Explain if Schedule F executive order is a good idea and explain why/why not in your own words; and 2. Assuming that each federal agency head decides to implement Schedule F principals of restructuring their agency workforce (making vast […]
To what extent should business entities, such as corporations, be entitled to assert the Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination? Explain your position.
Discussion 6
See two attachments · Doubled-Spaced · 3 full pages of body text · 2 references, including attachment · Times New Roman 12-pt font. · The page limit does not include your name, course number, date, etc. · 100% NO PLAIGIARISM · Using the course Chapter 6 attached, please address the following prompt and use it […]
Chapter Discussion
Please see the two attachments · Doubled-Spaced · 3 full pages of body text · 2 references, including attachment · Times New Roman 12-pt font. · The page limit does not include your name, course number, date, etc. · 100% NO PLAIGIARISM · Using the course Chapter 5 (Expectancy Theory) attached, please address the following […]
Law SCMT508 assignment 2
Please read attachment for details Assignment 2 – Access Control Design – Due Feb 16, 2025 11:59 PM SCMT508 B001 Winter 2025 Propose a design utilizing access control elements (e.g., CCTV, intrusion detection systems, lighting, perimeter barriers, and biometrics, etc…) in order to provide protection of a facility from exterior entry to critical asset storage/rooms. […]
Read attachment for details Research Paper – Due Feb 23, 2025 11:59 PM SCMT509 B001 Winter 2025 For your research paper in this course, you will write an analytical research paper addressing a major issue of your choosing from among the topics covered in this course. As a research paper, your paper will have to […]
Law SCMT508 assignment 3 Final
Read attachment for details Assignment 3 – Final Research Paper – Due Mar 2, 2025 11:59 PM SCMT508 B001 Winter 2025 Research and write a 15-page paper addressing the following: 1. The difference between and application of qualitative and quantitative risk assessment tools. 2. The use of concentric security approach in access control designs. 3. Countermeasures, both […]
Discussion Question
Arson is a specialized area that may be handled by various organizations. However, police crime scene units are commonly involved. What are the issues that fire investigators have to deal with both in the field and in Court?
Please view attachment You must submit a 4 page summary of the assigned journal article readings from this week (1 page per article). This is not the appropriate place to discuss whether or not you enjoyed the material but is instead a means to assess whether or not you understood the material well enough to […]
Which form of policing do you believe to be the most effective?
Which form of policing do you believe to be the most effective? Why? Justify your response with empirical evidence.
Make corrections on the attached outline. Due 2/9/2025 As to the “comments” from the public section, you do not respond properly to that section of the outline. You need to find public comments made by the general public or those who submitted comments to the agency about its rule/regulation (during the notice/comment process). You talk […]
Responses 2
1.Privatization of government services has become increasingly prevalent, particularly in areas such as healthcare, corrections, and infrastructure. Proponents argue that privatization improves efficiency, reduces costs, and enhances service quality by fostering competition. Private companies often have greater adaptability in operations, allowing for innovation and responsiveness to market demands. Additionally, privatization can ease the financial burden […]
please view attachments 1. According to Allen and Sawhney (2019), discuss the differences between closed-systems models (classical perspective) and open-systems models (humanistic perspective). 2. According to Allen and Sawhney (2019), describe scientific management. 3. According to Allen and Sawhney (2019), describe administrative management and Fayol’s General Principles of Management. 4. According to Allen and Sawhney […]
Criminal Justice
You are required to write a research proposal that covers an introduction, literature review, and methods section. For this assignment, you will formulate a research question and hypothesis and reviews relevant literature and develop a research design to address research questions. I have divided this project into four assignments. In the first part, which is […]
Disc 4
Discuss each of the different type of validity as it applies to a measurement instrument such as the Perceived Stress Scale (http://www.psy.cmu.edu/~scohen/PSS.html). Discuss the face validity and the construct validity of this measure.
American courts
Module 2 Activity 3: Cruel and Unusual? Research Go back to the cruel and unusual definition wiki that you completed with your classmates. Look through the definitions and find the one with the most “same” comments that resonates most with your own perspective. This might be the definition that you wrote and it might not […]
100 word response with 1 reference/intext citation Due 2/7/2025 Charlize Investigators are required to use a range of different techniques when they are trying to solve a domestic violence case. Domestic violence cases often come with unique challenges, particularly when clear evidence is lacking. Behavioral analysis is critical during a domestic violence case. Investigators can […]
100 word response with 1 reference/intext citation Due 2/7/2025 Carol Domestic violence investigations often require nuanced approaches, particularly in the absence of clear physical evidence. Discuss a range of investigative techniques an investigator might employ to substantiate a domestic violence case. How can behavioral analysis, witness statements, forensic evidence, and digital footprints be integrated into […]
100 word response with 1 reference/intext citation Due 2/7/2025 Epps The legal concepts of reasonable suspicion, probable cause, and reasonable expectation of privacy shape law enforcement procedures and criminal investigations. These principles define the boundaries of search and seizure under the Fourth Amendment, ensuring a balance between security and individual rights (Carpenter v. United States, 2018). This […]
100 word response with 1 reference/intext citation Due 2/7/2025 Charlize There are many principles that shape the boundaries of law enforcement actions and criminal investigations. Reasonable suspicion is the legal standard that allows law enforcement officers to stop and detain a person, when there is factual evidence of criminal activity arising. This standard was established […]
American Court system
Module 2 Activity 3: Cruel and Unusual? Research Go back to the cruel and unusual definition wiki that you completed with your classmates. Look through the definitions and find the one with the most “same” comments that resonates most with your own perspective. This might be the definition that you wrote and it might not […]
Jack The Ripper
JACK THE RIPPER. THE FIRST KNOWN SERIAL KILLER. LONDON 1888. The mission is to review this case and state the facts and legal issues involved. Was The Ripper arrested? By whom? What were any charges? How many counts? Did this case go to trial? Which Court heard this case? Was it a jury trial or […]
Response 2
200 word response 1 reference/intext citation Due 2/7/2025 Ronnie Respond to the post and explain how Utilitarianism works differently than Ethical Egoism and if Ethical Egoism would result in a different conclusion if the administrative agency (DBPR) is acting ethical or not in revoking the business license and liquor license under these facts. The ethical theory […]
Response 1
200 word response 1 reference/intext citation Due 2/7/2025 Hicks Respond to the post and explain how Utilitarianism works differently than Ethical Egoism and if Ethical Egoism would result in a different conclusion if the administrative agency (DBPR) is acting ethical or not in revoking the business license and liquor license under these facts. Utilitarianism is an […]
prevalent delinquency among adolescents
Needing help with explaining how prevalent delinquency is among adolescents
Jenkins 3
In today’s world, there is a growing trend toward privatization of governmental services. What are some of the benefits and detriments of privatization? What is your position on privatization and why?
