Unsafe Products
Topic: Unsafe Products Before completing your discussion watch the video and read the article below: Article: Monsanto and the Roundup Video: Monsanto and Media Manipulation What is the reasoning behind not labeling ‘genetically modified foods’ in the United States? What are your views on this and on the general safety of the food supply in the United […]
Discussion 4
See attachments Read the chapter attached and complete the discussion topic below. Discussion: Which region of the brain is most important for explaining criminal behavior? Provide support for your answer. Reference Attached: Beaver, K.M. (2019). Biosocial criminology: A Primer. Kendall Hunt Publishing Company -100% NO PLAIGIARISM -200 words needed
Q2 R2
Post 2 Response 2 100-word response/ 1 reference/intext citation Due 1/31/2025 Charlize During a crime there are many psychological factors that affect a witness’s perception, memory, and availability to provide evidence based strategies to reduce these challenges. High levels of stress during a crime can impair a witness’s ability to encode memories accurately. There is […]
Q2 R1
Post 2 Response 1 100-word response/ 1 reference/intext citation Due 1/31/2025 Epps Enhancing the reliability and accuracy of witness observations is essential for investigators since eyewitness testimony can greatly influence legal outcomes. There are various methodologies and best practices that can be employed to improve the accuracy of witness reports and address psychological factors affecting […]
Q1 R2
Post 1 Response 2 100-word response/ 1 reference/intext citation Due 1/31/2025 Schroeder Legal, scientific, and ethical considerations can prevent polygraph examinations from being admissible as direct evidence in court. Legal considerations are the admissibility rules, legal precedent, and the changes for jury misinterpretation. For example, the Daubert standard clarified that polygraph testing does not meet […]
Q1 R1
Post 1 Response 1 100-word response/ 1 reference/intext citation Due 1/31/2025 William The admissibility of polygraph evidence in legal proceedings is complex, influenced by legal standards and scientific critique. In the United States, polygraph results are not universally accepted due to questions about their reliability and potential for prejudice. The decision often hinges on the […]
Criminal Justice
The purpose of the assignment is to help you understand the research process (Literature review, data collection, sampling, etc.,) in criminal justice. For each “Article Report” assignment you are required to find at least three peer-reviewed article and write a report about that article. The second “article report” assignment, which is due this week, is […]
Please see attached for instructions and topic of discussion. Read the assigned chapters 1 & 3 of Criminal, 13th Edition Thomas J. Gardner, Terry M. Anderson in the textbook for the Module: Week and review the Watch: Biblical Principles of Criminal Justice and Government. Then answer the following questions using both the presentation and readings […]
PLEASE VIEW ATTACHMENTS, QUIZ 2 1. According to Harris, explain the difference between ordinary human inquiry and social science. 2. According to Harris, what makes academic journal articles different from other types of published material (e.g., book chapters, news articles, etc.)? 3. According to Harris, what are some important things you should consider when critiquing […]
Discussion 3: “Irrational” Criminal Justice Policy
In this module, we read about the current crime and policy landscape nationally, in particular, recent crime trends and the growth in all parts of the criminal justice system. The chapter by Mears emphasizes that there is little research to support current policies and, just as importantly, that little is known about the implementation […]
Criminal Justice
Respond to each post with 75 words #1 I use various legal theories in my daily life depending on the situation I’m in. Most often I feel I practice Natural Law with the understanding that despite our progress and advancement as a species there are a few inherent things we each desire as Natural Law […]
Response 1
200 word response 1 reference/intext citation Due 1/24/2025 Hicks Explain how Utilitarianism works differently than Kantianism & Kant’s Categorical Analysis theory and if Utilitarianism would result in a different conclusion if the administrative agency is acting ethical or not in passing such a new regulation. Ethical Evaluation of Expanding SNAP to Include Fast Food […]
Response 2
200 word response 1 reference/intext citation Due 1/24/2025 Amrita Explain how Utilitarianism works differently than Social Contract Theory and if Utilitarianism would result in a different conclusion if the administrative agency is acting ethical or not in passing such a new regulation. Social Contract Theory in Ethics suggests that moral rules and duties arise […]
P2 R2
200 word response 1 reference/intext citation Due 1/24/2025 Post 2 Charlize Psychological and environmental factors play a huge role in shaping the dynamics of interviews and interrogations. These factors influence both the subject and the investigator, also affecting the flow, accuracy, and outcomes of the interaction. Cultural differences significantly influence communication styles, behavior, and expectations […]
P2 R1
200 word response 1 reference/intext citation Due 1/24/2025 Post 2 Epps Psychological and environmental factors play a crucial role in shaping both the responses of subjects and the approach of investigators during interviews and interrogations. Elements such as cultural norms, environmental distractions, and perceived power dynamics can significantly enhance or impede the effectiveness of these […]
P1 R2
200 word response 1 reference/intext citation Due 1/24/2025 Post 1 Williams Beyond its definition, how does “class characteristic” influence the broader context of evidence analysis in criminal investigations? Consider scenarios where class characteristics might be misleading or insufficient. Provide an example where reliance on class characteristics alone could lead to complications or misdirection in an […]
Article Help 3
See two attachments Instructions · See ATTACHED ARTICLE to complete an article critique · 100% NO PLAIGIRISM · 2 Pages in length · APA format · Must contain the three parts below 1. Summary: After completing the assigned readings ask yourself: What are the main arguments? What is the point this book/article/chapter is trying to […]
Discussion 3 Help
See two attachments Read the chapter attached and complete the discussion topic below. Discussion: Name and discuss the theoretical models to explain GxE interactions. -100% NO PLAIGIARISM
Criminal Justice
Assignment #1 ***Something related to Criminal Justice****** You are required to write a research proposal that covers an introduction, literature review, and methods section. For this assignment, you will formulate a research question and hypothesis and reviews relevant literature and develop a research design to address research questions. I have divided this project into four […]
Discussion Jenkins 1
What legal theory do you use in your personal and professional life? Which theory do you believe informs administrative law?