Article 4 Help
See two attachments Instructions · See ATTACHED ARTICLE to complete an article critique · 100% NO PLAIGIRISM · 2 Pages in length · APA format · Must contain the three parts below 1. Summary: After completing the assigned readings ask yourself: What are the main arguments? What is the point this book/article/chapter is trying to […]
Discussion Help
Please see two attachments for assistance. · Doubled-Spaced · 3 full pages of body text · Times New Roman 12-pt font. · The page limit does not include your name, course number, date, etc. · 100% NO PLAIGIARISM · Using the course Chapter 4 attached, please address the following prompt and use it as a […]
Discussion Question
Choose one: Discussion Everyone assumes there is a single database for fingerprints in the United States and you just input your unknown print and it searches all. Discuss why elimination prints are necessary both to solve a case and to avoid issues at trial. What is the database for fingerprints and how does this assist […]
Law Assignment 5
500 word response with references and intext/citations Due 2/5/2025 Select a Florida County from the list that starts with the same letter as your LAST name (Broward County). Then, find that County’s official website and answer the following questions: 1. Find a County level administrative agency in your selected county and learn about it (Don’t address the COUNTY […]
Discussion 5
Discussion 5 400 word response with reference/intext citations Due 2/5/2025 The Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation (DBPR) opened an investigation into a Miami Restaurant and Bar Business for hosting a Drag Show and threatened to revoke the business licenses issued to that business entity at that location, including their liquor license. Read this […]
200 word response with references/intext citation Due 2/5/2025 Post 2: Q2 Domestic violence investigations often require nuanced approaches, particularly in the absence of clear physical evidence. Discuss a range of investigative techniques an investigator might employ to substantiate a domestic violence case. How can behavioral analysis, witness statements, forensic evidence, and digital footprints be integrated […]
200 word response with references/intext citation Due 2/5/2025 Post 1: Q1 Critically analyze the meaning and legal significance of the following terms: a) Reasonable Suspicion b) Probable Cause c) Reasonable Expectation of Privacy Discuss how these principles shape the boundaries of law enforcement actions and their implications for criminal investigations. How do courts interpret these […]
DB Replies
See attached!!! CJUS 400 Discussion Assignment Instructions The student will complete 4 Discussions in this course. The student will post one thread of 300 – 500 words by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Thursday day of the assigned Module: Week. The student must then post 2 replies of at least 150 – 250 words by 11:59 […]
disccusion 4
In this module, we considered the evaluation hierarchy in detail, including its logic and benefits. Mears illustrates how the different types of evaluation can be used to take stock of the state of criminal justice policy today, and how they can improve the accountability and effectiveness of the criminal justice system. In this week’s discussion, […]
John Wayne Gacy
Old John is known as The Killer Clown as he used to get dressed up like a clown. The problem is he had dozens of dead bodies in the basement of his house (must have smelled lovely). The mission is to review this case and state the facts and legal issues involved. Was John arrested? […]
Post 1 Response 2
200 word response 1 response/intext citation Due 2/2/2025 Sinclair Explain the relevancy to Administrative Law—ie. why does this case relate to our study of Administrative Law—- why is it important for us to know this particular case precedent in this field of study? 1. The name of the case is Abbott Laboratories v. Gardner. The […]
Question 1 Response 1
200 word response 1 response/intext citation Due 2/2/2025 Collins Explain the relevancy to Administrative Law—ie. why does this case relate to our study of Administrative Law—- why is it important for us to know this particular case precedent in this field of study? Style of the Case: KELO ET AL. v. CITY OF NEW LONDON […]
Law Assignment 1
Read attachment for assignment info Instructions This assignment is an essay assignment of two questions to test knowledge and assimilation of the course objectives. You may use any of the texts, readings from this course and outside material that is academic in nature. 1. Predict two drivers of convergence within the security industry in the […]
Unsafe Products
Topic: Unsafe Products Before completing your discussion watch the video and read the article below: Article: Monsanto and the Roundup Video: Monsanto and Media Manipulation What is the reasoning behind not labeling ‘genetically modified foods’ in the United States? What are your views on this and on the general safety of the food supply in the United […]