Discussion Question
Documentation is an important form of crime scene work. What are the different forms of documentation? What are the types of photographs needed in documenting crime scenes? Why sketches are an important form of documenting crime scenes and the important elements that must be included in the sketch.
Discussion 3
500 word response 2 references/intext citations Due 1/22/2025 Answer the two questions below Rule Making Process Case Study: Food Stamps and Fast Food Bloomberg Businessweek reported in November of 2011 on an interesting and controversial fast-food and government benefits controversy. The giant fast-food company, Yum Brands, wants government to allow low-income people to use food stamps […]
Assignment 1A
Abstract-one page Due 1/23/2025 The term paper abstract will require each student to submit a one-page abstract of their proposed term paper on ballistic analysis.
Module Two Discussion Board: (Identifying Opportunities) Module Two Discussion Board: (Identifying Opportunities)
Module Two Discussion Board: (Identifying Opportunities) Module Two Discussion Board: (Identifying Opportunities)
Post 2
300 word response 2 references/intext citation Due 1/22/2025 Post 2: Q2 Consider how the psychological and environmental factors of the location impact both the subject and the investigator during an interview or interrogation. How might cultural norms, environmental distractions, or perceived power dynamics influence the effectiveness of the interaction? Provide an example and discuss how […]
Post 1
300 word response 2 references/intext citation Due 1/22/2025 Post 1: Q1 Beyond its definition, how does “class characteristic” influence the broader context of evidence analysis in criminal investigations? Consider scenarios where class characteristics might be misleading or insufficient. Provide an example where reliance on class characteristics alone could lead to complications or misdirection in an […]
Law Assignment 2
Assignment 2 Use references/intext citations Due 1/23/2025 Each State has many administrative agencies that have the power and authority to make regulations, enforce the regulations, and try violators in their own mini-court systems with administrative law judges. Go to this link which lists Florida State Agencies: https://dos.myflorida.com/library-archives/research/florida-information/government/state-resources/state-agency-homepages. and select an administrative agency from the list […]
DB Replies
See attached for replies and instructions. CJUS 400 Discussion Assignment Instructions The student will complete 4 Discussions in this course. The student will post one thread of 300 – 500 words by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Thursday day of the assigned Module: Week. The student must then post 2 replies of at least 150 – […]
How much of contemporary American criminal justice policy (that is, the direction, proirity, and details of how governments deal with crime) should be based on public opinion? Does the public have a right to demand changes in criminal justice policy? Why or why not? What are the hazards or trade-offs in such a system?
Have you had any experiences to support Dr. Piff’s conclusions?
Does Money Make You Mean? Paul Piff: Does money make you mean? | TED Talk Dr. Piff’s research suggests that wealth makes people feel more entitled and, for lack of better terms, makes them more mean and greedy. While I have not done any formal research in this area, I have noticed that when I get tailgated or […]
Criminal Justice
RESPONSE TO EACH POST WITH 150 WORDS Response #1 The research process is complex, presenting unique challenges at each stage. Among these, the literature review stage is particularly challenging. This crucial phase requires synthesizing an immense body of scholarly work, which is the backbone of the research project. The task involves sifting through countless articles, […]
List the duties typically associated with the operations division.
List the duties typically associated with the operations division. How is each division critical to police operations?
Criminal Justice
The first “article report” assignment, which is due this week, is about “Introduction” section of research. For this assignment, you need to find THREE articles (three peer-reviewed articles in the field of criminology and criminal justice) and read their Introduction section and report what was the main question of the paper, the necessity of the […]
Response 2 5439
300 word response1reference/intext citation Due 1/17/2025 Amrita Explain how Aristotle’s Doctrine of the Mean works differently from Ethical Relativism and if Ethical Relativism would result in a different conclusion if the administrative agency is acting ethical or not in passing such a new regulation. 2. Applying Aristotle’s Doctrine of the Mean to Student Loan […]
Response 1 5439
300 word response1reference/intext citation Due 1/17/2025 Ronnie Explain how Machiavellianism works differently from Ethical Relativism and if Ethical Relativism would result in a different conclusion if the administrative agency is acting ethical or not in passing such a new regulation. In my opinion, I tend to favor strongly with libertarian views on student loan forgiveness. […]
Post 2.1
P2 Q2 200 word response 1 reference/intext citation Due 1/17/2025 Ronae Circumstantial physical evidence can provide more information that direct evidence could be missing making it preferred or more reliable than direct evidence. In certain scenarios where direct evidence is unavailable, circumstantial physical evidence can help the investigation by establishing a timeline. Direct evidence independently […]
Post 2
P2 Q2 200 word response 1 reference/intext citation Due 1/17/2025 Carol The Role of Circumstantial Evidence in Investigations Circumstantial evidence becomes very important in investigations where direct evidence does not exist. One of the relevant cases that demonstrates this is the 2004 case of Scott Peterson being convicted for the murder of his wife, Laci […]
Post 1.1
P1 Q1 200 word response 1 reference/intext citation Due 1/17/2025 Elliot When agencies compete for control over the same investigation, mechanisms like the establishment of lead agencies, interagency protocols, or the appointment of special counsels are essential are critical. Ensuring investigative integrity requires clear communication. In addition, role delineation and transparency help to prevent conflicts […]
Post 1
P1 Q1 200 word response 1 reference/intext citation Due 1/17/2025 Jean In this hypothetical case, two state police agencies who form an arson task force are at odds with the perpetrator’s motives. Motives are classified into two classes; robbery, rape, and burglary are considered first class, which doesn’t usually have a motive attached due to […]
Describe the different types of search patterns and what would make you choose one over another. What aspects need to be included in performing a good search? Look at the PowerPoint labeled Search Patterns and Principles and include what search patterns you would use for the scenes shown and include that in your main post.
Imagine you are part of a community task force aiming to develop a new initiative for crime prevention that effectively incorporates ethical practices and cultural perspectives. Create a presentation video that outlines your initiative, detailing its goals, target audience, and the ethical implications of your approach. Include elements such as a mock scenario to illustrate […]
Patriot Name Search
Judgment Lien Search – Charles Jones; Providing certified judgment lien search services for any time period up to 20 years. As little as 24-hour turnaround.
Discussion 2
500 word response 2 references/intext citations Due 1/15/2025 Major Question Doctrine A recent and critically important administrative law doctrine is being established by the US Supreme Court over the last 5 years culminating in the case of Biden v. Nebraska site. where the high court struck down the US Department of Education’s regulations forging portions […]
Week 2 Help
Please see Two Attachments Instructions · See ATTACHED ARTICLE to complete an article critique · 2 Pages in length · APA format · Must contain the three parts below 1. Summary: After completing the assigned readings ask yourself: What are the main arguments? What is the point this book/article/chapter is trying to make? What topics […]
Article Assistance
Please see three attachments! Discussion Post Instructions: · At least 250 words…do not go over 500 words!! · Answer the following based on the articles attached! · What are some advantages that community policing offers? Why? · What are some disadvantages? Why? · What is your response to the articles? · Answer all questions fully. […]
Summarize the issues facing policing during the Political Era.
Summarize the issues facing policing during the Political Era. How do politics harm impartiality in policing? Describe aspects of politics in policing today and attempts at reform.
Response 2.2
100 word response 1 reference/intext citation Due 1/10/2025 Shroeder Post 2 Q2: The orientations of trying to prove a case and uncovering the truth aren’t necessarily different. If investigators coexist, between both, it takes balance. The main goal should be uncovering the truth. Uncovering the truth despite the tension is the better route. This is […]
Response 2.1
100 word response 1 reference/intext citation Due 1/10/2025 Epps Post 2 Q2: Investigators often face tension between striving to prove a case and uncovering the truth. Are these orientations fundamentally different, or can they coexist within investigative work? Choose one orientation, explain your perspective, and use a real or hypothetical case example to illustrate this […]
Response 1.2
100 word response 1 reference/intext citation Due 1/10/2025 Schroeder Post 1 Q1: “Reconstructing the past” intersects with investigative methods by piecing together events, memories, and behaviors to make a timeline. This allows us to understand what happened before, during, and after. Technologies aid this process. For example, forensic analysis, surveillance, and witness statements/ interviews allow […]
Response 1.1
100 word response 1 reference/intext citation Due 1/10/2025 Bet Post 1 Q1: “Reconstructing the past” intersects with investigative methods in more than one way, and particularly in the area of criminal investigations. The process of reconstructing the past involves accumulating pieces of evidence to put together and gain a better understanding of what took place […]